AAMMAATTEEUURR RRAADDIIOO AAWWAARRDD’’’SS DDIIRREECCTTOORRYY SWEDEN COPYED BY : YB1PR – FAISAL Page 1 . Swedish Radio Society Series (SSA) General Requirements: Contacts must be made from the same country. Contacts with repeaters not valid. SWL OK. Endorsements for band, mode, or any combination at your request. GCR accepted. NOTE: Comprehensive record books providing complete lists of LAAN's (WASA, HASA), Locators (SLA) and Fields (Field Award) with maps and room to record all necessary data are available from SM6DEC at a very reasonable cost. These are highly recommended tools for these awards. Fees: Basic Award 40 SEK, 6 IRC, 4€ or $US4 Endorsement Sticker 5 SEK, 5 IRC, 1€ or $US1 Plaquette (Field Award) 40 SEK, 6 IRC, 4€ or $US4 Plaque 150 SEK, 25 IFC, 15€ or $US15 Apply to: Diplom Manager Sveriges Sandareamatorer, Box 45, SE-191 21, Sollentuna, Sweden or to Bengt Hogkvist SM6DEC, Ostbygatan 24C, SE-531 37 Lidkoping, Sweden. E-mail: [email protected] The Field Award Contact different fields as defined by the Maidenhead locator system all over the earth, after 1 Jan 1985. Six classes: Award Level Fields Required Bronze (Basic) 100 Silver (Rosette) 150 Gold (Rosette) 200 Platinum (Rosette) 250 Plaque 300 Gold Seal Plaquette 324 All modes and bands. No endorsements. Surface stations only. QTH must be on the QSL with enough accuracy so that the field may be determined. SSA reserves the option to request a sample of your cards. GCR list with name of city/town contacted or in the case of Maritime Mobiles, the Latitude and Longitude. Mobilen Award Only Swedish mobile stations who have activated squares are eligible. In order for a square to have been activated, at least 10 other stations must have been contacted from that square within a period of 24 hours. Basic diploma requires 25 activated squares. After that, endorsement stickers for each added 5 are awarded, up to 60, then a sticker for each new one. Diploma and stickers are free of charge. Application shall be made by verified extract from the operators log book. (88) AAMMAATTEEUURR RRAADDIIOO AAWWAARRDD’’’SS DDIIRREECCTTOORRYY SWEDEN COPYED BY : YB1PR – FAISAL Page 2 . Worked All Sweden Award (WASA) Contact Swedish counties (Lan) and call sign districts as follows: Class Europeans need All others need 3 All Lans on 2 bands All call sign districts 2 All Lans on 3 bands All Lans 1 All Lans on 4 bands All Lans on 2 bands Plaque All Lans on 5 bands All Lans on 5 bands Each individual contact shall be made on the same band and mode. The same station may be contacted on several different bands. All contacts shall be made with land-basic stations. 1.8 3.5 7 10 14 18 21 24 and 28 MHz are counted as separate bands. Stickers available for all CW, all Phone, all SSB or all RTTY. Swedish Läns: A, B Stockholm City C Uppsala D Södermanlands E Östergötlands F Jönköpings G Kronobergs H Kalmar I Gotlands K Blekinge L Skane N Hallands O Vastra Gotalands S Värmlands T Örebro U Västmanlands W Dalarna X Gävleborgs Y Västernorrlands Z Jämtlands AC Västerbottens BD Norrbottens OPR Norrbottens Heard All Sweden Award (HASA) Available under the same conditions as WASA, but for SWL's only. No shields will be awarded. (88) Swedish Locator Award (SLA) Issued for verified contacts with various locator squares in Sweden as defined by the Maidenhead system. SWL OK. Basic diploma requires 25 squares. Endorsements at 35, 45, 55, 60, 61, 62, 63, and 64 squares. Swedish Commune Award Work different Swedish communes on or after 1 January 2005. All bands and modes Class 1 - 50 communes (DX need 25) Class 2 - 100 communes (DX need 50) Class 3 - 150 communes (DX need 100) Class 4 - 200 communes (DX need 150) Class 5 - 250 communes (DX need 200) Plaque - 290 communes (all) DX need 250.. SM commune codes (mostly printed on QSLs): SM1: I1 SM2: AC1-AC15, BD1-BD14 SM3: X1-X10, Y1-Y7, Z1-Z8 SM4: S1-S18, T1-T11, W1-W15 SM5/SM0: A1, B1-B25, C1-C7, D1-D9, E1-E13. SM6: N1-N5, O1-O15, P1-P18, R1-R15 SM7: F1-F12, G1-G8, H1-H12, K1-K5, L1-L13, M1-M20 Record book is available for 5€ or $US5. (Rewrite 10/2005) This award was developed by club SK5AJ, and as of 10-12-05, it will be administered by the SSA. AAMMAATTEEUURR RRAADDIIOO AAWWAARRDD’’’SS DDIIRREECCTTOORRYY SWEDEN COPYED BY : YB1PR – FAISAL Page 3 . Worked Laen AC Award (WLANAC) Issued by the Umea R.C. for confirmed contacts with stations in Lan/AC Vasterbotten as follows: Scandanavians need 8 different Laen AC