HEMINGFORD ABBOTS PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held on 26th February 2014 at 7:30pm at the Hemingford Abbots Village Hall Present: Erika Brown Councillors: John Chandler Bridget Flanagan (Vice Chair) John Peters (Chair) Denis Rait SallySpowart Clerk: Carole Pollock County and District Councillors: None present Members of the Public: 1 member of the public 140 To receive and approve Apologies for Absence Apologies received and approved from Cllr Pearl Muspratt and apologies received from County/District Councillor Ian Bates and District Councillor Alan Williams. 141 Councillors’ Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary and Other Interests None declared. 142 Public Participation Session A resident expressed concern over the increasing number of stones on verges in the village. 143 District Councillors’ Update No representations made. 144 Minutes of the previous meeting The Minutes of the meeting held on the 29th January 2014 were approved as a correct record and signed. 145 Matters Arising from the previous meeting a The Parish Clerk to contact K Fergusons to ascertain when they will restart cutting the grass in the village. 146 For Information Only Cllr Bridget Flanagan gave an update on the application for the proposed Great Ouse Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Natural England has divided the country into National Character Areas, however the Great Ouse Valley is only briefly mentioned in the draft report, the Great Ouse AONB Working Group have written to Natural England requesting that the Great Ouse Valley should be considered as a separate National Character Area rather than be included within the Bedfordshire Claylands. 147 Hemingford Abbots Playing Fields Three quotations for the maintenance/repair work recommended in the annual inspection report from Wicksteed Playscapes were considered. Reid Playground Maintenance provided the most competitive quotation. However, the Parish Clerk to confirm that their quotation includes costs for removing spoil from the site and that the quoted work will comply with the full requirements of the BS EN 1176 (BS EN 1176-1:2008, BS EN 1176-5:2008, BS EN 1176-1:2008, clause 4.2.1, BS EN 1176-5:2008, clause 4.3). 148 Village Maintenance and Repairs The Parish Council reviewed the list of village maintenance and repairs to be carried out in the village as per the schedule presented to the Parish Council. Page 983 1 of 4 Chairman........................ Date………………………. It was RESOLVED that a The Parish Clerk to chase Chris Allen (HDC) again for an update on the problem with blocked ditch at the back of Rideaway Drive and alongside ‘The Dingle’. b The Parish Clerk to request quotations form Lattenbury Services and AES Europe to clear the reeds and rushes from The Splash. c Cllrs Erika Brown and Bridget Flanagan to clear the vegetation encroaching over Footpath 2 behind Chapmans. d The Tree Warden and Cllr Denis Rait to plant Hawthorn whips and Holly plants in the hedge around Hemingford Abbots Playing Fields. e Cllr John Peters to inspect the newly re-erected village sign to confirm presence of the commemorative plaque. f The Parish Clerk to report another episode of fly tipping in Rideaway. 149 Highway Faults and Repairs The Parish Clerk gave an update on the current position of requested highways repairs as per the schedule presented to the meeting. The issue of stones on verges in the village was discussed at length. It was RESOLVED to publish an article in the Parish Magazine advising parishioners of Cambridgeshire County Council’s policy on large stones placed on highway verges. Following County Councillor Ian Bate’s letter regarding Meadow Lane, it was RESOLVED that that Parish Clerk to write to County Councillor Ian Bates to enquire what further action Cambridgeshire County Council plan to take in this matter. 150 Financial Matters a RESOLVED that the following accounts be approved and paid: i CPRE Chq No:923 Subscription £ 29.00 ii MG Garden Services Chq No:924 Village Maintenance £244.00 iii Clerk’s Salary Chq No:925 Feb 2014 £322.51 iv Clerk’s Expenses Chq No:926 Laptop and software £549.32 plus VAT v SLCC Chq No:927 CiLCA Registration fee £150.00 b RESOLVED that the following expenditure be approved and paid i Clerk’s Expenses Chq No:928 Printer £143.84 plus VAT c RESOLVED that the following expenditure be approved i SLCC Clerks’ Manual £ 47.50 (Members Price) ii SLCC Minute Taking £ 13.45 (Members Price) Plus Postage d Financial Statements to the 26th February 2014 were reviewed and considered. e The sharing of HAPC office equipment with The Stukeleys Parish Council was considered and RESOLVED that the sharing could proceed with The Stukeleys Parish Council paying a hire fee for the first six months and then, should the sharing continue, to contribute to half of the original cost of the equipment less the hire fee already paid. 151 Planning a Outstanding Matters No matters to report b Application determined by HDC i Cross Keys, High Street – 1301923FUL – Demolition of bay window and erection of extension HAPC: No observations for or against HDC: Refused ii Cross Keys, High Street – 1301924LBC – Demolition of bay window and erection of extension HAPC: No observations for or against HDC: Refused iii Cross Keys, High Street – 1301925FUL – Demolition of existing and erection of replacement orangery HAPC: No observations for or against HDC: Refused Page 984 2 of 4 Chairman........................ Date………………………. iv Cross Keys, High Street – 1301926LBC – Demolition of existing and erection of replacement orangery HAPC: No observations for or against HDC: Refused v Land Rear of Royal Oak Corner, Royal Oak Lane – 1301707TREE – Felling and removal of two Poplar trees HAPC: No observations for or against HDC: Consent c Applications awaiting determination by HDC i Littlebury Farm Moats Way - 1200630FUL - Erection of agricultural store and domestic stables HAPC: No observations for or against ii Land Between Houghton Grange and The How, Houghton Road, Houghton - 1301056OUT - Hybrid application. Outline permission for 224 dwellings and retail unit (details of access and layout included) and full permission for roads, pathways, Public Open Space, associated landscaping, lighting and drainage. HAPC: Refusal iii Littlebury Farm – 1301361S73 – Variation of conditions 2 & 6 of planning permission 1200313FUL for amendment to turbine hub height 36.6m, blade tip height 46.3m, rotor blade diameter 19.2m and rotor blade swept area 289.5 metre squared HAPC: No observations for or against iv Littlebury Farm – 1301463FUL – Erection of 74 metre to hub 500 KW wind turbine (102 metres to blade tip) and associated infrastructure including access track HAPC: Refusal v Land East of Cardinal Business Park and North of Kings Bush Farm, London Road, Godmanchester – 1301687FUL – Wind turbine (73 metre hub height, 100 metre blade tip height, 500 kW maximum output) with associated access road, crane platform and transformer kiosk HAPC: Refusal vi Hemingford Park, Common Lane – 1301828FUL – Erection of stables and calving bays HAPC: No observations for or against vii Stables and Coach House, Hemingford Park, Common Lane – 1301808FUL – Use the ground floor for garaging purposes. Creation of rear vehicular access through provision of blind arch. Reinstatement of use of the first floor as ancillary residential accommodation with associated works HAPC: Refusal viii Stables and Coach House, Hemingford Park, Common Lane – 1301809LBC – Use of the ground floor for garaging purposes. Creation of rear vehicular access through provision of blind arch. Reinstatement of use of the first floor as ancillary residential accommodation with associated works HAPC: No observations for or against ix Cottage and Workshop, Hemingford Park, Common Lane – 1301810FUL - Change of use of existing workshop to residential use and erection of slate roof conservatory to rear (in place of unauthorised conservatory) HAPC: Refusal x Workshop, Hemingford Park, Common Lane – 1301811LBC - Erection of slate roof conservatory to rear (in place of unauthorised conservatory) and internal alterations to existing workshop building. Erection of porch to front and installation of new timber patio door to rear of cottage. HAPC: No observations for or against xi Development at St Ives West on Former Golf Course – 1301895OUT – Hybrid application – outline application for 125 dwellings; details of access, layout, appearance and scale included (with landscaping reserved for subsequent approval). Full application for 59 dwellings as Phase 1; Change of use of land to Country Park including provision of cycle path and drainage. HAPC: Refusal Page 984 3 of 4 Chairman........................ Date………………………. d New Applications To determine the response to the statutory consultation i Cambridge House, Cambridge Road – 1302011FUL – Extension to building for light industrial use (B1c) and formation of car park. The application was discussed and it was RESOLVED to make no observations for or against ii Moats Way Equestrian, Moats Way - 1400096S73 – Variation of Planning Permission 1100848FUL (condition added by 1301856NMA) to replace the listed plans by drawings. Site plan – 14/14/11 Aug 2013, East elevation – 13/14/7 Aug 2013, West elevation – 13/14/8 Aug 2013, Ground floor – 13/14/1 Aug 2013, First floor – 13/14/2 Aug 2013. The application was discussed and it was RESOLVED to make no observations for or against 152 Correspondence The following correspondence was noted as received a Letter: Mrs Anna Stocker – Highway verges b Letter: Ms Jennifer Stocker – Highway verges
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