ï UNITED NATIONS f ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR LATIN AMERICA Office for the Caribbean X'V; Fage INTRODUCTION , . SUMMABY TABLES A, Total Traffic B, Domestic Total Traffic C, Trans-shipment Total Traffic D, Other Ships Total Traffic E, WISCO Total Traffic F? Inter-Island Vessels Total Traffic G, Total Outward Traffic by Month. SECTION 1. Guyana SECTION 12. Belize n 2. Trinidad & Tobago " 13. Surinam li 3> Barbados " 14» Guadeloupe " 4, Grenada " 15. Martinique " 5- St,Vincent " 16. St.Croix " 6» St,Lucia " 17. St.Thomas " 7. Dominica " 18. Tortola " 8, Antigua " 19- Europe " 9' Montserrat " 20. U.K. " 10, St,Kitts " 21. Haiti " 11» Jamaica " 22. Anguilla per annum and Barbados to Belize where no traffic was reported. Ad- ditional difficulties precluded the collection of Inward Barbados traffic to Antigua,, This is estimated to be 1,380 tons per annum, (This information was provided by Canadian Pacific Consulting Ser- vices), Table B shows the total cargo flows of traffic originating in the survey ports and Table C shows the trans-shipment traffic. In some cases in-bond spirits are shown as trans-shipment traffic where it originated because duty was not paid. Consequently? this trans- shipment traffic is overstated« Tables D, E & F show a breakdown of total traffic carried by Other Vessels, WISCO and by the Inter-Island Vessels. Finally, Table G shows the total traffic monthly by port of origin. The report is then divided into 22 Sections of Port to Port flows showing commodity, tons and type of vessel. This document, for the first time, provides details of general cargo movement within the GARICOM Area and to and from other selected ports. It is hoped that it will prove useful for planning purposes to agencies, institutions and governments in the area. INTER-ISLAND SHIPPING SURVEY Introduction ECLA and CARICOM were asked by the Caribbean Development Bank to assist in an Investment Study for the West Indies Shipping Cor- poration being carried out by Canadian Pacific Consulting Services by surveying general cargo shipping on existing and potential WISCO routes. The following tables show the results of this work which was funded by the Canadian International Development Agency. While it is impossible to name all of the people who helped in collecting the data a special thank you is due to the Customs and Port Officers in the region who cheerfully accepted the additional workload and answered numerous questions! about the ship clearance documents used as a basis for the survey. Methodology & Scope Customs clearance documents were analyzed in ten CARICOM Ports, namely, Guyana, Trinidad & Tobago, Barbados, Grenada, St.Vincent, St.Lucia, Dominica, Antigua, Montserrat and St„Kitts<. Outward Con- tents were taken for the period October 1975 to September 1976 from each of these ports to all other ports «surveyed and in addition to Jamaica, Belize, Surinam, Guadeloupe, Martinique, St.Croix, St.Thomas, T0rtola, Haiti and Anguilla, Similarly, Inward Manifests were taken for the same period from these ports to the survey ports. In addition Inward Manifests were taken from both Europe and the United Kingdom to Grenada, St.Vincent, St.Lucia, Dominica, Antigua, Montserrat and St.Kitts. It should be noted that cargo moving in bulk has been ex- cluded from the analysis. The information collected included Commodity, Freight Tons loaded and discharged,-^Method of packing, type of ship and name and size of ship. The following tables show a summary of this information. Table A shows the total traffic between ports. Here it should be pointed out that it proved impossible to examine Ouward Contents in Barbados as these documents are not retained by Customs but are returned to the shippers. Barbados originating traffic was therefore collected from the Inward Manifests in the other nine ports surveyed. Consequently, no flow is given for Barbados to Jamaica, estimated to be 1,460 tons l/ That is weight or measurement on the basis of which freight was paid; odd units encountered were converted to freight tons at the processing stage with reference to approximate density® INTER-ISLAND SHIPPING SURVEY TABLE 8 E TOTAL TRAFFIC N,. -P 01 St. Kitts oi & Origin Guyana Trinidad Barbados Grenada St.Viftcent St.Lucia Dominica Antigua Monts&rrat Nevi a Guyana X 23263«. 