5 Ld) a ,a MINING PLAN NIZ-BORBHUGIA P.P. LAND ORDINARY EARTH 3 MINING PERMIT AREA (Unit-3) District : Nagaon,Assam Allofted Area : 2.3 Hectares Approvalfrom THE DIRECTORATE OF GEOTOGY & MINING. ASSAM. ,-- wGfiffi,g lfiiliro i,cuinoPnttzo' SUBMITTED UNDER RUrE -s2U) OF THE AM MINOR MINERAT CONCESSION RULES, 2013. zol|olzolT a a a a t t CONSENT LETTER FROM THE APPLICANT J a a J This Minins Plan in respect of the 'Niz- Borbhugia p.p. Land ordinary Earth J Mining Permit Area (Unit-3)' Mining Permit for ordinary earh tocated in the parta t Patta land (Das No.198&124 and No.231&146), und€r Norrhern Ranse, 3 5.lona of Nagaon Forest Divkion, District Nagaon, Assam for exkaction of a ordinary earth to facilitate the 4 lanning works of NH,37 under rhe Chief J Engin€er, PWD (NER) within the stare of Assam has been prepared by Sri prabal Kumar Goswami (M. Tech.), resident of H/no. 17, canga parh, Anandap!r, p.O. & P.s. Displr, Guwai;it 781006, and a Rep with Registration No. DGM/RQP/37/2018 from the Directorate of Geotogy and Mtning, covr. ofAsram, Guwahatiwith valldity up to the midnight of2010?/2028, on behatfot us. We hereby undertake that the Mining Plan so prepired by the said Rep has been made with my knowledge and consent and shatt be accept.bte and binding of me "^tt"^,"\;$:.,,oo vitace': I!*:rolueia Mouzar Pubthoria PO: Koliabor t 3 a a CONTENT I 3 1) Location ofthe proposed Permit area 2) The allotted la nd & the type of ordinary earth 5 3) Properties orthe minerals and avallable reserve Ofthe earth and use 5 4) Reserve Estimation 6 5) Climateand ralnfall 9 6) Geomorphic featu res & Landfohs II 7) Geology a nd Strud ure 72 8) SoilType 13 Section B 1) Mining 74 2) Prcduction orearth 16 77 18 20 27 Toposheet map ofthe Mining area 12 ofMining and Mine CLosure 23,24 &25 Google Map Photostat copies of Letter from DFO to the Director, DGM Photostat copyofloint Verification Repon and land doc!ment Photostat copy of Treasury challan a t a PARTICULARS OFTHE RQP PREPARING THE MINING PLAN Mf. Praba Kumar Goswami H/no 17, Ganga Paih Anandapur Hengraba , Ganeshgu P.O Dispur, 3 DnebGte ot Geology & Miniag, Govt of Assarn, Kahilipara, upro20-02-2028 +91 94351t6542 EmaillD s!s!44!p!a!3[q@sEE!sE a a ) , I\IINE PLAN Ordtuary [.r h-s/cAnt^loN SPSCPL I I INTRODUCTION Nagaon distrid n situated in the cerlrral poflior of Assam sraie and is represenled by a vasl plair with snall hills on northerll. soulhern and easiem pari. Nagaon is the districi headquafer of ihe dislrict. The districl is bounded by Brainapuira & sonilpur disidct on the nonh, bwa is soulh lies wert xnrbi AnglolU and Nodh cachar Hills, lowards its e?sl lies ih€ districts of Dasi Karbi Arglorg and Golaghal. The ar€a of the disirict spans 3993 E. Kn malinS it one of ihe largest dislricls of Assam. The dislrici exlendr between 25' 45' to 26" 45' Nodh Lalitudes. Iis highland5 include ihe Hatimura Parbat with zul elevation of 1865 m the Barkardali with afl aliitude of 853 m ald ihe Kanaklya Parbat with a altitude of 244 m. The avcrage allitude of ihe districi is 60 6 m lts majof rivers include the Brahmaputr4iKalons"" Sonai, Naroi. Januna, Kopili and the Barapati. 