FORMAL CONSULTATION - JANUARY 10th 2020 URBAN DESIGN REVIEW PANEL OLD OTTAWA SOUTH - 1050 & 1060 BANK ST. PROPOSED MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT KWCarchitects NEIGHBOURHOOD 1. LANSDOWNE 5. GLEBE 8. DOW’S LAKE 2. BILLINGS BRIDGE 6. CARLETON UNIVERSITY 9. RIDEAU RIVER 200m 3. OLD OTTAWA SOUTH 7. RIDEAU CANAL 10. ALTAVISTA 4. OLD OTTAWA EAST 5 1 7 4 1050/1060 BANK STREET 8 9 3 10 6 2 MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT 1050 & 1060 BANK ST. JAN. 10, 2020 2 / 24 NEIGHBOURHOOD 1. SOUTH MINSTER UNITED CHURCH SURGEONS OF CANADA 6. RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBOUR- 9. BUS STOP (LISTED ON THE HERITAGE REGISTER) 4. MAYFAIR THEATRE (DESIGNATED HOOD 10. HOPEWELL AVENUE PUBLIC SCHOOL 2. OTTAWA PUBLIC LIBRARY - SUNNYSIDE HERITAGE PROPERTY) 7. LANSDOWNE 11. TO GLEBE NEIGHBOURHOOD 3. ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND 5. SHOPPER’S DRUGMART 8. RIDEAU CANAL 8 11 1 11 D F E 7 100M RA D IU S 2 1 2 3 6 3 A B 4 9 4 5 5 10 9 C 12 X VIEWPOINTS OF NEIGHBOURHOOD IMAGES - # NEIGHBOURHOOD KEY DESTINATIONS SEE FOLLOWING PAGE MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT 1050 & 1060 BANK ST. JAN. 10, 2020 3 / 24 NEIGHBOURHOOD IMAGES 1. OTTAWA PUBLIC LIBRARY - SUNNYSIDE TAGE PROPERTY) 6. LANSDOWNE 2. ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND 4. SHOPPER’S DRUGMART 7. BUS STOP SURGEONS OF CANADA 5. RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBOURHOOD 8. 1050 & 1060 BANK ST. 3. MAYFAIR THEATRE (DESIGNATED HERI- 4 3 6 1 2 3 8 7 8 A BANK STREET B BANK STREET C BANK STREET VIEW TOWARDS NORTHEAST VIEW TOWARDS EUCLID AVENUE / SOUTHWEST CORNER SUNNYSIDE AVENUE - VIEW TOWARDS NORTHWEST 8 5 5 5 D AYLMER AVENUE E AYLMER AVENUE F AYLMER AVENUE CORNER GALT STREET / VIEW TOWARDS SOUTHWEST VIEW TOWARDS SOUTH MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT ALONG PROPERTY LINE 1050 & 1060 BANK ST. WEST JAN. 10, 2020 4 / 24 PROJECT SITE IMAGES 1. SOUTH MINSTER UNITED CHURCH 3. RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBOURHOOD (LISTED ON THE HERITAGE REGISTER) 4. 1050 & 1060 BANK ST. 2. MAYFAIR THEATRE (DESIGNATED HER- 5. LANEWAY AT WEST OF PROPERTY ITAGE PROPERTY) 2 1 3 4 4 5 G BANK STREET, MAYFAIR THEATRE H CORNER BANK STREET & AYLMER AVE I AYLMER AVENUE VIEW TOWARDS PROPERTY NORTHEAST VIEW TOWARDS SOUTH CORNER BANK ST - VIEW TOWARDS WEST 1 4 4 4 5 3 5 J EUCLID AVENUE K LANE IN WEST OF PROPERTY, ‘BEHIND’ EXISTING RESTAURANTS L BANK ST CORNER BANK ST - VIEW TOWARDS WEST VIEW TOWARDS SOUTH MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT 1050 & 1060 BANK ST. JAN. 10, 2020 5 / 24 ZONING FRAMEWORK TM2 H(15) TM... Traditional Mainstreet TM2... Subzone of Traditional Mainstreet H(15)... Maximum Height 15m ROAD REQUIREMENTS Bank Street to be ROW 23m (between Isabella St and Riverside Drive) PERMITTED USES Office, Residential, Retail type use, Restaurant, etc. GUIDELINES • transparent windows and active entrances • 50% Glazed Ground Floor • 4.5m Height of Ground Floor • 100% of the ground floor fronting on the street ex- cluding any related mechanical room or pedestrian or vehicular access • ... SUBZONE TM2 • permitted residential: dwelling unit / rooming house • limitation for retail (food) store to 600 square me- tres • at least 2 storeys in height 100m MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT 1050 & 1060 BANK ST. JAN. 10, 2020 6 / 24 ZONING FRAMEWORK - Detailed Planning Overview for the 1050-1060 Bank Street Redevelopment Proposal The following is a summary of relevant Official Plan CITY OF OTTAWA URBAN DESIGN CITY OF OTTAWA ZONING BY-LAW Additionally, the following residential uses are per- and Zoning By-law policies, and how they relate to GUIDELINES FOR DEVELOPMENT mitted in the TM2 Subzone, providing they are in a the latest set of plans dated th of June for the 1050- The Subject Property is zoned ^_TM2 H(15) – Tradi- building containing one or more of the permitted 1060 Bank Street proposal. For reference, the Sub- ALONG TRADITIONAL tional Mainstreet Subzone 2, with a Height Restric- non-residential uses: tion of 15 metres. There is an interim control by- ject Property is an irregular-shaped lot with 75.3m MAINSTREETS • dwelling units of frontage on Bank Street, and frontage along both law affecting a wide geographic area, including the As previously mentioned, the Subject Property is Aylmer Avenue and Euclid Avenue as well. The total Subject Property but is not relevant to the intended • rooming house designated Traditional Mainstreet and, as such, is site area is 1593sqm. use(s). Furthermore, “b. each retail food store and re- subject to the Urban Design Guidelines for Develop- The stated purpose of the TM zone is to “accom- tail store is limited to 600 square metres of gross ment along Traditional Mainstreets. This proposal modate a broad range of uses including retail, ser- leasable area; and c. in addition to the provisions CITY OF OTTAWA OFFICIAL PLAN is compatible with the objectives of the Guidelines, vice commercial, office, residential and institutional of subsection 197(3)(g)(i), a building must also be at including “To foster compact, pedestrian-oriented The Subject Property is designated