SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 19R8 PAGE TWELVE iKanrh^stpr lEorning i^rralb Christmas I; Give Blood 12:45 to 5:30 p. m., at Elks Lodge tcr’0 lln«At with grlni and Inexor* Hartford bad problema Mndiar to ablo dlipafch. SHOPPING t'oa e o f Manchcater right now. About Town Seenif LL Ray OrifRn decided a Board Group Bdt aince then, aaid the com- MJININUM ■hampooing waa In order the other PAYS TO irittee chairman, that town haa Heard Along Main Street Average Daily Net Press Run The. W ither T h « PollBh American Club will night. Probing Int< the medicine CHRISTMAS put what appears to be a aucceas- STORM WINDOWS 4 ltd on Soma of Manchetter’t Sida Streetaf, Too cabinet, he came up with the ah^m> To Report on ful program Into effect, smd pro­ Far flw W oA EikHag Fnreeaet of O. 8. Weather Bureu meet at 2 o’clock tomorrow after- ( Dee. 18th, 1988 noon at the clubhouee to elect offi­ poo bottle and applied a generoua vides "a fast follow-up on dltizen s M DOORS nelping to the Oriflfin locka. complaints.” Manchester's system cers. I Works Study Fair, colder tnaiight and Tnee- Inrorriiptlblp <tehour on and to make the wreaths, Came, time for rln«ing and he has shortcomings In this respect, 12,849 Manchester WAXES will hoUl (Pss8s«t: Hey. Moran! One free Wearily wondering what he had ahed water like a duck. Then he Cummings said. day. Low temperature tonight 8 Town Director Ted Cummings their annual Christmas party monibcrship to the Country Club? gotten himself into. looked closely at the shampoo Get Many Ideas Serviced Member at the Audit to 18. High Tneoday in mid 20*. Tuesday evening at the Italian' Hmmmmm ?). Then the last straw fell. Dad bottle. today reported his Public Works He added that the W est H art­ Bureau ef OIrcnlatteu IdancheUer— A City of Village Charm American Club. Weighing in will This offer, made In a mnrh less now has to buy some red ribbon Ha! Not shampoo. Facial cleans­ Committee should have a recom­ ford confab gave the committee SASH and SCHEENS and some string and some etc, . many Ideas on "economies and ef- be from 7:1ft to 8:1.') Mrs. Helen sinlsler manner, was extended to ing cream. Indeed a situation to mendation by late this month or REPAIRED Zimmer and Mrs. Betty Edward.s Dr A. B, Moran at a hearing last The parents now are thinking try men’s souls! flclencies" that could be had hire early January on a public worka (Classified Adverttalng en Pag* 181 PRICE FIVE CENTS will be in charge of the party, to week of the Board of Directors' how much better off they'd have But R aj "tried laundry soap In­ under a well-run program. VOL. LXXVIIL NO. 64 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY^ DECEMBER 1.5, 1938 reorganization for Manchester. M l 9-4863— M l 4-1732 which ,members may Invite their (folf Course Committee, which li been If they had Just given IM stead and, after an hour's vigor­ Action to. improve Manchester’s husbands. They are reminded to seeking Ideas on what to do with youngsters the mone" and said ous struggle, came up the winner. The committee this week met public works units was urged by bring a 60-cent gift for e.xchsnge.: j. ,.|„p „ p„if (-nurse on town- •'C;o ihead, buy what you like." Not only that, he had Ihrlce- with Blvcrett Kennedy, public Town Directors following many works director of West Hartford, No meeting will be held on Dec 2.1 owned land cleaned hair. ^ complaints last summer and fall In its effort to collect all applicable Local Stores To avoid any hints of bribery, K illjoy! about storm sewers, subdivisions, Lost Plane Members of the VKW ajul its the club member who extended the Whatever the statistic* say, Wff Don't Tell Ideas on establishing a public and roads. Say Auxiliary are reminded that ihe offer did It in full view and hear­ every enlhuaiaatlc skater knows A group of atudenta from Bar­ works department here. ^‘'Marry CbrittMas” NATO Weighs Open Nights; closing date for registering their ing of Ihe committee. that let hours are at a precious nard Junior High School was being Kennedy, a native of Manches­ with • W reckage children for the annual Chrislmas But to no avail Moran, who minimum In Manchester, even In ahown through The Herald. They ter, Is the son of dormer town di­ • *• party to be held Dec. 21 Is .Mon­ wanls Ihe seim-privale roiirae to a good year,like this one. were attentive during the tour, and Hollister St.; Mrs. Annie Allen, rector Everett R. Kennedy. PRESCRIPTIONS Free Parking day. he made a public