100K 250K Index Front.Cdr

100K 250K Index Front.Cdr

Map Information on the Web 49 114° 50 120° 51 126° 52 132° 53 138° 54 144° 55 150° 56 For up-to-date map information, see Geoscience Australia's website, BENS- MARI BOIGU SAIBAI DARU BRAMBLE www.ga.gov.au BACH 7 8 CAY 7179 7279 7379 7479 7579 7679 BOIGU DARU MAER This site contains: TURU DELIVER- MABUIAG GABBA RENNEL DARNLEY MURRAY CAY ANCE ISLAND ISLAND ISLAND ISLAND ISLANDS ISLAND 5 6 a complete list of map products and Topographic Map Revision 1:250 000 Scale Topographic Maps 7178 7278 7378 7478 7578 7678 7778 TORRES STRAIT prices Computer programs, satellite imagery and At this scale, 1 cm on the map represents 2.5 11 MOA SASSIE COCONUT ARAFURA SEA ISLAND ISLAND ISLAND 6 place name search facility SC a number of other data sources are used in km on the ground. Each map covers an area 7377 7477 7577 SC THURSDAY ISLAND CAPE YORK 6 information about topographic map the revision of topographic maps. Hard of one and a half degrees of longitude by one BOOBY THURSDAY CAPE ARTUB ISLAND ISLAND YORK ISLAND 12 7376 specifications copy maps are first turned into digital data degree of latitude, or about 150 km from east 7276 Bamaga 7476 7576 6 by electronically scanning existing map to west and 110 km from north to south. The Melville I HOPEFUL MARCHIN- map copyright information CAUTION SNAKE JAHLEEL CAPE COBOURG CROKER ARAFURA BAY BAR VRILYA ORFORD BOYDONG POINT BAY DON COBOURG PENINSULA WESSEL ISLANDS POINT BAY ISLAND 6 information about using maps with GPS films. The new data is then displayed on a contour interval is 50 metres. This is the 4975 5075 5175 5275 5375 5475 5575 7375 7475 7575 SPECIAL 6175 6275 JARDINE RIVER ORFORD BAY monitor and superimposed over recent largest scale at which topographic maps MELVILLE ISLAND SPECIAL MOOR- SHEL- 6 GREEN- WELLING- JUNCTION ROLLING SPECIAL SKARDON CAPE CORAL SEA a full listing of our map retailers BATHURSTMELVILLE CONDER MURGE- BAY BAY STEWART OONGGA ELCHO RARAGALA MAPOON BURNE ISLAND Nguiu HILL 13 NELLA TON ISLAND TRUANT 15 RIVER GRENVILLE satellite imagery. By comparing existing cover the entire continent. Bathurst I 16 ISLAND RANGE GALIWINKU BAY 16 6 a form for submitting map errors and 4974 5074 5174 5474 5674 5774 5874 6174 6274 16 7274 7374 7574 data with features on the imagery, 5374 5574 5974 6074 7474 suggestions 12° Maningrida GaliwinkuBUCKING- GOVE PENNE- 12° additions and alterations are readily DARWIN KOOL- POINT FIELD EAST OENPELLI GOOMA- TOMKIN- MILIN- HOWARD HAM ARNHEM Nhulunbuy FATHER AGNEW MORETON TEMPLE 6 PINYAH STUART ISLAND ALLIGATOR DEER SON GIMBI Ramingining BAY 6173 6273 Yirrkala RIVER BAY 4 free downloadable samples of digital 5073 5173 5273 5373 5473 5573 5673 5773 5873 5973 6073 GOVE PENINSULA 7273 3 7373 7473 7573 identified and the map data base amended 1:100 000 Scale Topographic Maps Darwin DARWIN ALLIGATOR RIVER MILINGIMBI SPECIAL SPECIAL Weipa CAPE WEYMOUTH data and much more. SPECIAL CAPE DI- accordingly. Final film for printing is 7 FOG BYNOE NOONAMAH MARY KAPALGA CAHILL HOWSHIP LIVER- CADELL BLYTH MIRRN- MITCHELL DURA- WEIPA YORK BATAVIA CAPE TIMOR SEA BAY 4 RIVER Kakadu 1 Jabiru POOL 2 RIVER GADJA RANGES BUDBOI CALEDON DOWNS DOWNS WEYMOUTH RECTION Australia is covered by more than 3000 maps 4 7672 generated from the data by specialised 