Exhibit 3-A Current Organizational Chart of CVS Health and Its Affiliates L.1111Edll.D.11!.1112-7-2017

Exhibit 3-A Current Organizational Chart of CVS Health and Its Affiliates L.1111Edll.D.11!.1112-7-2017

Exhibit 3-A Current organizational chart of CVS Health and its affiliates L.1111edll.d.11!.1112-7-2017 •CVSHealth C\'SHnllh fu!..m.m.ao: Corporation 12/1/2017 (DE) C\'S Pharmat'~, Int". (RI) Enlrrprhr llud...-. ~1..rir,­ Dfvl&lrllra!th. C\SR..at 0'5111- .\hhWrR.,.I~ ~Unut.-<llnk, C\'!,:,,iu" \\rilpartnn.l.LC P•lim1~drf) {"-UJ:'o !-iub<"urp. t:oui.-LU:1tn Cump,tn),lnc. 1_1_c. --,.LLI: LU:• (DEJ Orpnhatlon. LU: (u.n.1n.r-.••u. CP.-\) (RI) \■ rlous111 ■1n ''-"'~l'l (~\") (Dt:) ... (urtou.,,111 ■ tn) UA:(RI) \lountatn(;"',r LuntoDruc IRH"lllfflflll Gn,upLU: l.,·s 1·.uromt"- ■, C\S!wilmtlff (\IOJ 1-1-C. .,..~nar. 1-1-1'. II Omnkw.". lnr. lntffll-1kamil \CAJ c.w1 cot:) ,_,_c. (l>t:) \\P~m ■ 11 lluldlnp.1.U: (DE) C':\"~PR CmlrT,ln.-. 11>1•:J ~pc-d■ li,~rT\(«-t llntdln1l.l.(" COE) c,·~rR lluldtni (',.-np■ n~, A 1-1-C. D (PR) PtirrtuRlru (:\', Ph.arm•~. 1.1.C. (PR) CVS Health Corporation CVS Pharmacy Retail (DE) With Jax Classification for LLCs (disregarded or corp) I CVS Phannacy, Inc. (RI) CO, MA, NM, SD & TX Stores _l I I I J I I 1\1assachusetts Store LLCs Store LLCs CVS CVS PR CVS RS \l.,hill.-Rulr\ CVS Rx Services, Longs Drug (Taxed as c,·s TX lloldin,: CVS NV Holding Comran,, In;. (Taxed as Comr•n~, Ll3'. Pharmacy, Inc. Center, Inc. Arizona, (~\') Inc. Stores, L.L.C. Disregarded)' Company, L.L.C. Corporations)' (di•rt't ■ rdll'd) L.L.C. (AZ) (l..r11w(;u ■ rantm) (NY) (MD) Various (DE) (MA) (DE) Various States (lnactivel States J I ongs Urug I J CVS PR CVS Bellmore Store LLCs Store LLCs ' Stores Nevada CVS Holding Avenue, LL.C. (Taxed as CVS ETB Holding (Taxed as California, L.L.C. Phannacy, L.L.C. Company, (1'"\') Disregarded)' Compan,·, L.LC. Disregarded)' (CA HI NV) (NV) L.L.C. (PR) (disregarded) AZ,IL&NV (Jbn-5:ndNI) AZ. Stores Disregarded NV Stores (1'"\' store) Stores _I CA C::.tnroc:. Puerto Rico CVS Pharmacy, L.LC. I (PR) PR Stores Alu1ku CVS Pharma(), LLC. CAKJ AK Store, Idaho CVS Pharm11c~, L.LC. (ID) ID S1on, E.T.B., Inc. Amt'rinn DruRSlorc-• Dda\larc-, LLC. (DE) !liiD •lore• Kan11, CVS Pharma,"), LLC. (KS) KS S1or" (TX beer and J Arkan~•• CVS Pharmac~. LLC. (AR) AR Slor"• Loui,lana CVS Pharma'), LL.C. ILA) LA Stun• "'"-ine retailer) Alahama CVS Pbarmat~, LLC. (AL) AL Slort", CanCc-atc-r Pharmac,, LLC. (DE) GA, IL. MD, Ml, !