LOWELL LEDGER VOL. XXIV LOWELL, MICHIGAN, FEB. 22, iqiy No. 37 YOUR US! dNCE IHE LITERARY CLUBS HEARD ABOUT TOWN /hy Pay the Peddler or Canvasser To Help the Moose Lodge or Clover Leaf Club Met With Newsy Notes About People You High School. Mrs. McMahon. Know. Who is to get the prize library The Clover Leaf club met at Mrs. Ella Smith is employed at Twice These Prices? WOULD HIT LOWELL LIGHT contested for the Moose Lodge the home of Mrs. F. .1. McMahon Lasby's place. AND WATER SYSTEMS and Lowell High school since last February 20. A goodly number Remember the Village caucus ^011 can anve a Knod ilwil of money hy buying your etock fall? Nobody knows. Appar- was present and enjoyed the fol- Friday evening. tonic Ht thin store. Inmeud of paying the peddler big, faucy Committee of Lowell Citisens ently, it can be swung either way lowing program announced by urteen for koocIh of unknown qunlltv. Look at these prlcee Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. (J. tor that oul reltahlo und guurauteod stock conditioner and Met Other Protesting Dele- by a few people. Mrs. McKay, chairman of the Hcott a 9 pouud son, February worm expeller— Following is J. W. Brunthavers social committee: gations inJLansing Yesterday. 21. last report before the final an- "America," sung by club, Mrs. J. O. Clark was confined to the A committee of Lowell citizens nouncement of the winner. Mitchell accompanist. house by illness several days this DR. HESS STOCK TONIC appointed by Village Premdent Moose Lodge 1.777.978 Song, "Deserted," Mrs. P. C. W. S. Winegar, who heads the week. Lowell High School l.WKUM Peckham, Mrs. Mitchell, accom- CW 25 lb. pail costs $2.00 delegation, went to Laneinp yes- Vergennes Grange 27.(1411 Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Young were panist. 100 lb. drum costs $6.50 "^8 terday in the Interests of the Alto High School 2r»,850 Presidential contest. in Grand Rapids Monday and Are You Interested village, bm regards its ownership Only five busifiess days left in Piano solo. "Shepherds All and Tuesday. Remember, we have no peddler's wagon and horses' ex- of the light and power plant and which to win the prize. Head the Maidens Fair," by Nevin, Mrs. The Lowell Cutter company is in the Future of Your Child? Habits of Thrift, possible future ae(|uisition of the contest ad and see who are the Mitchell, who responded to an about to install a new boiler in pay. That's why we can sell you Dr. Hess Stock water system. business men who aie giving encore with the "Sextette." its factory. votes with purchases. Remem- Tonic at these rock-bottom prices. formed in early years, are the The following letter is explan- A cherry stabbing contest fol- Mr. and Mrs. Orlow Yeiter at- ber that 1,000 votes are given atory of the situation ami errand. lowed, which created much mirth. tended the auto show in Grand with every dollar paid on the City of HtiirKtci, Feo. 17,1917: Solo. "A Maid Sings Light and Rapids yesterday. Here In 11 nother point, Mr. r.inner. we want to emphatlze. To the Mayor and Hty OrticlalM: liedger, or 1,500 votes with one that Im; |»r. Hewn Stock Tojdc In highly concentrated; It goes Best Insurance a Maid Sings Low," Mrs. P. C. Wayne Young, who is working Oentlemen: Your attention 1h call- year's subscription at ^1.50. Peckham, who responded to an farther, ns the hiiimII ounc ijnnntIty proven. in Ann Arbor, came home to I>r. Hetm Stock Tonic Ih to put your anlinalH In a thriving ed to a bill now before the l^efctilAture Last call. Last chance. (Jet encore. for the future. We have given this matter sinmd Sunday with his parents. condition, make tie' ailing one* healthy and expel the worms which, If adopted, will place on the busy now. Refreshments were served by A Grand Rapids deputy sheriff otherwise you pel your money hack right here at our careful thought and invite the opening of an tax roll thatportlon of public utllltteH t he committee. Place cards with store. We hIho hand!'' located outolde city llmlta, and make a "yarn" about Washington up- was here recently closing the va- It liable for all taxes Heme as pri- on" edch, some of which were rious petty gambling devices account for your child as the best business about town. Dr. Hess Dip and Disinfectant vately owned In the township. pretty clever, were used. Dr. Hess Poultry Pan-a-ce-a The proposed bill, omitting Irrelc Next meeting at Mrs. Law- Mrs. D. 11. Owen was taken to training available. Dr. Hess Instant Louse Killer vant parte lu as folio we. the (the Contest Lowell High in Basket rence's March .'J. R. M. Shivel