4972 5072 5172 5272 5372 5472 5572 5672 5772 5872 5972 3 6072 6172 6272 7272 7372 7472 7572 Lockhart River Topographic Maps in Digital Form at 1:100 000 scale, of which 1600 have been Batchelor WEIPA SPECIAL plotters. FORD ANSON REYNOLDS BATCH- MCKINLAY MUN- JIM JIM GILRUTH MANN WILTON ANNIE FLEMING KOOLA- BLANE GREY AURUKUN MERLUNA WENLOCK LOCKHART CAPE published. At this scale, 1 cm on the map RIVER RIVER DOGIE RIVER RIVER CREEK TONG 6271 Aurukun RIVER SIDMOUTH The 1:250 000 scale NATMAP series is also 5 CAPE SCOTT ELOR 8 6171 The efficiency of this method of map represents 1 km on the ground. Each map 4871 4971 5071 5171 5271 5371 5471 5571 5671 5771 5871 5971 6071 GROOTE EYLANDT 7271 7371 7471 7571 7671 available in digital form for use on LONDONDERRY SPECIAL PINE CREEK MOUNT EVELYN MOUNT MARUMBA BLUE MUD BAY SPECIAL COEN revision will improve as the resolution of LONG TROUGH- LONDON- RUL- DOMBEY GREEN- DALY TIPP- PINE RANFORD STOW SNOW- MAINORUMARUMBA NYMBILLI PARSONS BLUE MUD BICKER- LANGDON CAPE ARCHER MERAPAH ROKEBY COEN SILVER covers an area of half a degree of longitude 12 REEF TON DERRY HIERES WOOD RIVER ERARY CREEK HILL 5 DROP 6 7 BAY TON KEERWEER RIVER 8 PLAINS computers and in Geographic Information 4070 4170 4270 4370 4870 4970 5070 5170 5270 5370 5470 5570 5670 5770 5870 5970 6070 6170 6270 7170 7270 7370 7470 7570 7670 satellite imagery improves. In the future, by half a degree of latitude, or about 54 km MONTAGUE SOUND Angurugu Groote Eylandt HOLROYD SPECIAL Systems (GIS). WINGATE FERGUS- PRINCESS SD stereo plotting techniques using satellite from east to west and north to south. The MARET MONTA- ADMIRAL- VAN- DRYSDALE KING CASUAR- PEARCE KEATS MOYLE MOUN- JINDUCKIN SON KATHERINE EVA WATER- FLYING THROSBY BENDA PHELP ROSE TASMAN CAPE HOLROYD KENDALL STRATH- EBA- CHARL- BATHURST CAPE 9 SD LIVET TY GULF SITTART GEORGE INA TAINS RIVER VALLEY HOUSE FOX RIVER BEATRICE RIVER BURN GOOLA RANGE MELVILLE 5369 8 11 OTTE BAY GEODATA TOPO–250K is a vector data imagery will be used for maps requiring contour interval is 20 metres. 3869 3969 4069 4169 4269 4369 4469 4769 4869 4969 5069 5169 5269 5469 5569 5669 5769 5869 5969 6069 6169 6269 7269 7369 7469 7569 7669 7769 7869 SPECIAL DRYSDALE MEDUSA BANKS PORT KEATS FERGUSSON RIVERKatherine KATHERINE URAPUNGA ROPER RIVER GULF EBAGOOLA CAPE MELVILLE product for use in GIS and other more radical revision. BUFFON BIGGE WARREN- KING CARSON COLLISON BERKELEY MEDUSA KNOB TURTLE KEYLING FITZ- BARWOLLA FLORA BOWMAN MAN- MARANBOY MATA- MOROAK CHAPMAN URAP- ROPER LIMMEN EDWARD STRATH- STRATH- KALKAH MARINA LAKEFIELD JEANNIE CAPE CAMDEN SOUND DER EDWARD 9 10 PEAK POINT 11 MAURICE 12 BULLOO 9 RANKA 10 UNGANgukurr 11 RIVER GORDON MAY 12 PLAINS RIVER FLATTERY computerised mapping applications. 3868 3968 4068 4168 4268 4368 4468 4568 4668 4768 4868 4968 5068 5168 5268 5368 5468 5568 5668 5768 5868 5968 6068 OF 7268 7368 7468 7568 7668 7768 7868 7968 Some features are not easily identified on SPECIAL 1:50 000 Scale Topographic Maps PARADISE CROSBIE G NATMAP RASTER contains the 513 maps the satellite imagery, however Geoscience CHAM- BRUNS- PRINCE BRAD- COUCH- ASHTON ERNEST MILLIGAN WYNDHAM CARLTON LEGUNE VICTORIA MILLIK IKYMBON HOGARTH WILLEROO DRY ELSEY GORRIE MAIS HODGSON ST TOWNS MOUNT ROSIE MITCHELL DIXIE KALINGA KENNEDY BATTLE