© 2021 Hard To Find The HTFR Weekly Wanted List - Prices valid from 28 Sep 2021 to 5 Oct 2021 If you have any of the records in this list for sale, we will pay at minimum the price specified email: [email protected] - Tel: 0121 622 3269 - Visit our website for details on how to sell to us - http://www.htfr.com/secondhand/ MR26666 100Hz EP3 Pacific FIC020 1999 British 12" £4.00 MR75274 16B Trail Of Dreams Stonehouse STR12008 1995 British 12" £2.00 MR18837 2 Funky 2 Brothers And Sisters Logic FUNKY2 1994 British Promo 12" £2.00 MR759025 3rd Core Mindless And Broken WEA International Inc. SAM00291 2000 British 12" £2.00 MR12656 4 Hero Cooking Up Ya Brain Reinforced RIVET1216 1992 British Promo 12" £2.00 MR14089 A Guy Called Gerald 28 Gun Badboy / Paranoia Columbia XPR1684 1992 British Promo 12" £8.00 MR169958 A Sides Punks Strictly Underground STUR74 1996 British 12" £4.00 MR353153 Aaron Carl Down (Resurrected) Wallshaker WMAC30 2009 American Import 12" £2.00 MR759966 Academy Of St. Martin-in-the-F Amadeus (Original Soundtrack Recording) Metronome 8251261ME 1984 Double Album £2.00 MR4926 Acen Close Your Eyes Production House PNT034 1992 British 12" £3.00 MR12863 Acen Trip Ii The Moon Part 3 Production House PNT042RX 1992 British 12" £3.00 MR16291 Age Of Love Age Of Love (Jam & Spoon) React 12REACT9 1992 British 12" £7.00 MR44954 Agent Orange Sounds Flakey To Me Agent Orange AO001 1992 British 12" £8.00 MR764680 Akasha Cinematique Wall Of Sound WALLLP016 1998 Vinyl Album £1.00 MR42023 Alan Braxe & Fred Falke Running Vulture VULT001 2000 French 12" £3.00 MR70 Alex Lee Take It Mighty Quinn MQR0045 1991 Italian 12" £2.00 MR13293 Alison Limerick Where Love Lives (Remix) Arista 613509 1990 British 12" £2.00 MR767512 Alter Ego Alter Ego Harthouse HHLP6 1994 Double Album £4.00 MR1409 Andronicus Make You Whole Hooj Choons HOOJ011 1992 British 12" £3.00 MR201289 Andy Cato The 7Am Drop Packup And Dance PUAD001 2006 British 12" £2.00 MR76582 Angie Stone Wish I Didn't Miss You / Brotha (Remixe J Records 2002 American Import 12" £3.00 MR67155 Aphex Twin Drukqs Warp WARPLP92 2001 Four Vinyl Box Set £30.00 MR767042 Arrestar Thoughts & Emotions Token TOKEN12 2009 Belgium 12" £2.00 MR306866 Autechre Cichlisuite Warp WAP96R 1997 British 12" £3.00 MR766724 Autechre Anvil Vapre Warp Records WAP64R 1995 British 12" £12.00 MR767399 Autechre LP5 Warp WARPLP66 1998 British 12" £11.00 MR35178 Automation Pacemaker/Espionage Triple Helix AUTO2 1992 British 12" £3.00 MR28624 Aux 88 Man Or Machine Direct Beat DB4W022 1996 American Double 12" £3.00 MR26239 Aztec Mystic Knights Of The Jaguar EP UR UR049 1999 American Import 12" £2.00 MR170911 B-Phreak Break Ya Self Splank UKSPL009 2005 British 12" £2.00 MR768255 Bad Data / Sandman Smoke Dope / Restart T:Me TME0693 1993 British Promo 12" £8.00 MR91436 Bass Ballistics Bass Ballistics EP J4M Records 12JFM6 1992 British 12" £3.00 MR9897 BBE Seven Days & One Week Triangle TRIV96001 1996 French 12" £1.00 MR46503 Beloved Your Love Takes Me Higher Atlantic DMD1340 1989 American Double Promo 12" £2.00 MR749929 Betty Boo & Crazy D Live Caller SW 19 BOO001 2000 British 12" £2.00 MR94777 Big Ang Episode 4 Reflective TIV6 2002 British 12" £3.00 MR767773 Billy