Imp .01Zrlyd E.r4Xuipui Mi5F, OZZMr4,, Mr1100 RINE : The New York Times NEWS BULLETINS PROGRAMS ON THE AIR every hour on the hour 7 A. M. '51toogro 000 Iglgq owo migg to midnight over W Q X it SATURDAY, OCT. 23, 1948 (1560 nn your dial) MORNING MORNING W Q X R-FM 4: 00-WINSRecorded Music (96.3 mc. (Channel 242) and 45.9 me.) 30-WNBCVarlety Music; Weather RADIO WCBSThis Is New YorkBill Leonard: 00-WORYour Town and MineJoe Bier GuestDeems Taylor 45-WJZRecorded Music 1( A. M.-12:45United Nations General Assembly, From ParisWNYC. WMGMRecorded Music TELEVISION WCBSHarry Marble Show 9:30-WNBCPAL Sriow Drama 5:55-WNYCNews; Rural ReportsTom Page 10:15-10:45 A. M.The New York Times Youth Forum: "What Do I WOEThe Lone Wolf WCBS-TV-Channel 2 6:00-WORRambling With Gambling Get Out of Going to School?" Junior High School Students; Doro- WMCATravels in Song 1: 1.5-Mustc and Weather WJZFarm News: Philip Alampi thy Gordon, ModeratorWQXR. WINSMorning Matinee 1:30-Quarterback Quiz UrMcANews: Fisherman's Culde WNEWNews; Recorded Music 1:45-Football: Columbia vs. PrinCelon WHNRadio Newsreel 1:45-4:15Football: Army vs. CornellWOR, WMGM; 1:50-4:30Co- WMGMFun at Breakfast. Ward Wilson 8:15-Music: Wea,her WNEWStart the Day Right 9:45-WNBCStemp Club, Harry L. Linguist 8:10-The Rodeo Madison Square Garden WMGMNewsreel Theatre lumbia vs. PrincetonWINS; 2:20-4:45Georgia Tech vs. Florida- WCBSHousemives Protective League 6:30-WNBCNews; Recordings WCBS; 2:45-5:30Michigan vs. MinnesotaWNBC, WJZ; 8:30-10- WNBT-Channel 4 WJZPeople and Things WMCAThis Is Our TownLillian WINSArt Scanlan Show C. C. N. Y. vs. Wagner CollegeWNYC. Guest. Betty Butterworth 1:40-Football Film WNEWNews: Religious Music and WHEWCalling All Girls 1:43-Football: Yale vs. Vanderbilt. at New Christian Science Program 6:30-7:30Arturo Toscanini, Conducting the NBC Symphony Orches- 9:33-WNYCNews Reports Haven 45-WORMorning Watch tra; Vladimir Horowitz, PianistWNBC. WOESportsStan Lomas 7:30-1.7, N. Tribute 6:55.WJZBill Cullen, Comedy 10:00-WNBC--Mary Lee Taylor Show (Premiers) 8:30-Television Screen Magazine: Guest- WNYCNews Reports 7:30-8Variety Music: Vic Damone, Baritone; Hollace Shaw, Soprano; WOENews--Henry Gladstone Arnold Stang 7:00-WJZNews, Julian Anthony Gustave Haenschen and OrchestraWNBC. WJZ--Variety Music 9:00-Feature Film WNYCNews, Miele WAICANews; The Bank Box WOEMelvin Elliott. News 8-8:30Hollywood Star Time: Drama, With Ida and Richard Lupino- WNYCU N. General Assembly. From WABD-Charuse1.5 WJZNewsJullan Anthony WNBC. Park 8:30-Flies Shorts WMCANews. Music WINSMusic Shoppe 9: 00-Featnre Film WINSNews: Art Scanlan Show 8-8:30Twenty Questions Quiz: Lanny Ross, GuestWOR. WMGMTed Husing Bandstand WMGMRecorded Music WHEWMake-Believe Ballroom WJZ-TV--Channel 7 WNYCSunrise Symphony 8-9Sing It Again: Dan Seymour, Alan Dale, Bob Howard, Ray Bloch WLIBNews: Playhouse 6:30-Alexander's Quizdom Class. With Joe WNEWAnYthing GoesVariety WQXRThe New York Times News O'Brien and New York High School WLIBNews: Band MusicVariety Orchestra and OthersWCBS. 10:05-WQXRFoothall Songs Students WQXRThe New York Times News 8:05-9Symphony Hall: ProkofieffAlexander NevskyWQXR. 