■ ! ■ ' THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1972 PAOB THIBTY-TWO lEtc^nfns If^rald Ceuf^lM Play students who graduated recently . Marks Open from the American School for Bennet Registration, Placement A bout T omu the Deaf in West Hartford. She Peter Thorne Schultheia,. son received the class achievement Beimet Junior High Sdwol tered Tuesday, Aug. 23, at 9 SpiH'lg, 25 o t Mr. and Mn. Walter T. award. She plans to attend Gal- h u set dates for registration o.m. in the Franklin Building, Manehe$ter^A City of Vtttagit Charm Schultheia of A1 Robert Rd., and placement testing of new It does not Include Incoming laudet College in Washington, students. seventh graders entering from graduated recently from Ver­ D.C. mont Academy In Saxtons Riv­ Students from local pcuochlal local elementary schools or y o L . xci, N a su (THnmr.IhRro p a g b s - ^ o IIANCHBSTBR, c o n n -, FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1972 schools who will enter Grddes parochial school students en- er, Vt. He plans to attend Ho­ Illlng Junior Higji School PTO bart College at Geneva, N. T. 7 or 8 may register at the tering Beimet Grade 9 who have will have an open house In honor Franklin Building office any already been tested by coun­ of A. Hyatt Sutlitfe, retiring iEathy Ann Falco, daughter of day during office hours before sektrs. principal, tonight from 7 to 0 at June 30. Guidance counselors will Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Falco the school cafeteria. The event of 63 Hamlin St., was one of 37 Students new to Manchester schedule conferences from Aug. is open to the public. who will enter Grade 7, 8, or 9 23 to 31 for class assignment may register during the week and selection of study courses, DaKHT Town Democrats of Aug. 14-18 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the same office. FIRST TO TEACH THE NEW Placement tests for new stu­ Marines Attend dents who have not previously Excrmia sculpture haircuts been tested will be admlnis- State Convention by PIVOT POINT INTERNATIONAL Members of the Marine Corps Silent on Blacks Bennet Stages League and AuxUlaty will at­ ARTISTS, EXCLUSIVELY AT tend the 81st annual state con­ By aOC B . COBES In BushneU Auditorium Hart­ For Sen, Hubert Humphrey Art Olympics vention this weekend at the (Bendd Beporter) ford. The delegatee were chosen (2) — Ihigh Ward and Mary Le- Marine Home in Enfield. CONNECTICUT INSTITUTE OF The Bennet Junior High Tti« iManeheatar delegiulon to on toe hasie of a preferential Due. Convention delegates tnmi the the Democratic State Conven­ ballot for announced Prealden- School art department will detachm ent are Harold A. Os­ For Sen. Edmund MusUe (3) HAIRDRESSmC stage its second annual show, tion has not caucused to date, Ual ctmdidatee by the 74 mem­ — Town Director John Tanl and good, com m andant; Benton W. nor liaa It taken any position bers of toe Democratic town "Art Olympics," in the school Osgodd, past Deportment com­ John Hutchinson. qusidrangle tomorrow from 6 on objelstlons - by the state's committee. The alternates were For Smi. Henry Jackson (1 m andant; Joseph Banning, black Democratic leaden to the chosen by the delegates toem- p.m . until dsu-k. In case of rain, EWerett Bennett, M a^el Casa- — Katherine Moran. it will be held in the East Side party's slate of delegates to the aelves. Uncommitted (9)— State Rep. vant, Winston Chevalier, Bryant Democratio National Conven­ The delegates and their pre­ Rec gymnasium. There is Collins, Peter Cordera, Conrad BYancis Mahoney, State Rep. N. admission. tion. ferences are: Ctaarlea BogglM, Town Director Lloyd, Harry Mathlason, Jirry Hie chnliengera claim that For Sen. Qecnre MCGovem The school band, directed by Sapiensa and Chester TaworsU. Anthony Fletrantonlo, Town Di­ Ssimuel Maesduso, will provide blacks are not proportionately (7) — Dr. Walter Schardt, al­ rector Jen Norris, Town Demo­ Auxiliary delegates sure Mia. represented on toe 61-memher ready chosen a state delegate a concert during the early part Velma Osgood,' Mrs. MolUe cratic chairman Ted Cum­ cd the evening. slate—toe 88 ciioeen two weeks to the Democratic Nattcnal Cen- mings, school board chairman Cook and Mrs. Lillian Vfilson. ago in Congressional District The show is directed by Mrs. Alternates sun Mrs. Cecelia ventton; Mayor John Thomp­ Allan Thomas, clerk of toe Mario Iversen, John Hull ahd Yaworrid, Mrs.Arlene Robinson meetings, and toe 18 at-large son, Robert Taidlll, Henry House of Representatives Paul Harold Larson ot the art depart­ to be named tomorrow. Becker, Dorothy Brlndamour, and Mrs. Msuie Psusker. (See Face XigU) ment. They expect to have The convention will open to­ A scheduled caucus of toe Irene LaMay and Rita laakl. about 300 pieces of student work morrow at 6 p.m. with the Manchester delegation before on exhibit. Some will be on sale, initiation of new applicants. On tomorrow's session of toe