f^^jHr^ll TRINITY COLLEGE • HARTFORD • CONNECTICUT Vol. LXXXVI. Issue 12 • February 7,1989 m1RIMTY RIPOD Student Activities Fee Raised, Budgets Cut "Next year we will be starting fresh," one that has carried over the last four received a $33,000 contingency fund really did the best that they possibly -By David Gerber- said Smetana, "raising the"student years. "Since 1985, we've been run- which was entirely consumed in club could with a situation that obviously Assisltml News Editor activities fee will help, but nothing is ning a deficit because we were allo- spending for that year. Also that year, wasn't their fault. It was really the ever enough since people ask for Such cating more than we actually had in in addition to the contingency fund, fault of clubs from previous years." In an attempt to eliminate a exorbitant amounts of money." our funds," she said. the SGA Budget Committee accrued Several organizations- voiced $20,000 deficit, the Student Govern- Katie Sherr '89, Director of Some, like Sherr, feel that the a $26,000 deficit due to an over-allo- disagreement with Sherr's claim,, cit- ment Association approved a 25% Student Accounts, believes that the present economic trouble was initi- cation of funds. ' ing much disorganization among the increase in next year's student activi- problem is not a new one, but rather ated in 1985. At that time, the SGA As to the presentsituation, Sherr Continued Page 5 ties fee from $ 160 to ,$200, while the commented, "The Budget Committee SGA Budget Committee reduced stu- dent operating expenses with a 10% cut for all organizations. The budget Goodwin Leaves reductions have prompted angry re- sponses from many members of stu- dent organizations. "We are a liberal arts college AAC Trust Fund where the school boasts about how of the proceeds from that." Burfeind -By Patricia Pierson- stressed that, "...the estimates of the . many organizations there are, but in News Stuff Writer reality, those organizations exist and amount of the donation are, at this are suffering from lack of funds," said point, speculation." newly elected SGA Budget Commit- The Trinity College Fine Arts Because the endowment was tee Chairperson Susannah Smetana and Theater Arts programs were re- incotporated into a trust fund as op- '91. ' • cently named as beneficiaries of a posed to existing as a stipulation in The SGA is presently drafting a trust fund established by the estate of Goodwin's estate, the designated' letter to be sent to several administra- Genevieve Harlow Goodwin, who beneficiaries of the gift may receive tors addressing this concern. With the died on January 17,1989 at the age of their allotments in the near future. overwhelming success of present fund 85. Burfeind elaborated, "What will hap- raising efforts, it is the hope of the The second*wife and widow of pen here, for example, is that there SGA that the administration will lend James L. Goodwin of Hartford, Mrs. will be two funds setup in the college's . assistance to those most affected by Goodwin was renowned for her long endowment: one fund wjll be used for the cuts. career of involvement with the Hart- the Fine Arts department and one for ford arts community as well as vari- the Theater Arts department, These The Budget Committee expects ous local charities, including Trinity things can be cleared up in a matter of that the combination of both meas- College. This most recent endow- months. It could be within four ures should not only eradicate the Trinity students try their luck at the Roulette Wheel during Casino Night, ment marks the culmination of months." deficit, but will also insure a substan- sponsored by th.e Trinity Crew team. Photo by Lisa Denny Goodwin's long patronage of pro- tial availability of funds for next year. Burfeind insisted that it is not grams at the college. unusual for individuals to make sub- According to Director of Devel- stantial monetary bequests to the col- Bicycle Attacks Put Campus on Alert opment Operations at Trinity Alfred lege in their wills: "We have an on- Burfeind, the exact magnitude and going program to encourage people to High Rise, where they attempted to These two assailants were also the nature of the donations has not been leave money in their wills to the grab a female student, who was also perpetrators of the incidents which determined. "We're not sure of the college...The largest amount we have -By Pat Keane- able to thwart the attempt by ducking. occurred January 24. News Writer amount, but it's probably in the range gotten was nearly $5 million from the The two assailants were de- Security has reason to believe of $1/4 million," he asserted, "we estate of Allan K. Smith, Class of scribed by both victims as, a 20 year that trie Caucasian suspect lives on l haven't seen anything official." 