ROOM 318-320 ROOM 321-323 ROOM 324-326 ROOM 314 ROOM 315 ROOM 316 ROOM 317 ROOM 336 C LEO QELS 8:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. 8:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. 8:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. 8:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. 8:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. 8:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. 8:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. 8:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. CTuA • Applications of CTuB • Optical Packet CTuC • Ultrafast Sources I CTuD • Ultraviolet, Visible CTuE • Quantum and CTuF • Nonlinear CTuG • Nanophotonic QTuA • Nonlinear Nonlinear Optical Switching Lawrence Shah; IMRA and Q-Switched Lasers Interband Cascade Lasers Microscopy I Waveguide Technologies Phenomena and Spectroscopy P.K.A. Wai; Hong Kong America, Inc., USA, Martin Ostermeyer; Univ. Daniel Wasserman; Sunney Xie; Harvard Presider to Be Announced Localization Vladislav V. Yakovlev; Polytechnic Univ., China, Presider of Potsdam, Germany, Princeton Univ., USA, Univ., USA, Presider Stephen C. Rand; Div. of Univ. of Wisconsin at Presider Presider Presider Applied Physics, Univ. of Milwaukee, USA, Presider Michigan, USA, Presider CTuA1 • 8:00 a.m. CTuB1 • 8:00 a.m. Tutorial CTuC1 • 8:00 a.m. CTuD1 • 8:00 a.m. CTuE1 • 8:00 a.m. CTuF1 • 8:00 a.m. Invited CTuG1 • 8:00 a.m. QTuA1 • 8:00 a.m. Second-Harmonic Generation from Scaling Packet Networks and Routers High Power and High Repetition Rate 12 W Continuous-Wave 266-nm Deep-UV Quantum Cascade Lasers Emitting below Two-Photon Absorption Imaging of He- Efficient, Broadband and Compact Metal Conical Diffraction and Gap Solitons in Aligned and Mono-Sized Single-Walled Using Optics, David T. Neilson; Bell Labs, Pulse Generation Using Self Injection- Generation through 24 W Single-Fre- 3 µm, Jan Devenson, Roland Teissier, Olivier moglobin, Dan Fu1, Thomas E. Matthews2, Grating Couplers for Silicon-on-Insula- Honeycomb Photonic Lattices, Or Peleg1, Carbon Nanotubes, Huimin Su, Jianting Alcatel-Lucent, USA. Data networks face sig- Locking in Fabry-Perot Laser Diode, quency 1064-nm Light from a Fiber Cathabard, Alexei N. Baranov; Ctr. Tong Ye2, Gunay Yurtsever2, Warren S. War- tor Waveguides, Stijn Scheerlinck, Jonathan Guy Bartal1, Barak Freedman1, Ofer Ye, Zhikang Tang, Kam Sing Wong; Hong nificant scaling challenges. We will discuss Xiaohui Fang1, P. K. A. Wai1, C. Lu1, H. Y. MOPA, Thomas Sudmeyer1,2, Yutaka Imai1, d’Electronique et de Microoptoélectronique ren2; 1Princeton Univ., USA, 2Duke Univ., Schrauwen, Dirk Taillaert, Dries Van Manela1, Mordechai Segev1, Demetrios Kong Univ. of Science and Technology, Hong how fast optical switching can both enhance Tam2, Xingyong Dong2; 1Photonics Res. Ctr. Hisashi Masuda1, Naoya Eguchi1, Masaki de Montpellier, Univ. Montpellier, France. USA. We demonstrated that both oxyhemo- Thourhout, Roel Baets; IMEC, Ghent Univ., Christodoulides2; 1Technion, Israel, 2College Kong. Second-harmonic generation (SHG) the scalability of core routers and allow and Dept. of Electronic and Information Saito1, Shigeo Kubota1; 1Sony Corp., Japan, First quantum cascade lasers emitting be- globin and deoxyhemoglobin has sequen- Belgium. Metal grating couplers for Silicon- of Optics and Photonics, CREOL, USA. We uesday, May 8 uesday, 2 T from monosized, and aligned single-walled adaptive bandwidth circuit switching for Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic ETH, Switzerland. We present resonator- low 