London Borough of Lewisham Lewisham Leisure and open Space Study A Final Report, Appendices and Maps May 2010 London Borough of Lewisham Lewisham Leisure and Open Space Study Table of Contents 1 Executive Summary I Aim of the Study Scope of the Study Rationale: Why Carry Out a Study? The Vision Audit of Local Provision Typologies Applying Standards of Provision Policy Recommendations Planning Policy Context Policy – General Playing Pitch Recommendations Local Development Framework Conclusions Generic Recommendations 2 Introduction 1 Aim of the Study Scope of the Study Rationale: Why Carry Out a Study? The Vision 3 National Local And Strategic Context 5 National Context Regional Context Local Context Review of Local Strategic Background National Policy Guidance (Planning Policy Guidance Notes) (PPG) Assessing Needs and Opportunities: A Companion Guide to PPG 17 Stage 1: Identification of local needs Stage 2: Audit of local provision Stage 3: Setting Provision Standards Stage 4: Application of Provision Standards Assessing Quantity Assessing Quality Assessing Access Consultation - Background and Methodology Analysis – Survey Response London Borough of Lewisham Lewisham Leisure and Open Space Study 4 Audit Of Local Provision 33 Introduction Typologies Standards of Provision Parks and Gardens Natural and Semi Natural Greenspace Including Green Corridors Amenity Greenspace Provision for Children and Young People Allotments and Community Gardens Cemeteries and Churchyards Outdoor Sports Facilities Indoor Sport 5 Developing And Applying Standards Of Provision 141 Introduction Parks & Gardens Natural and Semi-Natural Greenspace Amenity Greenspace Provision for Children and Young People Allotments Cemeteries and Churchyards Outdoor Sports Facilities Indoor Sport 6 Policy Recommendations 149 Introduction Planning Policy Policy – General Playing Pitch Recommendations Local Development Framework Conclusions Generic Recommendations Disclaimer 169 London Borough of Lewisham Lewisham Leisure and Open Space Study Table of Appendices (separate document) 1 Quality Audit Correct 2 Consultation Questionnaire Correct 3 London Borough Of Lewisham Playing Pitch Strategy 2009 - 2025 3a Assessment Methodology For Pitch Sports 3b Playing Pitch Model Supply Table 3c Playing Pitch Model Demand Table 3d Overall Pitch Survey 3e Sport England Towards A Level Playing Field Playing Pitch Model Assessment 4 Open Space Site Audit List 5 Site Quality Assessments London Borough of Lewisham Lewisham Leisure and Open Space Study Table of Maps (separate document) 1 Area Definitions 2 Open Space By Typology And Area 2a Open Space by Typology – Area 1.Telegraph Hill, New Cross and Evelyn Wards 2b Open Space by Typology – Area 2. Brockley, Ladywell, and Crofton Park Wards 2c Open Space by Typology – Area 3. Forest Hill, Perry Vale and Sydenham Wards 2d Open Space by Typology – Area 4. Rushey Green, Catford South and Bellingham Wards 2e Open Space by Typology – Area 5. Blackheath, Lewisham Central and Lee Green Wards 2f Open Space by Typology – Area 6. Grove Park, Whitefoot and Downham Wards 3 Parks & Gardens Catchment Areas by London Plan Specification 4 Metropolitan Parks & Gardens Catchment Areas 4a Metropolitan Parks & Gardens Areas of Deficiency 5 District Parks & Gardens Catchment Areas 5a District Parks & Gardens Areas of Deficiency 6 Local And Small Local Parks And Gardens Catchment Areas 6a Local & Small Local Parks & Gardens Areas of Deficiency 7 Natural And Semi Natural Greenspace Catchment Areas 7a Natural & Semi Natural Greenspace Areas of Deficiency 8 Amenity Green Space Catchment Areas 8a Amenity Greenspace Areas of Deficiency 9 Provision For Children and Young People Catchment Areas 9a Provision for Children & Young People Areas of Deficiency 10 Allotment Catchment Areas London Borough of Lewisham Lewisham Leisure and Open Space Study 10a Allotment Areas of Deficiency 11 Cemetery Catchment Areas 11a Cemetery Areas of Deficiency 12 All Sites Containing Outdoor Sport Provision – Catchment Areas 12a Sites with Outdoor Sports Provision Areas of Deficiency 13 Open Space By Typology 14 All Sites By Overall Quality Score 15 Parks And Gardens By Overall Quality Score 16 Natural & Semi Natural Greenspace By Overall Quality Score 17 Amenity Green Space And Green Corridor By Overall Quality Score 18 Allotments By Overall Quality Score 19 Cemeteries By Overall Quality Score 20 Green Corridors 20a Green Corridors Catchment Areas 20b Green Corridors Areas of Deficiency 21 Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation 21a SINC Areas of Deficiency London Borough of Lewisham Lewisham Leisure and Open Space Study Glossary ATPs Artificial Turf Pitches BMX Bicycle Motorcross BTCV British Trust for Conservation Volunteers