EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER December 2007 Advocate Employee Newsletter Inside this issue: Delta, Varner piloting entrance monitoring Director’s Corner 2 The Delta Regional Unit Deputy Director Feb. 7 Director’s Roast 2 and the Varner Unit are pi- Larry May, seated, watches as 2007 Santa Central 3 loting a new biometric en- trance monitoring program Glenn Fishback, a Admin. Services lunch 4 for the department. Marquis Software Development con- Admin. Services awards 5 “During the first full sultant, demon- United Way campaign 6 week of February, we hope strates an en- to go live on entrance moni- trance monitoring 6 Staff changes toring with the two pilot device. Department Briefs 6 sites,” said Kathy Gattin, Employee Spotlight 7 ADC Applications Systems Photos by Coordinator. “At that time, Joyce Recipe Roundup 7 Delta and Varner should be Taylor ADCRA meets 8 operating with a fully func- and eventually the inmate firm the success of each Locking your PC 8 tioning entrance monitoring population. step as we move for- program for inmate visita- ADC is a pioneer when ward,” Gattin said. 9 Guilty plea in theft tion.” it comes to this new tech- “Progress may seem Know the policies 9 Staff attended a pre- nology. slow at times but it is testing session on Dec. 19. Scholarships available 9 “To ensure that we important to take the The initial phase of the have a fully functional and time needed because we 10 Health Matters project is based on the veri- successful entrance mon- are launching new tech- Physical assessments 11 fication/ID validation of toring program, we must nology and we are defi- anyone who passes through Be a loser/winner 11 continue to take whatever nitely breaking new ADC entrance buildings on time is necessary to con- ground.” Governor’s Service Awards 12 a regular basis for inmate Promotions & New Hires 13 visitation. The next group identified through this proc- ADC Training 14 ess will include employees, ADC Calendar 15 volunteers, contract staff, Contact us 16 Fred Roesdel, center, a consult- ant with Marquis Software De- velopment, discusses some of Santa the features of entrance moni- Central toring with Varner Warden success Grant Harris and DRU Warden Mark Cashion, standing left to Page 3 right, and Varner Major Jesse Davis and Deputy Director Larry May, seated left to right. Page 2 ADC Advocate Director’s Corner They were also right. stead, it outlined horrible, goodness someone was Meanwhile in another unspeakable crimes and still at home to take care part of Arkansas, a baby said the police thought he of her baby. girl was born into a family was to blame. As he sat in These two inmates with a well-established the county jail waiting for aren't related and they're business. You might even trial, the veneer of perfec- not friends. They came say she was from a family tion began to peel away. from different parts of of entrepreneurs. Her Beneath it lay secret addic- the state, and they had mother, father, stepmother, tions that enslaved him. different backgrounds stepfather and brother were Alcohol, cocaine, mari- and different lifestyles. all involved to some extent. juana, pills - he had done But they both ended up In her home, higher educa- them all - way too often in the same place, wres- Larry Norris tion wasn't pushed much. and way too long. When tling with the same con- ADC Director Learning by example was the judge's gavel fell, all sequences of addiction. much more important and that potential and promise Someday both of them He was his parents pride she learned enough to fol- was gone, replaced with 25 will go home. Until then, and joy; a baby boy who grew low in the family's foot- years in prison. we have work to do. We into a good looking young steps. What else was she to When she came to must provide the tools man. For those on the outside do? After all, they had been prison, no one was really and lessons they need to looking in, he appeared to in business for years. surprised. In her family's rebuild their lives. Sure, have it all. He earned a col- Maybe the product would line of work, prison is just it's a tough assignment. lege degree from a fine change from time to time, considered the price of do- But no one ever said cor- school and was blessed with a but their line of work al- ing business. That's just rections was easy. good head for business. Eve- ways stayed the same. For the way it is in the meth If you think about it, rybody who knew him swore her, continuing the legacy trade. You sell some, you though, we already have that