1960-61. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. SECOND SESSION OF THE TWENTY-THIRD PARLIAMENT. (Sittings-from 8th March, 1960, to 9th December, 1960.) (Parliamentprorogued 20th February, 1961.) Name. Division. State. Adermann, Hon. Charles Frederick Fisher .. Queensland Allan, Archibald lan, Esquire Gwydir .. New South Wales Anderson, Charles Groves Wright, Esquire, V.C., Hume .. New South Wales M.C. Anthony, John Douglas, Esquire Richmond New South Wales Aston, William John, Esquire Phillip .. New South Wales Bandidt, Henry Norman Charles, Esquire .. Wide Bay Queensland Barnard, Lance Herbert, Esquire Bass Tasmania Barnes, Charles Edward, Esquire McPherson Queensland Barwick, Hon. Sir Garfield Edward John, Q.C. Parramatta New South Wales Bate, Henry Jefferson, Esquire . .. Macarthur New South Wales Beaton, Noel Lawrence, Esquire(a) Bendigo Victoria Beazley, Kim Edward, Esquire Fremantle Western Australia Bird, Alan Charles, Esquire Batman Victoria Bland, Francis Armand, Esquire, C.M.G... Warringah New South Wales Bowden, George James, Esquire, M.C., Chairman of Gippsland Victoria Committees Brimblecombe, Wilfred John, Esquire Maranoa Queensland Browne, Peter Grahame, Esquire Kalgoorlie Western Australia Bryant, Gordon Munro, Esquire Wills Victoria Buchanan, Alexander Andrew, Esquire McMillan Victoria Bury, Leslie Harry Ernest, Esquire Wentworth New South Wales Cairns, James Ford, Esquire Yarra Victoria Calwell, Hon. Arthur Augustus .. Melbourne Victoria Cameron, Clyde Robert, Esquire Hindmarsh South Australia Cameron, Hon. Donald Alastair, O.B.E... Oxley Queensland Cash, Earl Douglas, Esquire Stirling Western Australia Chaney, Frederick Charles, Esquire, A.F.C. Perth Western Australia Chipp, Donald Leslie, Esquire(b) Higinbotham Victoria Chresby, Arthur Albert, Esquire .. Griffith.. Queensland Clarey, Hon. Percy James(c) Bendigo Victoria Clark, Joseph James, Esquire Darling New South Wales Clay, Lionel Daniel, Esquire St. George New South Wales Cleaver, Richard, Esquire Swan Western Australia Cope, James Francis, Esquire Watson New South Wales Costa, Dominic Eric, Esquire Banks New South Wales Courtnay, Frank, Esquire Darebin Victoria Cramer, Hon. John Oscar Bennelong New South Wales Crean, Frank, Esquire .. Melbourne Ports Victoria Curtin, Daniel James, Esquire Kingsford-Smith New South Wales Daly, Frederick Michael, Esquire Grayndler New South Wales Davidson, Hon. Charles William, O.B.E .. Dawson Queensland Davies, Ronald, Esquire Braddon Tasmania Davis, Francis John, Esquire Deakin .. Victoria Dean, Roger Levinge, Esquire Robertson New South Wales Downer, Hon. Alexander Russell Angas .. South Australia Drummond, Hon. David Henry .. New England New South Wales Drury, Edward Nigel, Esquire Ryan Queensland Duthie, Gilbert William Arthur, Esquire .. Wilmot Tasmania 17th May, 1960. (b) Elected 10th December, 1960. (c) Deceased (a) ElectedElected 16th16th July, 1960. (b) Elected 10th December, 1960. (c) Deceased 17th May, 1960. LIST OF M EMBE&g-continued. Name. Division. State. England, John Armstrong, Esquire, E.D.