THE ROCKET Serving the Slippery Rock community for 69 years! = Vol. 69, No 25 SRU - Slippery Rock, PA 16057 April 15, 1988 Janitors protest seven year wage freeze By Gordon Ovenshine raise is because the university Rocket News Editor refuses to consider the rights of "What do we want? A raise. these workers when it puts the When do we want it? Now!," contract out for bid," Grystar shouted disgruntled janitorial said. "They simply take the workers as they marched from lowest bid regardless of the Eisenberg to Old Main Tues- impact it may have on the day afternoon during a rally workers. protesting their minimum wage "This shows the impact of salaries, which have not been privataiation, contracting out raised in seven years. of people's jobs and how it Led by union representative really hurts the workers," he Edward Grystar, around 30 said. Slippery Rock employees - Grystar said that for eight including some students - months he has been negotiating stomped across campus to with a contractor who claims decry their lack of fringe he cannot offer raises because benefits, holidays, job security the university won't give him and low pay, carrying balloons any more money. and signs to help state their "We talked to the university cause. and the university says it's not "We can't survive on $3.35 our business to deal with the an hour," said one worker. contractor because the con- "One, two, three, four, we tractor is your employer," he Photo bv Heidi Courtney won't clean anymore," others said. yelled. The truth of the matter, Janitorial workers marched from Eisenberg to Old Main Tuesday in pro- SRU janitors work for an Grystar said, is that the univer- test of low wages. independent union whom the sity is essentially ensuring that cations. It needs to insure that the past," Grystar said. "We economic and community University has selected. It puts wages won't be raised by refus- don't really feel the university a contract out for companies to whichever contractor gets this development. ing to change its bid spec- job will have a fair amount of has been fair to the workers. bid on, but unfortunately the ifications. "They, in fact, are- "How can a university pro- university's priority is not money to give to the work- the ones who have the respon- ers. Grystar said they decided to mote economic development necessarily the wages of the sibility to raise wages," he "We want the university to organize their rally at Eisen- when, in fact, 30 of its own workers, but insuring cheap said. berg classroom building be- people, that they can have con- labor, Grystar said. insure the rights of the workers He said the university needs when the contract goes up for cause it is the site of the trol over, live in poverty?" "The reason they can't get a to change the bid specifi- bid, which it has never done in university's department of he asked. Jackson compaign support grows By Harold Davis delegates. This was an effort to Primary. This was accom- Assistant Features Editor raise awareness before the plished by setting up tables in For the first time in Amer- Pennsylvania Primary election the lobbies of dormitories and ican history, a black man is a Tuesday, April 26. helping interested students fill major contender for the pre- The meeting was hosted by out voter registration forms. sidential race. SRU students Albert Hill and Abdoe and Grystar pointed Jesse Jackson's campaign is Maria Scarpa-Jackson, both out to the assembled audience beginning to get serious media serving in chairperson posi- that voting for Jackson April coverage, with the candidate tions on the committee. 26 will not be enough. In order appearing on both the covers of Three of the local delegates for the campaign to be at its Time and Newsweek magazines in the Jackson campaign were maximum effectiveness, voters this past week. on hand to address the must go through the ballot of Slippery Rock students are audience and answer questions approximately 38 names and beginning to feel the escalation raised. The delegates present vote for the five Jackson of his campaign. The SRU were Omar K. Abdoe of New delegates and two alternates. Jesse Jackson For President Castle, Edward J. Grystar of In addition to Abdoe, Grys- Committee held a meeting at 7 Butler County, and SRU tar, and Speight, the Democ- Photo by Heidi Courtney p.m., April 11 in the cultural alumna Sallye Jean Speight of ratic voter should also vote for center of the University Union New Castle. Margaret L. Moss of Beaver Students take time out to enjoy the spring sun to plan the strategy of his cam- Recognition was given to the Falls and Ralph J. Smith of across from Kraus Hall. paign locally, to discuss the fact that Jackson's