237 Appendices In this chapter 1. Statement of responsibility 238 2. Performance of senior staff 238 3. Principal officers 241 4. EPA Board members’ curricula vitae 242 5. Significant statutory bodies and advisory committees 244 6. Staff statistics 258 7. Legislation and legal changes 260 8. Infringements and prosecutions 262 9. DECCW-managed lands and waters 274 10. Statement of affairs 283 11. Freedom of information applications 287 12. Information Centre and Environment Line statistics 296 13. Publications 298 14. Papers published and presented 304 15. Overseas visits by staff 315 16. Consultancies 318 17. Grants to community organisations 319 18. Major works 327 19. Major assets 328 238 DECCW Annual Report 2009–10 1. Statement of responsibility 2. Performance of senior staff As Director General, I have worked with other Executive For executive officers of DECCW at SES level 5 or above, the members, principal officers and managers who are responsible following performance for 2009–10 is recorded: for particular internal control processes, to provide reasonable Chief Executive assurance that DECCW is achieving its objectives and using its Chief Executive performance as reviewed by the resources efficiently. These processes include: Minister for Climate Change and the Environment. r SFQPSUJOHUPNFBOEUIF&YFDVUJWFPOBTQFDUTPG Name: Ms Lisa Corbyn organisational performance Position Title: Director General r DPOUSPMMJOHIPXFYQFOEJUVSFBOETUBGGSFTPVSDFTBSFNBOBHFE Period: 1 July 2009–30 June 2010 r NBOBHJOHBQSPHSBNPGJOUFSOBMBVEJUTUIBUGPDVTFTPO SES Level: SES 8 operational and financial risk Remuneration: $417,524 r DPOUSBDUJOHPVUWBSJPVTJOEFQFOEFOUFYUFSOBMBTTFTTNFOUTPG During the year, Ms Corbyn provided strong leadership, sound aspects of our work. executive management and corporate team building to: I participate in an independently chaired statutory conservation r FTUBCMJTIBOEMFBEUIF&OWJSPONFOU $MJNBUF$IBOHFBOE audit and compliance committee established under the National Water superagency cluster, and incorporate the NSW Office of Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 that reports to the Minister. DECCW Water into DECCW also has an Audit and Risk Committee with an independent r EFMJWFSPOQSJPSJUZFOWJSPONFOUBM DMJNBUFDIBOHF XBUFSBOE chair and members. Details of internal audits and external natural resource programs, including those identified in the assessments are provided in Chapter 6 of this report. To the best State Plan which include targets for clean air, greenhouse gas of my knowledge, all these control processes have operated reduction, natural resource management, waste, building satisfactorily during the reporting year. Aboriginal community wellbeing and increasing visitation to national parks. Ms Corbyn is active in whole of-government and national processes including chairing the Climate Change and Natural Resource Management and Environment Chief Executive Officer clusters, and participating in the Director Generals Executives Committee and on standing committees for national Ministerial Councils in Natural Resource Management and Environment Protection and Heritage. She is also a member of the Marine LISA CORBYN Parks Authority. Director General Results r %FMJWFSFELFZDMJNBUFDIBOHFBOETVTUBJOBCJMJUZQSPHSBNT including chairing the Climate Change Science Research Network comprising eminent NSW scientists, developing climate change research partnerships such as the funded Eastern Seaboard Climate Initiative, and delivering on the $150 million NSW Energy Efficiency Strategy that includes supporting renewable solar and wind energy, education through the ‘Save Power’ campaign, the Home Power Savings Program for low-income households and DECCW’s own Sustainability Advantage program – DECCW became a Bronze Partner in Sustainability Advantage this year. r "SSBOHFEUIFSFMFBTFPGUIF/484UBUFPGUIF Environment report and the public reviews of air quality including the April 2010 regional Wagga Wagga workshop, and prepared for the three-yearly Clean Air Forum in August 2010. r %FMJWFSFENBKPSSFHVMBUPSZBOEQPMJDZBQQSPBDIFTJODMVEJOH achieving red tape reductions, implementing the solaria compliance campaign, consulting on two marine parks draft zoning plans, and consulting on new legislation including amendments relating to Aboriginal cultural heritage, tourism and visitation in national parks, biodiversity certification, and national parks in the Riverina red gum forests. Appendices 239 r 4VQQPSUFEPOHPJOHXPSLXJUI"CPSJHJOBMDPNNVOJUJFT r 4VDDFTTGVMMZEFMJWFSFEMBSHFTVTUBJOBCJMJUZQSPHSBNTJODMVEJOH including programs for new joint management arrangements, reaching the milestone of 250,000 rebates issued for water a partnership manual and consultation requirements; and energy savings. continued DECCW’s cultural awareness training and r 