he was well on his way to just seemed like the right do some, and eventually a head start. Because we the good life. There was a lot thing to do. It wasn't. you and your habit get know that every inmate of talk among his family and When the prediction caught. In her case, just is a unique person with a friends of the huge headlines came true and the golden about the whole family has unique story that just this golden boy was bound to boy made headlines, no one done some time. In fact, needs a better ending. make someday. They said it could believe the story. The two or three of them were Now all we have to do is jokingly, but truth be told, paper didn't tell of some locked up the day she ar- help them write it. they were totally serious. grand accomplishment. In- rived for intake. Thank Roasting of the Director set for Feb. 7 at Harbor Oaks in Pine Bluff The Arkansas Associa- Bronze Member: $8 ciation’s motto states, Join AACET by Jan. tion of Correctional Em- Silver Member: $6 “When you join, we all 31 and receive discount ployee Trust is hosting the Gold Member: $4 win.” ticket prices for the “Roasting of the Director”, To purchase a ticket, Membership is avail- “Roasting of the Direc- Larry Norris, on Feb. 7 at please contact Jane Man- able at three levels: Gold tor”. To join, complete 5:30 p.m. at Harbor Oaks in ning at 870-267-6209 or ($7.50 per pay period); Sil- an Employee Member- Pine Bluff. Carla Simmons at 870-267- ver ($5 per pay period) and ship form and return by Come out for an evening 6988. Bronze ($2 per pay pe- mail to 2403 East Hard- of fun, entertainment and If you’re not a member riod). Those who sign up ing Avenue, Pine Bluff, dinner. This fundraiser will of the AACET, consider for a Gold membership AR 71601. For more in- benefit the newly estab- joining and continue to take will receive a polo shirt. formation, visit www. lished AACET. care of our officers and Silver members receive a ADCAACET.org or call Ticket prices for the roast staff in times of crisis by hat and Bronze members Kevin Murphy at 870- vary based on membership: making this tax-deductible receive an identification 850-8524. Non Member: $10 contribution. As the asso- holder. December 2007 Page 3 2007 Santa Central assists 30 ADC families thanks to generous staff The 2007 Santa Central Pro- way you participated in our ject helped make the holidays project you are truly appre- brighter for many ADC fami- ciated. Without your sup- lies. Because of the outpouring port Santa Central would Left: Volunteer of support from staff members, not be possible.” Services Coordina- 30 families with a total of 72 Staff members also sup- tor Carla Simmons children were assisted this year. ported the effort by buying gathers together “It was great to see the in- baked goods, pizza and ear- some of the many credible amount of love and rings that were sold through gifts collected for generosity shown to these fami- fundraisers generating more Santa Central. lies,“ said Carla Simmons, Vol- than $700. unteer Services Coordinator. The purpose of Santa “Thanks to everyone who se- Central is to assist members lected an angel from our Angel of the ADC who are experi- Tree, gave monetary donations encing hardships during the or donated food. Thank you holiday season. Santa Cen- also to those of you who do- tral is not a program of the nated your time for wrapping, ADC, but is supported by sorting, shopping, loading, or volunteers and agency em- delivering gifts. In whatever ployees. Left: Boxes and boxes of gifts that were bought by Right: Kevin Glover of staff for ADC the Diagnostic Unit families fill a room delivers freshly- at Central Office. wrapped gifts to be distributed by Santa Central. Left: Central Office staff member Susan Kleiner shows off some of the earrings she crafted and sold to Above: The Santa Central An- raise $170 for Above: With help from Volunteer Services gel Tree with the names of doz- Santa Central. Coordinator Carla Simmons, right, ADC ens of children hangs on the staff member Cheryl Edwards selects an door of the Volunteer Services angel for Administration Annex East staff to Coordinator. adopt. Page 4 ADC Advocate Admin. Services hosts holiday luncheon; employee awards The 2007 Administrative Ser- Magness cited the day to vice Luncheon featured plenty of day work of the ADC and good food and good company. talked about the role that the During the Dec. 14 event, staff entire state played in Hurri- members were recognized for cane Katrina recovery efforts.
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