674 •LONDESBOBOUGIJ. EAST RIDING YORKSHIRE. (KELLY"a pitched roofs, sloped at the ends and relieved with Easthorpe i11 4,243 acres of land and 15 of water; rate­ dormeTII. .A sum of about /;3 yearly was left by Miss able value. [,3,727; the population in rgn waa 328. Knowlton to repair the famtly tombs, any surplus to The hamlet and farm of Easthorpe is 1 mile east be used for the distribution in bread to the poor. This frCJm the village; part of Easthorpe pays {,22 4s. eorn place gives the title of baron and earl to the Denison rent-charge to the parish of Goodmanham. family. Londesborough Park, which adjoins the village, Post &; T. Office. Henry Hagyard, sub-postmaster. i• the property of the Earl of Londesborough K.C.V.O. but is now ( 1913) unoccupied ; the mansion stands in Letters from Market W eighton arrive at ro a.m. k 6.10 p.m.; dispatched at 11.20 a.m. & 6.3-5 p.m. a park of 400 acres, containing an avenue of trees up­ Market W eighton is the nearest money order office wards of a mile long and a succession of lakes and waterfalls, the largest lake covering 9 acres. The Earl Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in r83o, for of Londesborough K.C.V.O. is l<>rd of the manor and 6o children ; average attendance. 42; Miss Florence 10le landowner. The soil is chalk and clay; the subsoil is Dickens, mistress principally chalk. The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley, Railway Station. Londesborough (but in Shipton Thorpe turnips and seeds. The area of Londesborough and parish). ChaTles Temple, station master Cat'l'ier to Market Weighton.-Jnmes Hagyard, wed Wilton Re'V. Richard Cecil B.A. Galtrey Wm. farmer. Middlethorpe McPherson John Charles, head gar- (rector), Rectory Hagyard James. carrier & farmer dener to the Earl of Londesborough COMMERCIAL. Hagyard James, jun. bricklayer Walmsley Waltr. Bell, frmr. Park fro Blakey Ernest David, frmr. Moor frm Huirsine Edward, farmer, Londes- Whitworth Robert, farmer, Londeq- Cobb George, farmer & insurance boroug-h Wold bo10ugh stud • broker, Cleaving grange (postal ad· Harrison Robert (e:t:ors. of), farmers, Wreghitt John, farmer, Easthorpe dress, Nunburnholme Station,York) Warrendale farm Young F. Eldred, assistant agent, Davill William, shopkeeper 1 Hepton John W. clerk of the works Estate office 'Fraser .Alex. Gordon, land agent to Hyde John, blacksmith, clerk to Young William, gamekeeper to tht> the Earl of Londesborough 1 Parish Council & assistant overseer Earl of Londesborough t.OWTHOBPE is a scattered parish, township and priests and seven chaplains, but institutions to the emall village, with a &tation on the Hull and Sca.rborough college ceased in 1579 : there [re roo sittings. The of the North Eastern railway, and is 5 mi!es register dates from the year I549· The living is a north-east from Driffield, in the Buckrose division of the vicarage, with Ruston Parva annexed, joint net yearly Riding, wapentake of Dickering, Bainton Beacon pettr value [.1 rs, including 48 acres of glebe and residence, eessional divisio14 union and. county court district of in the gift of W. H. St. Quintin esq. and held since Driffield, rural deanery of Bridlington, a.rchdeaconry of 1891 by the Rev. Hepworth Frank Atkinson M.A. of the EII.Sit Riding and diocese of York. The church of St. CRius College, Cambridge. A vicarage house was Ma-rtin, once collegiate, is an ancient building consisting erected in 1893· Lowthorpe Lodge, a mansion in the of nave only, the chaneel having long been in ruins: in Tudor style, is the occasional residence of William the chancel is a monumental slab with a brass inscribed Herbert St. Quintin esq. D.L., J.P. lord of the manor to John Pierson esq. ob. r665, and there is another of a and principal landowner, whose estates in this paril;h 'knight in armour with clasped hands, replaced in the cover 1,638 acres, and include extensive game preserves. thurch in 1900: here also lies an ancient tombstone, The Elms, the residen~e of Frederick Kirk Hawes esq. •bearing the recumbent figures of a man and his wife is a modern house about half a mile from the lodge. with the heads of their family of children, apparently The soil is gravelly chalk; subsoil, chalk. The chief growing on branches proceeding from the bodies of their crops are wheat, barley, oats and turnips. The area is parents, and on the outside of the north wall is a stone 1,961 acres of land and 6 of water; rateable value, with an inscription (now illegible) recording the various £2,775; the population in r9n was t68. alterations and repairs which at different periods the Sexton, Michael Farthing. church had undergone: Sir John de Heslerton in 136+ Post M. O. & T. Office.