SRU com- Aliquippa. The two alternates campaign issues, and to get mittee had registered 173 new are Marcia L. Albert and acquainted with some of his voters for the Pennsylvania (See Jackson, page 2) The Rocket, Friday, April 15, 1988 Jackson (Continued from page 1) Frutie Johnson, all seven in the The delegates answered 4th Congressional District questions raised by the aud- headed by Congressman Jo- ience present. The questions seph Kolter. concerned Jackson's policy Grystar said Jackson does not toward the "common man," come from a monied back- his foreign policy, his race, his ground, so the major focus of qualifications for office, and his "grassroots" campaign will other concerns. be to "counter money power On the issue of race, Speight with people power." said, "He can't change his He also said that the color." She felt that focus possibility of Jackson being in should be on his abilities and the area sometime between not his racial origins. Speight April 20 to 25 was very prob- called the issue of race a able. Grystar called the wes- "smoke screen" devised to tern Pennsylvania area a cloud the issues. "swing district," meaning that Some have suggested that, the people of the area have because of his race, there exists demonstrated a potential sup- a great chance for him to be port to make a Jackson visit assassinated while in office. worthwhile to the candidate. Speight answered this by Possible stops for the pre- saying, "We must put our faith sidential hopeful could be New in him. I have put my faith in Castle, Beaver County, or him. We cannot hide in Slippery Rock. fear." But Grystar cautioned that Abdoe agreed. "I wish peo- Photo bv Heidi Courtney this could take place only if ple who come up with these supporters do their part. "If our things would give us some Students prepare to march across campus Tuesday. message gets out, then we answers instead of creating could win," he said. problems." office experience" issue is yet He said that Jackson sup- and Grystar said that Jackson Abdoe emphasized a par- Jackson, an ordained min- another "smoke screen" meant ports a health care program for wants peaceful negotiations ticular point during the even- ister, has had to deal with to cloud his qualifications. everyone. This is not a without unnecessary military ing. "We are not here to sell criticisms of his supposed Grystar also outlined the privilege, but our right, he said. intervention. He wants peace- you anything. We've already ineptness at leadership because Jackson plan to meet the needs He stated that the United ful cooperation between the won ... We're just here to close he has never held political p_f the "common man." States and South Africa are the United States and Russia. a deal." office. "First, we have to reinvest in only two countries in the world The audience was asked to "Grant and Eisenhower America. Jesse says Taiwan is that don't provide free health Abdoe summed up the posi- volunteer their time to solicit were two presidents who had not our enemy, but GE is," care. tion: "All people count, and Jackson campaign materials no experience," Abdoe pointed he said. On the Israel question must be counted." door-to-door and to hand out out. "Besides, have those with Grystar said a second point Abdoe said, "Israel is not our "There must be human slate cards at the polls. All experience always done their was to raise the minimum wage 51st state. This issue gets dignity. If he maintains his were invited to a Jesse Jackson job?" to a "livable" level. And third- raised just so that people can attitude of speaking to the rally at the Day's Inn in Butler Again, the delegates agreed ly, to tax the rich and the put him in a box." agenda, then we must put our April 15. that the "minister with no corporations. ___ On foreign policy, Abdoe faith in him," said Speight. Biology department Horseback Riding hosts annual Olympics at Sunday, May 1st Camelot Stables By Renee Reilly Rocket Assistant Editor $0 for horseride The annual biology Olympics took place on Tuesday. Two Trips: The event, sponsored by the biology department, was a & transportation competition involving 30 high schools in Pennsylvania, 1. Van leaves UU 9 a.m. West Virginia, and Ohio. The high schools competed in individual and team competitions. Returns 11:30 a.m. Individual events included competition in taxonomy, genetics and physiology. 2. Van leaves UU 11:30 a.m. Teams competed events included biology bowl, biology Returns 2 p.m. trivia, experimental design, biology cherades and sca- venger hunt. The school that did the best in the team competition Must sign up by April 21 st at received a plaque.
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