,, i I Home of the Nt1D, All the News of All the Pointes Ev,ry Thursdey Morning rosse Pointe ews COlnplete News Coverage of All the Pointes ------------,---_ .._------------- ----_.-._------_ .._-------------------------------------------------- ------- Vol. 32-No, 39 lbeEnterNPeNtuOfficesecondat DeLrolt.Cia .. MatterMlchi,anat GROSSE POINTE, M~JICHIGAN, SEPTEMBER 30, 1971 ~l,~l:~/~::r~, 26 Peg Its-Two Sections-Section One r HEADLINES Library Director ISalary Hike of the WEEK Discloses Further Affected by A$ Compu,eS br tM - Wage Freeze GrOll' Pomt, New Cuts in Service Millage D~~at Nullifies Thurs'!.)', September Z3 Plan to Put Withheld THE HOUSE WAYS AND Hours at Central Reduc:ed from 63 to 39 Per Week; In~reased Wages MEANS Committee completed Will Be Closed Fridays; Park and Woods into Esc:row Fund work on the tax bill WedJies. day, adding more than $3 Branc:hes Also Affected B)' Pepper Wbltelaw billion over tbe next three The Central Library will close Fridays and oper. The Office of Emergen. years to the tax relie.f lor in. ate on a reduced schedule effective October 1, ac. cy Preparedness (OEP), in dividuals that had been pro. cording to Robert M. Orr, Director of Public Libraries. a move that rocked the posed b)' President Nixon. The commitlee also cut back, This further reduction in service results from recent .Grosse Pointe School sy~ tbougb not by as much as bad millage defeats, according to Mr. Orr, who points 6ut lem's board, administra. been ex'pected, the tax relief that the Board of Education was committed to resum. tors and teachers, reversed for business tha,t Mr.' Nixon ing six"day service if the September 13 election had its original decision ruling bad sought. passed. This jsconsistent with other school cuts. that the system's colle<:. ••• The $116,000 cut in tbe Pub.</'; tive bargaining agreem~nt , AMERICAN MOTORS CCijt. lic Libral')" budget (20 per. for 1971-72 was effective PORATION passenger can; P k C .Z cent) r e d U c e d Park and ar oune" prior to the wage} price went on sale Wednesda)' with freeze of August 5. In government approved price Woods Branches to a five.day 0 N simple language the teaeh- increases ranging up to $72 week, and since Jul)' 1, 1970 eWers will not get their pay on 12 of the 15 models. So far An artist's rendering shows the chlssroom addi. Tuesday, November 9. The fir st ph a s e of the pposes as could be determined, the ,tion to be constructed around the Wicking Library school's renovation and m(ldernization program js the)' have beoln open Monday E'.J • R increases as originally in. at Grosse Pointe South High S<:hooI. The Board of through Friday. Effective this ulSon ate dicated, until the freeze AMCboosts are the first per. expected to be completed in time for the beginning Frida)', October 1, the Central is lifted. mitted an automobile manu- Education will receive bids from contractors on of the 1973.74 school year. facturer since the start of Librar)' public service bours Would Inc:rease Street Boa r d ~ttorney, Douglas President Nixon's OO-da)'price will. be Monda)', Tuesda)' and .. West and Grosse Pointe Edu. freeze. S -h H. h S h 1 TbursdliY. 1 to 9 p.m., Wed. Lightin9 Bill by 45 Per- cation Association (GPEA) ••• Memorial Grosse P omte ymp ony 19 C 00 Desda)' 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., c:ent and Force attorne)', Harvey 1. Wax, Friday, September Z4 and Saturda)' 10 a.m. to 5 B t' T Clew to Chicago on September r -~cert R. enovat".on p.m. This is a reduction in 00$ In9 ax 7, to clarify. ques~ns the)' PRESIDENT NIXON told Sets Dinner Opens Its 19th \...AI hours from 63 weekl)' prior Levy had on tbe. wage prlee freeze. D e t r 0 : t's Economic Club to Jul)' I, 1970 to 39 hours. At that time the)' spoke wlth Thursday' that two auto en. ~ H d Bruch Boll1'$ ChlD(e A pro p 0 S ed r~te i~. Chuck Ja)'ms, Schools and gineers and government ex. For Donors Sea.son on Sunday at NH~ as Starte perts have developed a new The Woo d s aDd Park crease by the DetrOIt Edl' InstitutloDs Specialist Elteeu. ' Felix Resnic:k Will ------Conduc:+ The Orchestra; Ruth p " t f B "Id" Add' bnDches will be open Mon- son (:()mpany, theh secondh' h tive Office of the p'resident, Don.pollutlng auto engine. Mr. All Contributors Invited rOI_c 0 UI Ing 1- da)' through Thursda)', from within 16 mont S, W.IC ,who made the original ruling Nixon said the eDgine in pre- to Annual Event at Cen- Burc:zyk, Concert Pianist, Will Be the tion and Updating Pre- d F 