Index acidic phospholipids,47, 58 ATPase, 22, 107 acidification steps, 23 auto-oxidation, 48,49 adsorbent, 53 aequorin, 95 aggregated mitochondria, 23 bacterial cells, 10 alcohols, 49 bacteriorhodopsin (BR), 218,232 alkaline hydrolysis, I bee venom, 121 alkyl esters, 57, 59 binders,53 amide bond, 129 silica gel, 53, 65, 176 amide linkage, 14 silica gel H, 176 amino alcohol, II bioactive phospholipids, 144 amino-group labelling reagents, 121 blanching, 50 aminopeptidase, 17 buoyant density, 16 aminophospholipid, 113, 118 butyl hydroxy toluene (BHT), 49,212 aminophospholipid pump, 119, 140 aminophospholipid translocase, 11 3 amphotericin B (AmB), 107 Cal+ -ATPases, 28, 107 N-(1-deoxyD-fructos-1-yl) AmB, 107 Cal+ -uptake, 27 anchored lipids, 38 campesterol, 104 angular amplitude, 89 calciferol, 78 anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonate (ANS), Candida albicans, 59, 60, 61, 76, 78, 102, 94, 103 104, 108 animal cells, 10 caproic acid, 129, 130 animal tissues, 9 carotenoids, 37 anion transporter, 135 cell debris, 33 anisotropy, 81 , 89, 95, 96, 97, 102, 104, cell disintegrator, 19 105 ceramide, 14, 129, 194 antagonists, 178 ceramide monohexosides ( CMH), 60 antioxidant, 49, 50 cerebroside, 14 apolar lipids, 56, 57, 69 chemical probes,112 arachidonic acid (AA), 144,153, 161 chloroplast, 32, 33 artificial membrane, 83 isolation, 32, 33 ascending chromatography, 54 purification, 33 asymmetric topology, 128 cholesterol, 14, 15,212 asymmetry, 112, 113,119 choline, 7, 9 atebrin, 95 chromatograms, 55 Index 249 chromatographic analyses, 52 ELISA, 146, 148 chromatoplate, 54, 55, 57 emission anisotropy, 95 complex lipids, 11, 50 energy transfer parameter (E), 98 Con A modified spheroplasts, 24 enzymatic probes, 112,119 Coryphenoides armatus, 105 eosin,95 Coryphenoides rupestris, 105 equilibrium density, 16, 18 critical micellar concentration (CMC), ergosterol, 14, 15, 77,78 210, 211 erythrocyte membrane, 10,119 crude membrane, 18, 22 ESR (electron spin resonance), 80, 81, 83, cyclic AMP, 168 86, 87,90 cytochrome C oxidase, 17 essential fatty acids (EFA), 106 estimation of inorganic phosphate, 127 ethanolamine, 9 dansyl chloride (DNS-Cl), 94 evaporation, 44,47 deacylase-reacylase repairing system, extraction of sterols, 74 129 DEGS,69, 70 density gradient centrifugation, 18 fatty acids,10, 11, 57 CsCl-density centrifugation, 34 melting point, 3 discontinuous gradient, 31 ficoll,31 depolarization, 96 Flame Ionisation Detector (FID), 70,78 diacylglycerol, 11, 57, 59,76 fluidity, 203, 213 diacylglycerophospholipid, 121,127 fluorescamine, 116 dielectric constant, 50 fluorescein5'-isothiocyanate (FITC), 94 diffusion coefficient, 96 fluorescence,93,96,104, 133 digalactosyldiacylglycerols, 11 fluorescence anisotropy, 95, 96, 101, 102 dimyristoyl glycerol, 196 fluorescence polarisation measurements, dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine 105 (DOPE), 106 fluorescence quenching (FQ), 94, 98, 104 dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine fluorescent analogues,128, 130 (DPPC), 86, 87, 90,101, 106 fluorescent probes, 122,242 dipalmitoyldiglyceride, 197 fluorophores,94, 104 diphosphatidylglycerol (DPG), 2, 9, 11 Forster-type resonance energy transfer DNA dependent RNA polymerase, 17 (FRET), 107 dodecanoic