10 Cents RED BANK REGISTER m cow VOLUME LXXIV, NO. 21. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1951 SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 12. Opening of Blood Donation Center Declared VanHorn Agency 3S Are Indicted Three Pine Ridge At a meeting *t taw hoard of Teachers to Tell dlrrrtora of the second National Sf Us Old Land- By Grand Juror* Properties Sold bank of Kert Hank, held at thc Of Attacks on the FREEHOLD-Frank D. Slaver, I hanking r>*Jte» Monday afternoon, mark Estate 25, South A-iiboy, who comaun- By McCue Agency the nfltriaU «M'lar*«1 a regular Public Schools deeied a car at gunpoint and Bred <Uvi<len4 of thrw |»r <»nt and Midwrl M. -Vf» laiva two shot* at another car befora IfibtM to Be Moderate* being arrested in a wild incident Ha»lam*. Huv an »«»r» thrr* prr rent duliimii Jam*?*' H»MiMga aw that started in Soutli Anboy and lia.tahlt' Iter. IS lo thr •tixkhnld- Al Oakland Street PTA wound up in Kcansburg Sept. It, HatlM'll T»|H- rn of record a* nf Nov. SI, ISM. was one of 35 persons indicted last l)i<x-u»*ic»n Merlin*; Grange Ate. Thursday by the grand jury. Ueialrra Btiv FAIR HAVEN-A lovely river- The charges presented by the ! ThiO Oakland Street school P*S» front property located on Grange ftUMSON'- Mr and Mr;. Herbert panel to County Judge John C, Gi- la^Iani. formerly of Cranfutd. haw | ent-Teacher n.-.sociation v. ill prttf ave., which bu been owned by the ordano were carrying a ronceald Astor Executive sent & pane! fli.ccu.T-sirjn on the suht Jame* family for over 70 year*, has aken occupancy of their nfw home weapon, assault and battery and n Pine Kidpc, property of the latr JI-C: "Altai-ka on the Publi*, just been lold by the Riy V»n resisting arrest. Keansburg police .Sct.ijfj,-" Tue^da;.' m;'h' at $ Horn agency, Fair Haven realtors, at the time of the arrest charged Jen. Howard S. Hoi den. Tip' Jos- Bins Lauriston eph <». McCue agency. Hum-on oVlociv nt NWhanic .-'treff school Harold R. Janies acting as broker, that Slover kicked at Patrolman autiitoriurn. Nl 3. John J. 'iarrutd^ to Michael M. Nero, prominent Bed rraUmF. was 1hr bi"krr rffrrimg Eugene Bennett, one of the ar- he sale. , pre.--ulent. *rniounrr<l liat thit Bank building contractor. resLing officers. From Mrs. Glembv Hireling, trj •'hKli Hie. pui'iic J3 IB* This sale closes the longest period Charges of carnal abui* and ab- Tbe ln»nie nf r.in.-h t\pr divign vitr'i, is iiein^ 'n^ld ^' the gehool any riverfront property in Fair duction of a girl for immoral pur- •ontain- on thc grumi,! flo^r A liv- Iliiilrlniann linn so that a lav^c dudier.ee may b« Haven lias been continuously owned po«e* were included in an indict- ing mom with lo£-bunitnp lircjr.acc, d by one family, according to local ment against Thomas Riley, SO, of dining room, modern kitchen, three record*, at the property, which Front «t., Union Beach, father of bedrooms, tile hath, lavatory nod comprises two and one-third acres, two young children, for hi* alleged attached one-car narafcc. A full lo lloltrrl I*. with 131 feet of river frontage, wa* illicit relations at Holmdel on three basement is under !he cntii*' huu.se purchase* in July 13. 1SSU, by John and rrjuippid with an oil-fiied luat- lii'M.sorv The Will ::i 111 H occasions with a 14-year-old girl. r K. James and Mary E. James, The prosecutor'* office said Riley n* phint.-. The rurnrr hii i- ap- Hinit'lrn.'imi ii'al •••.i!» 11P Jirrn has an grandparents of the seller*, Harold promised to take the girl to Flor- proximately WuxlM f«-«-t in -izt. nounrrd Up, ;.;,!(• of Mr.. Luius R. James and the late John -K. ida and marry her. Mr.-. MH'I.'IIU is 'he rl.iu^lilfi of •y1.-. Ftum.-oj inner, James, Jr. Mr. ,'iml Ml.-. Well wood Maxwell "I.ami.Ion." to llolien !• Hou aril. It was reported by the prosecu- >f WrtMiinpton, l>. <'. " I in formerly illtri'lfM- of ;.a!i\ nnd liu.ir.'' .^ pro- The main residence, which ni Optninj •( tha donation confer for blood for tno Arm»4 Forcti «• tho Mothoditt built In 18S0 of Victorian design, tor's office that he faces action by rnsidsvl here on Windmill la. Mr. iiiol ion of Hie Hotel Astni. had 13 rooms and three hatha, and the Hudson county grand jury on church Mondfiy. SUndino. from Uft to rioht «ro Hotcomb* W«rd, chairman of tht Ked Crott hlaslam is a:-.-oi'iati'il a.-- :i ?alrs The properly h.' • a fli)li!-i^r On a morals count resulting from a engineer wilh V. ll.ilin.on <'•>. aian- Ihr .