Watergate Burglar Midnight Reveals GLOBAE' Shocking VOL. 24 — NO. 3 JULY 5, 1977 35c New Facts atergate MY HOLY WAR TO SAVE OUR KIDS— BY ANITA BRYANT Linked To Now Women Can JFK Murder Beat The Blues — Page 31 td.,..i.Stratp. Ad. By MALCOLM ABRAMS Copyright 1977 by MIDNIGHT/GLOBE WATERGATE was a Nachman plot to bring down President Richard Nixon. The CIA sat it up and then leaked the story to the Washington Post and other newspapers. The original intent was to control the Presidency. But Nixon fought back viciously and It became necessary to dispose of him altogether. What developed was a game of double blackmail. On the one side was the CIA and its powerful backers — all of the opinion that Nixon's popularity had gone to his head, making Link him a dangerous man. On the other side was Richard Nixon and his advisors, frantically gathering "dirt" on the CIA. What Nixon wanted was documented proof of what he already knew — that the CIA had tried to murder Fidel Castro and that the Cuban dictator, with help from the Russians. had retaliated by killing President John F. Kennedy. He also knew the names of the politicians, government officials and CIA agents who masterminded the assassination cover-up. But Nixon couldn't get his hands' on the documents he needed — and he fells This is what was really going on in Washington during those desperate days fromJune 17, Between 1972, the night of the Watergate burglary, until August 9, 1974, when Nixon resigned. And this is what Nixon hinted at in his recent televised interviews with David Frost when he said, "1 gave 'em a sword. And they stuck it in, and they twisted it with relish. And I guess if I'd been in their position, I'da done the same." In truth, Nixon had tried his best to do "the same." '111. But the CIA thwarted him at every move; disobeyed direct JFK's orders from its President; and refused to hand over in- criminating evidence about its role in the JFK assassina- tion which Nixon could have used against the intelligence agency. Not that Nixon was so Killing And dedicated to getting the troth before' the American people. His only real concern was in been able to live in harmony And so the Watergate plot preserving his power and dethstle ppm giebd with this information. was hatched. saving his skin. ,erallfrointhe awasia:1•• reo.. to, tiisr:gokblit4',:,ttstucts But says Sturgis, a rift The CIA, of course, knew This is the long suspected ~,*.ef ontritedde it ...ceatti,41440 igia.;*/±efitiiietiter ;souk: between Nixon and the all about Nixon's White connection between the :i-Johe : Kenedyto."aeadmatterest.the hoiirvadaiakror Central Intelligence Agency House plumbers. In fact, assassination of President •.: Watergate; and one ..•••Watergate mattabit..::.. Sec itatan :tom, nationsbalat• had long been brewing. Sturgis revealed for the first Kennedy and Watergate. man knows about IL.. •;Ettr that "Alr; Since • bidetO Co. Behind them both stood an time, he had been recruited MIDNIGHT/GLOBE's ReMFrankMurtha, Slur& spent 14la,anat , asr• raseX -.of ••.lathankbe' . omnipotent lobby of influen- for the plumber unit by a CIA source of information is the only person-thus. • .flaianalalaMialhag 0daaltaikplabied.-of tial Americans, identified by agent. Now all the CIA Frank Sturgis — the only man Jar:;: Identified • .Lte.• thls-='hadusary;. OM firing atorsadL...-.. Sturgis as dealing in foreign needed was for the burglars to thus far identified as playing a Wheli•' , :.•••3Cluttitier• Stargib relations — "a powerful, in- get caught. major part in both national 'fribotildtsasters.•. 'IPA* • a treated; mad awned Oiiiinualse',W11 active le, Mee: fluential group which even Sturgis believes that James political disasters. ••• .As member Or; searetafbf , indthe controlled the CIA and the McCord, one of the burglars, As a high ranking intelli- i.. the. White Molise ,-"• Ititeillgence President." was secretly working for the gence-officer, Sturgis served ra,issit,• l■e.,.7)asittpx.c aka chmagett;.+,:Btargls" • :feat :;inaitialP•71rt” This group now feared that CIA. McCord was the man in Castro's government, .' Mad his 'wheats were • had 'abrierti7;weis . • io apri UM' Nixon, riding an incredible who "carelessly" left the partook in plots against the • . wave of popularity, was feel- tape on the door at the Water- dictator's life; and spied for complex. knowledge of a meeting in- in the summer of 1972. ing too independent and no gate complex. The tape that the American government. Further, it was Sturgis, volving Castro and Ruby, at The CIA had the docu- longer in need of their sup- night watchman Frank Wills And as a member of the White testifying before the Senate which the assassination of ments to prove it. Nixon had port. found and which led to the House plumbers, he was one Watergate Committee, who President Kennedy was dis- the