Joel 52nd Street Sony Records Int'l SICP101234 2018 Compact Disc £4.00 MR761615 Bizarre Bizarre Polydor 2383553 1979 Vinyl Album £3.00 MR752746 Bizzy B. My Heart / Tuff Head One Nation Records ONR06 1994 British 12" £2.00 MR14948 Blame Are You Dreaming / Piano Track (Coloure Moving Shadow SHADOW24P 1993 British Double 12" £3.00 MR25805 Blame Music Takes You (Seal Vocal) Moving Shadow SHADOW11 1991 British Promo 12" £14.00 MR766443 Bob Marley & The Wailers Jamming Island Records 12WIP6410 1977 British 12" £2.00 MR17475 Bob Sinclar Paradise / Gymtonic Yellow YP043 1998 Import Double Album £3.00 MR761871 Bogaz I've Got Love Agr Records 12AGR2 1983 British 12" £9.00 MR767186 Break The Limits Break The Limits Part I Break The Limits BTL01 1990 British 12" £2.00 MR26408 Breeder Twilo Thunder / Beetlejuice Rhythm Syndicate RHYSYN002 1999 British 12" £1.00 MR766743 British Murder Boys BMB4 - Fist / Splinter Downwards LINO32 2004 British 12" £2.00 MR17846 BT Tripping The Light Fantastic (Ima Album Perfecto SAM1688 1995 British Promo 12" £3.00 MR99506 Bushwacka! Break Your Face / Harps Plank Records PLANK022 2003 British 12" £1.00 MR87525 Callisto The Paradigm EP Guidance GDR017 1997 American Import 12" £2.00 MR302833 Change Glow Of Love WEA K99107 1980 Vinyl Album £2.00 MR768158 Change Miracles WEA K99140 1981 British 12" £2.00 MR761620 Cheryl Lynn Cheryl Lynn CBS CBS83145 1978 Album Promo £3.00 MR185599 Chicane Saltwater Xtravaganza XTRAVDJ001 1999 British Promo 12" £2.00 MR766137 Christian WüNsch Expect Nothing Tsunami Records TSU008 2002 Spanish 12" £2.00 MR766765 Christian Wunsch No Mans Land Tsunami Records TSU005 2002 Spanish 12" £3.00 MR4042 Chrome Bumper / Fixation Consolidated CSD22003 1995 British 12" £2.00 MR192678 Chrome & Price Automatic Velvet Vibe VVR014 1999 German 12" £2.00 MR767231 Clepto-Maniacs Technophobic Lisa Fokus FKUK005 1991 British Promo 12" £2.00 MR15129 Cleptomaniacs Positive Feedback EP Fokus FKUK005 1992 British Promo 12" £4.00 MR758114 Cold Hyper Experience Thule Records THL001 1995 British Promo 12" £2.00 MR54394 Criminal Minds Baptised By Dub World Beat WB002 1992 British 12" £3.00 MR82527 Daft Punk The Album Trilogy Box Set Virgin France 8114791XP 2002 Five Vinyl Box Set £24.00 MR23884 Daniel Wang The Mechanical Birds EP Environ ENV005 1999 American Import 12" £2.00 MR151227 Danny Wynn Your Lies Aint Working Boogaloo BOOGALOO004 2005 British 12" £2.00 MR46196 Darude Sandstorm NEO NEO12033 2000 British 12" £2.00 MR763154 Darude Sandstorm NEO NEO12033 2000 British 12" £3.00 MR397643 Dave Charlesworth The Energizer White DP1 1991 British Promo 12" £2.00 MR7132 Dave Clarke Red 2 (Red Vinyl) Bush BUSH1015 1994 British 12" £3.00 MR202942 Davey Boy Different Story Ecko ECKO024 2006 British 12" £2.00 MR757040 David Bowie, Trevor Jones Labyrinth (Original Soundtrack Of The J EMI America AML3104 1986 Vinyl Album £4.00 MR244473 Deadmau5 Arguru Songbird SB213 2007 Dutch 12" £2.00 MR764740 Decoy This City Has Lost Its Way D1 Recordings DONE018 2001 British 12" £2.00 MR225600 Dee Jay Burkie I Found Love Ecko All Stars AS011 2007 British 12" £2.00 MR766603 Deep Curve Deep Curve Not On Label DC01 2000 British 12" £3.00 MR54083 Deep Sensation Can't Give