'MEN IN THE NEWS'PROFILES "WE WANT HOFFMAN*! ^ STATE'S ATTORNEY-GENERAL A DRAWING BY WALT ON THE EDITORIAL PAGE APPEARS TODAY ON PAG& VOL. XVI, No. 34 WOODBRIDGE, N. J., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1934 PRICE THREE INQUIRY ABSOLVES FROM OUR ERA BUREAU HERE 2 Rubber Checks (Not Their Oujn) GERNS, GREINER,LEWlSMEErTODAY IN EFFORl FRONT IN TOUHYSCANDAL Plague Candidates For Tax Job Candidates of the two major political parties for Tax Collec- TO SAW TOWNSHIP FROM N. J. SUPERVISE Geronimo Blames Old Sys- tor Arc having plenty of trouble with rubber checks. WINDOW Neediest as it may be to say it, lot it be recorded that the 31,000 In Defaulted Bonds Focus Of Conference' tem, Not Personnel, boundcri aro not their own. It i« seldom indeed that our Back in the days when Michael J. Trainer, Democratic atpir- Closed Bank's Receiver, Arranged By Morgehson; Middlesex electorate ha> an op. In Statement ant to succeed Albert Larson, Republican incumbent, WII the Geronimo Promises To Discipline nortunity of voting for a man Townihip Treasurer he was always in there trying to be a nice, Outside Debts Paid While Institution Here Gets ,, well suited to the office he accommodating fellow. And when Michael is in there trying, he 0 CLEARS WHOLE STAFF is in there trying. ERA Employes For Water Laxity Only Collections It Makes Itself s(.rl(, n« Charles Formnnt Re- publican candidate for County One night after dusk, lonff after all nearby banks ha'd sent Ork. Mr. Forman ii at least Confusion During CWA Aid their paying tellers home, a local business man stopped into $2,300 Paid Mandy And Service Is Restored To 75GERNS' TACTICS ANGER ISEPOSITORS IN ono n«p>rant of character «nd Michael's office, a little brcnthlcas and wide-eyed. Is Held Responsible "I missed," he said, or in words to that effect, "the bank. Families In Iselin; Bailey Forced To Turn On fcY DISCHARGING OUT-OF-TOWN OBLIGATK equipment in whoni anyone, of I got to have some cash. Can you cash this check for $200 for ., y party, may feel a thrill of n For The Racket me?" Hydrants To Prevent Public Health Peril Township Committeeman Harry M. Gerns stated s.itiifnction in casting a favor- And Michael didn't say no. After all, ho wu a public ser- ,1,1c ballot. He possesses every Absolving the entire ERA vant and here was ft chance for him to he of real service to a tax- morning that he and Mayor August F. Grejner will <Jon qualification the position de- payer. ACCOUNTING SYSTEM BLAMED BY RELIEF HEAD today, with Walter Lewis, Receiver for the defunct F inandii which can be said for n personnel of any "criminal "Why not?" he replied, or in words to that effect. very feW of 'he current candi- Disciplinary action against the ERA employes respon- National Bank and Trust Company, in an effort to reach j complicity," County Direc- The ne*t day, Michael ended his services as Township atoiicable arrangement to pay off approximately date.. Trcnsurcr for the Republicans had taken charge of the municipal sible for delay in paying water bills of relief clients who tor P. N. Geronimo this ship and they had a new boy for Mike's place. He went back and consequenty. lost water service was promised yesterday by in defaulted bonds. The latest news from Tax Col- m()1 nin forth to the office for several weeks thereafter, but Jays nothing Outside of some ml] ,,.,„„• urscn's office is that ho ' g blamed the old sys- was laid to him about the check until June- the County Executive Diredtor, P. N. Geronimo. hvon • receiving some rubber j tern of relief administration But the check had bounced, long ere'that, and hat continued Service was restored to 75 families in Iselin Wednes- ollectibns made by the ba: is from Thomns Hanson, for- for the fnod order racketeering to bounce at intervals since. The resiliency, however, has lessen- day morning after a special courier from Newark head G.O.P. BREAKS LAW itself on the Township? Secretaryy to Ex-Governor scandal which shocked the town- ed both through continual bouncing and by •having off some of Q * unrters had delivered $2,300 •to a debt, not one cent of the o' , result of the auditors' ship in June. the rubber. At last accounts, restitution to the extent of a hun- Ambrose Mundy of the Middlesex i'tit exposure of nn old, dis- Confusion in the WoodbridRe- dred and a quarter had been made. Water Company, in payment for 1NG0VERNINGHERE, ligation has been written o; niTd one in the cash account. Cnrteret bureau during the period Mr. Larson has been sharing Michael's woes meanwhile. ERA CUTS EXPENSE lelinquent bills of relief clients in year by the municipi li time the Collector, who held when CWA lielp was employed, A gentleman, Thomas Hanson by name, turned one over the iVoodbridge Township