Year XII - Number 567 | 5 MARCH 2019 MARISTNEWS MARISTS OF CHAMPAGNAT I GENERAL HOUSE I ROME I WWW.CHAMPAGNAT.ORG Called to live out “prophetic and servant leadership” co-responsibly and interdependently Provincial and District Superiors gather in the General House he Meeting of Provincials and Dis- the Institute" and "our response to the During the course of the meeting it trict Superiors takes place in the crises generated by situations of sexual will be hoped to create an active and TGeneral House from the 4th to the abuse". experiential dynamic that favours 12th of March, with the motto "Called maximum exchange. And, also, to to live out “prophetic and servant find a time for a personal meeting leadership” co-responsibly and inter- with the Superior General or Vicar dependently ". Present at the meeting General and also the link-councillors are members of the General Council, and the directors of the secretari- the Brother Provincials and the District ats and departments of the General Superiors. Administration. The objective of this large meeting is, above all, to strengthen the sense of Marist Global Family through the meet- ing of the Provincials, District Superiors, the General Council and other members of the General Administration. Another objective is the strengthening of what it means to live "a prophetic leadership of service" in corresponsi- bility. And also to share the Strategic Planning of the General Administration as a means of putting into practice the XXII General Chapter. In the same way, it is intended to reflect on two specific topics: the international "projects of CHANGES IN MARIST NEWS a more effective way of tracking our users. It also allows us ■ This week we inaugurate a new stage of our MARIST to preserve the traditional version in PDF, that can be down- NEWS, marked by a new layout and a new distribution meth- loaded from the site and through a link in the e-mail you will od. The new design integrates the logo of the General Admin- receive. To continue receiving the Marist News every week, istration. Also, the distribution, now through the MailChimp please register in the new platform, in this link: platform, facilitates immediate presentation of the news and http://www.champagnat.org/500.php?a=7l marist news 567 Filippine: Family spirit among Marist School Biennial High School Marist Meet ith the theme “Weave and live life in the spirit of faith and Wsportsmanship”, the biennial High School Marist Meet in the Philip- pines was hosted this year by the Notre Dame of Kidapawan College on January 29 - 31, 2019 and was participated by seven schools; Marist School of Marik- ina, Notre Dame of Cotabato (NDC), Notre Dame of Dadiangas University (NDDU) Espina and Lagao Campuses, Notre Dame of Jolo – Kasulutan (NDJ), ic, socio-cultural and sports competi- of St. Marcellin Champagnat of making Notre Dame of Marbel University (NDMU) tions. every school as a center of faith and and Notre Dame of Kidapawan College life, the Marist Meet is committed to (NDKC). The meet ended with the Awarding Cer- build character by providing the venue emony and Solidarity Night that evidently for students to practice the values of Br. Lindley H. Sionosa, FMS, the Marist have shown the camaraderie and family sportsmanship and family spirit among East Asia Vice Provincial and Philippine spirit among the participants. Marist School in the Philippines; hone Sector Coordinator graced the occasion competence by promoting the develop- as the Guest Speaker while Br. Manuel The next Marist Meet will be held in ment of proficiencies and capabilities for V. de Leon, FMS, the College President 2021 and will be hosted by the Notre the advancement and development of welcomed the participants to NDKC and Dame of Marbel University – IBED in persons and the society as a whole; and Kidapawan City. Koronadal City, South Cotabato, Philip- enhance cultureby guiding the students pines. to actualize the Marist core values and The gathering featured various academ- Inspired by the pedagogical approach the demand for excellence. 2 5 I MARCH I 2019 marist news 567 ■ INDIA Australia: Marist Volunteers The Brothers had two days of recollec- tion, on 16th and 17th February 2019, The Programme Bridge Builders at Amalasharam. Fr. John Antony made the presentation. All the Brothers partic- supports Marist collaboration ipated and the candidates to the Marist life also attended the recollection. ■ CHRISTIAN LIFE GROUP A group of 40 young catechists, animat- news in brief ing Christian life, from the Marist School of Jaén, Andalusia (Spain), visited the General House on March 1, with the ob- ject of finding the heart of the Marist life. ■ RESPONSE BY BROTHERS The Province of Australia is launching to series entitled Marist Brothers ridge Builders programme of the secretariat Collaboration for mission, Talking Heads hosted on its Vocations Province of Australia promotes international (Cmi), I still have useful Vimeo Page. People were asked ‘if you Bnational and international collab- international connections. The Provincial could ask to Brother anything what oration and volunteerism. This project is has created a desk for me to manage would it be? ‘ Conor Ashleigh put to open to young people, adults or retirees, this, named Collaboration and Volunteer- short list of questions received before who identify with the Marist mission and ing", says Br. Chris Wills, who worked at some of Brothers, and this is what has wish to join the work, for short or long. the General House and is now promoting there is made. Each video goes for this project in Australia. 