Traditional uses, including mixed-use buildings but excluding least 2 storeys in height”. development linked to street level amenities“ and Mainstreet in the Official Plan. Furthermore, “The auto-related uses, in areas designated Tradition- “To accommodate a broad range of uses including This proposal is made with the intention to com- objective of the Mainstreet designation is to en- al Mainstreet in the Official Plan” and “foster and retail, services, commercial uses, offices, residential ply with the performance provisions under ^_TM2 courage more dense and mixed-use development promote compact, mixed-use, pedestrian-oriented and institutional uses where one can live, shop and H(15). That said, an application will be required for that supports, and is supported by, increased walk- development that provide for access by foot, cycle, access amenities“. More specifically, this proposal five minor variances to the Zoning By-law: ing, cycling and transit use”. transit and automobile”. is compatible with Guidelines 4 (periodic breaks), • Min. Rear Yard Setback: From 4.5m to 2.5m Additionally, per Section 4.11, “…to arrive at com- 8 (quality buildings), 11 (windows), 13 (location of The following relevant uses are permitted in the TM (only second through fourth storeys) patibility of scale and use will demand a careful residential units), and 23 (vehicular access of side zone: • Min. Width of Landscaped Area: From 3m to 0m design response, one that appropriately address- streets), among others in this design concept. • artist studio es the impact generated by infill or intensification. • Max. Building Height: From 15m to +-20m • bank Consequently, the issue of ‘context’ is a dominant • Max. Building Height: From 45 degree angular theme of this Plan where it speaks to compatibili- • office plane to 60 degree angular plane (re: Section ty and design”. Compatibility is also dependent on • personal service business 197 Policy 3 (g) (ii) (3)) context in relation to traffic, vehicular access, park- • Visitor Parking Spaces: From 4 to 1 ing requirements, outdoor amenity areas, loading • restaurant areas, service areas, outdoor storage, lighting, noise • retail food store Overall, this proposal is compatible with the intent and air quality, sunlight, microclimate, and support- of the Zoning By-law. • retail store ing neighbourhood services. Furthermore, “…in any given situation individual criteria may not apply and/ Section 197.1 (c) states for the above non-residen- or may be evaluated and weighted on the basis of tial uses, “a minimum of 50% of the ground floor site circumstances”. façade facing the main street, measured from the average grade to a height of 4.5 metres, must Therefore, given these policies and the intended comprise transparent windows and active entranc- design, this proposal is compatible with the Official es; and where an active entrance is angled on the Plan. corner of the building, such that it faces the inter- section of the main street and an intersecting side street, it is deemed to face the main street”. MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT 1050 & 1060 BANK ST. JAN. 10, 2020 7 / 24 DESIGN GUIDELINES √ Align streetwall buildings with the √ Locate residential units above the existing built form ... of the adjacent level of vehicular traffic in a mixed- buildings ... to create a visually con- use building and provide shared tinuous streetscape entrances to residential units, clearly √ Plant clusters of trees on the flanking accessible from the street. residential streets ... for additional √ Locate mixed-use development by 1050/1060 BANK STREET greenspace concentrating height and mass at √ Create wider sidewalks ... along tradi- nodes and gateways tional mainstreets ... √ Ensure adequate sunlight for side- √ Use periodic breaks in the street wall walks... or minor variations in building set- √ Highlight buildings on corner sites, back ... to add interest to the streets- where two public streets intersect ... cape, and to provide space for activi- Continue the same level of architec- ties adjacent to the sidewalk tural detailing around both sides of √ Create attractive public and the building semi-public outdoor amenity spac- √ Provide pedestrian weather protec- es such as green spaces with trees, tion ... Urban Design Guidelines pocket parks, courtyards, outdoor √ Provide sheltered bicycle parking in for Development along cafés, seating ... visible locations near building en- √ ... group streetscape elements ... trances ... √ Design quality buildings that are rich √ Locate front doors to face the main- Traditional in architectural detail and respect the street and be directly accessible from rhythm and pattern of the existing ... the public sidewalk. Mainstreets buildings on the street ... √ Provide only the minimum number of √ Design street sections with a ratio of required car parking spaces... building height to road corridor width √ Plant street trees between 6.0 & 8.0 ... of 1:2 to 1:3 ... ideal for ... tradition- metres apart along public streets ... al mainstreets √ Use green building technologies ... √ Use clear windows and doors ..
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