COMMITTEE OF SCIENCE AND HIGHER SCHOOL SAINT-PETERSBURG UNIVERSITY OF MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS SAINT-PETERSBURG 2012 COMMITTEE OF SCIENCE AND HIGHER SCHOOL SAINT-PETERSBURG UNIVERSITY OF MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL CONFERENCE DIALOGUE OF CULTURES: STATE OF CROSS-CULTURAL COMMUNICATIONS UNDER CONDITIONS OF POST-CRISIS ECONOMY AAPRILPRIL 1188–119,9, 22012012 COLLECTION OF SCIENTIFIC PAPERS OF THE CONFERENCE SAINT-PETERSBURG 20121 UDK 316.72 BBK 71.05 D 53 Published by order of the Committee of Science and Higher School Dialog of Cultures: State of Cross-Cultural Communicati- D 53 ons under Conditions of Post-Crisis Economy: collec- tion of scientifi c papers of the International scientifi c and practical conference. — SPb.: Publishing House of Saint- Petersburg University of Management and Economic, 2012. — 542 p.: silt. ISBN 978-5-94047-289-6 The collection of academic papers presents scholarly articles and re- ports of higher education institution lecturers, research associates, poli- ticians, employees of regional and municipal authorities, post graduate students and students who took part in the work of the International sci- entifi c and practical conference “Dialogue of Cultures: State of Cross- Cultural Communications under Conditions of Post-Crisis Economy“, which took place on April 18–19, 2012 at St. Petersburg University of Management and Economics with scientifi c and methodological support of the Regional Economy Problems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Sociological Institute of the RAS. The materials of the collection cover vital theoretical and methodo- logical problems of cross-cultural communications, concepts of cross- cultural interaction development under the conditions of post-crisis eco- nomy; the condition, prospects and priorities of the social and economic development of the regions; potentials of the Internet technologies and electronic resources in the information support of cross-cultural commu- nication management; issues of international scientifi c and cultural co- operation, the role of St. Petersburg in the positive development of cross- cultural interaction. UDK 316.72 BBK 71.05 © Cooperate authors, 2012 ISBN 978-5-94047-289-6 © SPbUME, 2012 2 Dear ladies and gentlemen, colleagues and students! I welcome you within the precincts of St. Petersburg University of Management and Economics and express gratitude for your participation in the work of the XI International scientifi c and practical conference “Di alogue of Cultures: State of Cross-Cultural Communications under Conditions of Post-Crisis Economy”. The broad representation of authoritative scientists, politicians, heads of public organizations, and foreign guests at the conference testifi es to the urgency of the subject submitted for discussion, and to the deep interest in its constructive discussion. The interaction of diff erent cultures is a centuries-old tradition of our public and state life, while the national variety of the peoples of Russia is the genuine wealth of the country. The dialogue of cultures and the preservation of their variety under modern conditions is the only alternative to the modern world-order crisis which has let go fruitless attempts to impose unstable models of political and economic development to all peoples. It is necessary to strive for forming common cultural, scientifi c and educational space within the framework of cross-cultural communication, to strive for putting into eff ect multilateral projects on strengthening cross- civilization dialogue under modern conditions of post-crisis economy. The post-crisis development of Russian economy and its transition to the innovative model of development are directly connected with Rus- sia’s further integration into the world socio-cultural space and the transformation of the administrative system of all spheres of Russian so- ciety activity, including higher education system. Multilevel training of spe cialists is being conducted particularly in this system and it will provide future innovative development of Russia. And this University aspires to make a worthy contribution to the solution of this noble task. It is important to make the idea of a dialogue in cross-cultural communications clear and acceptable for the most general public. During the years of its existence the University managed to reach great success in it: it managed to create a highly professional, creative team of teachers and scientists, to organize eff ective educational process through the use of modern advanced educational technologies, to set up fruitful contacts with foreign universities, to organize academic exchange of students and teachers, and to strengthen links with academic research institutes, major companies and organizations. 3 St. Petersburg University of Management and Economics is open for cooperation with all scientifi c and educational institutions which are in- terested in training highly skilled economists, and managers in various fi elds of activity. One of the forms of such cooperation is our today's conference. I hope that the practical results of the conference will promote de ve- lopment, preservation and deepening of partnership and cross-cultural in- teraction for the sake of peace and stable socio-economic development. I wish fruitful work and creative success to all the participants of the International scientifi c and practical conference “Dialogue of Cultures”. Rector of St. Petersburg University of Management and Economics, Doctor of Economics, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, honored worker of science of the Russian Federation V. A. Gnevko 4 Chapter I. Economics and Management in the Sphere of Cross-Cultural Communications Glushchenko P. P, Lazarev V. V. STATE-LEGAL CULTURE OF CONTEMPORARY RUSSIA AS OBLIGATORY CONDITION OF THE LEGAL STATE FORMATION, AND PERFECTION OF CROSS-CULTURAL COMMUNICATIONS The indicators of the state-legal culture level in the civilized society are the constitutional system fi rmness; recognition of the law leadership; respect for democratic legal institutes, rights and freedom of the person and the citizen; legislation system and its availability; strict and steady ob servance of lawmaking. From the point of view of these indicators it is possible to estimate state-legal culture of law enforcement, legal culture of law enforcement or law and order maintenance in the country; legal culture of the society as a whole, of social groups and strata (for example, legal cu- lture of offi cials), of individuals. Certainly, state-legal culture in contemporary Russia is not at the highest level. It is connected in many respects with discontent with the fi nancial position, spiritual and economic impoverishment, probably, even the backlog of the country as a whole, in comparison with progress of the developed countries. It is impossible to deny the presence of legal ni hilism either. In the life of contemporary Russian society there are va rious displays: organized crime activity; corruption of a part of the state apparatus; discrepancy or even mutual elimination of regulatory legal acts in the Russian legal system; anti-legal activity of religious informal associations of sectarian sense and the organizations, groups of political or religious extremism; infringement or non-recognition of the individual rights and freedoms. The legal nihilism in the sphere of government and law enforcement activity is most dangerous. It is also necessary to underline that the legal nihilism is actively propagandized and spread by mass media and, in particular, by TV. In many respects it infl uences on the fact that the low level of legal culture is characteristic both for the senior and younger generations of Russia, which aff ected and is aff ecting the maintenance of cross-cultural communications, their perfection. The matter is that both legal and ethical standards are constantly broken, there are no economic possibilities and the political will for realization of 5 already accepted laws, and the state does not undertake due measures to provide reliable protection of citizens against infringement of their rights and freedoms. That all leads to the fact that citizens in the majority have no clear representation about the rights, possibilities of their protection, and do not trust in possibility to defend them or are afraid to do it either. The condition of the state-legal culture in any society directly depends on the national culture operating in the country, the system of legal edu- cation, the requirements to the level of legal knowledge of workers of the state apparatus, the society and the state’s attention to the activity of the judicial and law-enforcement system, the use of experience of cross- cultural communications. The legal culture of the Russian citizen during the post-Soviet period should possess (in comparison with the Soviet pe- riod) qualitatively new lines. In the totalitarian society the legal culture requirements were limited to such as the respect for the right, law, legislative behavior and participation of the individual in public work on law and order protection. In the democratic society (Russia proclaimed itself as a democratic, legal state), where there are real mechanisms for infl uence of the citizens on the lawmaking sphere, the responsibility of ordinary citizens for quality of accepted laws is increasing. Therefore the ability of citizens to critically estimate adopted laws, their readiness to participate in legislation preparation to protest against
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