3FWBNQFEUIFOBUVSBMSFTPVSDFNBOBHFNFOUQPMJDZBQQSPBDI Aboriginal employment strategy; and supported NSW’s including building engagement with catchment management Closing the Gap strategies through natural resource authorities and supporting their catchment action plans management and connections to Country. statewide. r 8PSLFEDPMMBCPSBUJWFMZXJUIDBUDINFOUNBOBHFNFOU r 1SPHSFTTFE/48TTVDDFTTGVMFOWJSPONFOUBMXBUFSBDRVJTJUJPO authorities to progress natural resource management and application program with tangible results, watering key programs and to improve corporate governance frameworks inland wetlands. through comprehensive guidance and manuals. r 1SPHSFTTFEOBUJPOBMBOETUBUFBJSRVBMJUZTUSBUFHJFT UBLJOH r 1BSUJDJQBUFEPOUIF.FUSPQPMJUBO8BUFS$IJFG&YFDVUJWF over leadership of the national air quality working group, Officers’ cluster to progress the 2010 Metropolitan Water Plan and a draft water sharing plan to secure Sydney’s water r &GGFDUJWFMZNBOBHFEUIF$MJNBUF$IBOHF1PMJDZBOE1SPHSBNT Group through a strong budget and financial management. supply, and contributed to the business plan submissions for federal funding of priority water projects. Name: Ms Sally Barnes Position title: Deputy Director General, Parks and Wildlife Group r 1SPHSFTTFEFOWJSPONFOUBMXBUFSSFDPWFSZUBSHFUTUISPVHI NSW RiverBank, building collaborative relationships Period: 1 July 2009–30 June 2010 with the Australian Government and developing SES Level: SES 6 environmental management plans for the Macquarie Remuneration: $300,800 Marshes and Gwydir Wetlands. The Director General has expressed satisfaction with Ms Barnes’ r "EEFENBKPSOFXBSFBTUPUIF/48QSPUFDUFEBSFBTZTUFN performance during 2009–10. Ms Barnes has achieved the including 100,000 hectares of Riverina red gum forests, performance criteria in her performance agreement. As Head completed the introduction of a new approach to park asset of the National Parks and Wildlife Service in DECCW, she has maintenance, and supported the largest hazard reduction demonstrated a strong commitment to building the protected burning program ever for NSW national parks. area system and managing it to an excellent standard. r %FMJWFSFEPOBNBKPSBHFODZDMVTUFSSFTUSVDUVSF DPOUSJCVUFE Results to the NSW Corporate Services Blueprint and met efficiencies and savings targets, promoted both performance r %FWFMPQFEBOEJNQMFNFOUFETJHOJGJDBOUFDPUPVSJTN programs, including new visitation and tourism amendments management and a strong safety culture to improve on to national parks legislation. DECCW’s occupational health and safety targets, and fostered strong financial management throughout DECCW including r %FWFMPQFEBNBKPSQBDLBHFPGMFHJTMBUJPOBOEQSPHSBNTGPS setting up the independent Audit and Risk Committee. the new national parks for the Riverina red gum forests. r 6OGBJMJOHMZHBWFSFHVMBSBOEDPNQFUFOUSFOEJUJPOTPGFYDFSQUT r *NQMFNFOUFENBKPSPQFSBUJPOBMJOJUJBUJWFTJOOBUJPOBMQBSLT from ‘Oklahoma’. including achieving record hazard reduction burns and establishing a new asset maintenance system. Senior Executive Officers r 1SPHSFTTFEBTZTUFNBUJDMBOEBDRVJTJUJPOQSPHSBNGPSUIF Senior Executive Officers performance as reviewed protected area system. by Director General. r 1SPHSFTTFEBTUSPOH"CPSJHJOBMKPJOUNBOBHFNFOUQSPHSBN Name: Mr Simon A Y Smith and partnerships including the new Joint Management Position Title: Deputy Director General, Climate Change, Policy Partnership Manual. and Programs Group r &GGFDUJWFMZNBOBHFEUIF1BSLTBOE8JMEMJGF(SPVQ JODMVEJOH Period: 1 July 2009–30 June 2010 implementing a significant restructure and instituting careful SES Level: SES 7 budget management. Remuneration: $368,019 Name: Mr Greg Sullivan The Director General has expressed satisfaction with Mr Smith’s Position Title: Deputy Director General, Environment Protection performance throughout 2009–10. Mr Smith has achieved the and Regulation Group performance criteria in his performance agreement. He has Period: 10 May–30 June 2010 been a strong leader, driving development and implementation SES Level: SES 6 of reforms using innovative approaches to meet Government Remuneration: $300,800 priorities and community expectations. Recruitment for the position of Deputy Director General Results Environment Protection and Regulation Group was undertaken r %FWFMPQFEOFXQPMJDZBOEMFHJTMBUJWFMZCBTFEQSPHSBNT following the retirement of Mr Joe Woodward on 19 April 2010. to protect biodiversity including managing biodiversity The position was filled permanently on 10 May 2010 by Mr certification and NSW’s first non-government biobanking site. Greg Sullivan. In the interim period, Mr Gary Whytcross acted in the position. r 1SPHSFTTFEJNQPSUBOUDMJNBUFDIBOHFNJUJHBUJPOBOE adaptation policies and guidelines including sea level rise and The Director General expressed her satisfaction with
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