acid, 129, 130 DPH, (all-trans-1,6- diphenyll ,3,5hexatriene) G proteins, 167 94, 101, 102 103 Gaffney's method, 90 TMA-DPH, 105, 107 galactosyldiacylglycerols, 11,12 gangliosides,41, 47 gas liquid chromatography (GLC), 44, 66, egg phosphatidylcholine (EPC), 215, 70,72 220 columns of, 73 egg-phosphatidic acid, 213 GDPase, 17 eicosanoids, 144, 146, 148, 157 gel exclusion chromatography, 229, 230 electrostatic repulsion,213 general tests of lipid detection, 57 250 Index iodine vapour, 59, 62, 175, 178 lipid extraction, 137 sulphuric acid charring, 62 lipid peroxidation, 49 glucocerebroside, 14 lipid-protein complexes, 90 glycerol, 7 lipids, 1, 3, 5, 50 glycerolipids, 212 composition, 1 glycerophospholipid, 121, 129 microbial, 10 glycolipids, 38, 56, 60, 62, 212 mitochondrial membrane, 11 glycosidic bonds, 38 neutral lipids, 60, 61, 63, glycosyldiacylglycerol ,12 non-saponifiable, 1 glycosylphosphatidylinositol, 196, 199 polar lipids, 57 growth factors, 167 saponifiable, 1, 3 GTP binding proteins, 167 lipoamino acid, 10 liposome preparation, 214,219 liposomes, 101,202 H+ -ATPase, 22 giant liposomes, 203, 218 haemolysed cells, 124 large liposomes (LUV), 203 Helix pomatia, 28 large unilamellar vesicles (LUV), 226 high performance liquid multi lamellar vesicles (MLV), 219, chromatography (HPLC), 44, 52, 222 146, 157 small unilamellar vesicles (SUV), hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids 222,223 (HETES), 145, 146 unilamellar vesicles, 100,222 hyperfine splitting, 89 very large unilamellar vesicles (VLUV), 204,219,228 lipoxins, 145 inner monolayer, 119 lipoxygenases, 145 inositol, 9, 10 liquid partition chromatography, 48 inositol phosphateglycan, 196 lyophilisation, 212 inositol polyphosphate phosphatase., lysophospholipids, 41, 121 170 inositolphosphates, 170, 178, 186 interleukins, 193,196 mannoproteins, 24 intramolecular fluorescence energy marker enzymes, 17 transfer (IFET), 98, 100, 107 Mcilwain tissue chopper, 179 isopycnic centrifugation, 16 membrane bound enzymes, 167 membrane lipid extraction, 39 membrane protein reconstitution,231 labelled fatty acids, 130 membrane spin labels, 88 lanosterol, 77 methanolysis, 66 lateral mobility, 213 methyl esters, 66, 67 lectin,24 micro viscosity, 95 lukotrienes,(LTs), 145,146, 158,159, mitochondrial lipids, 11, 101 161,162, 159 monoacylglycerols, 57 lipases, 41 monoenoic fatty acids, 3 lipid analysis, 48 monogalactosyldiacylglycerols, 11 lipid bilayer, 95 monoxygenase, 145 Index 251 Naja naja, 121 derivative, 10 NBD,129, 130 mono- and di-methyl-, 10 ninhydrin test, 63 phosphatidylglycerol (PG),2, 9, 10, nitroxide radical, 134 11,60, 61 non-lipid contaminants, 47 phosphatidylinositides (Pis), 10, 61, non-permeant probes, 114 121, 171,174 nonpolar solvents, 39 phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate NADPH Cytochrome C oxidoreductase, (PIP), 168,170,174,176 17 phosph~tidylinositol-4-phosphate (PIP),168, 170,174,178 phosphatidyl serine (PS), 10,61,121,128, 175 octyl [3-D-glucopyranoside, 228, 240 phosphodiester bridges, 11 oleic acid, 3 phosphoglyceride,5, 6, 38 order parameter, 96, 98 phospholipase A2, 120, 121, 122, 123, organelle lysis, 139 144 osmotic gradient, 215 phospholipase C, 120, 196, 197 phospholipase D, 130,189, 190 phospholipid, 5,6,9 palmitic acid, 