iaitiiiiii A t t n g t Daily Net Pnee Ran THURI®AY, SEPTEMBBR^ F or Uw H'aak. E aiM X The v.8ept, IS, iB s e ^ FbtHeMMr O. K WM t lE tt^ ning 12^,158 xO iM tonOiiiifx ^aiealTiifk Rotwft. A. Paanon, ton ot Mr. The effloara t^'^Can^a Chapter, y Chapman Court, Order of Ama-. ipe French Club of MM^ehsiiter Grady U Manehoster. Iknbli Ronald A. Larsen, eon of hdqt,: Low Pnir ' SetindBy, and Mrii^'^uco 8. Paarion,. IIS. No. S3, OBIS, will haw^a rehearsal ^ranth, will meet tomorrow, a t'7:45 ^iHm ld its first Annual mMtlng Sunday 751^ held a most enjo^ J Mrs. George Laraan, 886 snedeniMag' tem]|H»tacea,:MBiilr^ About has.,arrtved at iTort PeU*! St., a graduate of Mae- Sunday, afternoon at ^vo'clock at p.m. 'in the Miaonic Temple. li inTinicdTHali tomorrow a t8 p.m at' the evani lU t evening at C«tler nppeM fc.. Chester High stdiMl haa eatecM' ^ a Masonic Temple in pthparatibn will be "Advance” night. The x-.rvice in Calvary Chapet,, Odd. Lodge; with Mrs. Samuel Vabah^ and been aaaigaed to 0j Village t^harm - V>^ : ttViutMi of the Venwn the freshman. claMsat Ithaca Col for tSrand Officers’ night M (^asr buainesa aession will be. foilowed bY' Mvery pneNUi requested to attend, Fellows btdldl if|g > > H H e e lsis "N ew 'Bbig^ and 'her .social committee In'j^ lo., SrtKcTValnlng 'Regiment, Ghurth wUlXie«t \« t dayXapyone w-ho wants to/mtlte' n eocial hour, with refnishindhta as social c^^ts for the comirit/ IhtiMiliry. fw^eiMA weeks of baslo' C h u i^ > t 7 p.m. tbwbrrbvr wi lege, Ithaca, N. Y. X land Dtstrict...aupefb!ttehdent of Charge. Delicious salsds, casserole ' -X — reservaUbna^ for the y’^sutiper the banquet hall by Mra. Uda year will ^disCnssed and refresh Assemblies of God, and 'serves ap­ dishes, hot. dogs, and other good traimf^pYle gr«NpM from Man- (TWENTY ' ivM Of lhe\Univereily Wednesday hltay do so yflth Mre^ lepmond and her 'committee. liienls wHl cheater lHgXBch<mbAto.^l965 and (M ^fege^ 19), PRICE of' Oorii^Ueut. concernihg “Plant 'ThK Va'aaar . Club of "llt^ord proximately' 100 churches. He ap­ thingawere provided by the mem­ n-ili m eet at SiSO D.m. Sept, James Lews.By>Satur^y. MbihbpiA planning to attend the peared at'Uje chapel on* a ptevlb^ Was, formerly employ«l>4R Wee- ConnecUeiit He***-’’ bers, over'AQ of whom attended. the home of.Mrs. Cafl F. Vemlui ^ dtlmer and reception at the Motel Past Chiefs bf'..M e .occasion, amf^^liXM happy to 'Mrs, Joseph. Reynolds, president, town. Pharmacy. '■X-V. Colombo Socle- Sunset Farm^'iyest itartford. Miss Mr. and Mrs. tchett, 70 Btjitlpr, Sept. 29, honoring Su- Temple. No, 33, Pythian BtstCrs meet his friendw in. 'behiJf of the club, presented to day afternoon at .Eunice H. Avery^Mll tj^ k to the b i^ y Rd., w er^pleaSinUintly y isur- preipp'^yal Patron Frank B. Du­ ivill meet tomorrow at 8 p,n[i. with Mr.s. Chiunes Lathrop; a .purse. She The Golden Ags Club was 'Ob!^ n i for the clUb' about her ' aummerv; trip priseX^upday ' Afternoon Xby gan 'Of' New Britain, should make M X Catherine■ine Perkins,Perkins. 23^Au-23X a u - was the first .presided and llged to cancHXts trip to-the group . dt,,iheir/friend8 who call reaervatioins. through the- secre­ ■flie Professional Wpmi^ 4«th annual banq'tiet. which wilt through Russia andXhe satellite tumn>Bf'' ''’bo will he assisted by started , ita new season as supreme ^regs corre- Eastern StatwrExpoattlomtOdiy on held on Oct. 14.NMI members 'epuntrtee \ to wish them<good luck in theib tary. Mrs. Ctariaaa Miller, by to­ Mrs. EiXPrrbins. A full turnout nt. Various'glees' tunded aciomit of the hekvy'Tain. If the new home. ,^hey. were presented morrow night, . evening with a pOUpek a u p p e f;' ur^btl to attend thts.^meetlng. of membeXia hoped for at this featuring: hot dUhes, salads and lyenlng. weather.