THE ENSIGN OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS • JANUARY 2004 Book of Mormon Times at a Glance, p. 14 The Perpetual Education Fund, p. 36 They Did Treat Me with Much Harshness, by Walter Rane On the ship journeying to the promised land, Laman and Lemuel became angry with Nephi, saying, “We will not that our younger brother shall be a ruler over us.” Nephi records, “Laman and Lemuel did take me and bind me with cords, and they did treat me with much harshness” (1 Nephi 18:10–11). JANUARY 2004 • VOLUME 34, NUMBER 1 2 FIRST PRESIDENCY MESSAGE The Keystone of Our Religion President James E. Faust 7 Testimonies of the Book of Mormon 10 Power in Principles Todd B. Parker and Jared T. Parker 14 Book of Mormon Times at a Glance, Chart 1: Ether and 1 Nephi through Mosiah 21 BOOK OF MORMON PRINCIPLES The Sweet Fruits Favored of the Lord Elder Carlos C. Revillo of Obedience 24 24 BOOK OF MORMON PRINCIPLES The Sweet Fruits of Obedience Elder Steven E. Snow 28 Too Young to Be a Widow Kareen Landsem Harrison 32 Singles and the Proclamation on the Family Cynthia Doxey 36 The Perpetual Education Fund: A Bright Ray of Hope Elder John K. Carmack 44 “I Beheld a Tree” 48 Joy in the Journey S. Michael Wilcox Joy in the Journey 54 The Fallen Sparrow 48 Robert K. McIntosh 56 Heber J. Grant: A Prophet for Hard Times Sherrie Mills Johnson 62 The Gospel and the Single Parent 67 VISITING TEACHING MESSAGE Feeling the Love of the Lord Daily in Our Lives 68 RANDOM SAMPLER The Fallen 70 LATTER-DAY SAINT VOICES 54 Sparrow 74 NEWS OF THE CHURCH The Perpetual 36 Education Fund AN OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF THE CHURCH Lisa Ann Jackson, Carrie Kasten, Sally J. Odekirk, Express. Online, go to ldscatalog.com. By mail, send OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS Judith M. Paller, Rebecca M. Taylor, Roger Terry, $10 U.S. check or money order to Distribution Services, Paul VanDenBerghe P.O. Box 26368, Salt Lake City, UT 84126-0368. THE FIRST PRESIDENCY: Gordon B. Hinckley, Thomas S. Monson, James E. Faust MANAGING ART DIRECTOR: M. M. Kawasaki TO CHANGE ADDRESS: Send both old and new address RT IRECTOR information to Distribution Services at the above address. QUORUM OF THE TWELVE: Boyd K. Packer, L. Tom Perry, A D : J. Scott Knudsen Please allow 60 days for changes to take effect. David B. Haight, Neal A. Maxwell, Russell M. Nelson, DESIGN AND PRODUCTION STAFF: C. Kimball Bott, Dallin H. Oaks, M. Russell Ballard, Joseph B. Wirthlin, Thomas S. Child, Colleen Hinckley, Tadd R. Peterson, SUBMIT MANUSCRIPTS OR ART TO: Ensign Editorial, Room 2420, Richard G. Scott, Robert D. Hales, Jeffrey R. Holland, Kari A. Todd 50 E. North Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3220, USA. Unsolicited material is welcome, but no responsibility is Henry B. Eyring MARKETING MANAGER: Larry Hiller assumed. For return, include self-addressed, stamped envelope. PRINTING DIRECTOR: Craig K. Sedgwick EDITOR: Dennis B. Neuenschwander E-mail: [email protected]. DISTRIBUTION DIRECTOR: Kris T Christensen ADVISERS: E. Ray Bateman, Monte J. Brough, Jay E. Jensen, The Ensign can be found on the Internet at www.lds.org. Stephen A. West © 2004 BY INTELLECTUAL RESERVE, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Click on “Gospel Library.” MANAGING DIRECTOR: David Frischknecht The Ensign (ISSN 0884-1136) is published monthly by Everything in the Ensign may be copied for incidental, non- PLANNING AND EDITORIAL DIRECTOR: Victor D. Cave The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 50 E. commercial Church or home use unless otherwise indicated. GRAPHICS DIRECTOR: Allan R. Loyborg North Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3220, USA. Other uses require permission of the copyright owner. Periodicals Postage Paid at Salt Lake City, Utah, and at MAGAZINES EDITORIAL DIRECTOR: Richard M. Romney POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Distribution Services, The Gospel and additional mailing offices. MANAGING EDITOR: Don L. Searle P.O. Box 26368, Salt Lake City, UT 84126-0368, USA. 62 the Single Parent EDITORIAL STAFF: Collette Nebeker Aune, Susan Barrett, TO SUBSCRIBE: By phone, call 1-800-537-5971 to order, CANADA POST INFORMATION: Publication Agreement Linda Stahle Cooper, LaRene Gaunt, Jenifer L. Greenwood, using Visa, MasterCard, Discover Card, or American #40017431 FIRST PRESIDENCY MESSAGE The Keystone of Our Religion BY PRESIDENT JAMES E. FAUST Second Counselor in the First Presidency fter many years, I still remember hold- sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in ing in my hand my mother’s copy of Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto A her favorite book. It was a timeworn you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.”1 