on 2 bands or 5 VHF. Other Europeans need 5 different Laen AC on 1 band or 2 VHF. All others need 3 different Laen AC on 1 band or 1 VHF. Contacts since 1 Jan 1956. All bands and modes accepted. SWL OK. GCR list and 10 IRCs to: Roy Graan SM2RI, Uppfoersbacken 3A, S-913 41 Obbola, Sweden. The Bull Award Contact stations in the province of Daisland after 1 Jan 1979. Scandanavian amateurs need 10 points, other Europeans need 5 and all others need 2. Each qso with an amateur in the province counts 1 point. Contacts with SK6CM are worth 2 points. All bands and modes are allowed. Only one qso with each station. GCR list and $5US or 20 Swedish Kroner to: Melleruds Radio Club, 464-00 Mellerud, Sweden. Eligible stations: SK6CM. SM6AGW ALJ AMU ASZ AWZ BER BGG BLE BOT BPX CGI CJK CLX CMK CNC COY COZ CQK CUA CWK CYU DKU DXY EOI EPA ESW EUC EUT FCM FFK FLR FNE GAS GDP GMR GQJ HQZ HRL IHF JJZ JKB JMA JOD JOG JOM JOO JQA JRB JRY JUJ KFA KFB KFF and ST. CQ SK Award Contact Swedish club stations (SK, SJ and SL) on any band or mode (except 2M repeater) since 1 Jan 1975. Basic award requires 20 contacts, with endorsements for each additional 20 up to 160. SWL OK. Endorsements for band or mode upon request. GCR list and 15 IRCs or SKr 25 for basic award. 5 IRC or SKr 10 for endorsements. Apply to: Lennart Frostelid SM4-5999, Fryxellgatan 1, 680 71 Bjorneborg, Sweden. Falun Copper Coin Award This award is a hand made engraved miniature of a Swedish 1-Daler coin replicating the 1715 original. It weighs 103 grams or 4.6 oz. These square coins were unique both in their shape and weight: the original 1-Daler coin actually weighed 757 grams or 1 pound and 10.7 ounces. The 10-Daler coin of 1644 weighed 19.7 Kg or 44 pounds! Contact Falun Radioklub members or any SM stations in the Falun area, defined as the Falun commune, W3. (Members do not have to live in the Falun area). Stations within 50 Km of falun need 20 points, all others 10 points. Values from the table below: Band 1.8 3.5 7 10 14 18 21 24 28 Zone 14, 15, 16, 20 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 All Other Zones 10 5 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 One contact per station - all contacts after 1 Jan 1966. All contacts must be on the same mode. Stations you claim for the award must have received your qsl card. GCR list and fee of $US20, 18 IRCs or SEK 125 (no checks or money orders) to Falu Radioklubb, Box 701, S-791 29 Falun, Sweden. The following parishes in the Falun Commune W3 count for the award: Aspeboda W3-01 Hosjoe W3-04 Sundborn W3-07 Vika W3-10 Bjursaas W3-02 Kristine W3-05 Svartnaes W3-08 Enviken W3-03 Stora Kopparberg W3-06 Svaerdsjoe W3-09 AAMMAATTEEUURR RRAADDIIOO AAWWAARRDD’’’SS DDIIRREECCTTOORRYY SWEDEN COPYED BY : YB1PR – FAISAL Page 4 . The Freebooters Statuette HGW HTH HZV ILW INL JFM JRC JRD JZM KBG KHF This award is in the form of a miniature statuette similar to KNS KUF KUR KUS LDH LKI LMC KPK LCO MIM OKC the one outside an old homestead museum of OLB VO. Hassleholm. Work 5 club members (SM's need 10) plus club station SK7BK. On VHF, work 3 (SM=5) plus SK7BK. Historical Note: Skane is a southerly province of Sweden Two of the required contacts may be with honorary club which belonged to Denmark until 1658. During the 17th members--these include any stations that have already century, armed Danish partisans, or "freebooters" fought earned the statuette. Contacts after 1 Jan 1969. All bands against the Swedes and the time of the freebooters was and modes (except repeater) are acceptable. SWL OK. warlike and bloody. Quarter was neither given nor GCR list and fee of 100 Sw. Kroner (or equivalent) to: received. The freebooters lived in caves deep in the large RadioKlubben Snapphanen (SK7BK), PO Box 150, S-281 forests in the Northern part of Skane, called Goinge. 01 Hassleholm, Sweden. Tourists now enjoy the region and find the freebooters province a holiday paradise with deep forests, gentle Member List: SK7BK FT. SL7CA ZN. SM7ALI ANL ASN ridges, rolling plains and glittering lakes. ATT BAH BBV BBZ BDU BLU BUE BXK BYK BZO CGW DGC DHK DJG DMN DMT DRQ DUH EYE FGK FPI Worked Gotland Award (WGA21) Contact stations operating from the island of Gotland after 15 Nov 1945. Contacts must be two-way, none crossband. The same SM1 may be worked once per band and day. WGA may not be issued to stations who are operating from Gotland. SWL OK.
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