2212 CONGRESSIONAL . RECORD-HOUSE FEBRUARY 19 POSTMASTERS game department. We propagate fish and game;· we have NEW JERSEY hunting and fishing laws and charge a license for fishing and Norman H. Deshler, Belvidere. hunting. Under the operations of these orders, three-quar­ George W. Karge, Franklinville. ters of the game within our State, much of which has been Anthony De Staffen, Haskell. propagated by the State, is taken over by the Department of Vincent P. Meade, High Bridge. Agriculture through its operation . of the Forest Service. Wilmer Lawrence, Milford. They can declare open and closed season according to their Joseph A. Wolfrom, Mount Holly. will, without any reference to the Idaho law. The Legisla­ Joseph F. Dempsey, Paulsboro. ture of the State of Idaho has gone on record in this matter Theodore H. Reed; Pennington. and is presenting a memorial to the House of Representatives William T. Snyder, Pittstown. asking for relief from these orders. Edward J. Shea, Rochelle Park. Mr. SNELL. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield? Christof Lindenmayer, Stirling. Mr. WHITE. I yield. Alger H. Alpaugh, Succasunna. Mr. SNELL. Congress has conferred all these powers on Timothy J. Lyons, Westwood. the executive departments, has it not? Mr. WHITE. They have conferred some powers on the SOUTH DAKOTA executive departments which in my opinion should be re­ James P. O'Neill, Spearfish. stored to the National Legislature. Mr. SNELL. As a matter of fact, the States have no more rights under laws which permit of this procedure. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. WHITE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1935 revise and extend my remarks and to include therein a me­ The House met at 12 o'clock noon. morial from the State of Idaho. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the o1Iered the fallowing prayer: gentleman from Idaho? There was no objection. Infinite and eternal Spirit, Thou of the crosier and the The memorial referred to follows: cross, it is sweet to know Thy whisper, to hear Thy still, STATE OF IDAHO, small voice and the secret of the opening lips, to see Thy DEPARTMENT OF STATE. leaning face, to feel Thy pressing hand and the touch of I, Franklin Girard, secretary of state of the State of Idaho, and custodian of the seal of said State, do hereby certify: Thy finger. Father of mercies, grant unto us these heavenly That I have carefully compared the annexed copy of senate blessings. Enlarge our spiritual perceptions that they may joint memorial no. 8 with the original thereof adopted by the be replete with the wonders of the soul. O love us and trust Senate and House of Representatives of the twenty-third Legisla­ tive Assembly of the State of Idaho, and filed in the office of the us, and may we ever love and trust Thee. Stimulate us with secretary of state of the State of Idaho February 11, 1935, and knowledge and with wisdom to apply it. Blessed Lord, for­ that the same is a full, true, and complete transcript therefrom give us our sins, dismiss any undue rivalries, unworthy ambi­ and of the whole thereof, together with all endorsements thereon. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed tions, and petty jealousies. We pray Thee to link us with the great seal of the State. Done at Boise, the capital of Idaho, the big things of life; arouse us with eagerness to hallow in this 11th day of February, A. D. 1935. Thy name all that we do. Each day help us to guide and [SEAL) FRANKLIN GIRARD, bless the common good of the Republic, whose servants we Secretary of State. Received and filed February 11, 1935. are. In our Savior's name. Amen. FRANKLIN GIRARD, The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and Secretary of State. approved. SENATE JOINT MEMORIAL NO. 8 AIR MAIL CONTRACTS (By Fish and Game Committee) To the honorable Senate and House of Representatives of the Mr. MEAD. Mr. Speaker. I ask unanimous consent for United States of America in Congress assembled: the immediate consideration of Senate Concurrent Resolu­ Whereas, on the 29th day of March 1934, the Department of tion No. 10. Agriculture of the United States propagated its orders numbered G20A and T8~T. by which the Department of Agriculture seeks The Clerk read the Senate concurrent resolution, as fol­ to take to itself as against the rights of the State of Idaho and lows: its State Fish and Game Department the absolute and exclusive Senate Concurrent Resolution 10 control of all fish and game lying within the boundaries of na­ Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concur­ tional forests; and ring), That the Secretary of the Senate be, and he is hereby, Whereas by such orders vast areas