NEUROSCIENCE WINTER CONFERENCE 14th International Sölden Austria April 10-April 14 2012 Central Spa Hotel Final Scientific Program Time schedule of plenary lectures, symposia and special interest sessions List of Poster Sessions List of Participants Abstracts Program Commiee: Contributors: Organizer: brainplatform.net e.U. Tobias Bonhoeffer - Austrian Neuroscience Associa?on Nils Brose Conference Chair: - Internaonal Society Alois Saria for Neurochemistry Alois Saria, Austria Stephan Schwarzacher - Central Spa Hotel Sölden 1 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday April 10 April 11 Afternoon April 12 Afternoon 15:00 – 17:00 Registra?on 16:00 – 16:45 Keynote Lecture 3 16:00 – 16:45 Keynote Lecture 5 Edvard Moser (Norway) Erin Schuman (Germany) 17:00 – 17:45 Keynote Lecture 1 Brain maps for space Local translaon in neurons Leslie Vosshall (USA) The genecs of innate behavior: Courtship and 16:45 – 17:15 Coffee Break 16:45 – 17:15 Coffee Break feeding 17:15 – 19:15 Symposium 3 17:15 – 19:15 Symposium 5 17:45 – 18:00 Break Axonal computa?on of neurotransmi*er The neurobiology of Sleep release (Chair: Dimitri Rusakov) (Chair: William Wisden) TUESDAY TO THURSDAY TO THURSDAY TUESDAY 18:00 - 20:00 Symposium 1 Neural circuits and behavior in Drosophila Beverley Clark (UK) Direct measurement of Helmut Haas (Germany) Waking with the (Chair: Alexander Borst) signalling in mammalian central axons hypothalamus Dominique Debanne (France) Analog-digital Raphaelle Winsky-Sommerer (UK) Physiology Ian Meinertzhagen (Canada) Progress towards signaling in hippocampal axons and pharmacology of sleep: Novel insights into the connectome of the Drosophila visual Yuji Ikegaya (Japan) Func;onal and structural the role of GABAergic and adenosinergic system role of axon cables in synap;c output transmission Alexander Borst (Germany) ON and OFF Nigel Emptage (UK) The role of glutamate Giorgio F. Gilestro (UK) Sleep in Drosophila pathways in Drosophila mo;on vision autoreceptors in transmiMer release Melanogaster Michael Dickinson (USA) Straighten up and fly William Wisden (UK) Neuronal pathways of PROGRAM 2012 right: Visual navigaon in Drosophila sleep and anaesthesia Vivek Jayaraman (USA) Probing sensorimotor integraon in Drosophila 19:15 – 20:30 Poster Session Wednesday Thursday April 11 Morning April 12 Morning 08:15 – 09:00 Keynote Lecture 4 08:15 – 09:00 Keynote Lecture 2 Anne-Marie Craig (Canada) Mar?n Schwab (Switzerland) Cell surface synapc organizing complexes Structural plascity and hardware repair aer CNS injury 09:00 – 11:00 Symposium 4 Ubiqui?n-like proteins in nerve cell 09:00 – 11:00 Symposium 2 development and synapc func?on and Corcal reorganisaon following brain injury plascity (Chairs: Damian Refojo & Nils Brose) (Chairs: Mathias Bähr & Melanie Wilke) Nils Brose (Germany) Nedd4-family ubiqui;n Melanie Wilke (Germany) Reorganisaon of ligases in nerve cell development and spaal networks following reversible lesions in differen;aon thalamo-cor;cal circuits: fMRI and single cell Damian Refojo (Germany) Needing studies in monkeys Neddylaon: A role for Nedd8 in neuronal Chrisan Gerloff (Hamburg) Reorganisaon of development the motor network following irreversible brain Andreas W. Püschel (Germany) Regulaon of lesions in stroke paents neuronal polarity by Rap1 GTPases Giacomo Koch (Italy) Hyperexcitability of Azad Bonni (USA) Regulaon of neuronal parietal-motor func;onal connec;ons in the connec;vity by ubiqui;n signaling intact leH-hemisphere of paents with neglect: Combined TMS and MRI studies in human 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break paents Andreas Lu_ (Switzerland) Neurophysiology- 11:30 - 13:30: Special Interest Session 2 based approaches for neurorehabilitaon Condioned vulnerability elicited by metabolic insults occurring at birth: New 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break paradigms for understanding neuropsychiatric disorders with delayed clinical onset 11:30 - 13:30 Special Interest Session 1 (Chair: Mario Herrera-Marschitz) ISN Symposium on Accumbens cholinergic interneurons as a therapeuc target in Peter J Gebicke-Haerter (Germany) Systems substance-use disorders: basic science (Chair: biology, epigene;cs, and beyond: New Gerald Zernig) paradigms and understandings on Ilka Diester (USA) Cholinergic interneurons development of mental diseases control local circuit ac;vity and cocaine Andre Fischer (Germany) Epigenecs in condioning schizophrenia Louk Vanderschuren (The Netherlands) The R. Andrew Tasker (Canada) Repe;;ve insults neurobiology of social play behaviour in rats facilitate disease progression and disease Karine Guilleme (France) Simultaneous diversity recording of accumbens network ac;vity with microelectrode arrays and its neurochemical Mario Herrera-Marschitz (Chile) modulaon with real-;me neurochemistry Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokine;cs