• • • CHAPEL-EN~LE-li'J;t,ITH, &c • • SURGEONS. Spread Eagle, Henry Lomas, Chapel Morton William, retailer of beer, Chapel Spread Eagle,Jamt:s Shirt, Chapel Milton Ogden Adam, earthenware dealer, Chapel BPnnett John, Stoddard lod~e Swan, Thos. Hulme Chapel-en-le-Frith Thomasson William, tanner, Cadstall Booth Peter, Chapel-en-le-Frith Talbot, Martba Carnngton,1 Chapel Wilcock Joshua, rope maker, Chapel Gre.en William, Chapel-en-le- Frith Thorn, Wm. Walton, Chapel-en-le-Frith COACH BB. Smith Charles, Chapel-en-le-Frith Tb,.ree Tuns, Thomas Watts, Sparrow pit Volunteer, James Johnson, Chapel . All call at the RoYAL OAK, Chapel-en-le- TAILORS. While Hart, John Taylor, Whaley Bridge Frith. Bennett Pet~r, Chapel-en-Je ... ~t·rith Whitt' Horse, John Wyld, Horridge end To MANCHESTER, the Champion(from Bramwell Peter and Joseph {and Nottingham) every afternoon at a quar- WHEELWRIGBTS, ter before two, and the Wellington(from drapers) Chapel-to-le-Frith Beard James, Wash . Sheffield) every afternoon at a quarter Cammeron Jno.Chapel-en-le-Fl'ith Beard Joseph, Chapel-en-le-Frith before one; both go through Disley Gaskell John~ Horridge end New·ton John, Chapel-en-le-Frith and Stockport. · Hadfield J oseph, \Vash Wi1lian1son John, 'funstead ~lilton To NOTTINGHAM, the Champion (from Hobson George, Chapel-en-le-Frith Manchester) every forenoon at a quarter Warren Jaml!s, Horridge end Miscellaneous. before twelve; goes through Stoney Barratt Samuel, currier and leather cutter, M iddleton, Chesterfield & Mansfield. ~AVBBNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Chapel-en-le-Frith [le-Frith To SHEFFIELD, the Wellington (from Black Greyhound,J ost-ph Simpson,Chapel Barratt Wm. retailer of beer, Chapel-en- Manchester) every. afternoon at half- Board, John Ben nett, Horridge Britland J obn, agent to the Peak Forest past two; goes through Castletou, Hope Board, Thos. Holdgate, Tunstead Milton Canal Company, Chapel-en-le-Frith and Hathersage. Bull'aHead. Ths. Hall, Chapel-en-le-Frith Cbappel George, wool comber, Chapel CABBZBRS. Burfteld lnn, Isaac Cresswell, Chapel-en- Colby Joseph, seedsman, &c.Horridge end To BUXTON, Isaac Cresswell, every le-Frith [Bridge Crossland Wm. retailer of beer, Chapel Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Cock Inn, Richard Robinbon, Whaley Garton Jn. & Wm.bleacbers,Horridge end To STOCKPORT, James Cooper, every Hat & Feathers, Samuel lbberson, Chapel Gisbome Thomas, esq. M. P. coal and Monday, Wednesday and Friday. :Nelson, James Walton, Tunstead Milton lime merchant, Horrid~e house To STONEY MIDDJ... ETON, James New Inn, John Bennett, Horridge Gregory Henry, miller, Chapel Milton Cooper, every Tues. Thurs. and Sat. New Inn, Geo. Staley, Chapel-en-le-Frith Hall Joh11, hat manufacturer, Chapel-en- Old Pack Horse, Anthony Shallcross, le-Frith (turer, Horridge end CONVBFANCB B11' lV..t.r.£21 Chapel-en-le-Frith [le-Frith Higginbottom J obn, white paint manufac- To and from all parts of the Kingdom; Pack Horse, Daniel Vernon. Chapel-en­ KirkHenry,ironmanufacturer, Chapel Pickford and Co. (see advertisement)-- Roebuck, Wm. Lomas,Chapel-en-le-Frith Lomas Nicbolas,retailerofbeer, Chapel James Bibberson, Ann Johnson, and Shoulder ofMutton, Sarah Walker, Chapel Melior John, retailer of beer, Chapel German Wheatcroftand Sons, daily. CHESTERFIELD, WITH THE VILLAGES OF BRAl\1P'fON, BRIMING"fON AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. CHES'fERFIELD is an ancient corporate and mar·- which rises to the height of 230 feet, is covered with ket-town, and parish, in the hundred of Scarsdale, 150 lead: its extraordinal'y appearance surprises every be­ miles frotn London, 48 s. E. from Manchester, 24 N. holder-for, it not only appears to be twisted, bot also from Derby, the like distance E. from Buxton, 12 E. to incline considerably from the perpendicular. "fhe from Bakewell, the like distance s. frotn Sheffield, interior of the church is of an imposing character: the and 8 N. by B. from Matlock. It is a large but irre- east window of the chancel is a fine composition; gulatly built town, pleasantly situate between two there are some very antique monuments, both in the rivulets, the Hfper and Rother, in the bt'autiful and nave and the chancel, and in the south transept are a fertile vale of Scarsdale, and is the second consider~ beautiful screen and t·ood-loft. 