alone. first worthless cheek for sev- accessibility of files to all em- counter for a lot of money in payment of taxes about three years During the crisis presented b ASSERTDEMOCRATS ty despite the claims years without complaining, ployes, the impossibility of check- ago. ..It, too, was rubber. Mr. Larson reached out and grabbed it :utting off water to the fnmilie: ems and others that al 1,.1-i pressed MrM . HansoH n ffor pny- ing records of CWA assistants and and tossed it back to the bank again. It came right back, much BY SENDING CASES in Isclin, Health Inspector Harol Stinging Indictment Hits III,MII. in the last few weeks, he the use of unguarded offices in the ' i the manner of a boomerang. (Continued on Page 12) Bailey was forced to turn on hyd- maturities have been met. i-,,L- received a new check in sub- Municipal Building were advan- rants so that scJme water mighi .•itution. But each of those has TO TOWJfSJ OCTOR Administration Figures Although possibility ced by Mr. Geronimo as basic e obtainable. i_'i,ni' floocy, in turn, and Mr. Lar- causes of the racket exposed with Mr. Geronimo declared that th( As All Misleading either a suit to collect the ,,111 i-i said to hnve had three of the arrest of Mrs. Daisy Tuohy, State Seeks If. S. Funds To Speed Relief Clients Unloaded delay was largely a matter of ac •''..•!« liounce back on his hands. Fred Hubcr and Stephen J. Gurka. ounting. Water bills, he said ,an debtedness or an application^' ||..w's that for hiffh finance? The County Director emphasized On Dr. Fox Under rendered quarterly and until no 'GRAVE DANGER'FEAR to the State to take over th&'V the fact that Mrs. Touhy'and Hu- Elimination Of Crossings Here there has been no provision i Having failed to fulfill their bcr were hired under the CWA. ERA bookkeeping for sue municipality in view of the$ public pledfro to keep within and also stressed his assertion "the NEWSCHEME In a stinging 2,000-word r charges. Budgets are made u indictment of the present ad- default was strongly hinted,^ 50 r. of each appropriation in system now in vogue under the Woodbridge Projects Submitted By Public Utility Board monthly, relief grants obtained o (liis year's budget, the Town District Office Plan provides a To Federal Engineers For Approval Which, If Given, BOARD HERE HELPLESS that basis and books sharply bal- ministration's financial rec- no verification could be ob-'ij Committee is apparently amnz. positive safeguard against frauds anced at the end of every calendar ord and policies, the Demo- tained. 'i r,l that' we should tell the truth of this nature." Would Remove Objections Of The Pennsylvania Redistribution of ERA month. Some of the water bills cratic Executive Campaign about it. But we are endeavor- Mr. Geronimo's 1,000-word medical cases, throwing the were unpaid for as long as nine Committee this morning Township Treasurer O. jJ| ing to serve the people, and not months. tlip politicians. Our readers statement carefully reviewed the GOVERNMENT WORK TO BEGIN WITHIN 90 DAYS bulk of the work upon Town- charged the party in power here Morgenson said that he had^ have a right to the information, factual history of the case, men- ship Physician S. W. Fox, is Seek Clerk Responsible "has violated every statute gov- been in conference with Mrv1,' re^nrdlesi of party affiliations, tioned "exhaustive investigation" The County Director said he erning municipalities in New Jer and "voluminous testimony," re- Early elimination of all railroad grade crossings in seriously worryini g ththe would attempttt t to find out what Lewis yesterday regarding^! and we propose to keep them y." posted, whether the Committee- vealed that every employe in the Woodbridgo Township is predicated on the willingness of Board of Health. Parker employe in the local bureau was the matter and that the dW* bureau was questioned and stated he Federal government to,advance the necessary funds Nielsen, its attorney, says he can responsible for allowing the mat- Challenging the reports "sup mr-n like or dislike the disclo- some delay was caused "by obtain- poaed to have been issued" by var cuasion today was the result" sures. —about $1,500,000. see no action the township can ter to hang fire so long. ious members of the Township ing testimony of former employes take. Health Inspector Bailey said He asserted that it has been (Continued on page 12) In response to a request for its program of needed Committee, the Democratic blast Days of bluffing: and bull-dozing Most chronic and contagious yesterday 'he had checked the sit- also attacks "the manner in which the intention of the Committee to improvements, the State Board of Public Utility Commis- uation and has .
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