INDEX OF FIRST LINES AND TUNES Entries in Roman type in parentheses are the traditional first lines of some items. Entries in Italics are refrains. A A charge to keep I have 658 Cambridge (Harrison) A new commandment I give unto you 242 A rich young man came seeking 243 Redhills A safe stronghold our God is still 623 Ein’ Feste Burg A special star, a special star 223 A Special Star Abba Father, let me be 439 Abide with me; fast falls the eventide 141 Eventide Advent candles tell their story 165 Angel Voices After darkness, light 292 Ridgeway All creatures of our God and King 99 St Francis All for Jesus – all for Jesus 341 All for Jesus All glory, laud, and honour 262 St Theodulph All glory to the Father be 769 St Fulbert All hail the power of Jesu’s name! 342 (i) Miles Lane (ii) Diadem All heaven declares 293 All I once held dear 489 Knowing You All my days I will sing this song of gladness 343 All my hope on God is founded 455 (i) Michael (ii) Meine Hoffnung All over the world, your song will resound 71 All people that on earth do dwell 1 Old 100th All praise to our redeeming Lord 608 Lucius All the room was hushed and still 266 All things bright and beautiful 100 (i) All Things Bright and Beautiful (ii) Royal Oak All you that seek the Lord who died 294 Warrington Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord 295 Alleluia, Alleluia Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! 755 Vulpius Alleluia! Alleluia! 756 Alleluia, alleluia! 757 Celtic Alleluia Alleluia, alleluia 758 Alleluia. I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart (Ps. 111) 826 Alleluia. O praise God in his holiness (Ps. 150) 840 Alleluia! Sing to Jesus 568 Hyfrydol Almighty God, to whom all hearts are open 749 Almighty God, we come to make confession 419 Finlandia Always remember, never forget 70 Always Remember, Never Forget Amazing grace – how sweet the sound 440 Amazing Grace Amen siakudumisa 770 An Upper Room did our Lord prepare 569 O Waly Waly And are we yet alive 456 Falcon Street And can it be that I should gain 345 Sagina Angel voices ever singing 39 Angel Voices Angels, from the realms of glory 190 Iris Arise, shine, your light has come 170 As dawn awakes another day 659 Herongate As if you were not there 724 Ilich As servants working an estate 491 The Lord’s My Shepherd As the deer pants for the water 544 As the Deer As the glory of creation 725 All Saints As water to the thirsty 441 Oasis As we gather, Father, seal us 570 As we gather in your presence now 609 As with gladness men of old 224 Dix As your family, Lord, see us here 571 Kum Ba Yah Ascribe to the Lord, you powers of heaven (Ps. 29) 807 At the name of Jesus 317 (i) Camberwell (ii) Evelyns Author of faith, eternal Word 457 Mainzer Author of life divine 572 (i) Sacrista (ii) Shirland Autumn days when the grass is jewelled 121 I Mustn’t Forget Away in a manger, no crib for a bed 191 (i) Away In A Manger (ii) Mueller (Murray) Away with our fears! 458 Muff Field B Baptise us with your Spirit 369 Merle’s Tune Be known to us in breaking bread 573 Belmont Be still 20 Be Still Be still and know that I am God (Anonymous) 18 Be still and know that I am God (Bell) 19 Morton Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart 545 Slane Beauty for brokenness 693 God of the Poor Because the Saviour prayed that we be one 675 Athair Uile-chumhachdaich Because you came and sat beside us 420 Maujer Street Because you have said 574 Paderborn Before I take the body of my Lord 575 Laying Down Before the world began 101 Incarnation Behold how good and pleasant it is (Ps. 133) 833 Behold the Lamb of God, behold the Lamb of God 234 Behold the servant of the Lord! 546 Mozart Being of beings, God of love 490 Tottenham Beneath the cross of Jesus 442 Beneath the paper wrappings, there’s an open stable door 192 Look Inside Best of all is God is with us 610 Chapel Brae Bethlehem, of noblest cities 225 Stuttgart Beyond these walls of worship 547 Birth brings a promise of new life awaking 226 Morning Star Bless the Lord all you works of the Lord (A Song of Creation, Canticle) 791 Bless the Lord, O my soul (Ps. 103) 823 Bless the Lord, O my soul (Ps. 104) 824 Blessèd assurance, Jesus is mine 548 Blessed Assurance Blessèd be the name of the Lord 40 Blessed be the Lord the God of Israel (Benedictus, Canticle) 792 Blessèd be your name 41 Blessing and honour 765 Blest are the pure in heart 244 Franconia Blest are they, the poor in spirit 245 Born in a stable 532 Bunessan Born in song! 21 Chatsworth Born in the night 193 Mary’s Child Bread is blessed and broken 576 Grace In Essence Bread of life, hope of the world 577 Bread of Life, Truth Eternal 578 Break thou the bread of life 153 Bethsaida Breathe on me, Breath of God 370 (i) Trentham (ii) Carlisle Breathe on me, Spirit of Jesus 371 Brightest and best of the sons of the morning 227 Spean