56775_Journal 2/9/07 11:16 Page 1 BROTHERHOOD OF MAINTENANCE OF WAY EMPLOYES DIVISION Of The International Brotherhood Of Teamsters Volume 116 ■ Number 1 www.bmwe.org January/February 2007 Two Members Killed, Several Injured in MBCR Rail Accident Roadway Worker Fatalities Up Sharply Since October 2006 wo members of the Brotherhood Donations to the fund may be sent to: maintenance. Trains were correctly implementation of these commit- Tof Maintenance of Way Employes Christopher Macaulay Memorial Fund, re-routed around the roadway work ments. Division (BMWED) were struck and C/O TD Banknorth, 150 Main Street, crew for the entire day until, for rea- Nationwide, since October 2006 at killed near Woburn, MA on January 9 Amesbury, MA 01913. Brother sons still not clearly understood, a least seven roadway workers have when a Massachusetts Bay Zipps is survived by four children and MBCR commuter train was routed been killed in roadway worker acci- Commuter Railroad (MBCR) train was four grandchildren. Donations to directly onto the track where the men dents. On October 26, Brother mistakenly routed onto the track benefit the Zipps family are being and a Pettibone speed swing were Nelson Begay, a member of Pacific where they were working. Several handled through James’ sister and authorized by the MBCR dispatch Federation Lodge 508 from Pinon, AZ other crewmembers were injured, at may be sent to: Pamela Zipps, 39 center to work on the track. was struck and killed in an on-track least two seriously. Winthrop Ave, Lowell, MA. 01851. Per mile of railroad operated, equipment accident near Cosco, UT. Brothers James Zipps, 54, of “Our hearts and prayers go out to MBCR has one of the worst roadway Brother Begay was a machine opera- Lowell, MA and Christopher Macaulay, the families of those killed and worker safety records of any railroad tor for the Union Pacific Railroad. In 30, of Brentwood, NH were killed injured,” said Freddie Simpson, in the country. There have been four November, three roadway workers when an apparent dispatching error President of the BMWED. “We are BMWED roadway worker fatalities on employed by Harsco Track allowed a scheduled MBCR commuter sickened by this tragedy and we will the MBCR since December 6, 2003. Technologies were killed when the train into the main line out-of-service continue every effort to see that it Shortly after the tragedy, BMWED grinding train they were assigned to track where the six-man roadway never happens again. A train being Local Officers, General Chairman derailed near Baxter, CA. On work crew had established working inadvertently routed into the limits of Brad Winter, and representatives from January 9, BMWED lost two Brothers limits for track maintenance. The an Exclusive Track Occupancy author- the National Division met with MBCR on the MBCR, and then, on January deceased were both proud members ity is every roadway worker’s worst and made numerous proposals for 17, 2007, a UTU-represented track of Consolidated Rail System nightmare. This is totally unaccept- improving roadway worker safety on foreman on the Long Island Railroad Federation Lodge 201 in Boston, MA. able,” said Simpson. the property. MBCR committed to was struck and killed by an LIRR Brother Macaulay was married and According to initial reports, the work immediately implement several of the train. leaves behind his wife and an 18- crew had established the required on- BMWED’s proposals and the parties “Nationwide, the railroad industry month old daughter. A memorial fund track safety and had exclusive authori- are scheduled to meet again in early has failed to properly man its dispatch has been set up on their behalf. ty to occupy the track to conduct March to assess the effectiveness and See MEMBERS on Page 7 2007 BMWED Legislative Board Elections Scheduled Candidates Sought for Local Lodge Legislative Boards he roles of a Local’s Legislative carry with them the opportunity for a reasonable positions have merit and Legislative Representative in each of TRepresentative (LR) and Vice Leg- member to have a voice which can credibility. That’s why we can win. such states. For example, a lodge islative Representative (VLR) are ex- affect an immediate and positive having membership in both Ohio and tremely important ones. So important, change at the Local, County, State, How It Works Michigan could elect a Local in fact, that their selection and election and Federal levels of our government. Article XII, Section 3 of the National Legislative Representative for to these offices demands our most As lobbyists, we’re effective Division Bylaws governing State Michigan and a Local Legislative careful and thoughtful consideration. because, when our State Legislative Legislative Boards and legislative Representative for Ohio. In fact, the From the BMWED office of the Directors (SLD), LRs, or VLRs have activities requires that each Local more LRs and VLRs we have, the Director of Government Affairs in the opportunity to speak to an elected Lodge elect, at a