10:15-WORCharlotte Adams Show 7:00-News and Views. Taylor Grant 05-WQXRBreakfast Symphony WCBSThe Garden Gate. With Tom 7:15-Film: Bear Facts 7:15-WORCambling's Musical Clock 8:30-9Truth or Consequences, With Ralph EdwardsWNBC. Williams 7:30-Sports, with be Basel:Guest:Henry WJZPeople and Things WQXRThe New York Times Youth Wittenberg, Olympic Wrestling WMCANews: Rise and Shine 9:30-10GuyLombardoShow:MoreyAmsterdam,GuestWOR Forum: What Do I Get Out of Going Champion 7:2E.WQ3CRWeat5er Reports (Premiere). to School?: Junior High School Group; 7:15-Three About Town-VarletY. With HSI 7:30-WNBCNewsChar1e3 F. McCarthy Dorothy Gordon Moderator Harrington, Best Allison and Dorothy WNEWNews: Variety 9:30-10Comedy: It Pays to Be Ignorant, With Tom Howard, Lulu 10:30-CYNBCArchie AndrewsSketch Carless WLIBIn /Town Tonight 8:00-Play the Game: With Charlotte Adams. WQXRBreakfast Symphony McConnell, and OthersWCBS. WJZJohnny Thompson, Songs Ireene Wicker and Others 7:45-WN5SCThe Mystery Chef WO:isKitty FoyleDrama 8.35-Film: Second Chorus WCBSNews. Harry Clark; Others TELEVISION VMCAQuiz Down: Guests. New York With Snrgess wMCAUnity ViewpointTalk Students (Premiere; Meredith. Paulette Goddard and Fred WQXRThe New York Times Newl WHEWNews, Make-Believe Ballroom Astaire WNYCWeather Report: News 1:45-4:30Football: Columbia vs. PrincetonWCBS-TV; Yale vs. Van- WLIBTomorrow's Stars WP1X-Channel 11 10: 45-WQXRMusical Specialties WLIBThese Are Our Children derbiltWNBT; 1:50-4:45Navy vs. PennsylvaniaWPM 1:50-Foo(ball: Navy vs.Pennsylvania. al SS- wJZNews Reports 8-9Film: "About Face," With William Tracy, Joe Sawyer and Jean 00-WNSCMeet the MeeksSketch Philadelphia 8:00-WNBCNtws; Musk WOEPrescott Robinson 6:00-News: Recorded Music WOENews; Prescott Robinson ParkerWPIX. WJZChildren's,ShowAbbatt and 7:00-News: Film Shorts WJZNewsMartin Agronsky 8-8:30Play the Game: Charlotte Adams, Ireene Wicker and Others- Costello 7:30-Newsreel WCBSNews Round-Up WJZ-TV. WCESNews: Warren Sweeney 7:40-News Preview WMCANews: Music WMCANews Reports: Music Bog 8:05-Fllm: About Face. With William Tracy, WNYCChildren's Story Fair 8:30-11The Rodeo, From Madison Square GardenWCBS-TV. WLDSNews; Junior Jamboree Joe Sawyer and Jean Parker WINSPrize Package 8:30-9:15Film: "Second Chorus," With Burgess Meredith, Paulette WQXRThe New York Times News 9:00-Boeing From Ridgewood Grove WMGMLanny and Ginger Grey 11:05-WCBSLet's Pretend: Stories 10:45-Newsreel WLISVoung People's Church Goddard and Fred AstaireWJZ-TV. WQXRGlibert and Sullivan Music WCBSNews :Harry Clark WATV-Channel 13 WQXRThe New York Times News 9-10:45Boxing, From Ridgewood Grove ArenaWPIX. 11:15-WOEJohn B. Kennedy 05-WQX7OBreakfast Symphony 940:15F1lm: 'Smart Guy"; Veda Ann Borg and Rick VallinWATV. WMCAStreet Interviews 10:00 A. M.-Test Pattern 8:15-WORBreakrast, Dorothy and Dick 11:30-WNBCSrnilin Ed McConnell 2:43-News and Music WJZ Ed and Pegeen Fitzgerald WORMan on the Farm 3:14-Feature Films WCBSPhil Cook. Variety MUZNewsDon Gardiner 5:00--Junior Frolics WINSNews; Art Scanlan Show 8:45-WMCAFront-Page Drama WNYCMasterwork Club WCBSJunior MissComedy 030-Film :Shadow of the Eagle. With John WNYCCity Guide WINSThree-Corner Club IA/MCAYoung Hoc* Reviewers- Mar- ' 8:30-WNBCFrank Luther. Songs 8:55-WNYCNews Reports Wayne WC13SMargaret Arlen Program WMGMTalkCarlton Fredericks