BLM SPECIAL EDITION 1998 EXAMPLES OF AGENCY SIGNS SURFACE MANAGEMENT STATUS DESERT ACCESS GUIDE Newberry Springs BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT USDA FOREST SERVICE I:100,000-Scale topographic map showing: • Highways, roads and other manmade structures • Water features • Contours and elevations in meters • Recreation sites • Coverage of former desert access guide #11 Johnson Valley NATIONAL PARK SERVICE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR OF f AND MANAGEMENT CALIFORNIA STATE PARKS Edited and published by the Bureau of Land Management National Applied Resource Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado in cooperation with the Bureau of Land Management California State Office. Planimetry partially revised by BLM from various source material. Revised information not field checked. Base map prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey. Compiled from USGS 1:24,000 and l:62,500-scale I -i >|i <i ! . • Kips dated 1953 1971, and from advance T" materials. Partially revised from aerial photographs taken 1976 and other source data. Bev'sed information not CALIFORNIA STATE field checked. Map edited 1977. Map photoinspected VEHICULAR RECREATION AREA using 1989 photographs. No major culture or drainage changes found. Help protect your public lands by observing posted Projection and 10,000-meter grid, zone 11: Universal OHV designations. Watch for OHV signs and read Transverse Mercator. 25,000-foot grid ticks based on them carefully. California coordinate system, zone 5. 1927 North American Datum. For more information contact the BLM, USDA Forest Service, National Park Service, California State Park, Land lines are omitted in areas of extensive tract surveys. or California State Motorized Vechicle Recreation Area Office (see back panel for address and phone There may be private inholdings within the boundaries of numbers). the National or State reservations shown on this map. NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 THIS MAP COMPLIES WITH NATIONAL MAP ACCURACY STANDARDS CONVERSION TABLE DECLINATION DIAGRAM ADJOINING MAPS METERS I FEET 1 2 3 ,L_MN 250 820 GN 1 4 5 500 1640 750 2461 6 7 8 The Bureau of Land Management, Fish and Wildlife 1000 3281 1250 4101 IL Service, USDA Forest Service, and National Park 1500 4921 0'17' 1258 MILS 1 Cuddeback Lake Service wilderness areas shown on this map were 1750 5741 5 MILS / / 2 Soda Mountains derived from the legislative maps, such as the 2000 6562 3 Ivanpah California Desert Protection Act of 1994. For more 4 Vicforville information, contact the representative agency. 5 Am boy To convert meters to feet UTM grid convergence multiply by 3.2808 (GN) and 1977 magnetic 6 San Bernardino declination (MN) 7 Big Bear Lake To convert feet to meters at center of map multiply by 0.3048 Diagram is approximate 8 Sheep Hole Mtns. FOR SALE BY U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT CALIFORNIA STATE OFFICE SACRAMENTO, CA 95825 AND U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DENVER, CO 80225 ISBN O-bOT-BlBAM-B 780607 91 3842 Topographic Map Symbols Pnmary highway, hard surface Secondary highway, hard surface . Light duty, hard, or aggregate surface Streets, roads gradea^draineaThatural surface Rough bladed or two=tracked surface Trail (foot, pack, bicycle, or as labeled) Route marker: Interstate; U.S.; State Railroad: standard gage; narrow gage Bridge; overpass; underpass Tunnel: road; railroad Built up area; locality; elevation Airport; landing field; landing strip . CALIFORNIA DESERT AREA ACCESS GUIDE National boundary INDEX TO 1.100,000-SCALE MAPS State boundary County boundary RED OUTLINE INDICATES PREVIOUS DESERT ACCESS GUIDES National or State reservation boundary Land grant boundary. U.S. public lands survey; range, township; section. Range, township; section line, protracted Power transmission line; pipeline Dam; dam with lock Cemetery; building Windmill; water well; spring Mine shaft; adit or cave; mine, quarry; gravel pit . Campground; picnic area; U.S. location monument. Ruins; cliff dwelling Distorted surface: strip mine, quarry; gravel pit ... Contours: index; intermediate; supplementary Bathymetric contours: index; intermediate Stream, lake: perennial; intermittent Rapids, large and small; falls, large and small.... Area to be submerged; marsh, swamp Land subject to controlled inundation . Special area boundary SPECIAL SYMBOL BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT POINTS OF INTEREST RECREATIONAL SYMBOL BLM recreation area boundary INDEX TO 1:24,000-SCALE MAPS LEGEND LAND STATUS LEGEND (SEE BACKSIDE FOR INFORMATION) LEGEND National trail; back country, scenic byway. Public Lands (Administered by 1 Nebo 17 West Ord Mountain Bureau of Land Management) Indian Lands or Reservations L! State Lands Department of Energy. Campground Information 2 Yermo 18 Ord Mountain Locked Gate •"• NOTE TO MAP USERS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Oregon & California Lands (O&C) Military Reservations and Withdrawals 3 Harvard Hill 19 Camp Rock Mine Route / Trail Marker r Picnic Area Hiking The surface and