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In addition , PP2A directly regu TRICYCLYL - 2 - AMINOCYCLOALKANOLS lates FOXO3 a subcellular localization and transcriptional AS ANTICANCER AGENTS activation . Without wishing to be held to any particular theory , it may be that the compounds described herein CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED 5 promote apoptosis by acting on FOXO transcription factors APPLICATIONS via activation of PP2A . This application is a U . S . National Phase filing under 35 Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer U . S . C . $ 371 of International Application PCT/ US2015 / death in men in America , behind lung cancer. According to 019770 , filed Mar . 10 , 2015 , and published as WO 2015 / 10 the American Cancer Society , approximately 1 man in 36 138500 on Sep . 17 , 2015 . PCT/ US2015 /019770 claims will die of prostate cancer. Male hormones, specifically priority of U . S . provisional application 61 / 951 ,237 , filed testosterone , fuel the growth of prostate cancer. By reducing Mar. 11 , 2014 . The entire contents of each of the prior the amount and activity of testosterone, the growth of applications are incorporated herein by reference . advanced prostate cancer is slowed . Endocrine therapy , 15 known as androgen ablation , is the first line of treatment for
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