THE CENTURY "THE CONSCIENCE OF THE WORLD7' PRESIDENT RADHAKRISHKAN in a bro- SIR AI,EC DOUGLAS-HOME : "My 1947-1948, where I learned to know him. adcast to the nation on May 27 said that with colleagues and I are deeply distressed to and admire him. the death of Jawaharlal Nehru "an epoch in learn of Mr. Nehru's death. We mourn the "He was one of the greatest figures in our country's history has came to a close". death of the architect of modern India, history. The world is the poorer for his "Jawaharlal Nehru was one of the greatest a wise and far-s~ghted world statesman, passmg. figures of the generation, ao outstanding and above all an eminent and respected Commonwealth leader. "He was a most magnanimous man who statesman whose services to the cause of never showed the slightest personal resent- 1:uman freedom are unforgettable. As a "His death will be a grievous loss to the ment at being kept for many years in prison fighter for freedom he was illustrious, as Commonwealth and to the world. We send by the British. He was a great fighter for a maker of modern India his services were our heartfelt sympathy and condolences Indian freedom, and when his life's work unparallel. His life and work have had a to the Government of India on their great was crowned with success he was a big profound influence on our mental makup, loss." enough man to gra p the hand of friend- soclal structure and intellectual develop- ship held out to him by the British". mect.lt will be difficult to reconcile ourselves EARL ATTLEE, former Prime Minister to the image of Ind~awithout Nehru's active of Britain, said Mr Nehru "was agreat THE EARL OF AVON (formerely Sir and all-oervasive leadership. An epoch in world figure and perhaps might be regarded Anthony Eden) former British Prime Min~st- our co&try9s history has come to a close." as a doyen of world statesmen." er and ex-Foreign Secretary: "I deeply regret . ."MeRru held the office of the Prime Mr. Nehru was a man "singularly free to hear of Mr. Nehru's death which is a Minister of our country ever since the of bitterness". traglc loss for India and a grievous misfor- dawn of independence and in the long Years Mr. Nehru had been put in prison by tune for the free world." of his premiership he tried tc p~1tour Country British Governments for many years yet PRESIDENT LYNDON JOHNSON: on a progressive, scientific, dynamic and he never showed any bitterness but with "I find it difficult to express the sense of noncommunal basis. His steadfast loyalty "wise statesmanship did all he could to pro- personal loss which I feel as a result of lo certain fundamental principles of libera- mote friendship belween the two peoples". the death of your father. His. passing has lism gave direction to our thought and left ha country and all markmd to whotn life. ,By his own powerfu! and vibrant "I, of course, knew him well and valued . his friendship". he gave so much in word and dce3 the voice, which we ill not hear any more, he poorer. I shall always tre-sure my all created, moulded, inspired, and kindled a ANTHONY GREEN WOOD, Chair- too brief association with Prirne Ministtr whole generation of Indians, to a loyalty to man of the Labour Party, said: '.Mr. .Nehru Nehru. His conlfort at the time of the as:as- the first principles which he held so dear. was an outstanding power in work~ngfor sination of President Kennedy was a great He had a love of liberty not merely for peace and the world is much poor-r for smce of strength to me. That we should lose his own people but for all people of the his loss. Our thoughts go out to the Indian people at this tragic moment", He added that thjs great man so soon after our o\%nloss world. He therefore expressed syn~pathy grieves us more deeply than we can expect. and support for all liberation movements he had known Mr. Nehru "for more than "His leadership and wisdom were indis- in Africa, Asiaand South America. He belie- 30 years" and that his death was "a great pensable at its most critical years and his ved in the liberty of all without distinction loss" devotion to the great Indian adventure of of class, creed or country. Nehru was a great believer In world peace and the con- FENNER BROCKIVAY, Chairman freedom was unwavering", cept of one world community. No one has of the Movement for Colonial Freedom: . MRS. JACQUELINE KENNEDY: "My shown greater faith and allegiance to the "India under the leadership of Pandit Nehru d-ep?st sympathy on the death of the Prime Charter of the UN than Nehru. .Our was the first nation to achieve its indepen- Mlnlster. 