minerals management status overprints are published as general I Manix 20 Silver Bell Mine Coos Bay Wagon Road (CBWR) Corps of Engineers L Bureau of Reclamation Radio and Air Facilities planning and management tools. Some of the lands, surface and mineral rights, 5 Hidden Valley Wesi 21 Sunshine Peak Bureau of Land Management . X1II7 First Aid Scenic Geology may have been shown as patented lands due to the lack of information 6 Hidden Valley East 22 Lavic Lake National Wildlife Refuges (Administered - Power Withdrawals and 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 available to BLM with respect to the nature of acquisition. Tracts less than 40 7 West of Broadwell Mesa 23 Ludlow Forest Service IFS264I National Forest by Fish & Wildlife Service) \l Classifications Miscellaneous Drinking Water Point of Interest acres are usually omitted because of the map scale. The official land records in 8 Broadwell Mesa 24 Ash Hill Gasoline Station the respective offices of the Bureau of Land Management or other responsible 9 Daggett 25 White Horse Mountain County HM Bankhead-Jones Land Use Lands _ Federal Agency Protective State, County, City; Wildlife, Park Trailer Sanitary Station... Federal agencies should be checked for up-to-date status on any specific tract 10 Minneola 26 Grand View Mine National Grasslands (L.U. Lands) L! Withdrawals of land. Inadequacies in the BLM maps should be reported to the respective 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 and Outdoor Recreation Areas Telephone Historic Site II Newberry Springs 27 Fry Mountains Acquired Lands Bureau of Land Management offices from which the maps were obtained. 12 Troy Lake 28 Iron Ridge Ranger Station Off Highway Vehicle Area 13 Hector 29 Galway Lake National Parks and Monuments Patented Lands L Public Water Reserves (By Administering Agency) PUBLIC ACCESS 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 14 Sleeping Beauty 30 Lavic SE Fee Area Restrooms 15 Broadwell Lake 31 Morgans Well Roads crossing public lands may be travelled by the public unless closed by 16 East of Broadwell Lake 32 Ludlow SE Food Service signing or notice by the land management agency. Public lands intervened by private lands may not have public access. Permission is required from the private landowner to cross private land, unless access is provided by a Federal, State, or County road, or a BLM road with legal access. WELCOME TO THE CALIFORNIA DESERT WHO MANAGES THE DESERT El Centro Field Office Havasu National Wildlife Refuge JL661 S. 4th Street P.O. Box 3009 Bureau of Land Management (BLM): The Within its 25-million-acre expanse—an area the size of Ohio—lies a land of extreme contrasts. From the relatively high Mojave Desert of Joshua El Centro, CA 92243 Needles, CA 92363 California Desert Conservation Area (CDCA) (760) 337-4400 (760) 326-3853 trees and creosote to the lower Colorado Desert of native fan palms, smoke trees and ocotillo, the California Desert offers a multitude of recreational was created by Congress in 1976 and opportunities. Whether you have come to hike or backpack, tour by auto or four-wheel drive, enjoy your off-highway vehicle (OHV), or ride horses or Afton Canyon was carved by water Mojave Road remain, beginning at Fort from either Interstate 40 south of Daggett, Internet: www. ca. hlm.gov/elcentro LU Calico Early-Man includes a long-term land use plan for the mountain bikes, please Tread Lightly! on the desert and Leave No Trace of your visit. draining from Pleistocene Manix Lake, | Mojave Indian Reservation on the California, or from California Highway 247 Imperial National Wildlife Refuge management of public lands. The mission of Archaeological Site very likely through a rift in the earth Colorado River and ending near Camp east of Lucerne Valley. Needles Field Office P.O. Box 72217 the BLM is to sustain the health, diversity caused by a strong earthquake along the Cady east of Barstow. Four-wheel drive 101 W. Spikes Road Yuma, AZ 85365 and productivity of the public lands for the (See map, C-l) The history of the Calico Manix Fault about 15,000 years ago. enthusiasts enjoy the Mojave Road to this Keedles, CA 92363 (520) 783-3371 0 Kelso Dunes Wilderness use and enjoyment of present and future site dates back to 1942, when amateur Water eroded the rocks and soils there, day. 760) 326-7000 archaeologists discovered stone tools in generations. BLM offices are maintained to creating the colors seen in the canyon (See map, 1-2) Within this 129,580-acre nternet: www.ca. hlm.gov/ needles Kofa National Wildlife Refuge the area. The fragments were embedded in Riverside, Barstow, El Centro, Needles, Palm walls today. The process slowly wilderness lie two sweeping valleys: the P.O.Box 6290 the sediments of the shoreline of an 0 Johnson Valley Off Highway Springs and Ridgecrest. continues as the Mojave River flows __\_WBL\ I 'A \ MIV||| ^HI A i |A1 •^X^j ^| rolling Bristol Mountain and the Kelso palm Springs/South Coast Field Office Yuma, AZ 85364 ancient, Pleistocene-Era lake called Lake gently eastward through the canyon.
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