(12) United States Design Patent (10) Patent No.: US D759,725S Akana Et Al

(12) United States Design Patent (10) Patent No.: US D759,725S Akana Et Al

USOOD759725S (12) United States Design Patent (10) Patent No.: US D759,725S Akana et al. (45) Date of Patent: ... Jun. 21, 2016 (54) WEARABLE DEVICE 455/3.01-3.06, 550.1, 573.1; 370/342–344; 369/1, 2, 6-12: 463/43–47; 273/148 B; (71) Applicant: Apple Inc., Cupertino, CA (US) D10/30, 31, 38, 122-130; (72) Inventors: Jody Akana, San Francisco, CA (US); 348/373-376; 224/164-180: 24/163 R, 24/574.1, 578.15, 265R, 265 B, 265 WS Bartley K. Andre, Palo Alto, CA (US); CPC ........... H04J 11/00; H04J 13/00; H04J 14/00; Shota Aoyagi, San Francisco, CA (US); H04N 5/76; G04B 37/18: G04B 37/00; Anthony Michael Ashcroft, San G04B 47/00; G04B 47/02; G04F 10/00; Francisco, CA (US); Jeremy Bataillou, GO9G 5/OO San Francisco, CA (US); Daniel J. See application file for complete search history. Coster, San Francisco, CA (US); Daniele De Iuliis, San Francisco, CA (56) References Cited (US); M. Evans Hankey, San Francisco, CA (US); Julian Hoenig, San Francisco, U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS CA (US); Richard P. Howarth, San 2,280,490 A 4, 1942 Keltie Francisco, CA (US); Jonathan P. Ive, 2,397,797 A 4, 1946 Curto San Francisco, CA (US); Duncan Robert Kerr, San Francisco, CA (US); (Continued) Marc A. Newson, London (GB); FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Matthew Dean Rohrbach, San Francisco, CA (US); Peter DE 19513647 A1 10, 1995 Russell-Clarke, San Francisco, CA DE 10229050 C1 6, 2003 (US); Benjamin Andrew Shaffer, San (Continued) Jose, CA (US); Mikael Silvanto, San OTHER PUBLICATIONS Francisco, CA (US); Christopher J. Online http://a.abcnews.com/images/Business/HT gold apple Stringer, Woodside, CA (US); Eugene iwatch jef 140909 4x3 992.jpg, Retrieved on Feb. 4, 2015, 1 Antony Whang, San Francisco, CA page. (US); Rico Zörkendörfer, San (Continued) Francisco, CA (US) Primary Examiner — Prabhakar Deshmukh (73) Assignee: Apple Inc., Cupertino, CA (US) (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Sterne, Kessler, Gold Stein & Fox PL.L.C. (**) Term: 14 Years (57) CLAM The ornamental design for a wearable device, as shown and (21) Appl. No. 29/501.737 described. (22) Filed: Sep. 8, 2014 DESCRIPTION (51) LOC (10) Cl. ................................................ 14-03 FIG. 1 is a front right perspective view of a wearable device (52) U.S. Cl. showing our new design; USPC ......................................................... D14/496 FIG. 2 is a rear right perspective view thereof; (58) Field of Classification Search FIG. 3 is a front view thereof; USPC ........ D14/496, 401, 435, 474, 483, 217, 137, FIG. 4 is a left side view thereof; D14/138, 160, 168, 356, 203.1-203.8, 507, FIG. 5 is a right side view thereof; and, D14/344; 34.5/156, 169, 173-179,905; FIG. 6 is a bottom view thereof. 715/727 729,864; 710/1, 5, 8; 713/1, 713/600; 455/1.1, 1.7, 73,344-347, 93, 95, 1 Claim, 6 Drawing Sheets US D759,725 S Page 2 (56) References Cited FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS EM OO1109706-0025 5, 2009 EM OO1359301-0002 6, 2013 3,030,686 A 4, 1962 Burkhardt EP 1098231 A1 5, 2001 3,640,065. A 2, 1972 Lederrey et al. EP 2636328 A1 9, 2013 3,665,565 A 5/1972 Kruger GB 618917. A 3, 1949 3,675,284 A 7, 1972 Rieth GB 2O82277 5, 1984 D287.471 S 12/1986 Sato et al. GB 1056574 8, 1989 D320,356 S 10/1991 Boyer et al. GB 2O47767 9, 1995 5,265,009 A * 1 1/1993 Colavita .................... A63F 1.18 GB 2049.316 12/1995 273,148 R HK O5O1949.8 12/2005 D350,351 S * 9, 1994 Nakamura ................... 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