5 I247I.3 1037.2 3338.5 1579*2 I594.4 2827.2 251.0 234.0 Trinidad 51099*9 X 37034.0 19451.8 14784.8 17999.4 3268.7 6161.6 2I3I.2 3437.2 Barbado s 5736.1 I6576.3 X 2434.3 1791.1 4379.6 2105»1 245.3 498.9 Grenada 154.1 1541*0 229.9 X 173.6 111.9- 317.O 19.2 14.0 17.0 St.Vincent 66.2 2304.9 5OI.I I33.I X 213.5 lo 5 3.0 - » 1 StoLucia 2.5 2285,0 450o8 455.1 112.5 * X 17.2 33.5 72.2 Dominica 70.7 379 »7 2054.8 238.1 18,8 197.7 X 190.I 80 0 110.0 Antigua — 710,5 599.5 90.2 224.2 1114.6 153.0 ! X 743.1 789.3 Montserrat 6.3 222.6 •1.1 " ii. 3 """""18.3 ' "22:7 143.2 ~ "2O3.5 X "221.5 St.Kitts & • • T " ' Nevis 22. 6 75.2 194.7 12® 1 34.6 36.2 181.5 525.3 322.0 X Jamaica 11200o6 21558,2 9805©2 828.4 986.9 1920.5 1909.6 I679.I 346.9 1253*4 Belize _ . 998.6 = < «= = = •=• Surinam 729*1 2640® 4 779oO 653.4 59.5 225.I 32.0 48.0 2Ö60 6 1050.8 c Guadeloupe - 0,5 1494.0 - 1.0 380.1 499.7 0.9 18« 3 , Martinique - - IO6.4 6.3 60.5 I29.9 142.5 117.2 = 'tss St.Croix - . = = 0.2 i 336.9 426.0 99.2 •= 2569.2 - - St» Thomas. o<,5 • . - - 418.4 323. 8 36.2 523.6 Tortola 10.1 - ; = 3.1 " 1.1 17.8 277.3 6.5 61.3 Europe X X X 4126O4 55.0 921.4 1451.5 2787.0 «33 1789*6 UoKo X X X 11963.2 4.5 8014.4 8028.8 12571.8 3544.9 7480.9 Haiti 5606.7 - 5375«4 _ 550.0 1490o0 838.0 751.3 ..... .. ...•=... -Angu.il 1& -. - :. .. .84.7 . ... ... .. ... , 118.6 TOTAL 74705.4 71557.8 72095*8 41528.7 2l663o0 37755»1 22078.3 28366.5 8766.8 20924.9 TABLE ; E (cont'd) ..' : . ... ^^^ 03 TOTAL -- ® Origin Jamaica Belize Surinam Guadeloupe Martinique St» Croix St.Thomas Tortola Haiti Anguilla. Guyana 32220.6 _ 2896.9 453'. 3 _ 2.8 7.5 •D 82177.4 Trinidad 45789»3 1508,1 3625.2 1305»2 3025.9 4,3 « 31.9 520.1 764,5 211943,1 „ Barbados _ = » « «a 33766.7 Grenada 27,2 1.1 10^0 « 26l6,0 St®Vincent «3 CS 2„Q « 30.5 « 0.2 3256.0 St,Lucia 1.3 _ 0.5 165.0 69« 4 «S» 3665.0 Dominica 1297.3 _ 8.0 453» 1 186® 0 1.3a 4 139,9 4»7 27.4 5397.7 Antigua 18.9 15.9 „ 66.8 a 3.3 102® 3 15.2 «a 275.3 4922.1 Montserrat 0.1 117.0 9,0 1/0 8.5 54.8 ,1.9 Os 4 1043.2 St.Kitts & Nevi s l6o4 caa . 17.4 1.0 16.2 50 e 9 72.1 1578.2 X X Jamaica X X X X X X X X 5148808 Belize X X X X X X X X X X 980.6 Surinam X X X X X X X X X X 6423.9 Guadeloupe X X X X X X X X X 2394.5 Martinique X X X X X , X X X X X 562.8 i St0 Croix X X X X X X X X X X 3431.5 St-„Thomas X X X X X X X X X X 1302.5 Tortola X X X X X X X X X X 377.2 Europe X X X X X X X x X X 11130.9 U.K. X X X X X X X X X X 516O8.5 Hai ti X X X X X X X X X X 14611.4 { Anguilla X | X X X X X X X X X 203.3 TOTAL 7937101 1524.0 6533.7 212405 3744,6 78s? 304,4 186.2 522 ÌO678 494899.3 INTER-ISLAND SHIPPING SURVEY TABLE 8 E DOMESTIC TOTAL TRAFFIC St.Kitts ffl & Origin^^O Guyana Trinidad Barbado s Grenada St,Vincent St.Lucia Dominica Antigua Mont serrât Nevis 23055.0 12471,0 IO37.2 3338.5 1579*2 1594»4 2827.2 25I.O 234.0 Guyana X 3309.2 Trinidad 48049.0 X 35892.6 18592.1 14443-5 17546.0 3066,5 5950,7 2109.5 2104,8 - 145.0 Barbado s 5510.7 15981.4 X 2434,3 1789.5 4362.6 491.5 173o6 317.O 19.2 14.0 17.0 Grenada 154.1 1541.0 228.4 X 111.9 St »Vincent 66,2 2304.9 468.7 133.1 X 79.6 1.5 3.0 - StoLucia 2.5 2262.4 441.8 455.O 106.5 X 17.2 22,5 52.1 6,1 105.0 Dominica 70.7 352.7 2032.7 I97.I 18.0 106,7 X 168,1 1114.6 101,8 X 514,5 679» 3 Antigua ~ 710.5 599,5 9O.2 130,9 Montserrat 6,3 222,6 l.l 11.
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