A16 | Sunday, November 19,2017 | Nevada Appeal VOLUME 126 •NOVEMBER 2017 Economic PErsPEctivEs TM Northern Nevada Improve The State Of Your Business Development Authority Marketing Communications in aDigital Age In last month’scolumn, Inoted that we areinthe latest phase Printads offer threeadvantagesfor marketingcommunications. Printmedia provides of an evolving industrial era. Economic growth –global, unlimited exposure. Unlike television andradio whohavescheduled advertising nationally,statewide,and regionally –still relies on traditional times, printads areavailable anytime. Readerscan view ads, repeatedly,whenever or industries.Marketing enablesthese companiestoleveragethis as oftentheychoose. Printads arenot perceivedasintrusive as othermedia.Areader growth andenter newmarkets or broaden theircustomerbase. hascontrol over when andifanadisviewed. Printmedia tend to have long-term, loyal readership. This canreinforce keymessaging andadd to acampaign’seffectiveness. PeterDrucker,the father of modern management,maintained, Advertising in publications whohavebeeninbusinessfor many yearscan lend RobHooper “Because thepurposeofbusinessistocreate acustomer,the credibilitytoanadvertiser’smessage. Executive Director business enterprise hastwo –and only two–basic functions: SNMG encompassesabroad portfolioofnewspapers, magazines,and websites marketingand innovation. Marketingand innovationproduce results; allthe rest focusedonLakeTahoe,CarsonValley, andReno. Part of SwiftCommunications, Inc., arecosts.Marketing is thedistinguishing, uniquefunctionofthe business.” In his SNMG hasninedivisions –NevadaAppeal(Nevada’s thirdlargest newspaper), The view,marketing is notatooltogenerateprofits. It is thedriving forceofbusinessthat Record-Courier,LahontanValleyNews, Northern Nevada Business Weekly,Tahoe defines,capturesand enriches customeropportunities. DailyTribune,SierraSun,North LakeTahoe Bonanza, EverythingNevada, andBlue We areinadigital age, whichisgood news forcompanies investinginmarketing SkyMining Company–which serve11countieswithin California andNevada, along communicationsfor growth andexpansion.Integratedcampaigns caneffectively with anationwideonlinepresence. SNMG distributesover onemillionpublications combinetraditional anddigital mediatoachieve acustomerreach andfrequency of everymonth,coordinates with socialmedia,and attracts hundreds of thousandsof messagenot possiblevia asinglemedium. Radio, print, digital,and television media visitors to itswebsites. canbestrategically employedinamyriadofwaystomaintainthe consistencyand Radioand printadvertising arealive andwell! Anyone with asmartphone canlisten effectivenessofmessaging across allchannelstobestsupport theaccomplishmentof to radioorreadthe e-editionofaprintnewspaper.For more information aboutReno business objectives. MediaGroup services,pleasecontactBob Hastings,[email protected] 775-771-9848.Those interested in SNMG services cancontactBradBancroft, 775- NNDA workswithtwo greatmedia partners.RenoMedia Groupand Sierra Nevada 881-1234 or [email protected]. MediaGroup (SNMG) arehelping us to promoteand showcase theSierraRegionasa business andlifestyle destination. This includes gettingthe word outabout theregion’s booming economy, business opportunities,workforce development,and company successes. Theemergence andproliferationofdigital communication technologies and smartphoneshaveled many to believethatradiostationswill eventuallybecome extinct. However,arecentstudy by Nielsentells amuchdifferentstory.Radiois thriving.Itreaches 93%ofall adults age18and oldereveryweek, compared to 87% fortelevisionand 70%for smartphones. Accordingtoanalyst MichaelKassanon theMedia Villageblog, “In1971, about90% of thepopulation listened to theradio regularly. Today, that number is about90%.Thisisanindicator that we still love to listen —while othermedia habitshaveebbed andflowed, radiohas remained aregular part of ourdailymedia diet.” NEWCHEVROLET Radiohas threeadvantagesfor marketing communications. It is cost effective and SILVERADO 3500 CREW CAB&CHASSIS 4X4 budgetfriendly. Strategicallycombined with othermedia,itcan maximizeadvertising reachand ROI. Becauseofits shortleadtime, typicallythree weeksorless, radiois time efficient. Radiohas measurable resultsthatcan be trackedquickly andaccurately. THERE FOR YOU Customized messages canbetestedintargetmarkets andcities, andrefinedbefore deployment throughother mediaoranationalcampaign. WHEN YOUNEED IT Reno MediaGroup combines websites,radiobroadcasting,video,Internetaudio streaming, socialmedia,and otherrelated services.Its radiostationsinclude:KRNO THE MOST 106.9MoreFM; KLCA Alice96.5; KLCA HD-2 SWAG 104.9and 93.5 in Carson City; KODS103.7 TheRiver;KOLCTen [email protected]; KLCA HD-3 TheRodeo 96.9 YOUR ASSOCIATION WITH FM and97.7FMinCarsonCity; KSGG Power1230AMand 92.5 FM in Reno;KBZZ THESE GROUPSCOULD 96.1FM&1270AMThe Buzz;and KLCA HD-4 Juan 101.7FM(Spanish-language SAVE YOU station).The stations also have mobile-responsivewebsitesand active socialmedia AN ADDITIONAL pages. Most stream live on theirwebsitesand mobileappstocomputers, tabletsand $500 -$1000! smartphones, combiningthe strengthsofbroadcasting andthe Internet. Despitereports to thecontrary, consumersare still drawntonewspaper ads.Recent 3700 S. CARSON ST. IT’S ALL : M-F 8-8 studiesofnewspaper audiencesfound that 63%ofAmericanadultsreadanewspaper hours ABOUT YOU! SAT: 8-7 SUN 10-6 in an averageweek; 56%ofcustomers findprint marketingtobethe most trustworthy COMMERCIAL/FLEET type of marketing; readersretainmoreinformation when reading print; and, SEE OUR ENTIRE INVENTORYAT CALL TODAY! newspaper advertising typically makesonlinedisplay ads four timesmoreeffective. WWW.MICHAELHOHLGM.COM 888-461-9735 ContentProvidedbyNNDA.
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