\111'i,,lppi CVS Pbarm11c,, LLC. (MS) MS Slon• MS, NC, !\'J, OH, PA, TN, TX. VA 11ad WI Arizona CVS Stt>r"I!"•, LL.C. (AZ) Cno11cl'tkut CVS Pharma(), LLC. (CT) CT Store, MN, !\110, !\llh-u1uri CVS Pharmac~. LLC. (MO) MO Store, Slnrc-• CVS 3268 Gilhl:-rt, LLC. (AZ) Dcla"llrt" CVS Pbarmac,, LLC. (D[) DE Sinn, Montana CVS Pharma,-,, LLC. f!\1n !\1T Slort'• CVS 2948 Hc-aduwa, L.LC. (NV) /'I,'\' Sluft'• !"ebn,ka CVS Pharma'), LLC. (!"E) NE Stoft'• C\'S J1.l!> P~1rla, LLC. (AZ) 1°"• CVS Pharma(), LLC. (IAJ IA Store, CVS Albany. LLC. (!"iY) :r,.,·y S111r"• Ohio CVS Sloft'•, LLC. (OH) OH Storr• CVS Gil~rt 3272, LLC. (AZ) K... niurk~ CVS Pharma(), L.LC. (KY) KY S1or"• CVS Mancbc-,ter NH. LLC. (l"iHJ ;"l,"H Sttift', Oregon CVS Pharm11,1, LLC. (OR) OR Ston:, 2 M11ry land CVS Ph11rm1H"), LLC. (MD) MD Store• CVS Stale Capical, LLC. (ME) ME Sloft'• Pen11,~h·1111111 CVS Pb11rmac), LLC. (PA) PA Slort'• Bu,w- C\'S, L.LC. (IL) Mi"h,ippi C\'S Pharma'). LLC. (MS) !'t-1S Stur~ Dhtricl of Columbia CVS Pharma,-,, LLC. (DC) DC South Carolin11 CVS Pharm11,1, LL.C. (SC) SC Shift'• Gond~"ar CVS, LLC. (AZ) :"o"e"' Jc-r~~ G'S Pb11rmu1, LLC. (SJ) :\J Stun• Ston-• Ut ■ b C\'S Pharma'), LLC. (Un UT Slon-, ~h·ffield AHnUt' CVS, LLC. (IL) l"ortb C11rulin11 C\'S Pharmacy, LLC. (SC) NC Slorc-, Garfield lkach CVS, LLC. (CA) CA Slure-. \'.,rmonl C\'S Pbarmlll"~, LLC. ("\T) VT Sloft'• Snulh Wab111h C\'S, LLC. (IL) Oklahoma CVS Ph11rmac~. LLC. (OKI OK Store, G~of"Ria CVS Pharma•"), L.LC. (GA) GA Store-, Warm SprillR• Ruud CVS, LLC. (NV) :,r,,"\• Storl'."• Thumn Pbouit CVS, LLC. (AZ) Rbodt.> hland CVS Pbarm11'), LLC. (RI) RI S1ur·e, Cri.-rm11a Dob.un CVS, LLC. (AZ) AZStoft'• W11,hi11j?to11 CVS PharmDl"), L.LC. (WA) WA Store, Grand SL Paul CVS, LLC. (!\-1SJ .\1S Stun:, Wa,biagtnn L11mh CVS, LLC (;"I,'\) Tt'nnl:',tt CV~ Pharmu1. LLC. (TS) Tl" Stare-, Wt"\I Virginia C\'S PbarmaQ, LLC. (W\') \\'\' Sloft'• Highland Parl. C\'S, LLC. (IL) IL Shift', Virginia G'S Pbarmu1, LLC. (VA) \'A Slon, Wi\rn11•i11 C\'S Phumac), LLC. (WI) WI Stun-, Holiday CVS, L.LC. (FL) FL Slun·• Wood"'ard Dt'lrnil C\'S, LLC. (,\11) !