3 analysis, 117, 126 paramagnetic analogues, 128,133 asymmetry, 119 paramagnetic probes, 128 distribution, 119, 121 partition coefficient, 93 exchange protein, 122 PCSL (1-acyl-2-(n-(4,4- phosphoric acid, 6 dimethyloxazolidine-N­ phosphorescence, 106 oxy)stearoy I)-sn-gl yc ero-3- phosphorylcholine, 14,194 phosphocholine), 86 phosphorylethanolamine, 14 pentanoic acid, 129 photosynthetic reduction, 34 perhydrocyclopentanophenanthrene, 15 plant tissues, 9, 41 peroxidised phospholipids, 129 plasma membrane(PM), 24, 102 Perrin equation, 95 isolation, by mechanical disruption, PG (prostaglandins) measurement, 19 145,146 isolation of yeast,20 phase transition, 80, 81 ,.83 polar head group, 6, 210 phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride, polar lipids,38, 52, 57,60 (PMSF), 30 polar solvent, 39 phosphatidic acid, 190 polarity, SO, 51 phosphatases, 167 polarization, 95 phosphatides, 5 polyenoic, 3 phosphatidylcholine, (PC),7, 9, polyphosphoinositides, 10, 41, 58, 170 63,113,120,190 polyunsaturated fatty acids, 3, 171 phosphatidylcholine signal pathway, porcine pancreas, 121 189 prostacyclin, 153 phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), 7, 9, prostaglandins (PG), 148, 153 63, 113, 121 protease inhibitors, 20 lyso-derivative, 9 protein kinases, 167 252 Index protein kinase C, 168, 190 spheroplasts, 20 protein secretory pathway, 25 sphingolipid signal pathway; 193 proteoliposomes, 231, 242 sphingolipids, 5, 11, 212 protonophore, 27 sphingomyelin (SM), 2, 13, 122, 128 protoplast, 41,87 sphingomyelinase, 122, 194 pseudofluorescence anisotropy decay, sphingomyelinase C, 122, 124 96 sphingosine, 5, 11, 14 proteases A, B, 17 sphingosylphosphocholine moiety, 130 spin labelled lipid, 81 squalene, 77, 78 radioimmunoassay (RIA), 146 Staphylococcus aureus, 121 RBC membrane, 40 steady-state fluorescence anisotropy resonance absorption, 81 (SSFA), 95, 104 restriction endonucleases, 34 stearic acid, 3 R, values, 54 sterols, 14, 15, 37, 57, 74,95 rotational correlation time ('tR), 91 steryl esters, 57, 77 rotational diffusion, 80 stigmasterol, 104 rotational mobility, 85 storage of lipids, 48 rotational relaxations, 106 subcellular membranes, 17 reverse phase HPLC, 159 sucrose density gradient,27 sulfolipids, 11 sulphonic acid, 11 SASL (n-( 4,4-dimethyloxawlidine-N- surfactant solubilization, 205 oxy) stearic acid), 85, 90 suspension buffer, 17 S-p space, 16, 18 synthetic phospholipids,212 S. cerevisiae, 25 saponifiable lipids, 1, 3, temperaturesensitive mutants, 25 saturated fatty acids 3, 4 TG, (triacylglycerols), 49,57 saturated lipids, 62 THF, 101 second messenger, 167 thin layer chromatography, (TLC),44, sedimentation rate, 16 52, 117 sedimentation coeffiecient, 18 thromboxane (Tx), 145, 146 seminaphoto- r hodafluor-1- transition temperature, 83, 207 acetoxymethylester (SNARF-1-AM), translational diffusion, 81 94, 108 transmembrane distribution, 128 sickle RBC, 113 TRFA, 96,105 signal amplitude, 88 trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid ( TNBS ), signal reduction, 135 114, 115, 118 signal transduction, 167, 194 trinitrophenylatedPE (TNP-PE), 114 sitosterol, 104 tumour necrosis factor' (TNF-'), 193 snail enzyme or lyticase, 21,31 two - dimensional
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