Dermatology Reports 2020; volume 12:8509 Successful treatment helped to rule out chemical leukoderma. of progressive macular Based on this combination of histological Correspondence: Mehdi Rashighi, Assistant and clinical data, the patient was diagnosed Professor of Dermatology, Director, hypomelanosis with Progressive Macular Hypomelanosis Connective Tissue Disease Clinic and (PMH). Treatment included the daily appli- Research Center; University of Massachusetts Nicholas Leonard,1 Steven Krueger,1 cation of benzoyl peroxide wash and 1% Medical School, Department of Dermatology; Vitiligo Clinic and Research Center, Mehdi Rashighi1,2 clindamycin lotion, in addition to narrow- Worcester, 01545 MA, USA 1 band UVB (nbUVB) three times a week. University of Massachusetts Medical E-mail: [email protected] School, Department of Dermatology; After three months, the patient showed a Tel.: +1 774-455-4759 2 nearly complete resolution (Figure 2). Vitiligo Clinic and Research Center, Fax: 508-856-7883 University of Massachusetts Medical Key words: Phototherapy, pigmentary disor- School, Worcester, USA ders, topical therapy Discussion Acknowledgements: The authors of this case PMH is a common skin disorder that report thank the staff at UMass Medical Abstract typically presents as asymptomatic, ill-defi- School who participated in this patient’s care. ned, non-scaly, hypopigmented macules on Progressive Macular Hypomelanosis the trunk and proximal extremities that Conflict of interest: the authors declare no (PMH) is a common but often misdiagno- often become confluent towards the midli- potential conflict of interests. sed disorder of acquired hypopigmentation. ne.1 Although classically absent, facial An adolescent female presented with irre- Received for publication: 19 February 2020. lesions have been reported in a recent case Accepted for publication: 14 July 2020. gular, hypopigmented patches ultimately study of PMH.2 This condition is most com- diagnosed as PMH. Complete repigmenta- mon in young females and those with This work is licensed under a Creative tion was achieved with narrowband UVB darker skin tones.1,3 Although the exact etio- Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 phototherapy, benzoyl peroxide wash, and logy is unclear, it is hypothesized that the onlyInternational License (CC BY-NC 4.0). clindamycin lotion. skin commensal, Propionibacterium acnes © (P. acnes), recently renamed Cutibacterium Copyright: the Author(s), 2020 Licensee PAGEPress, Italy acnes, is directly involved in the pathogene- use Dermatology Reports 2020; 12:8509 sis of PMH potentially through the produc- doi:10.4081/dr.2020.8509 Case Report tion of a currently unidentified factor that 4-6 An otherwise healthy 15-year-old disrupts melanogenesis. Commonly asso- Indian-American female presented with ciated with the pathogenesis of acne vulga- three times weekly compared with flutica- three years of progressive, patchy skin ris, these bacteria reside in pilosebaceous sone 0.05% cream at night and UVA pho- discoloration on the back and legs. The ducts which helps to explain the typical totherapy for 20 minutes three times distribution of PMH in skin regions with a weekly.8 The use of nbUVB once or twice affected areas were asymptomatic and 6 without scaling or redness. Prior treatment higher density of sebaceous glands. weekly for PMH was introduced in a study included triamcinolone 0.1% cream with no Quantities of P. acnes have been shown to of 16 patients, where 56.2% of individuals improvement. No other topical steroids or be elevated in lesional skin of patients with showed more than 90% repigmentation, but 9 immunomodulating drugs were attempted PMH through both culture and quantitative with a 31% relapse rate. A retrospective 5 previously. The patient’s past medical real-time PCR. PMH diagnosis continues analysis of 108 patients with PMH compa- history included asthma but no other atopic to elude practitioners, and studies have yet red treatment with topical antimicrobials or allergic conditions. Physical examination to suggest a standard approach. A recent (clindamycin or benzoyl peroxide) to 10 showed ill-defined, irregular patches of case study suggested that the use of Wood’s nbUVB twice weekly. In that study, 38% hypopigmentation, mainly on the lower lamp examination can aid diagnosis by of patients treated with antimicrobials back and posterior thighs (FigureNon-commercial 1). No revealing a specific follicular pattern of achieved resolution at an average of 8.5 depigmented lesions or poliosis were pre- fluorescence, proportional to the concentra- months with no relapse, whereas 90% of sent. Before being referred to our clinic, the tion of P. acnes, that is not present in hypo- patients treated with nbUVB achieved reso- patient underwent a skin biopsy on the left pigmented lesions caused by other etiolo- lution at an average of only 2.5 months but 7 lateral lower back that was originally thou- gies. It is essential to differentiate this con- had a 6% relapse rate. The authors hypothe- ght to be suggestive of post-inflammatory dition from other acquired hypopigmenta- sized that nbUVB mainly serves to promote dyspigmentation. This biopsy demonstrated tion disorders such as sarcoidosis, leprosy, repigmentation but is less effective at long- a normal epidermis and an upper dermis tinea versicolor, syphilis, hypopigmented term elimination of C. acnes. Therefore, a with mild vascular ectasia and a sparse mycosis fungoides, pityriasis alba, hypopig- combination approach with topical antibio- mononuclear infiltrate, with occasional mented plaque parapsoriasis, and nutritio- tics (daily application of benzoyl peroxide melanophages. A periodic acid-Schiff stain nal deficiencies in order to avoid a delay in wash and 1% clindamycin lotion) and revealed no fungal elements. There were no treatment. nbUVB phototherapy (three times weekly) atypical lymphocytes to suggest hypopig- The literature on the ideal treatment of was recommended. The only study compa- mented mycosis fungoides, and no granulo- PMH has been nonconclusive to date. Initial ring nbUVB alone to nbUVB with antimi- matous infiltrate to suggest leprosy, sarcoi- treatment recommendations were based on crobials reported a lack of statistical power dosis, or fungal infection. 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