Regular or Special louder our voice is in a fight and the Washington, D.C., the 2007 official on an issue, their words con- Meeting held between January 1 and better off we are as a Union. Legislative Convention election vey a realistic, honest, and heartfelt June 30, 2007, a Local Legislative A 15 day advance written notice to instructions have gone out to all Lodge view of life on the railroad that comes Representative to serve as a member the members of each lodge advising Secretary-Treasurers. Please review from hard learned personal experi- on the Legislative Board in each them of the time, date and place of the following information and see if ences. The kind of personal experi- respective state to represent the election is necessary. If your not sure there’s a place within this process for ences that only come from earning lodge in legislative matters. if you’ve been sent a notice, check you or someone you know. The time your living between the rails. A Vice Legislative Representative with your Local Lodge Secretary- for action is here. The time for mean- The views of railroad life of most of should also be elected to take the Treasurer for your Local’s election ingful discussion and debate in our the opposition lobbyists we face come place of the Local Legislative information. Locals is now. from a position of comfort and conve- Representative in the event that he or While the Local Legislative nience, where their lives have been she is unable to carry out their Representative and Vice Legislative Why Our Legislative Reps Are So lived safely on the other side of the respective duties. Representative are elected to serve a Important right-of-way fences. To a fair minded A lodge having membership in two four-year term which takes effect Few callings within our organization and intelligent elected official, our or more states may elect a Local See ELECTIONS on Page 8 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 56775_Journal 2/9/07 11:16 Page 2 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Around the Brotherhood FRA issues Safety Advisory on of the accident has revealed that Secretary-Treasurer Emeritus, respec- clothes for themselves and their fami- Specialized Equipment neither of the train’s operators was tively, by unanimous vote of the lies on the disability annuity they In response to a deadly derailment familiar with the specific rail line National Division Officers. “Emeritus receive each month from the Board,” in November of last year, the Federal they were operating over. In addition, is an honorary title bestowed upon said BMWED President Freddie Railroad Administration (FRA) issued FRA inspectors reportedly found Brothers Fleming and LaRue as a Simpson. a safety advisory on January 26, numerous mechanical defects on the sign of respect and in recognition of Employee disability annuitants with 2007 to railroad industry owners and MOW train. their dedicated service to the questions about their earnings should operators urging them to ensure spe- According to FRA, it has become Brotherhood,” said President contact the nearest RRB office by cialized maintenance equipment is apparent that some owners and oper- Simpson. “It goes without saying how calling the RRB toll-free at 1-800-808- only operated by fully qualified indi- ators of such equipment do not fully appreciative the members and officers 0772. Field office locations can also viduals and is properly inspected. understand which federal safety regu- of this great union are for their many be found on the RRB’s Web site at “I cannot emphasize enough the lations they must comply with given years of service and dedication to the www.rrb.gov. responsibility and necessity of rail- their unique design and operational cause,” added Secretary-Treasurer To view the RRB’s full press release roads and contractors that use these characteristics. Administrator Perry Geller. (pdf) regarding these changes, go to vehicles to operate them in the safest Boardman noted that failure of indus- President Emeritus Mac Fleming www.bmwe.org and click on the manner possible,” said FRA try members to take immediate and first joined the Brotherhood (BMWE) “Railroad Retirement Disability Administrator Joseph H. Boardman. appropriate action to remedy the in 1968 as a trackman on the AT&SF Earnings Limit Increased” link. “We have zero tolerance for careless problems identified in the advisory Railroad. In 1969 he was elected as Shake-up at Amtrak mistakes that needlessly cause harm may prompt FRA to pursue other cor- Local Chairman of Lodge 2414, or injury to workers, contractors, or rective measures available under its AT&SF System Federation. The New York Times recently the public at large,” he said. safety authority and jurisdiction. Thereafter, he served 13 years as a reported that the new president of The Safety Advisory was issued in The full text of FRA Safety Advi- System Federation Officer with the Amtrak fired several top officials.
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