SElF-DRIVE TOURING GUIDE ,'0--- -- -- maps_ . Joint pub(katlon by: HeINl Map s f'ty ltd PO 8o~ 4365 Eight Mile Plains 411 3 Old S E A Ph: +61 7 3340 0000 Fa~: +61 7 3340 O()99 [email protected] www.hemamaps.oom ,,' I N D I A N Wild OistOVery Guid e ~ ® I'D Bo~ 1696 Town5'l ille 481 0 Old www.wikldiscovery.«Wl\.au o c E A N wwwJcrozelLeom lsi edition 2nd «Iition 2010 I56N 978-1-86500-542-3 Copyrigh t T•• o Ia n Glover ft lm Ze lP 1010 M;!PJ ~ Hema Map$ Pty ltd 2010 IQl!9g~ pbie RiSe dlita ~ GCO$cienc:e Austl'1l lia Ehg tC!9'(jphs o Photograp ners, as indicated 2010 Authors: Ian Glo.m & len ZelP Publi shers : Rob Bot!jheim, Ian GloYer & len Zei t!' Produ ct icn Manager: Gavin J ilme5 Edi tor: Nalalie Wilson ClIrtegraphm: Ce rt Doeco a , Paul van-Cuylenburg Graphic lksigner: Debbie Winfield Prin ted by: Sin~ Cheong. Heng Kol19 ~ 01' W.ari~ & .ropical 8io!ogV lamu Cao~ Uni",,"';ly Photographs Front eoW!r: Nea r Windorah photo s pntim~9c. Copyright: AU rlgnts ~rVaI. No Pirt cfthis publicl'lion m~v be .. producd. ste>red in or intro­ du~~ to. ~t r1 e vaI S'1stem. or IllIn5rnitttd, in lOy term or by ;..,. mullS {eiettroJ1ic, mecNniGI. photocopyi"90 ~rdiog Of oI~isel, withcut the F ~r wrltkn pcrm;1.5:on 01' the pllbJisher of thisbcol!. Oisdll~' The I'I'bli!oh ~ C8Mol ac:upt ICSflOI"ISI­ bIIity for i ny amrs or orNssiar.s In this book. The ~pre5Ulbt ion on I ~ maps (If any mad or IrxIo i~ <lOt ftrttSSIl rilv eYidentt of p:rtrlie right of way. I'II blWltr'$ nou. : EvelY effort t... ~ ~ malk 10 eMUtt tho! i nfOf(natio~ in thi!. boot i. """,rate at the ti ~ 01 glJing to pr=.. ~ be aware thet tondi t i ~ «rnsllr ~ 1v ctl ang e ;r"~ no ~po:l5ibi1iry II ampted tJot the i uthor11)f publisher for any GREAT dedsions or :oo;:ti1)l1' taken on the b8~is of informl­ don contl lncd In tnis publicltioo. Cc ,rectlol15: The p~bli,her wt"kDrI16 feedbad and su~es tinn s fo r ccrr ecti.,., ~ If you find InY Infor­ mltlen has chlnged. t~.en please write e>r email Ind let us ~now ,0 we ~a n ~pda t e the in form.tion In $Ubsequen l ~ d ilicns. N~ tionll of A:l.t •• I.. c.t.ltrgUlng _Wl_ Putrr"",ti"" entry hi,,,,",: Hem. M1i'S [F;rm) Tr.Ie: '\..1$ 11"""'1 glUt 6tse.1 tr~Us art.. £t gR~' [Ci .101ra;>h l~ matcriaQI authors, ltn ldI, ~n 6 1",," I ~d Wild Di...... tty G, idn; plro:"!JI"'Il'ho ~ f :illlltllr Sa.w. ~ edition: 2nd e:$. Scale: Sule$ditm{E 154 - £ 111/S 9 -S «l 1S9N: 918116SOO5423 (~k.I ~:I~ t c.;lI\a , ~ Australia "'dude lndtx. 8:tr1iogrilphy. SCALE Slrbjtcts: R a.d~ - "u,mlil ~ MI ps. @ ..., Ro,d$ _ Aultrlli l - Guir!oboak!. ROid$ - AuUrlli l . C.... tral - M,p!-. Rood5 _ AU5tr . ~i., CMtral - G"ideboo ..... D.5<"" - )\Willi, - MIps. LEGEND Dmru - Austill •• - Gtr i~ebocks. Dc:lcru - Austllli,. Ccnml - Guiceboob. Nrtlooa: Highwav ";11'Q~1 1 AOU'.I Numw AUS:r11i1 - M~ps. Tou.~. .... w; Ii ~, CMtral _ ~• • "" Touti<!. Main Roadiltwy --~. NatiONI P~r H ~'" T """ ~ .. Ii. , ~Ill _ Guldr!OOlks. Mlroor Road ____'!..."!!to.!.. s o u -"'<tIIlll -1(110 - t.lips. Rlver. era ...... Iu li .. Ctntrill- Z010 - J.1~ Ukli Ofy u.~. Ot~.t , ,,"thorI/Co r. l ri ~t ors; ld.len. 6Iooon-, Ian [\an Thomas), 1949- Slkttr.. f :i",hcth. W ~ d 0iK_.... G ~ Ir!.,. [Firml n'_I1.. _ ·..,' .... Introduction 7 Vehicle Sp;!TCS and tools ................................................................... 36 Preface .................................................................................................. 7 Fuel U1d water ................................................................................... 38 The Authors ......................................................................................... 8 ReC(lvcry gear ..................................................................................... 38 Acknowledgements ......................................................... _............ ..... 8 Communications .............................................................................. 39 Using the maps .................................................................................... 8 Medical-first aid ................ _... .......... ~ ......................................M .....4O Use of scientific and common names for animals and plants .... .8 Survival systems...................................... .......................................... 40 The Wild Dis<;;ovcry Guidesstory ..................................................... 8 Campinglilccommodarion ................ M . ............................................40 The Hema story ................................................................................... 9 I->ood and cooking .............................................................................. 40 Clothing and packing ....................................................................... 4.l Times ofyear to travel ....................... _............ ...... ~ ......................... 42 All about deserts 11 Insurances - vehicle, contents. house while away ...................... 4l Moneyissues ...................................................................................... 42 What is a desert? ............................................................................... 11 Generators, fridges, gas .................................................................... 41 Naming and misnaming our deserts ............................................. 14 Toilets, washing. showers and hygiene ......................................... 42 Australian des er t~ · an introduction ..................... ,........ ................ 101- Photography, laptops, data storage ................................................ 42 AustTalia's aridlands, dL'Scrt climates and weather..................... 16 Loailingthevehiclc ........................................................................... 43. Desertification and how it can happe:n ......................... -.............. zo Flanningactivities for ail-kids too .............................................. 43 Geological origins of the Australian deserts ................................. ll Pernrlts and legal issues ................................................................... 43 R~ent geomorphology .................................................................... 22 Respecting property............................................ .............................. 43. Human discovery, naming and usc ................................................ z5 Qw.rantine ......................................................................................... 43 . Major habitats .................................................................................... 25 "On Track"· researching the four·wheel·drive tourum industry in Desert Australia ....................................................... 18 Our deserts that aren't 45 Big Desert ........................................................................................... 45 Little Desert ........................................................................................ 46 Desert safety 29 Ninety Mile Desert ........... _.... ........................................................... 48 Desert safety in Australia ................................................................. Z9 Pinnacles Desert ................................................................................ 50 Fire in deserts ..................................................................................... 31 Desert travelling techniques ........................................................... 32 Deserts that should be 55 The Eastern Desert ............................................................................ ss CIIA ' f ' " T Hin Preparation 35 The Far \Vestem Desert .................................................................... 63 The Great Central Desert ............... _ ................................................ 71 The vellide (4 \VD) ............................................................................ 35 Nullarbor Plain ........ ·.. ··· .. ·.... ·...... ·.. ·.. ·.... ·...... ·.... ·.. ·.. ·.... ·...... ·.... ·...... ·79 Navigation and navigation systems ............................................... 36 Gibson Desert 89 Simpson Desert 139 Cibson Desert ................................................. ~ ................................89 Simpson Desert ............................................................................... 139 Ga ry Junction Road .......... ,..... .................. ., .., .............................. _.... 90 French & QAA lines .......................... _.: .. ........................................ 140 Cary Highway ..................................................................... ·..... ·..... ·.·94 Rig Road ........................................................................................ ,... 143 Eagle Highw<ly ................................................... _.................. _...... ·•• .95 Other routc:s ............. M ................ M ...............................• .................... 143 Sandy Blight Junction Road ............................................................ 96 Strzelecki Desert 147 Great Sandy 0, ••"' 0.""... _____ ____1 ,,0"'1 Str~elecki Track .................................................. _......... .................. 147 Creat Sandy Desert ......................................................................... r OI CH-' ''E. FOU'H 6 ~ '~lapet Road ...................................................................................... 103 Sturt Stony & Tirari desert.s 151 Telfer Mine Roa d _.... ......................................................................
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