Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae (2021), vol. 91: ...–... doi: https://doi.org/10.14241/asgp.2021.11 CALLOVIAN AND KIMMERIDGIAN FOSSILS AND STRATIGRAPHY OF THE BLUE NILE BASIN (CENTRAL WESTERN ETHIOPIA) Sreepat JAIN 1 * & Roland SCHMEROLD 2 1 Department of Geology, Adama Science and Technology University, Adama, Oromia, Ethiopia; e-mail: [email protected] 2 Department of Geology, Addis Ababa Science and Technology University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia * Corresponding author Jain, S. & Schmerold, R., 2021. Callovian and Kimmeridgian fossils and stratigraphy of the Blue Nile Basin (cen- tral western Ethiopia). Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 91: xxx–xxx. Abstract: A refined, stratigraphic and biostratigraphic framework for Ethiopia has a strong bearing on the Jurassic sedimentary evolution, not only for the Horn of Africa, but also for the North African region. The present con- tribution provides an updated Callovian–Kimmeridgian stratigraphy and biostratigraphy, on the basis of the oc- currences of age-diagnostic ammonites from Dejen (Blue Nile Basin; central western Ethiopia). Here, the late Callovian (Lamberti Zone) ammonite Pachyceras cf. lalandeanum (d’Orbigny) is associated with the nautiloid Paracenoceras cf. giganteum (d’Orbigny). The early Kimmeridgian Orthosphinctes aff. tiziani (Oppel) is asso- ciated with the nautiloids Paracenoceras cf. kumagunense (Waagen) and P. cf. ennianus (Dacqué) and a large gastropod Purpuroidea gigas (Étallon). The previously recorded middle Callovian ammonite Erymnoceras cf. coronatum (Bruguière) is associated with the now recorded P. gigas (Étallon). Additionally, the age of the Antalo Limestone Fm is also reassessed on the basis of the ammonite records from the three basins – Ogaden, Blue Nile and Mekele. The Ogaden Basin strata span from the late Callovian to the late Tithonian (from ammonite records), the Blue Nile Basin from the early Callovian to the late Tithonian (calcareous nannofossils) and the Mekele Basin from the uppermost middle Oxfordian to the early Kimmeridgian (ammonite records). However, the upper age assignments should be considered tentative, as much of the previously recorded Oxfordian–Kimmeridgian ammo- nite fauna needs taxonomic re-evaluation and precise resampling. Contextually, it should be mentioned that in all the three sedimentary basins, the top part of the Antalo Limestone Fm did not yield any ammonites. Key words: Orthosphinctes, Pachyceras, Paracenoceras, Jurassic, Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia. Manuscript received 28 March 2021, accepted 17 April 2021 INTRODUCTION The Ethiopian Jurassic (Fig. 1) is marked by the near and Bosellini et al. (2001) mentioned them, but with no absence of marker (age-diagnostic) ammonite species, supporting illustrations. For the Ethiopian Jurassic, only thus hindering precise biostratigraphic correlation at both three records have associated stratigraphic information; the intra- and interbasinal levels (see Jain, 2019a; Jain et for ammonites, the reports are from the Mekele (Martire al., 2020). Ethiopia is the typical area for the ammonite et al., 2000) and Blue Nile basins (Jain et al., 2020), and Ethiopian Province (Uhlig, 1911; Arkell, 1956; Hillebrandt for the nautiloid, from the Blue Nile Basin (Jain, 2019a). et al., 1992; Enay and Cariou, 1997) and an important pas- The Antalo Limestone Fm (ALF) has yielded Oxfordian– sageway between the north (Europe: Submediterranean/ Kimmeridgian ammonites from the Mekele (Martire et al., Mediterranean provinces) and the south (Somalia, Kenya, 2000), Callovian from the Blue Nile (Zeiss, 1974; Jain Tanzania, Madagascar, India and Nepal) of the Tethys (Fig. 2). et al., 2020) and Callovian–Tithonian from the Ogaden Previous reports of Ethiopian cephalopod (ammonites basins (Dacqué, 1905, 1914; Scott, 1943; Venzo, 1942, and nautiloids) from the Antalo Limestone Fm by Dacqué 1959). The upper Bathonian nautiloid record comes from (1905, 1914), Venzo (1942, 1959), Scott (1943) and Zeiss the underlying Gohatsion Fm, exposed in the Blue Nile (1971, 1974) were based on unlocalized (with no precise Basin (Jain, 2019a). Recently, Jain and Singh (2019) at- sampling location or contained lithology) specimens with tempted to fill this age gap within the Blue Nile Basin bi- no lithological sections or precise stratigraphic sampling ostratigraphy on the basis of the record of marker calcare- positions. Other reports by Zeiss (1984), Russo et al. (1994) ous nannofossils species from Mugher (Fig. 1C) and dated 2 S. JAIN & R. SCHMEROLD the ammonite Bullatus Zone (see Bown, 1998). Thus, the base of the Antalo Limestone was assigned an early Callovian age and correlated with the western European Bullatus Zone (Jain and Singh, 2019). The top part of the ALF yielded the dominance of genus Nannoconus within the calcareous nannofossil assemblage that also yielded the late Tithonian marker Polycostella beckmannii (see Jain and Singh, 2019). Nannoconids mark the advent of the Tithonian (see Bown, 1998; Burnett, 1998) and P. beckmannii is a Zonal marker for the NJT15b Subzone (late Tithonian) and ranges up until the