garet Scoggin; Guest. John .1. Rowlands Si 54-Camera Highlights WNYCCalling AU Gardeners 9:00-WNBCTriple B Ranch. With Bob Smith WI-TBNews: Tommy Dorsey Show WHEWNews: Bing Crosby Records 7:00-Film Riding Fool, With Bob Steele WNEWNews: Calling All Girls WORNews Harry Hennessy WQXRThe New York Times News WLIBChildren's Program 8:00-Camera Highlights WJZShoppers' Special 9: 05-WQXRMorning Melodies WQXRTJ, N. Today 9:00-FlintSmart Guy With Veda Ann Bore WMGMNews: Music and Weather WCBSNews, Bob Hite 9:15-WORGet More Out of LifeJane 11:45-WJZBuddy Weed Show and Rick Vallin WL1,13Rancho Grande Time WMCANews; Sabbath Service Jordan and Sidney Walton WC:VCRAlong the Danube FM STATIONS (DialSettings In Megacyc)es) AFTERNOON AFTERNOON WF0JV-90.7 (Channel 214) 9:00 A. M.-Studio A-Music: News 9:15-Sacred Heart:Blue Chanel Malt 12:00-WNBC-News-Charles F. McCarthy WCBS-Country Fair WNYC-Great Operas-Thomas H. WNEW-News; Morales Orchestra 10:00-News. Mask WOE-Recorded Music WMCA-News: Mr. and Mrs. Music Cowan: Faust 4 :45-WCBS-Football Resume 10: 30-Workshop WJZ-People and Thines-Patt Barnes WMGM-Recorded Music WHEW-Music Hall WNIGM-Herron Orchestra 11:05-Youth Looks Forward WCBS-Theatre of Today: Guests, Susan WNEW-JUke Box Jury WLIB-News; Music; Sports 55-WNYC-News Reports Douglas and Elliott Reed WQXR-The New York Times News WQXR-The New York Times News 5:00-WOE-Take a Number-Quiz 11.30-1) al.-Football Preview: News WMCA-News; Mr. and Mrs. MUSIC 2:05-WQXR-North Cape Serenade 4:00-Record Room WINS-News: Don Goddard 1:05-WQXR-Midday Symphony WCBS-Tommy Ryan Orchestra 4:55-News: Music WMGM-Children's Variety Show 1:30-WNBC-Edward Tomlinson. Comments 30-WNBC-Your Radio Reporter WMCA-News; Mr. and Mrs- Music 5:55-Football Scores and News WNEW-Take It Easy-Variety WOE-Sports-Stan Lomax WCBS-Football: Georgia Tech vs. WNYC-Ballet Time 6:15-Concert Hour WLLS-NewS; Music WJZ-Saturda Session Florida. at Atlanta (To 4:451 WHEW-Ross Orchestra 7:15-Home From Abroad: Liturgy WQXR-The New York Times News WCBS-Give and Take WNEW-News: Music WMGM-Ted Hosing Bandstand 7:45-Lillian Hoffman. Pianist 12: 05-WQXR-Luneheon concert WINS-News: Recorded Music WQXR-Program Favorites WLIB-News; Music; Workshop (Sign 0:00-News: Polish Program 12:15-WN13C-The Kuhns-IntervIews WHEW-News; Recorded Music 2:45-WNSC. WJZ-Football: Michigan vs. Off at Si 8:55-9:00-News WOE-Let's Go-Ruth and Philip Hunter WlYIGM-News: Music Minnesota. at Minneapolis (To 5:30) WQXR-The New York Times News 1:45-WNBC-Public Affairs: Dr. John Black, 00-WMCA-News: Music: Sports W2XMN-92.1 (Channel 2311 and 14.1 WINS-Listen to Lacy WLIB-News: Music: Sports 5:05-WQXR-Record Review 4:00-11:00 P M.-Variety Music 12: 30-WNBC-Frank Merrlwell-Drama Dr. Hunscher, Alice Fenno, Kirtley WQXR-The New York Times News 5:15-WCBS-Straight Facts for Veterans- WOE -Henry Gladstone Mather. Speakers 3:05- wQXR-Movie Music Max Healer WNYC-F51-93.9 (Channel 2301 WJZ-News: American Farmer News WOE. WMGM-Football: Army vs. 3:30-WQXR-Muslc of Our Time 5:30-WNBC-Mr and Mrs. America 6:53.10:00 A. M.-Same as WNYC WCBS-Grand Central Station-Play, Cornell, at Ithaca (To 4:15) 4:00-W4CA-News; Music: Sports WOR-True or False-Quiz 10:00 A.
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