David Burston and Alice Photo: David Burston SOUTHERN EAST ANGLIA AREA QUAKER MEETING February 2021 CONTENTS Writings..........................5 Old Problems and New Beginnings....................10 Meeting for Sufferings....2 Song of the Free..............6 AM Clerk's Report..........10 Editorial..........................2 My Sort of Man...............7 Friendship and Sport....11 All Things Considered .....3 David and Alice ..............7 Poster............................11 Ex-Changes.....................5 Christian or Not?.............8 Sparrows.......................12 Earls Colne News.............5 Finding a Home...............9 RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS (QUAKERS) SEAQM Correspondence Clerk: Hazel Jones c/o Colchester Quaker Meeting House 6 Church Street, Colchester CO1 1NF; Web Address: www.essexsuffolkquakers.org email address: [email protected] 1 Meetings for Worship to reopen. The impact on men- a descendant of slaves through CLACTON tal health was deemed more dan- my mother, this was also a mo- gerous than COVID. My son’s ment to witness, celebrate and Harwich mental health must be a priority savour and it was profoundly COLCHESTER as well as my own, but it is hard. moving to me. I have always Who could imagine navigating rejoiced in the role Quakers EARLS COLNE such anxiety and isolation as a took in the abolition movement, mere six-year-old? So I appreciate the photos and SUDBURY poems about slavery from John I do feel, however, that the last Hall. Thankfully, at least now FIRST CONTACT few weeks contain reasons for we have a black American lead- FOR FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS hope and seeds of joy to come. ing the US armed forces and a Charles Bather I took my 91-year-old father to picture of Harriet Tubman, hero his first inoculation against of the ‘underground railroad’ COVID and witnessed numer- Editorial who helped countless slaves to ous of our most elderly and frag- escape, is set to grace American Well hello Friends! I’ve never ile uncurl themselves from their $20 bills. written an editorial before buy I cars to take their first steps to- hope this adds some value to wards longed-for normality and Gender politics is a thorny chal- your reading this month. It’s a the joys of human contact. It lenge. I disliked the way JK diverse and interesting newslet- was humbling and moving. In Rowling was rounded upon for ter and notably two late addi- our house, we didn’t let a cause expressing her fears founded on tions, from Ecky and Anne, for joy go unnoticed and we cel- her experience of sexual assault. strike me as important calls to ebrated “Biden Day” with choc- But here too, I hope there is action. olates, gifts and buns (Biden hope. Joe Biden has appointed buns, what else? ). Biden’s inau- Rachel Levine to be the first ever It seems that life is on pause. guration was momentous. It has openly transexual official to be Not only our life as a Meeting, finally ended a dark and danger- confirmed by the US Senate. She but in the myriad ways we oper- ous time for so many, and I be- will be Assistant Health Secre- ate as social human animals. As lieve a good man is finally back tary and the simple fact of her my family enters week three of in charge. It was not certain to appointment says so much more home-schooling lockdown, happen until it did, and then Ph- than any words or ideas can. nerves have become a little ew! Relief, jubilation and all of shredded. Each day, I worry if us can sleep easier. And I do not What did that wonderful poet we lose momentum in doing dai- have to explain to my children Amanda Gorman say at the In- ly schoolwork, all will be lost why the bad man is still in charge. auguration? When day comes, and we will be back doing none, we ask ourselves, where can we as was the case in the first lock 12 years ago, I was in Washing- find light in this never-ending down. But at the same time, I ton with my largely black Amer- shade? And ends: have been reading about how ican family on a pilgrimage to suicides among school children mark another inauguration, that For there is always light, If only we’re brave enough to see it as young as nine in the US, even- of Barack Obama as the first If only we’re brave enough to be it. tually forced schools in one area African American President. As Meeting for 29 young people who uplifted The main business before us us through their contributions was a continuation of Re- Sufferings expressed not only in words, sponding to racism: next steps. 