Copied from an original at The History Center, Diboll, Texas. 2001:007 OUTBERN A.C FIe I E (IN TEXAS AND LOUISIANA) I TEXAS AND NEW ORL ILROAD COMPANY BEAUMO ---ION .I T R ION To Take Effect Sunday, 0, at 12:01 A. M. For the government and information of employes only' and not intended for the use of the public. I L. B. McDONALD, A. D. llUMS, o. C. CASTLE, General Manager. Assistant General Jlanager. Superintendent oj Transportation. we Copied from an original at The History Center, Diboll, Texas. 2001:007 ; I ~ 2 EASTWARD ORANGE SUBDIWISION I - ~!l~:i~ THIRD CLASS SECOND CLASS FIRST CLASS I ~;-g~~ S _:,:~ c.-g 0 TIME TABLE No. 1 60 72 270 242 246 104 12 6 4 102 8 :..= ~~~~: ~£l :§}HL~;- Local Local The New Orleans The Local SUlll!et Sunset 0=<1111.1 September 7, 1930 Freight Freight Freight Freight Freight Argonaut Limited Beaumonter Passenger Limited Mail =0 ~o~$i"'- .mIl :5.~~'~~ ~ 11.1 -- E GJOS;;:;;:!!!.:::.c~'5'!!'~ is Leave Daily Leave Daily Leave Leave Leave Leave Leave Leave Leave Leave Leave is -J- «S CO) ..... a. Ex. Sunda} Ex. Sunday Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily STATIONS :::a::IlIlI:II BKWOTP TO-R HOUSTON (Grand Cen. Sta.) Yard 9.30PM 7.00PM 3.30PM 10.30M.'! 9.25AM 8.05AM 0.0 TO-B 0.5 ----- -- 0.5 TOWN M-K-T C,~lng I '1'4 108 - 0.4 - I 0.9 SEMMES JCT. ---- 0.7 ---..>! - 1.6 Tower (H. B. & T. Cross.) ~ '1'4 26 01 1 - ~ I(I-G.N. Cross.) Q) 1.7 2.0 ---_:0 --- ::; TOWER 68 0 - [ 3.7 ____ A ---- 0.3 TO-R ENGLEWOOD - BKF' Yard --7.1SAIf 10.00Af{ 4.30AM ---11.4SPN 4.0 '1'1 1.4 TOWER 87 - TO (H. B. & T. Crossing) IP 7.20 10.05 4.35 11.50 9.42 7.11 3.41 10.41 9.39 8.16 5.4 T~ 2.9 - 134 P 7.30 10.15 4.45 11.59PN 9.46 7.15 3.45 £10.46 9.43 8.20 8.3 DAWES ---- 4.4 - 104 P 7.40 10.25 4.55 12.09M' 9.51 7.20 3.50 flO.52 9.48 8.25 12.7 FAUNA --- --- 4.2 - 82 P 7.55 5.05 12.19 9.56 7.26 3.55 f10.58 9.53 8.30 16.9 SHELDON 10.35 S 4.2 ~ TO CROSBY - N104S60P 8.36 10.50 6.15 12,35 10.03 f 7.32 4.01 sl1.08 9.59 8.36 21.1 >. ~ T( rn 7.4 ii3- SHEEKS 104 P 9.08 11.05 5.30 12.50 10.11 7.42 4.09 fl1.18 10.08 8.45 28.5 ..>!.., 0 4.0 ti .:4- iii STILSON ... 104 P 9.23 11.13 5.38 1.00 10.16 7.49 4.14 11.23 10.13 8.50 32.5 0 '-' 2.9 iii- 164 KrF ~ TO DAYTON ... Yard W 9.55 5.44 1.30 10.20 s 7.54 5 4.19 ~11 .31 10.17 s 8.56 35.4 S 4:J T( lLll .s 6.1 sl- N56884 P 11.50AM 5.56 1.45 flO.30 s 8.05 s 4.27 s 11 .41 1.J!.41. s 9.06 41.5 LIBERTY T( lQ~L. I ~ITO 3.2 .s AMES -104 P 12.05PN 4.32 fl1.47 9.12 44.7 ~- 10.50 6.17 1.55 10.36 8.11 10.33 4.5 RAYWOOD - N104 863 P 11.05 12.15 6.30 2.05 10.41 8.17 4.37 sl1.55~ 10.38 9.17 49.2 I 4.7 - DEVERS N104 853 P 12.30 6.40 10,47 s 4.43 s12.021'11! 9.23 53.9 '1'( 11.35 2.17 8.24 10.44 ITO 5.1 FELICIA - 80 P 11.S0M,' 12.45 6.50 4,49 £12.08 9.29 59.0 2.29 10.53 8.31 10.50 5.1 TO-R NOME - ~l~l PWY 12.1 8P~ 1.01 7.05 2.45 10.59 8.38 4.55 ~12.18 10.56 9.35 64.1 T( ------ 5.4 CHINA - 12ii P 7 15 8.49 5.01 9.41 69.5 12.45 1.15 2.57 11.05 512.26 11.03 4.1 121) 1.44 7.25 5.06 £12.31 9.46 73,6 PINE ISLAND - P 1.05 3.07 11.11 8.55 11.08 ·1.9 AMELIA - N.8S 84!1 P 1.59 7.35 I 3.20 5.11 9.52 78.5 1.38 11.17 9.04 fl2.40 11.14 --,--- 3.7 TO Tower 74 Cross.