knowledge, passed on to These powerful men and arrest of the five plumbers. of the five burglars appre- spoke publicly of a connec- cussed. him by his predecessor, certain officials within the "McCord was in contact hended breaking into the tion between Jack Ruby and Sturgis claims these facts President Lyndon B. John- CIA decided that black- with the CIA," Sturgis told Democratic National Head- Lee Harvey Oswald. And it were well known to both the son. Until June of 1972, the mailing the President was the MIDNIGHT/GLOBE. "It is quarters in the Watergate was Sturgis who reported CIA and to President Nixon. CIA and the President had best way to control him. in the records where he had How Kennedy Brothers Courted Jack Kennedy's tragic death was a political suicide - of the dirtiest contests in American political history; he writes. called Operation Mongoose which eventually laid the ground- brought oo by his own mistakes as surely as if Kennedy had Among other things, the victorious Kennedy machine: bugged work for a plot to assassinate Castro. pulled the assassin's trigger himself, says a provocative new Nixon's hotel room before the first TV debate; used reverse But "the Intended target, Castro, was well aware of who book. psychology by distributing and-Catholic literature to Catholic was out to get him," says Lasky, and the Cuban dictator Long before Watergate, JFK and his brother Bobby set up voters; and started a convention rumor that Lyndon Johnson— warned "the Kennedy administration that it would find itself in a secret network of political dirty tricksters that made Nixon's then Jack's chief rival for the nomination — had suffered a danger if it continued," saying " 'United States leaders should "plumbers" look like Santa's elves. And it was the Kennedys' heart attack. think that if they are aiding terrorist plans to eliminate Cuban own ruthless plan to eliminate three foreign leaders that even- After the election, says Lasky, the Kennedys tapped the leaders, they themselves will not be safe.' " tually cost JFK his life, argues journalist-author Victor Lasky resources of the federal government to broaden their power. The Kennedys, meanwhile, were busy elsewhere. With in "It Didn't Start With Watergate," just published by The They used the IRS, FBI and CIA in a massive campaign to their backing, two foreign leaders of supposedly friendly coun- Dial Press. harass and neutralize their "enemies," who included Nixon tries — Trujillo of the Dominican Republic and Diem of South Lasky is a noted conservative journalist, author and syndi- journalists Jim Bishop and Walter Winchell, and Martin Vietnam — were brutally slain. cated weekly columnist. Re has published seven books, works Luther King. Just three weeks after Diem's murder, and only two vu: of Washington and-Its es M... the Watergate complex. But the two brothers made a fataibiondel- when they began months after Castro's warring, Kennedy was gunned down its The bizarre truth behind Kennedy's murder has its roots hatching schemes to eliminate foreign leaders, Lasky believes. Dallas. iz :he :36k: Presidential campaign, when "dirtj tricks were my _.:ter- the humiliating Bay of Pigs failure, "angered by Fidel "Robert Kennedy was emotionally devastated by the pos- accepted proctiee in politica: i.._ end no one paid too meets CostiLo's victory over U.S.-backed troops, the Kennedy sibility that the efforts he launched may •4.-:21 ha-, led to the tuiention." says Lasky. brothors vowed to tot even' with the Cabaa dictator. With death of his beloved brother," says Lasky. , , .-22.2 2 t.tt,,ttt Page 2 —MIC)NtGiiTgli..0iiE e— S, 'McCord was in contact with the CIA..he informed the Agency of plumber activities' (E. Howard Hunt, White House plumber) look bad, and it is likely to blow the whole Bay of Pigs thing which Far Left: DAVID FROST we would think would be very and Richard Nixon after unfortunate — both for the taping interview for TV. CIA and .for the country, at Above: CONVICTED this time, and for American foreign policy. Just tell him burglar James McCord Jr. (L. Patrick Gray, FBI direc- tor) to lay off." Left: E. HOWARD HUNT An obvious reference to during investigations. Nixon's own "blackmail plot?" Sturgis thinks it is. manded the complete, concern is for the CIA." And he thinks that the 18 1/2 massive CIA files on the Bay Nixon's persistent efforts minutes of missing tape of Pigs, the Cuban Missile continued to antagonize the would have been even more Crisis and the JFK assassina- CIA = until finally the deci- to the point. tion. sion was made to destroy him But if Nixon didn't erase "Nixon knew the CIA was completely. What started as the 18 1/2 minutes of tape, the cause of many of the leaks political blackmail was to end who did? Watergate that were going on.
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