3 µm are demonstrated. The lasers based tial two-photon absorption properties that on-Insulator waveguides are proposed. A predict and present the first observation of carbon nanotubes is measured and the more efficient use of the optical network. Univ., Hong Kong, 2Photonics Res. Ctr. and enhanced frequency conversion of a mas- on the InAs/AlSb material system emit at can serve as endogenous contrasts in mi- silver grating coupler with 33% coupling conical diffraction arising from k-space anisotropic dependence of SHG on the ex- Dept. of Electrical Engineering, The Hong ter-oscillator fiber power amplifier. 88%-ef- 2.95-2.97 µm at 83 K and operate up to room crovasculature imaging. They can also be efficiency is designed. A gold grating cou- singularities in the band-structure of a peri- citation polarizations are investigated. The Kong Polytechnic Univ., Hong Kong. A 139.6 ficient 2nd harmonic generation results in > temperature. differentiated through their different excited pler prototype is fabricated using Focused odic potential. The experiments are carried results are in excellent agreement with the GHz transform limited pulse train with peak 20W at 532nm. A low loss Czochralski-grown state dynamics. Ion Beams demonstrating over 10% coupling out in honeycomb lattices, where we also theory. power of 120 mW is generated using self BBO generates record-high, > 12-W con- efficiency. generate “honeycomb gap-solitons.” injection-locking of a Fabry-Perot Laser di- tinuous-wave, 4th-harmonic radiation at ode. The pulsewidth is 1.6 ps and the time- 266nm. bandwidth product is 0.34. CTuA2 • 8:15 a.m. CTuC2 • 8:15 a.m. CTuD2 • 8:15 a.m. CTuE2 • 8:15 a.m. CTuG2 • 8:15 a.m. QTuA2 • 8:15 a.m. Second-Harmonic Imaging of ZnO 77-GHz Pulse Train at 1.5 µm Directly Development of a Single-Frequency InGaAs-AlAsSb Quantum Cascade Lasers: Polysilicon-on-Insulator Photonic De- Observation of Embedded Lattice Soli- Nanoparticles, Elder de la Rosa1, Miguel Generated by a Passively Mode-Locked Nanosecond Pulsed Deep-UV Coherent Towards 3 µm Emission, Dmitry G. Revin1, vices, Kyle Preston, Michal Lipson; School tons, Xiaosheng Wang1,2, Zhigang Chen1,2, Yacaman1, Liangfeng Sun2, Michael C. High Repetition Rate Er:Yb:Glass Laser, Light Source for Manipulating Silicon John W. Cockburn1, Luke R. Wilson1, Mat- of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Jianke Yang3; 1San Francisco State Univ., Downer2, Luis A. Diaz Torres3, Pedro Salas4; Simon C. Zeller1, Thomas Südmeyer1, Ursula Atoms, Yasutomo Shiomi, Takeshi thew J. Steer2, Robert J. Airey2, Mark Cornell Univ., USA. We demonstrate ring USA, 2Nankai Univ., China, 3Univ. of Ver- 1Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Univ. of Keller1, Kurt J. Weingarten2; 1Swiss Federal Yamamoto, Hiroshi Kumagai, Ataru Hopkinson2, Andrey B. Krysa2; 1 Dept. of resonators with Q = 4,000 using polycrys- mont, USA. We report the first demonstra- Texas at Austin, USA, 2Dept. of Physics, Univ. Inst. of Technology, ETH Zürich, Switzer- Kobayashi; Osaka City Univ., Japan. A Physics and Astronomy, Univ. of Sheffield, talline silicon annealed at a low tempera- tion of embedded lattice soliton trains. Such of Texas at Austin, USA, 3Ctr. de land, 2Time-Bandwidth Products, Switzer- single-frequency nanosecond pulsed deep- UK, 2EPSRC Natl. Ctr. for III-V Technologies, ture of 600°C, which is compatible with stan- solitons arise from the X-symmetry points Investigaciones en Optica, Mexico, 4Inst. land. We demonstrate a passively mode- ultraviolet coherent light source consisting Univ. of Sheffield, UK. We report the first dard CMOS processes. in the first Bloch band but still reside (em- Mexicano del Petroleo, Mexico. ZnO locked Er:Yb:glass laser operating at a record of a frequency-tripled nanosecond pulsed realization of lattice matched In0.53Ga0.47As/ bedded) in the first band of a 2-D photonic nanocrystals with average crystallite size high repetition rate of 77 GHz. Its compact- Ti:sapphire laser injection-seeded by a AlAs0.56Sb0.44/InP quantum cascade lasers lattice. 