Brother, sister, let me serve you 611 Servant Song By a monument of marble 131 Scarlet Ribbons By the Babylonian rivers 694 Kas Dziedaja C Called by Christ to be disciples 660 Stranmills Calm me, Lord, as you calmed the storm 624 Captain of Israel’s host, and Guide 459 Marienlyst Child of joy and peace 194 Child of Joy Christ be my leader by night as by day 492 Trisagion Christ, from whom all blessings flow 676 Vienna Christ has risen while earth slumbers 296 Transformation Christ is alive! Let Christians sing 297 Truro Christ is made the sure foundation 677 Westminster Abbey Christ is the world’s light, Christ and none other 346 Christe Sanctorum Christ Jesus was in the form of God (A Song of Christ’s Glory, Canticle) 797 Christ, our King before creation 318 Love Divine (Zündel) Christ our passover has been sacrificed for us (A Song of Resurrection, Canticle) 796 Christ our Redeemer knew temptation’s hour 235 St Agnes (Langran) Christ the Lord is risen today 298 Easter Hymn Christ triumphant, ever reigning 319 Guiting Power Christ, whose glory fills the skies 134 Heathlands Christians, awake, salute the happy morn 195 Yorkshire ‘Christmas is coming!’ 166 Advent Ring Colours of day dawn into the mind 167 Light Up the Fire Come, all who look to Christ today 678 Solothurn Come all you people 22 Come and join the celebration, it’s a very special day 196 Celebrations Come, and let us sweetly join 646 Leach Come and see, come and see 270 Come, build the Church – not heaps of stone 679 Galilee Come, divine Interpreter 154 Madrid Come down, O Love divine 372 Down Ampney Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire 155 (i) St Columba (ii) Richmond Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire 373 Veni Creator Come, Holy Ghost, your influence shed 579 Billing Come, Holy Spirit 23 Come, Holy Spirit 374 Breath of Heaven Come, Host of heaven’s high dwelling place 680 St Columba Come, let us anew 460 Derby Come, let us join our cheerful songs 743 Nativity Come, let us join our friends above 744 St Matthew Come, let us praise the Lord 43 Chilean Venite Come, let us sing to the One 2 Come, let us sing of a wonderful love 443 Wonderful Love (Wiseman) Come, let us use the grace divine 549 Dundee Come, let us with our Lord arise 148 Sussex Carol Come, Lord, be our guest 580 Dietwein Come, Lord Jesus, come 168 Come, Lord, to our souls come down 493 Melling Come, my table is a meeting place 581 Come, now is the time to worship 24 Come, now, you blessèd, eat at my table 695 O Quanta Qualia Come, O everlasting Spirit 375 Sicilian Mariners Come, O Holy Spirit, come 38 Come O Lord, give us your Spirit 759 Come, O thou Traveller unknown 461 (i) Wrestling Jacob (ii) Poole Come on and celebrate 44 Come, sinners, to the gospel feast 401 Fulda Come, thou fount of every blessing 494 (i) Nettleton (ii) Normandy (Bost) Come, thou long-expected Jesus 169 (i) Stuttgart (ii) Cross of Jesus Come to a wedding, come to a blessing 603 Bunessan Come to us, creative Spirit 726 Angel Voices Come with me, come wander, come welcome the world 462 Come, wounded Healer, your sufferings reveal 271 (i) Hollygirt (ii) Nuffield Come, you thankful people, come 123 St George’s Windsor Community of Christ 681 Leoni Covenant child 533 Cradled in a manger, meanly 197 (i) Saltash (ii) St Winifred Crashing waters at creation 376 Crashing Waters Crown him with many crowns 347 Diademata D Darkness like a shroud covers the earth 170 Day by day, dear Lord 444 Lindors Day of judgment! Day of wonder! 732 Rhuddlan Dear Lord and Father of mankind 495 Repton Deep in the darkness a starlight is gleaming 625 High Point Deep in the shadows of the past 463 Kingsfold Down the mountain the river flows 377 E Earth’s creator, everyday God 45 Everyday God Easter jubilation fills the streets and towns 299 Eat this bread and never hunger 582 Modesto Eat this bread, drink this cup, come to me and never be hungry 583 Eat This Bread El Senyor és la meva força 776 Emmanuel, Emmanuel 198 Empty, broken, here I stand 421 Eternal Father, strong to save 517 Melita Eternal God, we praise your love 534 Sussex Carol Eternal God, your love’s tremendous glory 3 Highwood Even as the world began 71 Even though I walk through the valley 626 Everlasting God 46 Everyone needs compassion 627 Everywhere around me 118 Ewe, thina 775 F Faithful God, faithful God 47 Faithful One, so unchanging 628 Father God, I wonder 72 Father, hear the prayer we offer 518 Sussex Father, I place into your hands 519 Father in heaven 4 Halad Father, in whom we live 5 St Mary Father of everlasting grace 378 Stamford Father, we have sinned 422 Father, we love you 6 Father, whose everlasting love 320 Melcombe Fight the good fight with all your might 634 Duke Street Fill thou my life, O Lord my God 73 (i) St Fulbert (ii) Beatitudo First of
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