You Up Guidance GDR090 2000 American Import 12" £2.00 MR48538 Delerium Feat Sarah Mclachlan Silence (Remixes) Nettwerk 5037703310612 2000 British 12" £2.00 MR218297 Dennis Ferrer Feat Danil Wrigh Church Lady Defected DFTD143 2007 British 12" £2.00 MR37431 Destroyer Senses Target TR10068 1991 Belgium 12" £2.00 MR42061 Dexta Rico & The Dubaholics Too Much Fuss (In De Ghetto) Old London OL005 2000 British 12" £3.00 MR198713 Dexter Wino Man Wiggle WIG027 2006 British 12" £2.00 MR14431 Dhs (Dimensional Holofonic Sou House Of God Hangman HGN40 1990 American Double 12" £2.00 MR11982 Digital Domain Digital Domain Rabbit City CUT003 1992 British Promo 12" £4.00 MR315910 Dirty Funker Flat Beat (Banksy Ltd Edition Artwork) DF DF008 2009 British 12" £356.00 MR259042 Dirty Funker (Orange On White) Future (Banksy Ltd Edition Artwork) DF DF007 2008 British 12" £123.00 MR248909 Dirty Funker (Red On Brown) Future (Banksy Ltd Edition Artwork) DF DF007 2008 British 12" £123.00 MR285308 Dirty Funker (Red On White) Future (Banksy Ltd Edition Artwork) DF DF7 2008 British 12" £123.00 MR40713 DJ Crystl Let It Roll Dee Jay DJX020 1994 British 12" £5.00 MR103040 DJ Dd Hass & X10-Civ Hi Tec Muuusic Underground Connection DDH1001 1991 British 12" £2.00 MR31924 DJ Double G Feat. Anita Special Request DFL DFL011 1999 British 12" £3.00 © 2021 Hard To Find The HTFR Weekly Wanted List - Prices valid from 28 Sep 2021 to 5 Oct 2021 If you have any of the records in this list for sale, we will pay at minimum the price specified email: [email protected] - Tel: 0121 622 3269 - Visit our website for details on how to sell to us - http://www.htfr.com/secondhand/ MR95244 DJ Esp (Woody Mcbride) Basketball Heroes EP Communique C020 1996 American Import 12" £3.00 MR4997 DJ Icee Love / We Do It Like This Zone ZONE006 1993 American Promo 12" £2.00 MR32419 DJ Jan X-Santo Remixes Part 1 Southeast SE12007 1999 British Promo 12" £2.00 MR172427 DJ Richard Keep This Fire Burning Jump Records JUMP013 2005 British Promo 12" £3.00 MR766876 DJ Rolando Jaguar 430 West JPROMO1 2000 British 12" £3.00 MR420467 DJ Snowman Waves Fog Area FOGTRANCE129 1999 German 12" £3.00 MR764956 DJ Stingray / Heinrich Mueller Drexciyan Connection WéMè Records WEME3133 2009 Belgium 12" £5.00 MR242240 DJ Switch Feat. MC Cobra Birmingham Town Rewind Records REWIND008 2007 British Promo 12" £2.00 MR320980 DJ Tiesto Urban Train Independance IR0302 2003 French 12" £3.00 MR766687 DJ Tiesto Young Lion Not On Label 2011 Dutch 12" £2.00 MR109684 DJ's Love Dove Jay & Biscuits Music To Be Murdered By EP Mask MASK2 1994 British Promo 12" £7.00 MR17659 DJ's Unite Volume 1 Liquid Wax HAN004 1992 British Promo 12" £4.00 MR18889 DJ's Unite Volume 3 Impact IMP006 1992 British 12" £3.00 MR9574 Dominica Gotta Let You Go Hi Life GOTTA1 1995 British Double 12" £3.00 MR756648 Don Blackman Don Blackman Arista 212582 1991 Import Album £9.00 MR79687 Don Ray Got To Have Loving Polydor POSPX33 1978 British 12" £3.00 MR767411 Donnie Cloud 9 (Remixes) Giant Step Records DONNIE 2003 American Import 12" £3.00 MR766940 DP Tonights The Night Not On Label DJP1 1998 British Promo 12" £4.00 MR32918 Dreamscape Old Skool
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