20nm forming irregular nanoparticles with ness and stability are attractive for future single-frequency cw Ti:sapphire laser was emitting close to 3 µm and first demonstra- average size ~300nm were prepared. Strong high-speed data transmission systems in the developed successfully for manipulating sili- tion of strain balanced InGaAs/AlAsSb/InP brilliant second-harmonic generation from 1.5 µm telecom window. con atoms. quantum cascade lasers operating at wave- nanoparticles was obtained and imaged lengths near 4 µm. showing 5µm spots suggesting good poten- tial for biomedical applications. www.cleoconference.org • www.phastconference.org ROOM 337 ROOM 338 ROOM 339 ROOM 340 ROOM 341 NOTES QELS CLEO 8:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. 8:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. 8:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. 8:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. 8:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. QTuB • Fundamental QTuC • Spontaneous CTuH • Integrated Optics CTuI • Advanced Concepts CTuJ • Control and Nonlinear Optics Parametric Down John M. Fini; OFS Labs, for LED Lighting and Characterization of Jacob B. Khurgin; Johns Conversion USA, Presider Communications Frequency Combs Hopkins Univ., USA, Ian Walmsley; Univ. of Mary Crawford; Sandia Brian H. Kolner; Univ. of Presider Oxford, UK, Presider Natl. Labs, USA, Presider California at Davis, USA, Presider T uesday, May 8 uesday, QTuB1 • 8:00 a.m. QTuC1 • 8:00 a.m. CTuH1 • 8:00 a.m. Invited CTuI1 • 8:00 a.m. CTuJ1 • 8:00 a.m. Cascade-Like Nonlinearity Caused by Narrowband Pulsed Polarization-En- InP Waveguide Optical Isolator for Pho- Enhancement of Light Extraction in Residual Stability of a Fiber-Based Fre- Local-Field Effects: Extending tangled Photon Source for Free-Space tonic Integrated Circuits, Yoshiaki GaInN Light-Emitting Diodes with quency Comb, William C. Swann, Ian Bloembergen’s Result, Ksenia Dolgaleva1, Quantum Key Distribution, Onur Nakano; RCAST, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan. Ab- Graded-Index Indium Tin Oxide Layer, Coddington, Luca Lorini, Jim Bergquist, Scott Robert W. Boyd1, John E. Sipe2; 1Inst. of Op- Kuzucu, Franco N.C. Wong; MIT, USA. We stract not available. Jong Kyu Kim, Martin F. Schubert, J.-Q. Xi, A. Diddams, Nate R. Newbury; NIST, USA. tics, USA, 2Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Toronto, demonstrate a narrowband pulsed source Frank W. Mont, E. Fred Schubert; Rensselaer We present measurements of the residual Canada. We treated the saturation effect in of polarization-entangled photons based on Polytechnic Inst., USA. Enhancement of light frequency stability across a fiber frequency a dense medium up to the fifth order of parametric downconversion in a phase- extraction in a GaInN light-emitting diode comb by comparison through a Ti:sapphire nonlinearity, and discovered that the expres- stable Sagnac interferometer that is suitable employing a graded-refractive index ITO frequency comb.
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