T. B. CROAT, C. V. KOSTELAC, 2006 161 Karl Koch's Career with Araceae and his Connection with America: Family Photo of Karl Koch Found with Relative in St. Louis Thomas B. Croat Missouri Botanical Garden P.o. Box 299 St. Louis, MO 63166 E-mail: [email protected] Carla V. Kostelac Missouri Botanical Garden P.o. Box 299 St. Louis, MO 63166 E-mail: [email protected] INTRODUCTION: He was a prolific writer and wrote ex­ tensive accounts of his travels (Koch, The German Karl Heinrich Emil Koch 1842-1843, 1846a, 1846b-1847, 1846c. was born 6 June 1809, near Weimar in the 1851a, 1851b, 1854a, 1855a) Koch pre­ Duchy of Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenbach, and pared hand-colored lithographic maps of died 25 May 1879. He studied medicine his travels to Eastern Turkey in 1847, and natural sciences in Jena and in Wurz­ which included several versions: geo­ burg. According to a memoir written by graphical, political, ethnographic and a Koch's wife, Therese Koch (T. Danzer, botanical version which represented spe­ pers. comm.), Karl Koch was befriended cific vegetation zones. Though primitive in by the writer, Johann Wolfgang von Goe­ some respects, the map was actually the the, as a young boy, and Goethe encour­ aged his plant studies. Koch had broad in­ first known vegetation map of that region. terests including zoology, geology and ge­ Koch's maps are very rare and only five ography, anthropology, archeology and sets are known today (Koch, 1850; Ed­ history but his main interest was with bot­ mundson & Lack, loco cit.). any, especially horticulture, dendrology One taxonomic work was deemed wor­ and the origin of fruit trees (Edmundson thy of inclusion in Taxonomic Literature & Lack, 1977). by Frans Stafleu (1967), this a 3-volume During the years 1836-1838 and again work on dendrology (Koch, 1869-1873). during 1843-1844, Koch traveled in the In addition, he wrote short papers about Orient in areas that are currently Armenia, Araceae, describing many species. Azerbaizhan, Georgia, southern Russia, Karl Koch was a contemporary of Hein­ Turkey and Ukraine. He had met Alexan­ rich Wilhelm Schott and the two appeared der von Humboldt in Berlin and had ob­ to be bitter rivals, each openly criticizing tained letters of introduction and some fi­ the other's work. While Schott published nancial help from the Grand Duchess Ma­ his first paper when he was 26, and was ria Pavlovna, sister of Czar Nikolas I that 15 years older than Karl Koch, the majority enabled him to meet many important Rus­ of their publication careers was contem­ sians to make plans for his expeditions to porary. Koch's first publications on Ara­ southern Russia. He was appointed "Trav­ ceae (Koch, 1852, 1856) appear to have eler on Behalf of His Majesty" and thus shocked Schott (who had obviously been enjoyed unusual benefits during his jour­ slowly and meticulously accumulating in­ ney (Edmundson & Lack, loc. cit.) formation on Araceae without publishing 162 ARO lDEANA, Vol. 29 Back row (left to ri ght): son Ca rl Lud wig Constantin Koch (1 839), wife The rese Auguste Weichardt Koch (1818), son Hugo Au gust Emil Koch rJinny Danzer's grandfathe r] (1840), daughter The rese Mari e Adele Koch (1 842). Fro nt row (left to right): presumed wife and son o f Ca rl Ludwig Constantin Koch, botanist Ka rl Heinrich Emil Koch (1 809), daughte r Anna Helene Cecili e (1 845). it) into publicatio n, and a seri es of majo r many of his plant names are still va lid , b ut publi ca ti o ns came o ut in rapid sequence since most o f the species he described (Scho tt, 1853-1857, 1858, 1860). were based o n cultiva ted specime ns, o fte n Koch publi shed mostl y sho rt arti cles, even juvenile materi al (and o fte n of un­ sometimes including new species' descrip­ known o rigin) , typifi catio n o f the species ti o ns, in gardening magazines such as All­ is frequently diffi cult. In all , Ka rl Koch de­ gem eine Gartenzeitung 0857a-1857i, scribed or recombined 156 taxa (see Ap­ 1858a, 1858b) and Wocbenscbr!ft fiir Gcirt­ pendix). nerei u nd Pflanzenkunde (1859, 1861, At age 26 Ka rl Koch was appo inted Pro­ 1868; Koch & Ve itch, 1863). Othe r new fessor at the University of Je na and served species were described in the seed li sts of the re from 1836 thro ugh 1847 when he the Berlin Botanica l Garden (Koch, 1853, moved to Berlin. There he served as a p ro­ 1854, 1855b). Many of Koch's descriptions fessor at the University of Berlin and the were based o n cul tivated plant mate ri al, Berlin Ag ri cultural College and an "Ad­ o fte n of unknown o ri gin . Koch's herbari ­ junct" at the Royal Botanic Ga rden in Ber­ um was acquired by the Berlin Herbarium lin and also served as Inte rim Directo r of (B) in 1913 and was evacuated during the the Royal Botanic Garden during the years war, so it is still extant, but the coll ecti on 1877- 1878. does not contain a ll of Koch's original col­ \'lIe were prompted to review Ka rl lectio n (Sta fl e u, 1967). Since Koch was Koch's career because I met a re lati ve of o ne o f the earli est aroid taxono mists, Koch , living in the St. Lo uis area. Mrs. Jin- T. B. CROAT, C. V. KOSTELAC, 2006 163 ny Danzer, a great-great grand daughter of und 1844. Vols. 1, 2 (1846) and 3 Karl Koch, contacted the Missouri Botani­ (1847). Weimar. cal Garden inquiring about her great-great ---. 