'fhe lhring is a vicar­ able town in the count.y of Derby. The Saxon appel- age, in the archdeaconry of Derby, and diocese of lation of. Ceaster proves it to have been a place of Lichfield and Coventt·y, and in the patronage of the great antiquity and considerable importance, and it is dean of Lincoln ; the present incuo1bent is the Rev. imagined to have originated from a Roman station. 'fhomas Hill. 'The other pi acts of worship are for At the time of the Not·man survey, it was called Ces- baptists, Wesleyan and pritnitive methodists, .inde­ ~rejield, & \vas then only a bailiwick to Newbold-the pendents, Sandemaniaus., _unitarians,, and the society tatter now bot a small hamlet in the parish : sub- of friends. The free grammar school was founded in sequeutly it advanced to considerable importance, and the reign of Queen Elizabeth, aud was formerly oue King John conferred upon it a charter of incorporation of the largest in the north of England; the present with the privilege of two markets and a fan. The building was erected in the year 1710, ou_,the site charter was ratified by succeeding monarchs; enlarged where the original formerly stood. 'fhere·~ne al~o by Queen Elizabeth, aud confirn1ed by Charles 11; it national, infant and Sunday schools, and one of in­ confides the. government of the town to a mayor, six dustry for girls. Several alms-houses have been en­ aldermen, SIX brethren, and twelve capital burgesses, dowed, in different parts of the town; and the otl1er assisted by a chamberlain, town clerk, and other offi- institutions comprise a di~pensary, savings' bank,­ cers : the mayor and the preceding one are justices of bible, tract and missionary societies, and a mechanic~' the peace. rl'he lord of the manor holds a court-leet institute. An elegant assembly-room was built some in Octobe~~ when a constable is chosen; and a court years ago, for the amusement of the more respectable of rtcord, tor the recovery of debts not exceeding .£20. inhabitants; and races are held annually in the autumn. "l"he petty sessions for the division are held here in the 'fhe weekly market, whick is on Satnrday, is well towil-lu~.ll, onthe ground floor of which i~ a prison supplied w1th corn, cattle, cheese and other nrces·· for-debtors, and a residence for the gaoler. Chester- saries. Fairs are held on the 27th January, 28th field is one of the stations a-ppointed under the new February, the first Saturday in Apdl, 4th May, 4th Boundary Act for receiving \·otes at the election of July, 25th September, and. 28th November. In 1821 knights of the shire, to represent the northe1·n division the entire parish of Chesterfield contained 9,190 inha­ of the county. The trades which contdbute to the bitants, and iu 183lt" 10,688, of which last number prosperity of the town are various, comprising .the· 5,775 were returned for the town. manufacture of hosiery, lace, and tlax-dressing; in BRAMPTON is a village and parish,. about 3!- miles w. • • the i~mediate neighbourhood are malt... houses, besides from Che~terfield. At Brampton ... moor are extensive some large iron foundries,· tanneries, roperies, and stone potteries, belon~ing to Messrs. T. Oldfield and brown-ware potteries; and the making of waggoner~' Co., }.\'lessrs. H. and S. Briddon and l\1r. J. Wright; frocks is cart·ied on here, to a very great extent. Mr. \V. Briddon, at Walton, and others; at New !\lines of coal, lead and iron are worked in the vici- Brampton, are iron works, and in the neighbourhood nity of Chesterfield; and a canal passes near to t~e is a coal mine. Brampton church, dedicated to St. town, which faUs into the Trent at Stockwith, near Pet.er, is an autigue building, first erected in the 12th Gainsborough. century, since which period it has been partly rebuilt. ·The ~borch, a large handsome structure, in the form .A new church, under the direction of the parliamen.;. of a~r~ss, ~nd dedicated to. All ~aints, has b~en built· tary comnlissiol}ers, ha~ been lately erecte~, dedicated at V'anous t1mes, parts of It betng very anCient.. It to St~ 'fhomas, 1n the.gtft of the dean of L1ncoln: the ~p~eaa·s there was a church here in the_ lltb century, present minister is the Rev. Alat~on Vincent, M. A.· . as William 11. gave th.e church of Chest~rti.,eld w the "fhis church has been· built for the inhabitants. of the i{):edral of Lin~ln. 'fhe spire of the present edifice • district CO!D prisiQS Walton, part of Bra m pton, and ~ .
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