1.30-2.00mins and is meant to be to To apply, the volunteer aspirant - with a down to earth response by Brothers to teacher's degree and any other profes- Bridge Builders is a service to the four the questions. Here you can see the sion - has to present his application to the Marist ministries, Marist Schools Aus- trailer and to new episode will be post Bridge Builders program tralia, Marist Youth Ministry, each Tuesday evening. of Australia, and once Australian Marist Soli- accepted, he will darity and Marist180 ■ CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF PARANÁ be sent an invita- and, and, through tion from one of the Association of The Observatory of Youth of PUCPR is the places with Saint Marcellin now part of the programme Cátedras a Marist pres- Champagnat, also Scholas de la Organización Pontífica ence that needs to all Marists. Scholas Occurrentes. In June, the collaborators. Assistant Rector, Brother Rogério Ma- The work of the teucci will represent PUCPR at the Vth Among the com- Province of Australia Congress of Cátedras Scholas, in New munities requiring refers to the performance York. Cátedras Scholas is recognized volunteers are: the "Fratelli Project" in that – on the Institute level – is devel- for promoting education with sense Lebanon; "Lavalla200>", present in oped by the department of Collaboration through art, sport and technology. Brazil, Cuba, the United States, Romania, for Mission, International (Cmi). That De- Italy, South Africa and Australia. And partment works with the General Council ■ EAST TIMOR "New Horizons”, in Vietnam. in the development and accompaniment of projects and initiatives which respond On March 4, the Marist family of the “There are many opportunities to be to the calls of the General Chapter ap- country welcomed 12 aspirants to involved in Marist mission nationally or pealing to global availability, intercultural Marist religious life. internationally. After recently complet- living, and collaboration at all levels of ing seven years as the director of the the Institute. 5 I MARCH I 2019 3 marist news 567 One team, one house, one program Ongoing formation team and community at Manziana he 2017 General Chapter called Marists to be conscious in being a global charismatic family. Two years later, the Ttwo ongoing formation teams of El Escorial and Manziana have awakened this call by forming one international formation community in Manziana, 50 mins from Rome. For the past 26 years, Manziana has been the ongoing forma- tion house for the English- speaking brothers. The Spanish Medina (Brothers Today Secretariat), Antonio Peralta (Santa speaking brothers went to El Escorial, Spain. However, with María de los Andes), Joaquim Sperandio (Brasil Centro Sul), Joe recent successful intercultural programs in Rome (Gier-2015, Walton (Southern Africa), Teofilo Minga (Compostela). Vocation Animators-2016, Current Formators-2018), the Gen- Since their arrival on 10 January, these brothers have worked eral Administration began to explore the possibility of having hard in preparing the huge 30 bed-room house for the first one main house of international ongoing formation for brothers intercultural group of Mid Life brothers (40 years +) who will so that they can have a truly intercultural experience as a global begin 21 March. However, more importantly, this group of Marist family. brothers have formed a community who will welcome many This new community consists of 5 brothers with extensive more future groups into their home, a house of light and a experiences in formation in each of their own provinces: Ángel place of brotherhood. One team, one house, one program. marist world United States Belgium Spain Marist Youth - Marist Family Taize Prayer Genval VII Social Marist Forum Ibérica Brazil Paraguay Sri Lanka: Meeting of the animation group for Community of Cemadipe Alejo García School – Horqueta community life of the Asian Region 4 5 I MARCH I 2019 marist news 567 The Pope's Call to Protect Minors in the Church Prevent children from becoming victims of any psychological and physical abuse make a heartfelt appeal for sue unstintingly a path of purification, application of parameters that serve as an all-out battle against the questioning how best to protect children, rules and not simply indications.
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