1 know his loss will be felt by all thoughts today go out to h~mas a great dence after the War. His triumph people throughout the world". emancipator of the human race, one who inspired the people of rnxe than 50 nations has given all his life and energy to the freeing which have each gained their political free- DEhY RUSK: "India's loss is truly the of men's minds from political bondage, dom. As Prinie Minister, Pandit Nehru loss of all mankind. Pandit Jawahfirla1 h'ehru economic siavery, social oppression and has always been their champion. symbol~zed the ideals of freedom, human culfural stagnation. Those of us who are ''India was also the first non-aligned dignity, justice and peace which we %hare. left behind to mourn his loss could do no nation. It was Pandit Nehru who set the His leadership and inspiration will be better than wark for the ide~ls he pattern for the many Governments in- sorely missed by us al!". cherished". cluding most of the new sovereign States of Asia and Africa which now represent nearly ADLAI STEVENSON: "lndia hs PR'hlE MINISTER NAWDA appealed to one-third of the population of the earth lost its father and the whole world griekes. the nation on May 27 to ren1a:n united and and which are the greatest hope -of world Within Mr. Nehru's small frail body bur- "to work with selfless devotion, faith and freedom from fear of war". ned the fires of freedom. justice, and hope. courage". .."The nation has to live. The At a critical time for his country and the problems before us have to be faced and world v,e have lost a towering leader whose solved. This will be assured o~iyif we keep HAROLD \.VILSON paid a trim 1:adership is sorely needed. My sympalhy together and work in faith and unity. bute to Nzhru for the revolution he had goes out to his country, his daughter and one of the greates~son, of Indra has passed brought about in India and expressed con- his family." away. A life of the rarest nobility and de- fidence that his policies would be dication has suddenly come to an end. continued. DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER : "The This is not the end of an individual life LORD BERTRAh?) RUSSELL: "If world will, I know, greet the news of Prime only but of an era in the life-of the neiion. we try to imagine what that means- a Minister Nehru's death with deep sadness The effulgence of this era w~llcontinue to period of the greater part of the independent and regret. Often he has disagreed with light the path of many a generation to life of India-we can b.tter unders and leaders and governments of the free world come. For 17 years Jawaharlal Nehru held the magnitude of his contribution to man- but none of them has ever doubted Mr aloft the torch of India's freedom, givlng kind. The nonalignment he formulated pre- Nehru's sincere devotion to universal peace every day and hour of his life completely vented war on more than one occasion. His or his dedication to the welfare of India's to the service of India and of humanity. disparate people are one nation. I hope those .Millions of our people and millions vast population. who damned him while he lived will not try "For my part, I valued. every opportu- elsewhere knew and loved him. He had to embrace him in the name of things he nity to meet him on Important prob- entered into their lives and thoughts and loathed." given mearing to them. The:r vision of lems and was proud to claim his friendship. Mrs. Eisenhower joins me in expressing lndia was his vision. The values for which HAROLD MACMILLhT, former he lived were their values. He inspired them our profound sympathy to his family and British Premier: "The loss to India is to the people he served so long." and in turn their love and faith sustained hcalculable . .The loss to the Common- hin. H, I~vesa void which can never be wealth is almost equally great. I had the pri- filled." PREMIER MHRUSHCHEV asd Dr. Bre- vilege of close friendship and intimate rhnev, Ctairman Presidium of the Suprrme QUEEN ELIZABETH II: "I am deeply working with Mr. Nehru over many im- Soviet of the USSR. "It was with a feeling of grieved to hear of the death of Mr. Nehru, portant Commonwealth problems and was great sorrow that we learned of the death of who ~111be mourned throughout the able to see something not.only of his imm.
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