1911." •- The recent rise in assaults on_ _0j^MuJuaJiil«4veWirtg darlcjwrrmtl" "1WsKHSWf"St?''""Members of Trinity '•What we heard is-that..James Although generous, Goodwin's students by individuak-orrtoicycTes" a denim jacket riding a ten spe'eci bi- security have been to his home but L. Goodwin had set up a trust fund," gift was neither unprecedented nor has resulted in an increased aware- cycle, and acaucasian male with straw- have been unable to apprehend the Burfeind explained, "the contents of unexpected. "Mrs. Goodwin was a ness by the Trinity campus security. berry blonde hair also 'wearing dark suspect. Security has not seen him which Mrs. Goodwin was to allocate very good friend of the college...She In the final week of January alone, den I'm clothing and riding a ten speed on the campus since the last incident upon her demise. Trinity was one of was friends with many of our profes- there have been five such assaults, bicycle. of assault. a number of organizations to get/some Continued on Page 3 , ranging in severity from an attempted On January 26, a fourth attack Continued on Page 4 swipe to a slap on the head. occurred at-8:03 on the Long Walk The' first assault occurred on nearNortham towers. The victim was January 23 at approximately 7:05pm approached from behind by two as- Giovanni Kicks off Black History Month sailants riding ten speed bikes, was : as a Mather employee was walking At the end of her speech, Gio- Artist-in-Residence at the Taft Mu- near the upper patio of the cave. The slapped with force on the back of the —By Nicole Moretti- head. The two assailants, a black and vanni delivered' six of tier favorite seum in Cincinnati as well as a mem- two assailants, Hispanic males be- Writer • poems. One particularly.interesting ber of the Ohio Humanities Council.- tween the ages of 15-17 and approxi- a white male were described as be- tween the ages of 14 and 15 and poem, written for her father, spoke of In addition, she was featured in a mately 5'6", 140 pounds, kicked the Poet and recording artist Nikki her childhood. special PBS: film entitled "Spirit to: victim in the leg and sped off in the wearing dark denim clothing. Giovanni gave an uplifting lecture . She grew up in a poor family, but •". Spirit." -•• •. ' • direction of Summit Street. The final incident occurred the and poetry reading in front of a had never realized, this until a few -,. „: Giovanni presented an optimis- The .second and third.assaults following afternoon at 3:15pm on the packed auditorium, marking thestart years ago when someone told her; tic".start to the celebration of Black which occurred the following eve- south side of Clement. The victim of Black History Month. Giovanni She had never realized because, History Month. Other upcoming' ning at 11:04 and 11:10pm were the was slapped on the back of the head by appeared last Wednesday night in "Black love is black wealth," and, events include Michelle Cliff, a Ja-; work of the'same assailants.- The first a black male who was described as the J.L. Goodwin theater in Austin although her faftiiry may' not have rnaicari poet and novelist, on Friday incident which took place on the long approximately 18 years old. The Arts Center and was sponsored by been affluent, they considered them- February 10 in the Rittenburg Lounge walk near the Cook arch consisted of assailant then sped off in the direction the Trinity Coalition of Black selves rich because they were happy at 8 p.m.. an attempted hit to the head, but the of Madison Street, with his accom- Women. and loved one another deeply. Adolf Reed, the associate pro- victim alertly ducked. The two assail- plice; who was described as a Cauca- Receiving a warm reception All Giovanni's poems expressed fessor of political science at Yale Uni- ants then sped off in the direction of sian male with strawberry blonde hair. from the crowd, many of whom at- her independence and love of life. versity, will give a lecture entitled tended her last appearance at Trinity, Her pride in her blackness and wom- "The Underclass and the Welfare Giovanni urged .today's youths to anhood shone through r her strong State: The Poverty of Discourse About fight for their history and for human words and soft voice. Poverty" on Monday, February 13 in dignity. Using humor to lighten the Giovanni has written more than the Rittenburg Lounge at 8 p.m. seriousness of (he issues she spoke fifteen collections of poems and es- ; Berhanu Nega, instructor of eco- of, Giovanni kept the audience riv- says, including "Black Feeling Black noiriics at the City University of New eted to her every word.
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