Gerald Zernig (Austria) Possible differen;al studies showing that PARP-1 inhibi;on protects role of accumbens cholinergic interneurons in against the long-term consequences of drug- vs social interac;on reward perinatal asphyxia 2 Friday Friday Saturday April 13 Morning April 13 Afternoon April 14 16:00 – 16:45 Keynote Lecture 7 08:15 – 10:15 Symposium 8 08:15 – 09:00 Keynote Lecture 6 Idan Segev (Israel) Neuroethology: Novel approaches to studying Gilles Laurent (Germany) Inhibing the brain - design principles the brain in ac?on (Chair: Georg Keller) Theme and variaons on STDP 16:45 – 17:15 Coffee Break Florian Engert (USA) A neural circuit controlling 09:00 – 11:00 Symposium 6 motor learning in larval zebrafish Stem cells and neurodegenerave diseases 17:15 – 19:15 Symposium 7 Richard Hahnloser (Switzerland) Auditory FRIDAY TO SATURDAY TO SATURDAY FRIDAY (Chairs: Govindan Dayanithi and Eva Sykova) Imaging neuron subcellular organizaon and feedback and song learning ac?vity; from molecules to func?on (Chair: Michael Häusser (UK) Spaal navigaon: The Zaal Kokaia (Sweden) Stem cells and stroke Daniel Choquet) view from inside a single cell Eva Sykova (Czech Republic) Treang spinal Carl Petersen (Switzerland) Synap;c cord injury using an immortalized human Daniel Choquet (France) A nanoscale view into mechanisms of sensory percep;on neural stem cell line (SPC-01) the dynamic of AMPA receptor organizaon in Lawrence Rajendran (Switzerland) Cellular synapses 10:15 – 10:45 Coffee Break complexity underlying Alzheimer's disease Thomas Oertner (Germany) Synap;c plas;city: Govindan Dayanithi and Eva Sykova (France Adjus;ng weights or changing topology? 10:45 – 12:45 Symposium 9 and Czech Republic) Calcium homeostasis in Valen?n Nägerl (France) Dual-color Neurogenesis and glial func?on and PROGRAM 2012 stem cells superresolu;on imaging of synapses and glia dysfunc?on in aging and neurodegeneraon: cells in living brain slices using STED microscopy The ulmate neural symbiosis (Chair: Jose 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break Antoine Triller (France) The synapse as a Julio Rodriguez Arellano) stas;cal nanomachine Djoher Nora Abrous (France) Neurogenic changes in aging 19:30 Gala Dinner (free for Central Spa hotel José Julio Rodriguez Arellano (Spain) residents, others book at hotel front desk for Neurogenic impairment and recovery in 50,- €) Alzheimer's disease: A concomitant process with glial alteraons Alexei Verkhratsky (UK) Astroglial ionotropic receptors in neurodegeneraon Lydia Vargova (CZ) Changes in CNS diffusion parameters during aging and Alzheimer´s disease 12:45 End of mee?ng and departure 3 Thursday April 12 19:15 - 20:30 Poster Session 1. Dynorphin mutaons cause human 13. Inhibitory control over spine dynamics by neurodegenerave disorder spinocerebellar drug-unpaired environments ataxia type 23 B. F. Singer, N. Bubula, V. Bindokas, P. Vezina D.S. Verbeek, H. Watanabe, J. Jezierska, K.A. Artemenko, T. Yakovleva, Kurt F. Hauser, and 14. Inhibi?on of the Casein-kinase-1-epsilon/ Georgy Bakalkin delta prevents relapse-like alcohol drinking Stéphanie Perreau-Lenz, Valen;na Vengeliene, Hamid R. Noori, Emilio V. Merlo-Pich, Mauro A. POSTER PRESENTATIONS 2. Lipophilicity as a determinant of procaine analogues binding to the rat α3β4 niconic Corsi, Corrado Cor; & Rainer Spanagel acetylcholine receptor Cheffer A., Mustafa E.V., -do Amaral A.T., Ulrich 15. Correlaon between diffusion tensor H. imaging and relaxometry in Hunngton’s disease: A globus pallidus study 3. A nanoscale view into the dynamic of AMPA Michael Syka, Jiří Keller, Jiří Klempíř, Aaron M. receptor organizaon in synapses Rulseh, Jan Roth, Robert Jech, Ivan Voříšek Mario Carta, Patrizio Opazo, Julien Veran, Josef Vymazal Daniel Choquet, Christophe Mulle and Françoise Coussen 16. EAG channels enable cost efficient neural coding in cockroach photoreceptors 4. Bilateral propagaon of neuroinflammatory Vähäsöyrinki M., Frolov R., Immonen E.-V., reacon in the dorsal root ganglia alongside Salmela I, Weckström M. neuroaxis aer unilateral nerve injury and possible intrathecal signaling 17. Neddylaon controls axonal and dendric Dubový P., Svíženská I., Klusáková I., Brázda V., development in the mouse brain Joukal M., Strejčková, L. AnneMe M Vogl, Marisa Brockmann, Boldizsar Czéh, Sebas;an Gius;, Anna Moebus Florian 5. Two cases of rare form of Charcot-Marie- Holsboer, Wolfgang Wurst, Chichung Lie, Jan M Tooth disease caused by mutaon in Deussing, Damian Refojo Hexokinase 1 gene Gabriková D.1, Bernasovská J.1, Mistrík M.2, 18. An?convulsants failed to block whereas Tóthová I.1 bumetanide suppressed the epilepform ac?vity in immature rat temporal cortex 6. Mild hypothermia therapy for pa?ents with Abdul Wahab, Klaus Albus, Uwe Heinemann severe brain injury Gal R., Smrcka M., Slezak M., Colonova
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