(a) Calare .. New South Wales Erwin, George Dudley, Esquire .. Ballaarat Victoria Failes, Laurence John, Esquire. Lawson New South Wales Fairbairn, David Eric, Esquire, D.F.C. Farrer New South Wales Fairhall, Hon. Allen . Patersdn New South Wales Falkiridte, Charles William Jaeksbn, Esquire, D.S.O., Franklin Tasthanla D.F.C. Fnrhpb AlePvand-r TJmc P.cnnir A C Barker .. South Australia Fox, Edmind MakWell Carieroh, Esquire Henty . Victoria Fraser, Allan Duncan, Esquire Eden-Monaro New South Wales Fraser, James Reay, Esquire Australian Capital Territory Fraser, John Malcolm, Esquire .. Wannon Victoria Freeth, Hon. Gordon .. Forrest .. Western Australia Fulton, William John, Esquire . Leichhairdt Queensland Galvin, Patrick, Esquire . Kingston : South Australia Griffiths, Charles Edward, Esquire Shortland New South Wales Halbert, Hugh Victor, Esquire .. Moore Western Australia Hamilton, Leonard William, Esquire Canning Western Australia Harrison, Eli James, Estuire Blaxland New South Wales Hasluck, Hon. Paul Meernaa Caedwalla Curtin .. Western Australia Haworth, Hon. William Crawford Isaacs . Victoria Haylen, Leslie Clement, Esquire .. Patks .. New South Wales Holt, Rt. Hon. Harold Edward. Higgins Victoria Holten, Rendle McNeilage, Esquire Indi Victoria Howse, John Brooke, Esquire(b) .. Calare New South Wales Howson, Peter Esquire Fawkner Victoria Hulme, Hon. Alan Shallcross Petrie Queenisland Jack, William Mathefs, Esquire .. North Sydney New South Wales James, Albert William, Esquire(c) Hunter. NeW South Wales Jess, John David, Esquire (d) La Trobe Victoria Johnson, Leslie Royston, Esquire Hughes New South Wales Jones, Charles Keith, Esquire .. Newcastle New Sohth Wales Joske, Percy Ernest, Esquire, Q.C.(e) Balaclava Victoria Kearney, Victor Dennis, Esquire Cunningham New South Wales Kelly, Charles Robert, Esquire Wakefield South Australia Kent Hughes, Hon. Sir Wilfrid Selwyn, K.B.E., Chisholm Victoria M.V.O., M.C., E.D. Killen, Denis James, Esquire Moreton Queensland King, Robert Shannon, Esquire .. .. Wimmera Victoria Lawson, Hon. George .. Brisbane Queensland Lindsay, Robert William Ludovic, Esquire Flinders Victoria Luchetti, Anthony Sylvester, Esquire Macquarie New South Wales Lucock, Philip Ernest, Esquire Lyne New South Wales Mackinnon, Ewen Daniel, Esquire Corangamite Victoria Makin, Hon. Norman John Oswald Bonython South Australia McColm, Malcolm Llewellyn, Esquire Bowman Queensland McEwen, Rt., Hon. John Murray Victoria McIvor, Hector Janieg, Esquire .. Gellibrand Victoria McLeay, Hon. John, M.M., Speaker Boothby South Austfalia McMahon, Honi William .. Lowe New South Wales Menzies, Rt. Hon. Robert Gordon, C.H., Q.C. Kooyong Victoria Minogue, Daniel, Esquire West Sydney New South Wales Murray, John, Esquire, M.B.E .. Herbert Queensland Nelson, John Normail, Esquire Northern Territory O'Connor, William Paul, Esquire Dalley .. New South Wales Opperman, Hor. Hubert Ferdinand, O.B.E. Corio Victoria Osborne, Hon. Frederick Meares, D.S.C., V.R.D .: Evans. New South Wales Page, Rt. Hon. Sir Earle Christmas Graftotf, Cowper New South Wales G.C:M.G., C.H; Pearce, Henry George, Esquire. Capricornia Qudehsland Peters, Edward William, Esquire .. Scullin .. Victoria Pollard, Hon. Reginald Thomas .. Lalor Victoria Reynolds, Leonard James, Esquire Barton .. New South Wales Riordan, Hon. William James Frederick Kennedy Queensland Roberton, Hon. Hugh Stevenson . Riverina New South Wales Russell) Edgar Hughes beg, Esquire Grey South Australia Sexton, Joseph Clement Leonard, Esquire Adelaide South Australia Snedden, Billy Mackle, Esquire .. .. Bruce Victofia 9th April. 