end of the Tithonian (Bown and Cooper, 1998; Casellato, 2010). Hence, on the basis of the presence of P. beckmanii and the predominance of Nannoconus with- in the assemblage, a broad late Tithonian age was proposed for the top part of the ALF, exposed at Mugher (Fig. 1C; Jain and Singh, 2019). The Bathonian nautiloid Paracenoceras aff. prohexagonum Spath from Mugher (Jain, 2019a) comes from the underlying Gohatsion Fm. The Bathonian age is tentative (as nautiloids are not age-diagnostic), but is based on palaeobiogeographic considerations, where the oldest P. prohexagonum Spath record comes from definite early Bathonian strata in Saudi Arabia and the youngest from the middle–late Bathonian of the Kachchh Basin, western India (Jain, 2020). Ethiopia being an intermediate region (Fig. 2); hence, a safe late Bathonian age was assigned (Jain, 2019a). This age designation was later reaffirmed, as the base of the overlying ALF also yielded a typical earliest Callovian as- semblage of calcareous nannofossils (Jain and Singh, 2019). The present study, on the basis of five sections at Dejen (~150 km southwest of Mugher), (a) documents a detailed stratigraphy and associated fossils, (b) describes new am- monite, nautiloid, and gastropod discoveries in the Antalo Limestone Fm, and (c) refines the biostratigraphy of the Blue Nile Basin (Fig. 1). Additionally, the age of the Antalo Limestone Fm is reassessed on the basis of the published ammonite fauna from the three Jurassic basins, the Ogaden, Blue Nile and Mekele basins (Fig. 1). GEOLOGICAL SETTING Fig. 1. Locality map. A. Map of Africa showing the location of AND STRATIGRAPHY Ethiopia (in black). B. Map of Ethiopia showing the three sedi- mentary basins (Ogaden, Blue Nile and Mekele) with important The J–Cr rocks in the central western Ethiopian Blue Nile Jurassic localities (excluding the capital Addis Ababa). C. Detailed Basin (Fig. 1; N08°45′ to 10°30′; E36°30 to 39°00′) cover an localities in and around Dejen (the study area) discussed in the estimated area of 55,000 km2. In the Dejen area (N10º00′ to text. Mugher R. – Mugher River. 10º10′ to E38º05′06″ to 38º15′; Fig. 1C), five sections were studied by means of five transects (Fig. 3), namely Gohatsion- Abay (Fig. 4A), Gilgele (Fig. 4B), Filiklik (Fig. 4C), the Antalo Limestone Fm between early Callovian and late Kurar (Fig. 4D), and Dejen (Fig. 4E). Towards Dejen (Kurar Tithonian. The lower Callovian assemblage included the and Filiklik sections, Fig. 4D, E), the basal part of the ALF presence of Lotharingius velatus, Pseudoconus enigma and grades into more clayey sediments and is represented by Watznaueria ovata (see Jain and Singh, 2019 for details). variegated shales and clay-limestone intercalations (GPS L. velatus ranges from the NJ8b calcareous nannofossil location 10°02′39.7″N, 38°13′53.7″E; see Fig. 5). A com- Subzone to the NJ12a Subzone and is correlated with the posite, lithostratigraphic synthesis of these sections exposed late Aalenian Concavum to the early Callovian Bullatus am- in the Dejen area was constructed for the Blue Nile Basin, monite zones (see also Bown and Cooper, 1989). P. enigma accompanied by the stratigraphic occurrences of the major spans from the base of NJ11 to the top of NJ12a subzones faunal elements (Fig. 6). (= Bajocian to the early Callovian ammonite Bullatus In the Blue Nile Basin, the basal Precambrian Crystalline Zone). The first occurrence of W. ovata is only at the base Basement is overlain unconformably by the 300-m-thick of the Callovian and is correlated with the lower part of Adigrat Sandstone Fm (ASF; Figs 6, 7). The ASF is made CALLOVIAN AND KIMMERIDGIAN FOSSILS AND STRATIGRAPHY OF THE BLUE NILE BASIN 3 Fig. 2. Kimmeridgian–Tithonian palaeogeographic map, showing major Jurassic localities of the southern margin of Tethys discussed in the text (modified after Enay and Cariou, 1997). up of sub-horizontal layers of fine-grained sandstones, with intercalations of minor reddish shales and siltstones that grade upwards into medium- to coarse-grained sandstones with planar cross-bedding and followed by reddish, coarse- grained sandstones (Fig. 6) with minor glauconitic siltstone/ mudstone beds at the top (Fig. 7A, B). Additionally, the upper level contains several channel-fills and pebbles with rare, large wood fragments (Fig. 7C, D). But in general, the thickness, facies architecture, stratigraphic position and depositional environment (fluvial vs. marine) of the ASF is very poorly constrained, as also is its age (Permian to Jurassic) (see Mohr, 1964). The age of the ASF is based on either regional correlation or the ages of the underlying and overlying formations. For the former (regional corre- lation), either a Triassic–Early Jurassic age was suggest- ed (Mohr, 1964; Russo et al., 1994) or a Permo–Triassic age (Beauchamp and Lemoigne, 1974). Others proposed a broad Triassic age for its lower unit (Merla and Minucci, 1938; Beyth, 1972) or a Carboniferous–Mesozoic age for the entire unit (Kazmin, 1975). Dawit (2014) studied the palynoflora of the underlying “Fincha Sandstone” (exposed at Fincha; ~150 km south east of Dejen; Fig.
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