^* ..favorable The Mary McClure GroUp o f'th e’ with a g it/ of ifnqney to purchase first fall meetthg. iornlngXh«y''wlll ,gt>; pUier en ):Bept. something for their pome, and the dm pftsrxt, the hinneyX Mrs. Rev. John F. Hannon, Second Congregational WomenA Mr. and Mrs. Isakc. Cole, 83 FrahkSSfj-^lWlams, 1687'^bliapd . The GFR^B^bs^ of Rt. M s __ will aMndph the excursli The F^bC^ttk^tory- in St. James’'Church, has Lieague will m eet tomorrow at 7:45 guests ipought food tor a .buffet Parker St., have returnhcT from Ington tM te OI 'sUpper: Hostesses were Miss A family pptiuck 'Clipper Ja Tpke. Mw^puliaXDJdd, >rMf‘ ^iscopal ChuI<ai^lM.jneet torhor;' ited to the J-m em ber 4>.nn..with Mrs. James. Gleason, 68 Virginia where they left thrtr..Bon. scheduled for Saturtay al^.P '^- ^ent, conductet^tX.bilsineBa.me^ row night at 6 b’olpclc HHIje X risti le^plgatic hi; on Temporal Af- Ni.Elm St., to work on their proj­ PatMia Hewitt and Miss Judy Alan H. Cole, a t the Univei-sity of body''tej^iweeks-d1 Finala^,^leces of Mrs,<Ma'tchett. in the Covenant ^'C^ngregatlonM ing, and. the propanKfor^thb year lUXvfpr a potluqk>sujm*fv; aa Seminary by ect for fhe “Village Chamj Fair" Richmond. He was graduated Church. A beaU.tifUllyXjl^trktetl rewNuenicbnaM- comniltteo:.ln'charge incliMte Society, wilTxpbdljet a bake'Sgte' RuotOl<CA-.^1dmp-muri Archbishop J. O'Brien. at the church Saturday afternoon. from Manchester High-School in travelogue entitled, "Europ«t:Q.n accepteo'by ^ Uife Rthel CatlsX,,Mrs. MarJoribStel' HaM's stoiXaMm^My m onfx tim, was;: ciihitej^^but #)tsC Father Hannonx X one of two Sept. 79, ' They will be in charge / The British American Club dart June. They a|so spent a few days Bicycle," wilt'be presented by the hostess Xy,^Mrs. Kvelyn.'Lambert, MiR ^Inhing St lO'Su.m. thtf-tests shoxyemta^eihg^ pastors appolntao'^the board at of. the "Parcel Ppst” booth, and league will start tomorrow night. with their son, Mervin W, Cole secret.^-^, ' Refreshments will be serv’ed. ert Anderson of Westfield,.. Mas' >w>^i88 Ruth :^eiym'St;hofteld^^Xf*-'''Pb''b^by ■ irth la. chairs the BlOomfleid semi will also, have earrings, for sale.’ !. / anil family, at Virginia-Beach. An offering will be' received. Eltsabetk. Olson. ^ r and.M«s- Ldul?* Hpt'chljlss. tee> Abrafia)iit-:..S. Uilm#nO«i*w r -Haven County state'a Sttdlmey^ to whwh'the FBI tent its're-'_ port tMd^eweineh lasl evening' he ^^ill'not djteute it. at .leate me pretent;' SllHe^hd local pOite^_more than SQ^^T’^^ o m have^Beefr in-- vteUgating the^aae thtenM m EUERV ly,' continued lo ropgrt no new X T I J ^ E Y S ^^v^J^ments^toda'y^ r-x.. io n s m v U H V ! 16. 53c Frblep^ / London; Sept. 21 </P>—The 18-nntion. Suez; con redded N|*ea$ 2 tor 35c^ Gost Index m W hlts^k'Gblc tonight with A hint from PakieUn, n holdoat, or-Qarroti join the westem'-aponaored cooperative AwKi>of S tiw uaens (CASCU); already assured majority backing. ..:iEas''i,: f o c ^ S c The calendar suiKgMwaihbwa its Summer but lUwauldiUwpuld harm to convince VanDeWark, V ^ lT E X ; " left,.and Lyle Warner oN-..^4r"-.Chautatiqua CountyHigl:hw ^ Department at ,Sl>e .;N. Y.. Who All Grade A Fresh Npilve Cut Corn' eoMly -View their snowy -wriUng bn -Made of a plow they'll“ belie using all top soon. Teinp^^ures Londbn, Sept. 21 ()P>--Last-minute snags today delayed final eK Serve B R » S t S InJUie 30’a accompanied the w New York enow Aurribs..lBapt. 20. agreement among foreign ministers and envoys of 18 nations ^2 for 35e For August considering joint action to challenge Egyptian control of the A.- rsf th* finest o f poultry’v^ lw a yi Suez Canal. ' . ^ ^ M A U ’S M eSH STARKIST WHITE WashingtOT, Sept. 21 (/P)— U.S. Secretary of State Dulles put back his planned time of More Low Evetydfry S u m m e r GROUND MEAT Now at a. Vay - low price! ^Jk^^Q etS ^CCoUlde Consumer prices dipped two- , departure for Washington by 90 minutes—to 8 :30 p.m. (3:30 Pinehurst Prices . tenths of one per cent last 1p.m. EDT). TUNA ARMOUR’S Rough Push as >v^ r ^ 9 ^ month from the all-time high There was no indication of the precise nature of the dif­ COFFEI Wesson Oil ..... pt. 31c 1.recorded in July, the Labor ficulty except that it involved drafting of tricky political pas­ 3 Cans FRESH NATIVE State Butter ....... lb. 72c Mercitry Skids lO lV O S Department’s Bureau of La- sages in two documents the conference was to issue later V-8 Cocktail . .Ig. can 35c I bor Statistics (BLS) re- tonight; , f ------------------------■------- Miss. Sliced Bacon ..lb.55e Experts bf 17 of the nations I -r ' g . Knuckle'Soup Rone.s , By THE ,4^80 c i a t e D Boone, Iowa, Sept. 21 </P)— A t the crossroads ih lowa, where h , o . , agreed on the form and timing of |cii* o g al 'fgg STAR HAMS It 8 8t,U summer, and w»U the farmers park their shiny cars in long lines down tlie side er, said a sharp seasonal drop ih an approach to the United Na-! 2 lbs, 25c lions.
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