5thDecember 2020 but in pictures and in song - BYM Trustees cut to the chase. their testimony through music, Racism exists within the Reli- Robert Parkes possibly a first for MfS, deeply gious Society of Friends in Britain. They cited some dis- We were over 130 participants moved and enriched us all. turbing examples. It is some- meeting online. This included thing we must tackle. This was 2 a shocking way to start our dis- helped us reflect on the three easy way forward especially as cernment, but we agreed that stages of an approach to action the Society, ironically, seems to recognising the problem was an on racism – learning, acknowl- have created for itself a veritable important first step to address- edging, and acting. And, cat’s cradle of processes and ing it. There was sombre reflec- grounded in our testimonies, structures. BYM, for example, is tion that it needed to be stated what is going to be our vision for made up of over 70 separate and, sadly, some incredulity. In- this work? Part of the conclud- charities plus recognised bodies. dividually we are all on different ing minute reads: One Friend opined “radical so- stages of this journey. I sensed it lutions should not be off the “Our testimonies to equality was the young Friends present table”. MfS, BYM, Trustees, and truth demand that we en- who were ahead of the curve. central committees and Wood- gage in a drive towards real brooke are working behind the The truth of the matter is that change, turning our declared in- scenes on our behalf to discern a our Yearly Meeting has been tentions into reality. We are way forward. We were directed struggling to engage with issues called to commit to becoming an to the dedicated web pages on of racism for generations. Final- actively anti-racist church. Indi- simplifying meetings - ly, hopefully, now is the time for vidually we are all on different https://www.quaker.org.uk/our us all to unfetter ourselves from stages of this journey, which is -organisation/support-for- the shackles of toxic history. In based on learning, moves meetings/simpler-meetings. a powerful presentation by Ed- through acknowledgment and wina Peart (BYM’s Inclusion on to commitment to action We heard how some meetings and Diversity Co-ordinator) we based on discernment… The have been hit hard by lockdown explored the ways in which the time to act is now, personally with the loss of nearly all their facts of our – Quaker - history and in our area meetings.” income and donations. The Soci- are relayed to succeeding gener- ety faces some uncertainty as we We took heart in that momen- ations and the deep feelings that go into 2021. tum has been building, especial- are created by past injustice. Un- ly over the last year. We heard There will be no physical BYM comfortable truths have been how Friends have been taking gathering in 2021. It was sup- airbrushed away, words that the first steps of this journey, for posed to be a residential at Bath seem innocuous enough still example, through learning about University. It is now likely to be have the capacity to hurt and the darker recesses of our Quak- an event online, over several wounds that go unacknowl- er past, or by holding special weeks in August. edged remain unhealed. meetings to acknowledge the As usual, a full report of the We are all called to commit to truth, or by discerning an alter- meeting and papers can be found becoming an actively anti-racist native to the word “overseer”. on the dedicated MfS pages on church. How can we make that In other business, we heard the Quaker.org website. MfS al- active commitment to disman- more about the moves towards so gets widely reported in The tling institutional racism within simplified structures. There is no Friend. Quakers and society? Edwina All Things ers via Zoom on Thursday 3 trying to look up the Swarth- September 2020. Kate Powis more lecture! She asked to join Considered kindly convened it and several because her young relative had By Robbie Spence F/friends attended. just come out as a transwoman. Thursday 3 September 2020 on Most notably, an Attender in Unfortunately, there was no- gender issues – the follow-up Devon called Norah joined us, one at the All Things Consid- report such is the facility of Zoom ered meeting from among the and the power of the Internet F/friends who had ministered Gender was the topic of a spe- that brought our meeting to about inclusion or cautioned cial ‘All Things Considered’ her attention while she was against prejudice at the Meet- meeting of Colchester Quak- 3 ing for Worship in May that Since that time according to from gender rights activists. had sparked this off. The rea- QGSDC, several meetings son for the All Things Consid- have undertaken discernment Last but not least, F/friends, I ered meeting was mainly to be on transgender and non-bina- have discovered that there are able to give more time and ry inclusion.
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