state with the proceeds to be used Satusday, the annual ball will be convMftian may reveal whet to support future shows. held sd 7 p.m. A memorisil serv­ pcettlon it will take. One feature will be a do-it- ice will be conducted Sunday at The conventton’s credentials yourself area, with print and 11 a.m. Sunday afternoon, state committee, meeting last night WOBU) OHdjmON BAIR mask making and foil tooling officers will be elected and in­ in Hartford, rejected the only SOON! especially designed for young­ official dudlSnge brought be­ GOP in Court D N O N B B 8 SHOW YOVl sters. A plastic balloon, inflated stalled. fore it ocncenling delegattons Conn. Institute of Hair­ with hot air, will be firmly an­ from the state’s 169 towiu and Leo Passage, recognised by Magnets Got Name Conn, balrmressers as one ot dressing will move to chored (it is hoped) in the cen­ cities. the greatest hair designers new, larger quarters in ter of the quadrangle. A large From Lodestone Site It was brought by a Coventry . Bernard Gress (Ger­ East Hartford Center plastic sculpture, student made, woman who claimed thiat Cov­ On Fall Vote many), Sydney Morris (Eng­ (Main St.) Watch for will also be on display. Material ATHENS—Magnets got their entry’s three-male delega­ land) and many others. Their Special Announcement for It has been donated by the name from Magnesia, a district tion was not representative — HARTFORD (AP)—^Republicans have taken their re- creations appear in our "Hair of Midsummer Opening Kage Co., Manchester plastic In Thessaly' where the first because it excluded women. apportionment plan to U.S. District Court “to end any Faatdon of the ICoolh” as fabricators. lodestones apparently were M anchsater has 31 delegatos continuing uncertainty in <3onnecticut concerning the well as color films and ad­ Free Parking for All There will also be demon- round. They were described vance hair design courses straUons of painting, drawing, about 660 B.C. by the phlloso- **^**** P * !'^ ^all election,” says GOP lawyer Francis J. McCarthy, available to our students. cratlc state ConvenUon, tonight McCarthy, In a motion filed and pottery making. l4ier TTiales of Miletus. at 8 and tomorrow at 19 a. m., the same three-Judge pan- Become a Hair Styfist ' el which had ruled the plan un- McCarthy said in his motion constitutional earlier this year, that tiiere are admitted errors Knjellmeiit 1st Mon. of Every Month. MOM site NO PROB- USM. Student Loans Available. FREE PLACEMENT. Conn. blamed Democratic state offi- In the plan, adopted last fall by Instttate Is accepted by all state and federal agendea. For dais for ms king toe action nec- a state board, but these can be edooftUooftl* ffpft**^**^ Aid Stete BoAvd d . ED#, SooIai Conventiem esMvy. corrected by a "strdee of the Seenrity, Welfare. OJ. Veteran. Immlgratkn, Federal Loana. "Deaplte the Supreme Court’s pen.’’ H.E.W. Loans. Pay 12 months after graduation on Installment atay order, the secretary of toe The RepulbUoans contend that plan. Part-time, FnU-tlme and Evenings. Open T oday state to not idng forward to toe Siqiiwine Oourt’s day riA lJ. 525-2372 OR SX2-72C1 (Ml MAIL COUPON FOR inqdement the state pton, and amoimta to reinstatement of the INFOBMAIION ON HOW TOC CAN BEOM IE BARTFGRD (AP) — Con- will not do so until eaqdldtly or- 1971 plan. Klfiton and Mrs. A PIVOT POINT 8TILISTI nsoUcut’s Democratio state dared to do so,’’ McCarthy Sdiaffer, both Democrats, cenvenUen will start a Wt sar- aakl. maintain it does itot fulflH ths Uer tor some* todsy as black Secretary of the State Gloria requiramento of a new state I OONNBlCriTCUT INSTITUTE OF HA1RDRE8SINO, party leaders hold a tots sftor- Schaffer and state Atty. Gen. law which suspended the Geo- ' 963 Main St.. Hartford _ ^ I Please send me FREE literature on Pivot Point Training: I noon meeting to j^aa their Robert K. KUUan took post- end Assembly nomination and strategy diallenglng the party’s tion that toe Supreme Oourt’a election schedule until "the en- ddegate slate to the Democrat- "stay*’ (amgiention) of the low- try of an order of a court of * NAME ................................................................... AGE........ io National Oonvention in e r, court’s ruling did not competent Jurisdiction approv- Miand Beach. amount to an order to Imple- Ing or prescrthlng a pUm ot j ADORBaB.............................................................................. I Sajrlng "We are quite dto- meat the plant. ■ reiq)poriionment’’ appointed” with black repre- McCarthy had considered go- At stake in the oentinuing I C rTT ............................... STATE ............... Z IP ............... j sriitattcn on the 61-inember del- tog to 8iq>etlor Court Judge reapportionment hassle Is poilt- egatlan to the nattonsl eon- Walter Sldor to correct and im- leal oentret of the 197$ Genwal vantion, former State Sen.
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