St. Mary's hosnital yesterday, portion added by thin bill being In will talk upon Michigan Laws for expecting to undergo an opera- Ball Tonight. tion this morning. parenthenle.) Michigan Women. Rep. G I fifiSC 0nc of the House Bill 15)8 Greenville will be tlie next op See Parker's list of farm bar D Entitled: A bill to amend Sec. 7 of poncnts of the local high school • VI. Rexall Drug Stores Lowell Literary Club Met With gains in this paper and call the Act 200 of Public Acte 1893 etc. as basket ball team, the ap-state attention of friends to these amended. Sec. 7. The following lads coming here tonight (Thurs- Mrs. W. S. Winegar. real property shall l»e exempt from chances for a home in Lowell. day). The Lowell girTs will also taxation: Third. Lands owned by The Lowell Literary club met Dr. Greene, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. by any county, townshln, city, vil- play, they meeting an independ- with Mrs. W. S. Winegar Wed- Shivel, Joe Lewis, Phil Krum and lage or school district and butldlhg* ent team for the preliminary. In nesday afternoon, Feb. 14. After Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hosley were thereon used for public purpose*; view of the excellent showing be- the usual routine of business the (Provided that If a township, city or Grand Rapids visitors Monday. We Pay You 4 percent to Save. village has previously acquired and ing made by the girls this season chairman proceded totheelection owns or hereafter acquires and owns pros|)eets are bright for a good of officers for the next year: Messrs. and Mesdamss C. H. property not within the Incorporated crowd. President, Mrs..I. M. Hutchinson, Moore, Walter Rogers and Har- Announcing the Agency of limits of the such township, city or The last contest bet ween Low- Iwt vice president, Mrs. R. M. ry Bo wen of Lowell attended a village, but within the limits of some dance beyond Ada Saturday eve- other township, city or village and ell and Greenville at the latter Shivel; 2nd vice president, Mrs. used for profit or gain, then such place resulted in a victory for ning. ppxccoxojTTYT • .. 1). G. Look: recording secretary, Artistic Piano property shall be assessed and taxe:l Greenville by tin1 close spore of Mrs. R. G. Watson: treasurer, Hugh Can* oij Billings, Mont., where located, the same as other 17 to 1 "J: This time Lowell looks who has been visiting his parents property In such township, city or Mrs. Far! Thomas; corresponding 0 ('.'A village is assessed and taxed.) for a "win," the locals oontending secretary, Mrs. J. G. Hurley; Mr. and Mrs. Dan Carr in Keene, The House committee on taxation that the home inllaence should parliamentarian, Mrs. John S. since Christmas, started for home Having succeeded in obtaining the ; had a hearing on this bill Feb. 15 and turn the game our way. The Hooker; critic, Mrs. M.C. Greene; Monday. R !i ]rTw agency for the HOBART M. CABLE refused our request tor adjournment games will start at 7:.'»o sharp. directors, Mesdames A. H. Lash, Glenn Conklin and little son —— —• -— < —- PIANO, I hereby solicit inspection of and further hearing to give oppor- A. B Cadwallader, J. O. Clark, Russell of Grand Rapids spent tunity for you to be hear J, and the Free Lecture by Col. Shields. I). Flanagan. L. W. Rutherford, Sunday with the former's parents a sample at my store. :: chairman gave out the Information The literary societies of Lowell D. C. Macham, J. M. Meyers,S.S. here., Little Russell remained lor that the bill will be reported out are co-operatinir to give the pub- Lee, K. S. White and Miss Audie a longer visit. Feb. 21 I 'ost. §£tccc; . •; < lic a first elass lecture and have Harvey J. Coons, who has been As this well-known piano has been la order that all cities Interested secured ("ol. (i. 0. Shields, noted The program in charge of the ailing for several days, went to sold for many years by one of the may co-operate to defeat this bill, author, lecturei' and explorer, director, Mrs. W.S. Winegar,was Grand Bapids last evening, ex- GIFTS GIFTS Sturgls has asked that all meet at who will give his illustrated lec- o|)ened with a piano solo, "Cho- pecting to submit to an o|)era- largest miihlc bouses in western Mich- the Downey House, Lansing, Wed- ture, "Wild Animals and Uinls," pin Polonaise" by Mrs. Hutchin- tion for appendicitis. igan it will need very tittle advertising. son, who also nlayed "To a Wild nesday noon, Feb. 21, to arrange for in the High school auditoriuin The Post office was closed to- It speaks for itself.
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