1960. (c) Elected 9th AprIIj 1960. (5) Elected (a) Elected 5th November, 1960. (b)(b) Resigned 28th September,September. 1960. () Elected 9th Apfllj 1960. (d) Elected 9th April. 1960. (e) Resigned 2nd June, 1960. ix LIST OF MEMBERS-continued. Name. Division. State. Stewart, Francis Eugene, Esquire.. .. .. Lang .. .. .. New South Wales Stokes, Philip William Clifford, Esquire, E.D. .. Maribymong .. .. Victoria Swartz, Reginald William Colin, Esquire, M.B.E., Darling Downs .. .. Queensland E.D. Thompson, Albert Victor, Esquire .. .. Port Adelaide .. .. South Australia Timson, Thomas Frank, Esquire, M.B.E.(a) .. Higinbotham .. .. Victoria Townley, Hon. Athol Gordon .. .. .. Denison .. .. Tasmania Turbull, Winton George, Esquire .. .. Mallee . .. .. Victoria Turner, Henry Basil, Esquire .. .. .. Bradfield .. .. New South Wales Uren, Thomas, Esquire .. .. .. .. Reid . .. .. New South Wales Ward, Hon. Edward John .. .. .. East Sydney .. .. New South Wales Wentworth, William Charles, Esquire .. .. Mackellar .. New South Wales Wheeler, Roy Crawford, Esquire .. .. Mitchell .. .. New South Wales Whitlam, Edward Gough, Esquire .. .. Werriwa .. .. New South Wales Whittor, Raymond Harold, Esquire(b) .. .. Balaclava .. .. Victoria Wight, Bruce McDonald, Esquire .. .. Lilley .. .. .. Queensland Wilson, Keith Cameron, Esquire .. .. Sturt .. .. .. South Australia (a) Deceased 16th October, 1960. (b) Elected 16th July, 1960. 1960-61. SECOND SESSION OF THE TWENTY-THIRD PARLIAMENT. OFFICERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The Speaker .. THE HON. JOHN McLEAY, M.M. The Chairman of Committees GEORGE JAMES BOWDEN, ESQUIRE, M.C. The Clerk of the House of Representatives ALAN GEORGE TURNER, J.P. The Clerk Assistant NORMAN JAMES PARKES, O.B.E. The Second Clerk Assistant JOHN ATHOL PETrIFER. The Third Clerk Assistant DOUGLAS MAURICE BLAKE, J.P. The Serjeant-at-Arms and Clerk of Committees ALAN ROBERT BROWNING. 1960-61. SECOND SESSION OF THE TWENTY-THIRD PARLIAMENT, INDEX Tq TWI VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF TH HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. NOTE.-For Proceedings on Bills, see under "Bills." For Papers laid upon Table, see "Index to Papers presented to Parliament" (p. xxxix). For Messages from Governor-General and from Senate, see under " Messages." A. Aboriginal Welfare. See " Urgency-Discussipn f nmatter of," Absolute majority-Standing Orders suspended by, 23§, 247. Address- To Her Majesty the Queen-=Birth of a son-JoJit addrss agreed to, 21. tly by Her Majesty, 13. To His Excellency the QGvernor-General-- In Reply to Opening Speech- Committee appointed to prepare Address, 5. Address brought up, . Motion-That Address bq agreed to-debatpd, 8. Amendment (Mr. Calwell)-No-confidence in the Government because of failure to halt inflation, action in lifting of import restrictions and intervention in the Basic Wage case, 10. Motion and amendment debated, 10, 12, 13, 15, 18,
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