32 NEW ZEALAND CHESS SUPPL!ES P.O.Box 42-O9O Wa inuiomata Phone (04)564-8578 Fax (04)564-8578 Email : [email protected] Stockists of the widest selection of modern chess literature in Australasia. Chess sets, boards, clocks, stationery and all playing equipment. Distributors of all leading brands of chess computers and software. Send S.A.E. for brochure and catalogue (state your interest). Of'ticial rnagazine ol'the New Zealand Chess Federation (lnc) PLASTIC CHESSMEN'STAUNTON' STYLE . CLUB/TOURNAMENT STANDARD 90mm King, solid, extra weighted, wrde felt base (ivory & black matt finish)g 28.00 95mm King solid,weighted, felt base (black & white semi.gloss finish $ 17 50 98mm King solid, weighted, felt base (black & white matt finish) 24.50 $ Vot 26 Number 4 August 2000 Plastic container with clip tight lid for above sets $ 8.00 FOLDING CHESSBOARDS - CLUB/TOURNAMENT STANDARD 480 x 480mm thick cardboard (green and lemon) $ 6 00 450 x 450 mm thick vinyl (dark brown and off white) g 19 50 VINYL CHESSBOARDS . CLUB/TOURNAIV]ENT STANDARD 450 x 475 mm roll.up mat type, algebraic symbols at borders to assist move recognition (green and white) $ 7 50 440 x 44Omm semi flex and non-folding, algebraic symbols as above (dark brown and off-white g 11 00 CHESS MOVE TIMERS (CLOCKS) 'Turnier' German-rnade popular wind.up club clock, brown plastic $ 80 00 'Exclusiv' German-made as above, in wood case $ 98 00 'Gambit' Deluxe wood - large face 9129 00 SAITEK digital game timer 9129 00 CLUB AND TOURNAMENT STATIONERY Bundle of 200 loose score sheets, 80 moves and diagram $ 700 Bundle of 500 loose score sheets, 80 moves and diagram $ 15 00 Score pad, spiral-bound, 50 games, score sheets as above $ 3 50 Score book, spiral bound, lies flat at any page, 50 games of 80 moves, with index and diagram for permanent record $ 7.00 I Artyfax peel-and-stick symbols (400 pieces) plus 20 diagram blocks $ 8.00 MAGNETIC CHESS 190 x 150mm (15mm green & yellow squares) flat disc pieces $ 47.50 270 x ZOOmm (24mm green & yellow squares) flat disc pieces (NZ made)g 19.00 Standing pocket set 125 x 725 mm (15mm b & w squares) $ 5.00 Standing 325 x 325mm (38mm squares, 65mm King) $ 24.50 WE ARE BUYING CHESS LITERATURE OF ANY AGE AND ANY CONDITION. TOP PRICES PAID, NZ Champion meets Australia's l3-year-old new star Please contact us with details for an offer. EVERYTHING FOR CHESS AT N.Z.C.S. ,, New Zealand Chess STOP PRESS Official journal of the New Zealand Chess Obituaries New Zealand Chess (Inc.), We regret to rccord two deaths in llrc , 1,, .; Federation published in February, Vol 26 Nunber 4 August 2000 April, June, August, October, December. communty. Editorial correspondence, copy and Nigel Hopewell,34. a highly rrsprtr,rl advertising inquiries should be sent to competitor in Auckland chcss. hrr:, ,1,,,1 Contents New Zealand Chess tragically ir a traffic aocidcrrt 4 Fresh from his success in achieving the IM title at the zonal tournament,. Anthony Ker c/- 103 Koromiko Road Conrad Newick, 87, wlrrr plirvetl rrr llre enjoyed another success in the North Island Championship in Wellington. IM Rus- Gonville New Zealand Championship ur llr( l',.Itt., sell Dive could do no better than draw each of his last four games, letting Anthony Wanganui and has bcen living i11 rctrrcrrrcrrt rr snatch a clear lead and the title in the last round. Opinions expressed in articles, letter and Whangarci, has died in Auckland NZCF names the playing other contributions are those of the authors. Thcir contribution to chess will be rccordcd 7 Olympiad teams and order, also launches the usual appeal Letters on chess topics are welcome; Iimit in thc next issue of NZ (.lhess. for funds to assist the NZ representatives. 150 words and marked publication." "for 12 Anthony Ker has joined our select band of IMs, so we chart his chess progress EDITORTAL Olympiad donations through the years. Editor, Ted Frost. The Olympiad {und (scc pagc ) has bccn bolstered by sorne b_"- salc Overseas news editor, Peter Stuart. X1200 thc of old. I 15 Warts and all from the zonal tournament, we are running all the games. surptus books by NZCF 23 Kulashko wins the Waikato Rapid, and Bob Smith (ustifiably) chides NZ Chess for SUBSCRIPTIONS errors in some of our tournament reports. Subscription payments should be sent to Waikato Open The Waikato Open has bccn uorr bv I)irr r,l Treasurer, NZCF 24 The field for the NZ Women's Championship was small again this year, and Vivian Guthrie with 5/6, Sccond cquirl wcrc ll,,l, P O Box 216 Smith's domination continued. Shortland Street Smith, Leonard McLarcn, [;rralur liu;rlirr rrrll' Auckland 4 516, and Brucc Watsorr. Stcpht:rr I rrL, r 2l GM Ian Rogers spots a flaw in his own Congress analysis, and Mark Sinclair heads Ralph Hart and Hilton Bcnnctt on 4/(r the Kapiti 30-30 field. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION RATES 23 Gordon Hoskyn reports results of the latest NZCCA handicap tournament. NewZealand, $20.00. Australia, South PaciIic, $US12.00 airmail. 25 Peter Stuart's reports that Kasparov stayed on top in Sarajevo, but oniyjust, and East Asiq N Americ4 $US15.00 airmail there's a new European Championship event. Europe, $USl17.50 ainnail, $12.50 economy. The next issue: Mait features will be the report on the 2000 South Island Championship Rest of world, $US20.00 airmail, $US15.00 and the Waikato Open, plus the last games in the zonal tournament and usual over- oconomy. seas news and correspondence chess features. Back issues available - send for details. ADVERTISING RATES N Full page, SN267.50 Half-page or firll column, $N245.00 September 25 to 30, 2000, in the Otago Chess Club's rooms at Half column, $N227.00 7 Maitland Street, Dunedin. Banner $.1.i215.00 South lsland Championship, Sept 25-29, entry fce $6, juniors $30. COPYDEADLINE COVER PHOTO: At tlrc nt((nt ..t)nttl ('honpitttr, October issue, Saturday, September 30. tournament, New Zealand .,1 1,, t,, t South lsland Rapid Championship, Saturday, Sept 30, entry fee $30, juniors Kulashko (left), playcd t() llatn tht lll trrlr,. $20' Homepage: but met tough comlclilion and uililutr ltr\ Entries for Championship close September 16, with the Secretary, Otago CC, j-year<tld http ://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/ losses was onc l() lhc I Artttt,rlrrrtr 7 Maitland Streel, Dunedin. nzchess player, Zhoo Zrmg Yuan (right), vln, t, ,'t, ,1 Entries for Rapid Championship close September 29. 6.5 points lo Kain his I.M. Enq u i ries, r Rower I (t.)T3-J,fl:l#i".Til57 -6213, H G ord 4s5-3780, Email to editor: tedfrost@xfi a.co.nz NZ Chess NZ Chess North Island Championship, 2000 ll1' l',ttrl I tnrt11 1,,,2 3:'',4:,,5,:6r,l ''7'': ::8 I Ker, Anthony It has been sweral years since the Wellington 23781W17 Wr3 D6 W2i U3 D2 Wlo W7 6.5 1 2 I)ive. Itussell Chess Club (formerly has WE ll70lw22 w8 wt5 w3 D6 Dt D7 D4 62 Cwic) hosted a major Ker"{ (2378) - Wllllnrrrs.lt ( t 6,)7 y -t Wastney, Scott GA. 21?81W19,WlI wg::r:,t-2:r, Dtr ,u/6 rw13, '1,5 5.5 3J toumament, so this year's North Island Champi- R I Tronrpou,skr \,'rrr [A45] 4 Wojnar, Jar:ek 19:10lD24ir:Dl4:W26 ill3i,V/lsr ,D7: ::lif,6r D2 5,5, 3-5 onship, held from Julyl0-14, was a rare opportu- 1.d4 Af6 2.@g5 eG 3.ed2 dS .t.r:t rrrr 5 r,rrr.l-1 } Guthne, David OT 2illlw32 D2l Dl6 L6 W23 D8 W22 L3 5.5 3:5 for those living () Kor, Charles nif in the lower part of the abd7 6.14 h6 7.e[4 c5 8.c3 0c7 rr.\rr/r,2 (fh6 2r3elw25 W7 Dr W5 D2 Ll L4 Wtl 5 ' 6,12 island to participate in such an evont at or close 10.Hbl 7 McNab. Matlherv CA 1S84lW3r L6 Wrr W9 Wt6 D4 D2 Ll 5 6-12 c4 1l.Qc2 Ua5 12.a3 b5 l.l.rrgt.t ,,jglt ,6-12 to home. I Duntr, Paul WE 19r51W28 L2 Dl7 Drs W26 Ds W2l De 5 14.e4 4h615.0{ QdZ l6.Qxe7 AxcT t 7.,i)cs [6 9 Pomeroy, Arthur WE 20441W30 W23 L3 L7 W19 D22 W.t4 D8 5 G12 Thirty-three players duly arrived at St. 18.Ebel Eh7 i9.f5 0 Mamer, Gavin i953lLls W30 w2s DI4 D22 Wt6 Ll w18 5 5.12 Patrick's College, Kilbirnie, including seven I Croad, Nic WE r7801w33 L3 L7 D}e w24 Wls W27 W2t 5 6-12 from out-of-tolm. It is regrettable but unsurpris- 2 Van der I{oom, M 20211 - V,t20 L21 L27 W31 W29 $i 19 W16 5 5i,.12 116 ing, that only three Aucklanders attended, and _t Daraes^,Roben lEr7rlw2g !,Ll :W33,:D4 :W17 Wla r'L3:: 4.5 t 3.14, none oftheir top playors. 4 Koia, Astrley r555lDl8 t)4 W28 DIo W21 Ll3 t.9 W:2 4.5 13-1,4 5 llarris, Pascal liT6Jwro wl8 t.2 DB r.4 r-16 wzl 15-1,7 The field was headed by IMs Anthony Ker and Du 4 6 Sims, Martin: t85rlD20 W24 D5 W2r t.7 t.lo Wls t.t2 4 1s-t'7 Russell Dive, who were expected to dominate, Williams, l3arry t6e7l t.l w29 D8 Wt8 l.l3 L2l I)2.1 W24 4 15-17 but with possible competition coming from Scott 8, Wintield.
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