1846c. Noch einige Bemerkungen grandfather and his botanical career. She Ober die vom Hm. Dr Thirke an der was directed to us because of Koch's in­ NordkOste Kleinasiens und am bi­ terest in the Araceae, and came in for an thynischen Olymp gesammelten interview. Jinny brought with her the fam­ Pflanzen. Linnaea 19(3): 313-320 ily photo taken about 1862 when Karl (1846). Koch was 53 years of age and her grand­ ---. 1850. Karte von dem kaukasisch­ father was 22. Her grandfather, Hugo Au­ en Isthmus und von Armenien, 1: 1m. gust Emil Koch, immigrated to the United Berlin. (4 sheets in each of 4 editions States in 1865, when he was 25 years old, (political, ethnographical, geological and resided in Columbus, Ohio. In 1867, and botanical), with 31 page explan­ he married Amalia Becker of Columbus, atory leaflet. Ohio. He became an American citizen in ---. 1851a. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der 1882. Jinny Danzer and her sister, Eliza­ Flora des kaukasischen Isthmus. Lin­ beth Kellerman, are the daughters of Er­ naea 24(1):89-98(1851). nest Ravenscroft and Mildred Graf Raven­ ---. 1851b. Die kaukasische Militiir­ scroft. Mildred, the youngest of four chil­ strasse, der Kuban und die Halbinsel dren-her older brothers were Hugo Taman. Erinnerungen aus einer Re­ (Dick), Fred and Horace Graf-was the ise von Tiflis nach der Krim. Leipzig. granddaughter of Hugo Koch. Her mother ---. 1852. Einige Worte tiber Anthur­ was Louise Koch Graf and her father, Fred ium, Philodendron and Monstera. Graf, a naturalized citizen from Switzer­ Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 16:273-278. land and an early city planner for St. Louis. ---. 1853. Araceae, pp. 2-7. In Index Other surviving great-great grandchildren Seminum in horto botanico beroli­ are Kathryn Morrill and Fred Graf (King nensi Coluntur, Appendix. Berlin. Graf deceased). ---. 1854. Araceae, pp. 6-8. In Index Seminum in horto botanico beroli­ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS nense Coluntur, Appendix. Berlin. ---. 1854a. Die Krim und Odessa. We should like to thank Mrs. Jinny Dan­ Leipzig. zer for making available the picture of her ancestors, for providing additional infor­ ---. 1855a. Die kaudasischen Lander mation and for editing the manuscript. und Armien in Reiseschilderungen. Thanks also to Lynn Hannon for her help Leipzig. in editing the manuscript and to Dr. H. W. ---. 1855b. Araceae, pp. 2-8 In Index Lack for information about Koch's aca­ Seminum in horto botanico beroli­ demic career. nensi Coluntur, Appendix. Berlin. ---. 1856. Einiges aus der Familie der Aroideen. Bonplandia 4:3-12. BmLIOGRAPHY OF KARL KOCH ---. 1857a. Der RachenblOthige und Koch, K. 1842-1843. Reise durch Russland frOhzeitige Flecken-Aron, Arisaema und den kaukasischen Isthmus, in ringens Schott (Sieboldii de Vr.) und den Jahren 1836, 1837 und 1838. praecox. Allg. Gartenzeitung 11:85- Vol. 1 (1842); Vol. 2 (1843). Stuttgart 87. & TObingen. ---. 1857b. Die Kolokasien und Xan­ ---. 1846a. Beitrage zur Flora des n6r­ thosomen. AUg. Gartenzeitung 25: 19- dlichen KOstenlandes von Kleinasien. 21. Linnaea 19(1):1-67 (14-17 1946). ---. 1857c-1857e. Neues Aronpflan­ ---. 1846b-1847. Wanderungen im zen oder Aroideen. AUg. Gartenzei­ Oriente, wiihrend der Jahre 1843 tung 25:134-136, 172-175, 189-192. 164 AROIDEANA, Vol. 29 ---. 1857f. Monstera lennea C. Koch. idearum. Typis Congregationis Mech­ Allg. Gartenzeitung 28:217-222. itharisticae, Vienna. ---. 1857g. Neue Arons Pflanzen oder Stafleu, F. 1967. Taxonomic Literature. Aroideen. AUg. Gartenzeitung 30: Regnum Veg. Vol. 52. 233-235. ---. 1857h. Monstera lennea C. Koch. APPENDIX Allg. Gartenzeitung 30:243-245. list of species and new combinations of ---. 1857i. Xanthosoma pilosum K. Araceae by Karl Koch Koch. AUg. Gartenzeitung 30:272. Alocasia argyroneura K. Koch ---. 1858a. Alocasia metallica Schott. Alocasia cuprea K. Koch Allg. Gartenzeitung 48:377-379. Alocasia erytbraea K. Koch ---. 1858b. Monstera pertusa de Vr. Alocasia beteroneura K. Koch Allg. Gartenzeitung 51:401-403. Alocasia navicularis K. Koch & C.D. Bouche ---.
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