COOKTOWN 15 PAGNY WICK FREDERICK SHAW MAN RIVER MONMIR 16 RIVER 13 VIDGEON YOUNG CREEK CARPENTARIA 15 RIVER CREEK CREEK 16 BEND CAMP R in the 1:250 000 NATMAP series as digital Australia uses the best available sources to Selected 1:50 000 scale maps produced by 3767 3867 3967 4067 4167 4267 4367 4467 4567 4667 4767 4867 4967 5067 5167 5267 5367 5467 5567 5667 5767 5867 5967 6067 15 6167 7267 7367 7467 7567 7667 7767 7867 7967 E PRINCE REGENT ASHTON CAMBRIDGE GULF AUVERGNE DELAMERE LARRIMAH HODGSON DOWNS MOUNT YOUNG RUTLAND PLAINS HANN RIVER COOKTOWN Cooktown A images on CD-ROM. check and show all features necessary to Defence Mapping are available from ADELE MACLEAY COCKELL METHUEN PRINCE HANN WOOD- CAMM BEATRICE PENTE- ERSKINE KUNUN- KEEP PINKER- AUVERGNE STOKES GREGORY DELAMERE BIRRIMBA WESTERN LARRIMAH MARY- NUTWOOD COX MANTUN- TAWALLAH BING PELLEW VANDER- NASSAU RUTLAND KOOLATAH PETERS STRATH- JEDDA LAURA BUTCHERS HELEN- T URRA VALEHelenvale 16 REGENT HOUSE 13 COST 14 Kununurra TON 15 CREEK CREEK FIELD 14 GULA RANGE BONG LIN 4 RIVER PLAINS LAGOON LEVEN CREEK 13 HILL make the map a useful reference. The Geoscience Australia. Coverage is 3566 3666 3766 3866 3966 4066 4166 4266 4366 4466 4566 4666 4766 4866 4966 5066 5166 5266 5366 5466 5566 5666 5766 5866 5966 6066 6166 6266 6366 7166 7266 7366 7466 7566 7666 7766 7866 7966 Digital Data for selected 1:50 000 map ROBINSON RIVER 16° contribution of map users who provide predominantly above the Tropic of VICTORIA Borroloola LOWAREAH ELIZABETH SOUTH 16° LEVEQUE SUNDAY YAMPI COLLIER WALCOTT EDKINS JAMESON GIBB SULLIVAN KARUNJIE ELGEE DUNHAM ARGYLE NEWRY KILDURK BAINES HUMBERT RIVER KILLARNEY NELLY MIDDLE DALY SCARLET ARNOLD TANUM- BAUHINIA BATTEN BORRO- WEARYAN ROBINSON CALVERT 1 DINAH GALBRAITH DUNBAR KINGFISH HIGHBURY MOUNT MAYTOWN PALMER MOSSMAN areas can be obtained through Geoscience CREEK CREEK WATERS DOWNS POINT RIVER ISLAND information regarding changes to the map Capricorn. Contact Map Sales at Geoscience ISLAND BAY RIVER DOWNS DOWNS HILL RIVER BIRINI 3 LOOLA SPECIAL RIVER MORNINGTON ISLAND LAGOON MULGRAVE RIVER Australia. For further information contact 3465 3565 3665 3765 3865 3965 4065 4165 4265 4365 4465 4565 4665 4765 4865 4965 5065 5165 5265 5365 5465 5565 5665 5765 5865 5965 6065 6165 6265 6365 6465 6865 7165 7265 7365 7465 7565 7665 7765 7865 7965 Mossman CAIRNS PENDER YAMPI CHARNLEY MOUNT ELIZABETH LISSADELL WATERLOO VICTORIA RIVER DOWNS DALY WATERS TANUMBIRINI BAUHINIA DOWNS SPECIAL 6765 Mornington I GALBRAITH WALSH MOSSMAN detail is appreciated. All information Australia—National Mapping Division for PACK- MALLA- CAPE Data Sales Enquires. LACEPEDE PENDER CORN- KIMBOLTON TARRAJI MATTHEW ISDELL HORSE BARNETT SIDDINS SALMOND CHAMBER- BOW LISSADELL WATERLOO KIMON WICKHAM MOUNT PIGEON MONTE- FLAT TOP HIDDEN DUN- WARRAM- AMUNGEE OCTOBER O T GLYDE FOELSCHE PUNGA- SELBY MASSACRE CLIFFDALE MORNING- VAN MACARONI VANROOK STAATEN PANDANUS BULIMBA WALSH BELLEVUE MOUNT RUMULA CAIRNS 2 provided will be checked for use in the more information or see Geoscience 2 AMBIE 3 4 RANGE 1 LAIN 2 3 RIVER SANFORD 4 JINNI HILL 1 VALLEY MARRA BAN MUNGEE 2 DOWNS PUNYAH LINA INLET CREEK TON 3 RIVER CREEK 4 1 MULLIGAN Clifton Beach 6064 6164 6264 DIEMEN 7964 next revision.

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