TLAND DAILY PRESS. 1862—YOL. 33. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, PORTLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY MORNING, AUGC8T 8, 1899. £} PRICE THREE CENTS. that to useful foe anything appears yon Ing thrown In fcr tbelr rescue. No ora defenoe.“ novv.ed not more than two months ago I\ SECRET SESSION your su pushed lu by tbs crowds OI) u,,, r( fas with a vehement with new and morn- Urey replied decla- for alter Ibo crash, all lor duntartly drew timber, yestvr lay RETIRED TO LIFE. ration of his Innooence, repeating several TO back In horror from the FAILED HOLD. opening. ing when ha was at lit. Desert Ferry time '*1 am Innocent'* In a voice wbloh Miss Ktbai F. b’trsfon of Hangnr, tes- he work be- with carefully Inspected the and quivered emotion. The agonized tified to tbe came effect. The most Im- matin jt In which be lieved that It waa as and sound as uttered his protesta- portant witness was Wllilsm A. Without good tions of Innooenoe had a most painful ot Lisbon Falls, foreman cf bridges for any to be found. He oould not give the effect Hearing No and must hare evoked the aymp i- tbe Maine Central re llr out, who built dimensions of ths chains, bnt they bad Dreyfus thy even of his most inveterate enemies. last Nashua Man tbe gangway June. lie said the been considered for Missing Ths more as the always heavy enough prisoner grew composed material for the gang way was not or- in Public. examination Bolts Pulled Interview With Maine Cen- any strain thit be pnt on them. Longer proceeded answering every Ferry Slip dered by him, bat was landed on the might Found in without a Portland. question moment's hesitation. wharf for bis use Tils orders for the In oloalng his Interview, Mr. Wilson CoL Jouaust submitted to a Dreyfus building of tbe bridge rams from Super- said: “We feel that we have done every- rigorous examination, more in the style intendent Powers of tbe bridge sod build- tral’s Chief. Th.ough. In onr to care for the of a a thing prosecuting counsel than Judge, ing department of tbs Maine Central. power safely and somn of oar made gestures at Impatience at The gang-way was 37 I -3 feel long and 10 passengers and since the accident direct denials whloh Dreyfus gave repeat- wide. Tbe timbers were 3si3 Inches, set nothing has been left undone fcy ns to Court So Voted Yesterday More edly to the judge's questions. Tsrtlcally and creased by two lncti plank- rellevs the sufferers. No lost Had Been Here Under A fief ths court bed decided not to ad- pecuniary Working ing. There were tire of those beams run- of the abaenoe of cer- la with It 1s the ca- journ on account ning the Irngth of the gang-way. Then weighing us, great Adjournment. the o’etk was ordered to Assumed Name. tain witnesses, Terrible Mt. Desert Dis- timbers wrre reinforced by three one-lnoh lamity that has occurred on one of our read 11. d'Orme'e bill of Indictment of a truss rods att In hard pins cross Umber llnea to travel that us the most anx- 1SW4 which he did In a lond His of the Dis- gives voice, Drey- at tbe binge of the pier and a apruos Story fus In the meanwhile listening unmoved iety. We have spent a great ileal of time aster Explained. timber at tbe outer end. These rods were as the old against him were read. and to ensure charges 0 through holes mode with a ohtael. net aster. money the greatest eafety Col. jooaust then nddreased Dreyfus augur, and were fastened on tbe ootslde of the travelling public and we feel that The Prisoner Asserts stated adding as ho handed the prisoner screwed by 8 1-2 loan nets, Hush with we have to lest We For a of cardboard which the done It the degree. Went to Hospital long slip upon timbers, lie wns not an expert on quali- was “Do know one bordemu rested, you reoognlxe ty of timber, bnt thought the material thing that at the time of the His Innocence. this documcntf" was good, and supposed the gaug-way sooldent all the employes o' the road, Critical with a out- Operation. Drsyfns replied, passionate waa strong enough to bear all strain did burst: i am iouooent. With Bolts Gone Timber Was Sot trainmen, boatmen, eto., everything “No, my colonel, that could be put upon It. He believed I declare It here as 1 declared It In Jostled, Poshed and In their power to eave life and to make 1804, tbe aocldent was caused by the nuts on People am a victim.” Ills voloj here was I to Hold. the Iron rode pulling through the outer the lose of life end lnjnrlee to passengers choked with sobs. The volee of the Strong Enough prls- oross piece, and then tbe timber* were Crowded. ae email as possible.'’ ouer resembled the of a wounded ani- Col. Jonast CVndncts Case cry not strong enough to stand the extra Then He Disclosed mal as he ended his wltbrtbe words: Identity reply strain thrown upon them. Asked wby “Flvo In the Prisoner. yoars valleys—my wife; wssber* or plates were not put under MR. GREEXOUGH’S STORY. Against ohlldrsn; my I am In- my Uod; lunooeut, the nuts, he said be built tbe ellp as In- and Family Was Sent For. nocent. structed. How Mr. Swectser Came to Ills Death Col Jouaust said: " No Washers Used with Tbe railroad's attorney, llr. Chapman, Sunday. "Then you deny Ilf” arrived late In tbe and • "afternoon askrd Had Been *-s "Ysi. ooloosl.” Slip Strength- Dreyfus replied: my for adjournment for another day wblob Frank K. Sweetaer and Edmund Phln- On the court to the roll oall the Bolts of procexllnv was granted. ney Uri olerks In the Maine Cen- Rannes, August 7.— The proceedings of most notable ened enough, witnesses, ths being Recently. Mourned (or a< dead by hla family and the court martial be’ory wbtoh Capt. Ksterhazv and Cla he half turned Following 1s the testimony of Wllilsm tral general offices, went to liangur on Paty o, friends for two O. S. of witness- L. Wlthaiu of Lisbon Falls and head- kim iivju uaiu months, Groeley Dreyfus la on trial opened at ten minutes his h?ad towards ths seats of the i.atuiun; uiiu, •iiU|ipiuK es. when the clerk of the oonrt at In fall: Nashua, N\ H., wrs found cn Sunday at past seven o’cIock this morning, especially quarters Bangor, In lienzor over night, left for Bar Har- called hut when no response the In this city Fsterhazy, Q —Are yon tbe foreman of tbe con- bor at &15 with the Greeley hospital hovering Capt. Dreyfus on tered the court rcom was returned to hie Sunday morning received, Dreyfus struction of tbe that was trekeo tetween life and death as the remit of a with a In at slip orowd of exonratonlets wbo met with the firm step, though his features previous attitude, looking straight Important Testimony Taken yesterday 7 front of him at Col. Jouaust. of Cause of critical aurgloa! operation. His wife In were pallid. He Is partially bald and A.—I am, sir. Theory Accident fatal aoctdent and in wblob .Hr. 8wettfor Altogether about 100 witnesses will be her widow’s weada, his son and a sister what hulr be has is gray and olosv Ccroner’s Inquest. Q.—Slate when the slip was built and wat a Tlotlm, Ur. Urrrnongh being wired called uu both sides. If In whom be had net teen fer iifteen your opinion it was thoroughly con- Suggested. water minutes years cropped. He answerod the formal ques- Jouaust—“Did you say ‘If I handed after being In the 16 struct! d. oama hers and grouped around his bed- tions of the judge as to his name, age, over doonmunts It was to hare more A.—Completed June this 1 Ur. Ureenocgh told the following stcry '* Ptb, year. that the man had teen otn In n clour ilutnemlnsul r/ilon Ua on ones In return?' side, rejalosd Importint tUUIUU^UIj VUUDU IIVWU 08 of bit “When we left Port- V experience: Drsy uv— v a* the the far workinanehlp. 1 constructed f- land we were undecided whether we facing judges with his hands resting Jouanst—“Did 'in throe you say years the slip as near orders as 1 under- on hi* knees tkoaur Mill mzanwnleo Inn nonnau 0* U'hp my would to Bar Harbor and did sn impassible figure. Bar Uartor, August 7.—The aliening stood. go through dtu you thru — Franklin A. of the we The trial opened, so far as Rennes is «ay year.!" of the ooroner'i Into Q Should there not bare been iron Wilson, president not deolde until got to Bangor where Dreyfus—"I a. bed far ill mean, of In- inquest yesterday's Maine concerned, in an of plates under the nuts In tbe ends of the Central railroad, was in the olty we made up our mlude to stay over night atmosphere perfect rest'gatlon. were refuted uie. frightful accident at Ml. Desert Ferry WAITT & BOND’S They I ron trus rods. and surrounded t wan In that at the end yesterday by bis general then and go to Bar Harbor on tbe early tranqaillty. justified hoping when SO persons lost their lives and a A.—1 think tbe olrcumstanoes now At 7 o'clock MM.
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