of land and a majority of authorized and directed, in the enrollment of the bill (S. 932) the waters in this State containing game fish are affected; and authorizing the Postmaster General to extend certain air mail Whereas by the said orders the labors and expenses heretofore contracts for a further period not exceeding 6 months, to insert incurred by the State of Idaho and its Fish and Game Department for the protection and propagation of fish and game are and wm the following title to conform to the amendments of the House of Representatives, namely: "An act tc postpone the effective date be largely nullified; and of certain restrictions respecting air mail contracts." Whereas the said orders have been held unlawful by the Attor­ ney General of the United States and the attorney general of the The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the consideration of State of Idaho, and are a manifest violation of the spirit of the Admission Bill by which the State of Idaho became a part of the the Senate concurrent resolution? Union: Now, therefore, be it There was no objection. Resolved by the senate (the house of representatives concur­ The resolution was agreed to, and a motion to reconsider ring), That the said orders G20A and T8%T issued by the United laid States Department of Agriculture, under date of March 29, 1934, was on the table. be, and they are hereby, expressly disapproved and condemned; WILDLIFE CONSERVATION and be it further Resolved, That the Department of Agriculture of the United Mr. WHITE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to States be, and it is hereby, respectfully urged to withdraw the address the House for 3 minutes. said orders; and be it further Resolved, That copies of this resolution be forthwith forwarded The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the by the secretary of state to the United States Department of Agri­ gentleman from Idaho? culture, to the President of the United States, and to the Senators There was no objection. and Representatives in Congress from this State. This senate joint memorial passed the senate on the 7th day Mr. WHITE. Mr. Speaker, there has been promulgated of February 1935. lately by the Department of Agriculture order nos. G20A G. P. M:xx, and T8¥2T, which take absolutely control of all the game President of the Senate. and fish within the boundaries of the national forests. Sev­ This senate joint memorial passed the house of representatives enty-two percent of the area of the State of Idaho is within on the 8th day of February 1935. TROY D. SMITH, the national forest. The State of Idaho has established a Speaker of the House of Representatives. 1935 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 2213 I hereby certify that the within senate joint memorial no. 8 implemented, and fortified by reserves of personnel and originated 1n the senate during the twenty-thil'd session of the materiel in number and quantity determined to be essential, Legislature of the State of Idaho. MORRIS STACY, we must·reconcile ourselves to a military budget calling for Seiretary of the Senate. vastly more than the budget here presented. How much more I should not be willing to hazard a guess. WAR DEPARTMENT APPROPRIATION B~L, 1936 On the other hand, if our people are unwilling to be taxed Mr. PARKS, from the Committee on Appropriations, re­ to support a larger military budget, then, just ~s promptly ported the bill (H. R. 5913) making appropriations for the as possible, we should write another national defense act pre­ ~ilitary and nonmilitary activities of the War Department scribing new strengths for the Regular Establishment and for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1936, and for other pur­ the civil components, new training programs, implementation poses, which was read a first and second time and, with the programs for training, and reserve programs, all with the accompanying papers, referred to the Committee of the view to a balanced organization of the highest efficiency that Whole House on the state of the Union and ordered to be the probable annual outlay would afford. There is no bal­ printed. ance now, I can assure you. Mr. BOLTON. Mr. Speaker, I reserve all points of order I am not prepared, nor do I wish to take the time now, to ~n the bill. elaborate upon that subject, but I feel that I should neither . Mr. PARKS. Mr. Speaker, I move that the House resolve be fair to you nor to myself if I did not reveal my reaction itself into the Committee of the Whole .House on the state after the studies I have made. of the Union for the consideration of the bill <H. R. 5913) This bill, Mr.
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