-Otho Baxter Race, sub-post­ founded in the chuTCh six perpetual chantries; Sir master. Letters arrive from Driffield at 6.40 a. m. & 'Thomas de Heslerton added another and endowed the ..church with the Manor of Lowthorpe and the Mansion are dispatched thereto at 6.3o p.m. Bags are made up at Lowthorpe for Harpham, Ruston Parva, Kil- House: in 1775 the roof was repaired, and in 1777 the ham, Langtoft, Kelk, Gransmore, Lissette, Ulrome .t interior was paved and pewed and the chancel renovated 'by Sir William St. Quintin bart. a descendant of the Barmston, & messengers dispatched to those places Heslertons, and then lord of the manor and patron of at 7·5 a.m the living. The church was made collegiate as early as The children of this place attend the school at Harpham 1333, the college consisting of a rector, six chantry Railway Station, George Holt, station master Atkinson Rev. Hepworth Frank M. .A. Burdass Isaiah, farmer, Wellclose Race Otho Baxter, shopke£>per, & (vicar), Vicarage Fields John, farmer, Bath closl' 8ub-Post office 'HawE>~ Frederick Kirk, The Elm!! Hawes Frederick Kirk, land agent to Sawdon James, woodman to W. H. St. Quintin William Herbert D.L., W. H. St. Quintin esq. The Elms St. Quintin esq J.P. Lowtho-rpe lodge; & Scamp- Lamplough John Crosby, farmer, Mil- Ullyott Francis, farmer, Cattleholme1 ston hall, Ri!Iington lingdale (letters through Wansford) Law Charles Garnet, farmer, Cattle Ullyott Wm. Lamplough,millr.(water) COMMERCIAL. holmes (letters through Wansford) Wresdell John, farmer, Spring farm Agar George, farmer, Sleights farm Murray ,"fohn, head gamekeeper to • (letters through Nafferton) W. H. St. Quintin esq L UND is a parish, township and village on the road schoolroom attached, built in 1871, in place of an older from B~verley to Driffield, rl miles south from Bainton one now used as a temperance hall. The ancient mar­ etation, on the Scarborough, Bridlington and West ket cross, repaired in 1755, still remains. Lord Hotham, :Riding railway and 7 north-west from Beverley, in the who is lord of the manor, and the Earl of Londes­ "B1lckrose division of the Riding, petty sessional division borough K.C.V.O. ·are•the principal landowners. The fJl Bainton Beacon, wapentake of Harthill, union and soil is rich loam; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are eounty court district of Beverley, rural d&a.nery of Hart- "'heat, barley and turnips. The acreage is 3,o78; ra.te­ 'hill, archdeacon-ry of the East Riding and diocese of able value, [,3,778; the population in 19II was 408. York. The church of .All Saints is a building of stone Deputy Parish Clerk, James Baxter. in the Gothic style, consisting of chancel, nave, north -aisle1 south porch and an embattled westero tower, Post ~ M. 0. Office.-William Thurlow, sub-postmaster. with pinnacles, containing 2 bell 11 : there are 1everal Letters are received from Beverley at 7.50 a. m.; monuments, and a brass lectern and altar brass were dispatched at 5·5 p.m.; no sunday mail. Middleton- furnisht>d in 1891 by subscription: the church affords on-the-Wolds, 2 miles distant, is the nearest telegraph aso aitting~. A piece. of ground Wjl given in 1901 by office Lord Hotham for the enlargement: of the churchyard. Public Elementary School (mixed). erected in t8~ & 'l'he register dates from the year 1587. The living is a 11nlarged in 1899, for 108 children; average attend- •icarage with t.hat of Kiln wick annexed, joint net ance, 70 ; Charh~s Oldroyd, master yearly nlue £340, including 211 acres of glebe, with . reaidence, in the gift ol the ReY. Canon Alexander Carnerra to ,-Qrimston M. .A.. vicar of Stillingfleet, and held aince 1913 Be-verley-~-\.lfred Harvey & William Waites\ sat by the Bev., ..A.rthur Michael Dunoom.be Du-Pre B.A... Driffield-.Alfre-d Barvey & George Waites, hurt­ of LjncolD, Q,o~ge. O~ord. There is a Wesleyan chapel, j Hull-William Waitet, on toes erect~ iq !US• and a Primitive Methodist chapel, with Hull---Geo-rge Waites; fri .
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