one, turned down The Park Department does Its asked many questions about the South Windsor; Jeffrey Stiiek, 43 Others Interviewed So far, the committee has In­ the offer with a smile The rejec­ utmost to the moBt iikAtlnf^ machinery, the personnel, and the Stephen St.; Burton Stebbins, 132 78 Veara Combined < C a iJ U - ' Mrs. Hazel Fahey. TOP .M ain terviewed General Manager Rich­ Own Disputes Member stores,of the retail Id en tified tion was accepted, also with a lime out of every Inch of Ice and hours. Blssell St.; Thomas Reid, 6S0 L.y- •Whso you csr* St,, has left for Columbia .Mo ard Martin, who Is public works di­ Experleneo by Onr division of the Chamber of smile i every budget dolinr. A l one point In the lour one of dall St.; Samuel Robb Jr.. 122 •nough to sand I where she will spend Ihe Christ ^ Fharmacists, Commerce went on their holi­ Ijiter In the meeting Mornn ^. when nomeone dellberntcly them asked. “ But where does The Cambrltige St.; Donald Hartley. rector here under the town charter, lb* v«fy b*»f- mas season with the family of hei 3 4. • day shopping schedule today. North Smithfleld, R. I., Dec. sai'l of club members In Herald make its money?" West Wlllington; Mrs. J. Blather and heads of the Highway and Paris Dec. 15 (/P)__ Reas-twouW formulat* their noteg to the son-in-law and daughler. .Mr. and Renerftl hole» in the (.'barter Oak From now until Dec. 23. in­ 15 (fl>)— A twin-enRine Lock­ Ihal ' I've known those fellowa A seventh grader turned to the Simmons, S99 Center St.; Mrs, Engineering, Cemetery Park, and Sovieta. Mrs. Russell .''milh ire, it was enough to make you Miller Phannaey iured that the western Big cluding Saturday, the stores down there all these years and questioner said indignantly, Helen Gulley. Avery St.; Gerald Recreation Departments, sll of Premier Khniahchev in the Rua- heed plane carrying: at leaat Outlay Billion forget i f « the ( ’hriatmiiH «ea«on. 299 Green Rd.— M l 8-4184 Three will stand fast against will be open from 9 a.m. until they re a good hunrh of fellows." It'll hard to believe the joy wan "They don’t, make It here. That's in Dupont, 76 Cottage St.; Paula which would be Involved In a pub­ I NORTH END ■ian note aaid the Soviet! were four executivea of the John­ Mystlr Review, Women's Bene- ' lic work."i reorganization. 9 p.m. On Dec. 24 the stores ' Rut I don't play golf ' he has flone by children no young they did Wa.shinglon!'' I^aBella, 103 Village St„ Rock­ Russian pressure on West withdrawing from the 4-power oc­ son & Johnson (To. of Bruns­ fit Assn, will gne a Chrislmas The committee was .ormed after cupation of Berlin. He proposed will be open until 5:30 p.m. said not realir.e the ronnequenre.^. A Non. ville: Carol Anri and Charles i F H A R M A C r Berlin, the North Atlantic A l­ wick. N. J., crash'^ed In a rural parly for the pinlors Tiie.sday at (he new Board of Directors took that West Berlin, 110 miles be­ A fter Christmas, the stores And he s standing on pflnciple Linkily cold weather made It Morneau, Coventry; Richard Gess. lies turned today to critical will return to the regular fi:30 p.m. Ill Odd I-ellowa hall j ofnre In November. Its purpose. hind the Iron Curtain, be made a wooded area today in a heavy Senior menihers i^ill hold then' pojijuhle for the Park Department' 26 Little St.; Mrs. Elolse Seeley, i 4 Depot Sq.— M I 9-4888 schedule. In part, is to eliminate "duplica­ disputes within the alliance. demilitarized free city. The Rua- snowstorm. Hopes Fade party at 8 p.m , and each niemher! ’Clothee Make Ihe .Man' to restore akatlng with only one 232 Woodland HI.; Mrs. Earleen Until Dec. 23 there will be Friend.sliip Circle L e s c o, 42 Benton St.; Patti tion of effort, lack of coordination, The agreement yesterday on aiana said regardless of what was Troopers at the scene re­ attending la requested In bring a !j Al Ihe meeting of Ihe Parking j day's loss. and lack of direction" which Cum­ Berlin by the foreign ministers of no parklrm meter, enforcement Szegda, Wllllmanllc; Mrs. Con­ worked out for West Berlin, they ported three dead in the plane dollar gift A snnal period with ' A'llhnnIv Monday night, the mem- mings says exist i iider Manches­ Britain, France, and the United on Main Street after 6 p.m, aa I hers, ill.Hcussed ways of I'liproving Horry, Too l-ate To Attend Service stance Cawley and son, 117 Coo­ were giving the East Germans refreshments will follow, j ter's public works system.
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