copy of the Book of Mormon. Almost every page was marked. In spite of tender handling, Why a Keystone? some of the leaves were dog-eared and the Joseph Smith, who translated the gold cover was worn thin. No one had to tell her plates from which the Book of Mormon that she could get closer to God by reading came, had this to say: “I told the brethren the Book of Mormon than by any other book. that the Book of Mormon was the most cor- She was already there. She had read it, stud- rect of any book on earth, and the keystone I question whether ied it, prayed over it, and taught from it. As of our religion, and a man would get nearer one can acquire an a young man I held her book in my hands to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any understanding of the and tried to see, through her eyes, the great other book.”2 Book of Mormon truths of the Book of Mormon to which she One dictionary defines keystone as “the except through so readily testified and which she so greatly central wedge-shaped stone of an arch that singleness of mind loved. locks its parts together.” A secondary defini- and strong purpose But the Book of Mormon did not yield its tion is “the central supporting element of a of heart, manifest profound message to me as an unearned whole.”3 through study and legacy. Indeed I question whether one can The Book of Mormon is a keystone be- prayer. acquire an understanding of this great book cause it establishes and ties together eternal except through singleness of mind and principles and precepts, rounding out basic strong purpose of heart, manifest through doctrines of salvation. It is the crowning gem BY TOM LOVELL TOM BY study and prayer. We must not only ask if in the diadem of our holy scriptures. it is true, but we must also ask in the name It is a keystone for other reasons also. In of Jesus Christ. Said Moroni, “Ask God, the the promise of Moroni previously referred Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these to—namely, that God will manifest the truth MORONI BURYING THE PLATES, things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a of the Book of Mormon to every sincere ENSIGN JANUARY 2004 3 inquirer having faith in Christ4—we have a key link in a self-locking chain. A confirming testimony of the Book of Mormon convinces “that Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God”5 and also spiritually verifies the divine calling of Joseph Smith and that he did see the Father and the Son. With that firmly in place, it logically follows that one can also receive a verifica- tion that the Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price are true companion scriptures to the Bible and the Book of Mormon. All of this confirms the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the divine mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, led by a living prophet enjoying con- tinuous revelation. From these basic verities, an understanding can flow of other saving principles of the fulness of the gospel. What It Is and Is Not It is important to know what the Book of Mormon is not. It is not primarily a history, although much of what it contains is histori- cal. The title page states that it is an account taken from the records of people living in the Americas before and after Christ; it was “writ- ten by way of commandment, and also by the spirit of prophecy and of revelation. And also to the convincing of the Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God, mani- festing himself unto all nations.” President George Q. Cannon (1827–1901), First Counselor in the First Presidency, stated: “The Book of Mormon is not a geographical primer. It was not written to teach geographi- cal truths. What is told us of the situation of the various lands or cities . is usually simply 4 an incidental remark connected with the doc- prophets—and portions of what is now the trinal or historical portions of the work.”6 Bible brought from the eastern continent— What, then, is the Book of Mormon? It is served, according to Abinadi, “to keep them oseph Smith, confirming evidence of the birth, life, and in remembrance of God and their duty to- who translated Crucifixion of Jesus and of His work as the wards him.”11 So the Book of Mormon is a Jthe gold plates Messiah and the Redeemer. Nephi writes schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ.12 from which the Book about the Book of Mormon: “All ye ends of of Mormon came, the earth, hearken unto these words and Scriptural and Personal Testimonies had this to say: “I believe in Christ; and if ye believe not in The test for understanding this sacred book told the brethren that these words believe in Christ.
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