CABE Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment CIL Community Infrastructure Levy GIS Geographic Information Systems GLA Greater London Authority GLDP Greater London Development Plan Ha Hectares ILAM Institute Leisure Amenity Management LDF Local Development Framework LEU London Ecology Unit LNRs Local Nature Reserves LPAC London Planning Advisory Committee MOL Metropolitan Open Land MUGA Multi Use Games Areas NPFA National Playing Fields Association (Now called Fields in Trust) OS Open Space PE Physical Education PCT Primary Care Trust POS Public Open Space PPG17 Planning Policy Guidance 17 ROSPA Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents London Borough of Lewisham Lewisham Leisure and Open Space Study SPG Supplementary Planning Guidance UDP Urban Development Plan UGS Urban Greenspace Section 1 Executive Summary London Borough of Lewisham Lewisham Leisure and Open Space Study 1 Executive Summary 1.1 Over the last decade it has been increasingly recognised that aspects of the urban environment, including open space provision, has contributed to urban decline. There has been a lot of research into the importance and value of urban parks and green spaces and an increasing focus on increasing participation in sport and exercise, in the context of reducing health problems and obesity. 1.2 In 2002 Planning Policy Guidance note 17: ‘Open Space, Sport and Recreation’ set out the Governments priorities and aims for high standard open space provision in the right locations. It requires local authorities to identify deficiencies in both open space and sport facilities and to remedy these deficiencies. 1.3 The study will help the council to plan positively, effectively and creatively to ensure that there is adequate provision of accessible, high quality open space, sport and recreation facilities that meet the needs and aspirations of local communities, local people and people who work or visit the Borough. Aim of the Study 1.4 This study has been prepared with the following aims: To identify accessible open spaces, sports and recreation provision in Lewisham for existing and future needs To provide an appropriate balance between new provision and the enhancement of existing provision To enable clarity and reasonable certainty for developers and landowners in terms of the local authority’s requirements for such provision To ensure the provision of space which is economically and environmentally sustainable Scope of the Study 1.5 The study adheres to the guidance detailed in “Assessing Needs and Opportunities: A Companion Guide to PPG 17”. PPG 17 requires local authorities to undertake an assessment of provision of open space, indoor facilities and outdoor sports provision. This study has reviewed existing strategies and has undertaken significant consultation with the local public as part of the assessment. 1.6 The study follows the model as set out in the five recognised steps advocated in the Companion Guide. These are broadly: Step 1 – Identifying Local Needs Step 2 – Auditing Local Provision Step 3 – Setting Provision Standards Step 4 – Applying Provision Standards Step 5 – Policy Recommendations i London Borough of Lewisham Lewisham Leisure and Open Space Study 1.7 The study has included an audit of all existing open space, sport and recreational facilities with public access or community use, in terms of: Quantity Quality Accessibility 1.8 The study has also given consideration to the following factors: Different uses of facilities Classification and differing typologies of provision The scale and availability of resources for maintenance / management English Nature’s “Accessible Natural Greenspace Standards” 1.9 The study undertaken has included: Consideration of the likely needs up to 2025 A review of all existing applicable plans and strategies A review of existing open space, leisure and recreation policies contained within the Local Development Framework (LDF) A range of consultation exercises to ascertain the views of the local community, key interest groups and wider stakeholders Consideration of existing facilities within the Borough, including provision by the local authority (including education), private and voluntary sectors An assessment of playing pitch provision using the methodology detailed in “Toward a Level Playing Field: A Guide to the Production of Playing Pitch Strategies” (Sport England, 2002) Recommendations for local standards of provision with regard to quantity, quality and accessibility for inclusion within the emerging Local Development Framework Rationale: Why Carry Out a Study? 1.10 The desirable outcomes from undertaking a PPG17 Assessment are to provide local people with networks of accessible, high quality open spaces and sports
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