} IF 82.2 -T( Tower 32 (GC SF Cross.) - I 83.1 l '1 _._-- I 0.3 BKWOTYP -- 2.00PW 3.00 7.50 4.00AW 83,4 TO·R BEAUMONT (Yard Office) TO-R Yard 6.00AM I 0.3 'R BEAUMONT (Psgr. Sta.) - 311 .35 s 9.22 sm l?,SOPlii s11.26 510.08 83.7 fR 1.6 II' 85.3 Tower 31 (T. & F. S. Crosa) IT< 'I TO 1.0 11- 211 f 5.59 86.3 BARKWELL ~II 00 3.5 CONNELL rill~I:- \14 p 6.2S 3.40 8.50 11.47 9.34 f 6.03 11.36 10.20 89.8 4.2 ~Il- N104 8&1 P 6.40 4 10 9.20 11.52 9.40 f 6.09 1 t.4 1: 10.25 94.0 ~ TERRY 5.6 IXI.-.g l' 130 P 6.55 4.25 9.50 11.59Pldl 9.48 f 6.16 11.48 10.32 99,6 TULANE 3.4 ~II01- PI 103,0 i TO Tower 11 (0. & N.W. CroSl!) ~ T( ----- ---~ 1.5 ----- .... - lil4 P 7 15 4.50 1 12.07AM 9.56 6.22 11.55 10.39 104.5 FRANCIS ~I ~ --- L1 - Ii!! P 7,30 5.01 10.50 f12.12 s10.01 s 6.27 11.5811M 510.44 105.6 ORANGE 5.3 BKWOTYP 11. 15AM 10.55AM 110.9 TO-R ECHO lTc Yard 8.20AM 5.30PM 12.25Afl f10.15PN 6.40AM 12.10PM -- Arrive Daily Arrive Daily Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arriye Al'five Arrive Arrive Arriv, Ex. ,'unday Ex. Sunday Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Da.ily Dally Daily 60 270 242 104 12 6 4 102 8 (2.20) (6.45) (7.30) (6.45) (4:-15) (?~5~) (3~ 15) (2.15) (2.20) (2.45) (~.5~) •.•••. TimeOvf'i ... ~ .... 8 • •.•.. Averil". SpMd P'lf Hour ..•. ~ " ... " Eastward Trains are Superior to Trains of the Same Class in the Opposite Direction. (See Rule 8-72) EXCEPT: No. 11 is superior to No.6. No.7 is superior to No. 12. No. 101 is superior to NOI. 12 and 104. Copied from an original at The History Center, Diboll, Texas. 2001:007 ;.;....;..; -c ORANGE SUBDIVISION WESTWARD 3 = -a: FIRST CLASS SECOND CLASS THIRD CLASS ~'o1;§ ...... > 0a ,c:{':.t.MH .TABLE No. 1 11 103 3 5 101 7 245 243 241 71 59 S f!~::l !tillr.. ':~f~ .... 6<1) Freight Local Local -'- 7, 1930 TeXlill The The Local Suru!et Sunset freight Fre:ght '"e'" '"e "'J:j"'l1li QbD Limited Argonaut Beaumonter PlU!IIenger Limited Mall Freight Freight O;°i! 3< saJl~ - IIIJ Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive D~ily Arrive Dallv f! g. .!¥'.!'l a Dally Daily Dally Dally Daily Daily Dail, Daily Daily Ex-Monday Ex. Sunday E-<J:Qal,:j STATIONS = ) 1'1'0•• HOUSTON (Grand Cen. Sta.) 362.1 9.55A1 3.25P1i 8.00Pl 8.25P1i 10.45P1 Continuous - 0.0 (Tow~r (U.K-T Crossing 361.6 108 - 0.4 SEMMES JCT. 361.2 ~ ,.>j u ~ i! '_1-!TOWlIl (H. B. &;0.7 '1'. Cross.) ,.>j.., 360.5 Eo< Z3 - 0.1 .. <I-G.N. Crolls.} ~ 360.4 f'nnH, Z::t 2.0 .! 0 .0 f'nnHn ... TOWER 68 ::t 368.4 ~ 0.3 0 TO-R ENGLEWOOD ~ 368.1 4.30AN 8.00Plti 7.00AAl 2.00I'M f'nnfln ". 1.4 TOWER 87 1.45 TO (H. B. &; T. Crosillng) 856.7 I 7.11 9.39 3.12 7.45 8.13 10.25 4.00 7.00 6.10 Continuous - - 2.9 I DAWE 363.8 7.06 9.34 3.07 7.40 8.09 10.21 3.45 6.45 6.00 1.25 - 4..4 F 849.4 7.01 9.29 3.02 7.33 8.04 10.15 3.35 6.35 5.45 1.10 - . >lHF.T.nON 845.2 6.56 9.24 2.57 !f 7.26 7.58 10.10 3.25 6.25 5.30 12.55 - il~~~fo - 841. 6.50 9 17 2.51 la 7.14 7.52 10.03 3.00 6.10 5.15 12.40 fO 333.6 2.42 7.42 9.49 2.30 5.50 4.43 12.15 -- 6.41 9.08 7.03 i~ --STILSON 329.6 6.36 9.03 2.37 6.58 7.37 9.44 2.10 5.40 4.33 12.011'11. - 2.9 11.31AM '1'0 DAYTON 3fJ6.7 6.32 f 8.56 s 2.33 5 6.53 7.33 9.40 1.30 5.30 4.25 Continuous - 6.1 7.00AAlto l'1'O 120.6 .3 6.22 .s 8.46 is 2.23 Is 6,41 7.24 s 9.30 12.59 5 15 3.52 1..J!~ 11.OOI'M - 3.2 - 317.4 6.17 8.40 2.18 6.33 7.19 9.22 12.52 5.05 3.40 10.13 RA.
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