'd would add another 45 per. which permitted the pay in- 'llminar)' tests meets the tough .... Featured Solo Artist 12:30 to 9 p.m.;:n n a)'s, cent to the Park's annual creases durin!1 the freeze. standards of the Clean. Air ter next Wednesday," sent Structure to Cost 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. The)' . t h la ------- , $3 000 000 will be closed on Saturdays. street I i 'g h tin g c 0 s, School o(ficials soug t c r. Act. October 6 The Grosse Pointe Symphony Orchestra will open " The Public Libra!')' budget aroused the ire of the Ification of the initial ruung l< • • it's 19th concert season on Sunday, October 17, at 3:30 l,t: will 'be busines"-as- euta have resulted in elimlna. Park council on Monday on September'20, because tt1e 'AR o'clock, in the Performing Arts Center of Grosse a- fu f four professional U September 27. ' Michiga.n State. Department ,of JUSTICE JOHN M. H • ,All persons who have Pointe North High School, Vernier at Morningside. Wlu~ this year for 2,~34 ~r:"~na and 2'h clerical posl: . EducatIon saId other sebpOl LAN resigned from the Suo COntributed at any time to Tha orchestra under the direction of Felix Resnick, students at Grosse 'J;!QtIlte tioaS' cuts iDprofesslonal and To protest the p~~ed districts had naked the .. me ._~~O;;1.:l~5th.~~~.':"~~~~ will ~~, B•• thov.n'~ "Sy"m.hony No.7, \" .~, .So~ High """"'1 dnrln~,,,..;;,o.r. .. ••,. d.t.:'~"'-::".::'i .'jW.:lilI<t.'~" .~, <% .•;;A :i~s.1:i'tf.ti.if~~r=:n~::" rrdiiP~all;n';~t'ed'pamnste- . :e' o;hestra and gottschalk's "Grande Tarantelle" for project whIch began duro cl.laff1catlon~ e V; e r yother, ~~~~g Se=e ~:m:~~~~g~ Grosse Pointe decision. " follows b)' (lnl)'. six days the CO. .Y lDVI 0 e piano and orchestra ~~---------- mg. the ~ u m m e.r. The With this reduced staff, Mr. Lans!Dg on Tuesday, October ReUe,," of DuUes J:etirement of Justice Hugo Association's Annual Din- k id '1 Single tickets (Adult $2.50 and penod of Jnconvenlepce to Orradds, it will be difficult 5, Rohr told the council that Accordina to ~r .• Weat, Black who is in critical con- t' . d g . Ruth Burcz)', w e y ac, d t $ ) staff and students will end to provide IIbradaDs for the other cities would be affected M~.. Jayms .has since been d.tion'arter suffering a severe ner mee mg an ~ro ram, claimed concert pianist, 8nd Stu e~ 1.00. or. season ~t;J. in aePtember, 1973, when Readers' Advisory desk, the b)' the increase, but so far rehe.ved of hIS duties in this ~ k Monda)' Wednesday everung, Oc- established favorite of Pointe berships, which Illclude a lS~ the. vastly improved and Reference Room and the Chll. onl)' three or four have de. par~cular ~rea. One of the s 0 e. tober 6 ll't 7 o'clock in the audiences' wUl be the featured sion to all four conc$3erts, at infl'.n'~tely functional dren's Room at Central, os cided to .take protest action reglonal. dIrectors, KeIlIlard • • • , solo artist ~ince her profes-' $7.50 for 8dults and ,00 for more W G d i 1 tte dated Saturda)', September Z5 Center's Crystal Ballroom. slonal deb~t "'at the age oC 16 students. Aducational pIant will be well as clerks for the Circula. and will appear before the . ar mer, n a e r " THE BRITISH GOVERN. Dinner will be preceded b)' with the Wisconsin Symphon)' Reception T0 F 0Uow. availarb1e. lion Desk. MPSC. Ja)'ms'Septemberruling21, sawasi d,DOt Mr.In MENT, acting on information a stand up course and' follow~ Orchestra, Mrs. Burcz)'k bas Mrs. Kenneth 1.?cke, ChaIr- Bi~s o~ the $2.2 million new Best UtlUzatioa ~e Clt)' attorne)' saId that keeping with the council's supplied by a defector from.. .. proved herself to be an out- man of the Reception Commit- construction part of the $3.6 However, he (eels that re- thIS wltl be a prellmina~)' rulings or with the Intent of the Russian sccrl't police, Fri. mg d11lDer a)l will be enter- standing pianist of thl!, highest tee, Robert M. Orr the So. millipn projeet will be taken duction of hours will make hear!ng,. and that a ~ubllc the Executive Otder." ' da)' ordered 90 Soviet officials tained b)'. the popular male calibre. Her rapidl)' expand. ciet)"s president, and board b)' the Board of E~ucation at possible the best utilization hearlJlg In the matter WIll be n1 expelled for spying and told singing group, the "Grun- inK career bas Included guest members will be on hand to a sPecial meeting scheduled of staff, and the best service beld 'at the CU)'-County Build.
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