-.oiilb .•],],• of liiim.-i'ii rd of was demolished in 1940 along with chapter; Randolph H. loardiloy, chairman af tht blood pwao.ram; Dr. Edward E. lanta, rc»re> the barn and carnage-house. A two- trip to Jersey City Aug. 2t with ufacluicrs of air conditioning uiui.-. ,V1M fnel and a front.i::< nil O:|,!Py dtory boathouae on the water's edge the girl when he went to viait tentative of tha Medical society; Mayor Katharine Elkut White cyttinfl the ribbon at the He I'Mifrlrnced urarlv four yrai..' lanr of about I.OiKi feet. Il com- brother in an alleged attempt service, with the Navy, serving is still one of the landmark* along opening «f th* Wood program, and Cpl, Clydo Mclver, voteran of the Korean war. Cpl. Me* prises 12 »••!•".« of la-'n; and RHI thr rivtr. to get funds for the trip to Florida aboard tile U.S.S. Argvi?. a:.Mfirp'd dens. Tbi' ri\Mdene<\ of ftipco over and the wedding. Ivor wet in the Third division of Infantry dvrinf the terrible ratroat from North Keraa to the in the i.-lamls of the Pacific in tiln cori.^tnict ion, ha.^ a tile loof. Tha property adjoin* the river- the, vicinity of Okinawa and Iwo front estate of Theodore J. La- Other Indictment* were against: toa. He said blood wat scarco in Korea and wat badly noodod when he left. On the ground floor are ;L rerep. brecquc and Wilfred H. McCracku. John Osterstock, 49, of Ocean •lima. tion hall, living loom, billiard room, ave., 8ea Bright, and John O. Ha- This wat the first blood donation in Mofimetith county for the Armed Forcet. The Another dwelling of ranch type library, dininu room, powili'r room, latas, 47, o( Ocean ave, Sea Bright, design, constructed hy Floyd R. breakfast, room, butli-r's gantry, for illegal sale and possession of o,uota of I IS pintt wat made. "The turn-out of donors was everything that could be hoped Sickler, al.Lo in the Pine Ridge kitchen, inaid.i' dining roorn, and Baptist League liquor at the Ocean Spray food for," a Red Crott official stated, "and it is hoped it will indicate a future significant tiend for c\, wa.s sold through the same laundry. On 1.11.• second floor are bar, 270 Ocean ave., Sea Bright. broker lo Mr. and Mrs. .lames P. six master bedroom.-. ::ix master They were arrested after Halatas, the yearly quota." The bloodmobile unit wat supplemented by eight Nurse's Aides, si* Staff Wade, formeily of I.itlh' Silver. bath^, si\ maid.' i<uiii\x an'l maid.V To Hold Bazar an employee of Osterstock, alleged- Aides, nine canteen workers, four Gray Ladies and four Motor Cerpi, all volunteers of the Red The le.-idencc, of Trainr constlue- bath. Tlprc arc two bedrooms and ly sold liquor to an agent of the Mrs, frtd Conover Is general Cress. The cookies given to the blood donors wore furnished by the Junior Red Cress at tion, consists of a lai^e li'-inR hath on the third floor. The tc£i- division of Alcoholic Beverage Con- room with colonial fireplace, din- ili'tici' i-i ci|iii|ipi*il v-.-itb oil burning chairman of the Christmas bazar Or. M. Uregg Hlbb* of the Baptist Women'* league, to trol Sept. 2 and 7. Osterstock waa the Iranch Avanuo junior high school. ing room, completely equipped steam beat. There i.i a. two-car g.v fined 12,500 four years ago for op- kitchen, three bedrooms, tile halh, rage on the h* held TucEday night in the new Dr. M. Gregg Hibl>3, supervising fellowship hall of the Red Bank erating a gambling house at the open porch anrl attnehed one-car was built hy the Sea, Bright Yacht club, where ha Tlii' rcjilde principal of lied BanU schools, will Baptist church. A cafeteria cupper garage DII on* floor. There is alr.o ! escaped when a gambling raid wa* gg latn Henry A. Caesar j..o 19K!.. .. lie tuodei.it.or of the panel, whlcll will b* icrved between S and 7 having o'clock. staged. Hounihan Leaves 3,fM Expected at Dedication a• utomatibasemenc t hentunde. rfire thde by oil. The acMiiMTd lhe property throug,, h Mr., ..111 comprise the followinfollowingg m.mm*m- Entertainment win b* In charge shrubbed plot runs 100x150 feet in Hintelmann at the tune fro„ m' [he i hers: Fran' k Hurley, principal of Jude Ountewici, IS, Ave. of Two late Ualton Parmly of of Elmer C. Cottrell. The Qreat Rivers, Rumsou, for «trociou* as- tile. g | Nordle, handwriting analyst, and For Florida Post Saturday of $60,(60 Fire House Mr.
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