\11 Stort'• Hook-Suf'('rX, LL.C. (l!"ro') l!"ro' S111re, 2 CVS Health Corporation (DE) CVS Pharmac Warehouse/Dis CVS Phannacy, Inc. (RI) Phoenix, AZ LaHabra, CA Lumberton, NJ Woonsocket, RI North Smithfield, RI Conroe, TX Ennis, TX Fredericksburg, VA I I I I I I I I I I CVS Vero FL CVS Orlando CVS Indiana, cvssc CVS TN CVS AL Hook-SupeRx, CVS CVS PA Distribution, FL CVS Rx L.L.C. Distribution, Distribution, Distribution, L.L.C. (DE) Longs Drug Michigan, Distribution, L.L.C. Distribution, Services, Inc. (IN) L.L.C.(SC) L.L.C.(TN) L.L.C. (AL) lndlanapolis Stores, L.L.C. L.L.C. (Ml) L.L.C.(PA) (FL) L.L.C. (NY) 1 Augusta, GA IN (MD) Vero, FL (FL) Chemung, NY Indianapolis, N. Augusta, Loudon, TN Bessemer, AL (Alcohol) Novi, Ml Somerset, PA Medley, FL Orlando, FL IN SC Knoxville, TN Longs Drug Stores Callfomla, L.L.C. (CA) Ontario,CA Patterson, CA Kapolei, HI Honolulu, HI 3 CVS Caremark MEDICARE PART D Active Med D Companies Highlighted CVS Health Corporation (DE) I CVS Pharmacy, Inc. IRI\ T Caremark Rx, L.L.C. (DE) I I I I I I I I I C11remarl,. ' Part O Holding Choice Sou ru U~ ,w~ Holding CVSCan:mark Cucmul., C ■ rcmarlJ'CS, CbolccSoun:c, R1Amuica LLC Cnmp■ nJ, LLC. Tbcrapeulk nf Corp.(formcrl} Part~ Scnlcn. LLC. LLC. LLC. (DE) (0[) Hou,tonTnu, Unhcr"lal LLC. (CAI (DE) (~IO) (boldl11gco) LL.C.(MOJ American Corp.) (DE) , (N'\-'J I ' I I I l I I SilnrScripl PbnrmaCa~ Attcndo UAC HoldlnR, McmhcrHHllb ln1unincc lasuran« C■ plhc R£, Ltd. Inc. LLC (AZ) ComP,,n~ CompaD) (DE) (DEi (TN) (n:IDH1'11Dtt (Ul) rompH)') (fbird~party (Tblnl-puty " rbk) rbk) I Pc?uytvn.la urc IniunnCt" Compaay (PA) 4 C\'S Health Corporation CVS Health International Structure (DE) I I CVS Pharma~. Inc. (RI) CVS Foreign, (Srrat~ic. Inc. - mcrcbandi1inf, (l\'Y) admln., logi,rlo and pbormal) opensrlon,) I .88% CVS International, L.L.C. (DE) '- CVS Caremark Indemnity Ltd. I (Bermuda capti,·e CCI Foreign insurance Holdings, Sari company) (Lux) '- I CCI Foreign, Sar-I (Lux) \. I I I I lnno,·ati,·e 99% CVS Safir \\'orldwide I Beauty Sourcing UK, Ltd. Distributors Holdings, (UK) (IIK) Limited (Hong Kong) \: 'CLC(O') % I 1% Pamplona Drogaria SaUde e Beleza Onofre Ltda. LTDA (Brazil) (Brazil) 5 CVS Health Corporation (DE) CVS Caremark PBM, Specialty Pharmacy and Mail Order -cvs Pharmacy, Inc. I J!ill ProCaR' Pharma~. LLC. Caremark (RI) !drdlmpacl (dhrrit ■ rdrd) Rx, L.L.C. (unrdattd) '- (DE) J --'-""'-­ Pharm ■ Can­ [1.prr" CbnkrSoun:r CarcmarlPCS C ■ rcmarL.PbC, """'"'cUr Ocran ProCan Sped ■ I~ CVS PR LLC. Ec"-crd ~=-~~ Pharma~~ C ■ rrmari., Tb,mapeutic or Cboi1.TSourcc, Al1b1m1M1il Cattmarl.PCS, Acqui1itl1111 Pharma') Hc■ llbnrr Fl.a Corpontlon """ Scnkc-1of PA, LLC. Hnu,ton, Tci.n., LLC. Pbarmu) LLC ,._..., Sub,LLC. Olrrct, LLC. Oi,tributo"', Center, Inc. Phann1C1n­ oftlorlda. L.LC. (CA) LLC. (MOJ Holding, LLC (0[) Holll-._Ul' (DE) (OH) LLC. M11112cmcn1 Inc. (!19..) (DE) (MOI (DE) (AL) ("bolMaler) \_ Scr,oicn ~•;.cp, 0•1.cP I ,,.-.-r Carrmark I I Caremark.PCS Canmark ( ss P&D Rcdlaad, Al1b11m1M1il Ed,crd Puu10Rlro Can.,mar"­ Holdrn, LLC Pbarmac,,, t- Pbarmac), Ht'111tb Sprclal~ Put"rtoRico (01nnccthl~· LLC. LLC ScnicN Pbarmac,, Holding, LLC. ) (CA) (Al) (~ncnl 5CarrmarL. 17Canm ■ rJ.. Holding, LLC. (PR) !\tailPbarm ■ C'\ S(IC'dal~ P1r1ncnblp) Holding LLC; Pbarmllt) ~o•;., (AZ. Fl., IL and Holdin1t LLC• ~ _l l J I I (iariou,datc•) Cattmark Baumd AdunnPCS PuutoRlco Carcmar"­ CarcmarL.PCS Acconlanl Sun-uriph, Ei,nt'r Sprdal~ Rl, Carrmark J Spc-dal~ Puuto Rim, Hcallb. HcallbSo:nlcn, LLC Rcpad,. LLC i-- LLC. St'uromnUcal LLC. LLC. 7 Pbarmac,,, LLC.(DE) cconnecti,I~) In,tltutc, 6Can-muk 17 C11.n-mar"­ LLC. (PR) (Dh~anfrd) (DE) LLC.(fl) Mail Pharmac,, SJ1Cd•I~ (PR) LLC• Pbarm•() LLC, l l Specialty Ma111 CAZ.FL.HI, IL (,uiuu,,talc,)I 2 CanmarL. Canmar"­ and TX) Acconlanl Ten, Spc(ia\~ IPA, LLC. Caremark Arizona Specialty Pharmacy, LL C. Ad, anct"Rlxom. Common, Pb1rm1c,,, !--­ (NY) Caremark Cahforn1a Specialty Pha1macy, LL C LLC. LLC. LLC (Slaleof~Y Caremark Florida Specialty Pharmacy, LLC (Di,rc-gardall (DE) Caremark Hawaii Specialty Pharmacy, LLC ( (TX) Cattmark PBM co11trac1) Caremark lllin01s Specialty Pharmacy, LLC Cattmark ~----I Caremark Kansas Speoatty Pharmacy, LLC Logi11k, !;:!:r~,~~~:~: Caremark Louisiana Specialty Pharmacy, LLC >-----------; LLC Holding. LLC Can:markPCS Caremark Maryland Specialty Pharmacy, LLC (DE) Pcn11,~hani11. Caremark Massachusetts Specialty Pharmacy, LLC ~1ai1Pbarmu, Caremark Mrch1gan Specialty Pharmacy. LLC ! Gcncnlion ( Holdin~ LLC Caremark Minnesota Specialty Pharmacy, LLC I Ht· ■ \1b, LLC.

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