1^J;..'* -' "''"'- te" "' rfxy'ce,r^q5oq .lndra Lrd sPscfl LJv, Mth lheir tegislered oli'c al ,,,'**' i,o worr< sire r ear "de{!?H$;;';,*" "* ''mbai ffipf,'i,it,ii Naaaot, . i,,rendi ,o operare an ord,nan eanh qua,rv'Niz s$tl; r" o*"- [5ltt Minina Permit Ar€' (unit 3)' ur rhe two "" locations ot Pafta Land (Plot |'D^8tro.l24iP^rtano 146 17H^^t.dPlot-z ^tea Da8 no.r98; Patia lno. 23r, 0.6 Ha) wilh area mca5uring 23 .1.7+0 E) ^tea' Revenue I lcctares locale.l al Niz-Borbhugra villaSe Bo' bhugia I loua of Koliabor r Mrning Plan 15 AP9roveo ..-gp":::-'' ( P6balx!ii, co$eni lM lech) Roqd.No O6LllR0P/17/?013 I a AIINI PI.AN Ordirrry lanl| .rrGAr\11lON SPSCP|, a , a a a GENERAL IMORMATION a a a I a GAMMON lndia Ltd.-SPSCPL (J\4 a 2 GAMMON HOUSE, Veer Savarkar MaB, P€bhadevi Mumbai400o25 a 3. Niz-Bolbhugia lMouza: Pubthoria a Joml Venture Company a _ a 5. l,lineral O.curing in the area Eanh lo be used in lhe 4-laning a 6. Niz Bobhugia PP Land Ordinary a eadh rn ning PermilAlea (Unt-3) 1. Quantily recommended for 20,527 CUM of earth per year to be a us€d for 2(lwo)yea6 (Max.) a Plot-1:1.7 Ha+P ot-2:0 6Ha = 2 3 Ha Mini;s Fsiod , C"o) ,,,ears (iat a Foresl Ranse & Oivision Nornhem Range Ofii@, Nagaon a Fo€st Divson, Dislricl: Nagaon a 11 Sutuev of lndia Topo t M. a 12 PLOT.1 1 26031 08.15'N 92055 35.44',E 2 26o3104.47"N 92455 37 13"E 3 26031 00.66'N 92055 36 94'E 4 2603104.10'N 92!55 3365'E PLOT-2 5 26031 20.i0'N 92056'02.42'E 6 26031 18.5I'N- 92056'02.34"E 7. 26031 18 33'N- 92"55 58 4l"E e. 26031 19.93'N 92'5558.27'E Nea€stRailwayStalion 'Silrhaf NearestArrporl - LGB|Airport, Guwahati _ NH-37 t a r\IINI PL N Ordnrary [allh 3/cAl\|\lON SPScPt, a LOCANON OF THI] PROPOSED PERM-IT AREA 'thc Iocaiiotr of the quarry siie is close 1o ih€ Nalional Highway 37 which is aboul 3 4 Km away. The cornectivity ofthe quarry site with National Hiahway lJ7 is a vehicular road. The locaiion map of lhe prcposed Pemit area is showtr i'r lhe Fis.1 The progrse sire is a Pat|a lrnd iDaa Do. I24&l9a 4nd Patta No 146&231) u'der thejurisdiclion of KoliatDr Revenue circle. Dislrict Naaaon, The olher delails of ihe prcposed permil area are as follows, Niz - Bodhugia P.S 2 3 Hectares (Pol1 I 7 Owne6hip/ Occupancy Oivisiona Forest Otr@r Mgaon For€sl Division 5. The proposed ordmary eanh basically baren land wthoul /t.{^n a t MINI PI-AN Ordjrriry [turh-3/OA IAtON-SpSCpL a a TIIE AIJOTTED I.AND AND TTIE T}?E OF EARfH The loial ?.r€3 proposed for grani of Mining permir ro The hrjed Manager. GAIIMON IMia LId-SPSCPI, 0\) for colleclion of ordim{y earth ftlJnr pana land measudng 2.3 Hectafes fo! brick industry. Accoriina io lhe apptic.nr, it is a Pafta lard with no agriculrumt acriviry for lonS lime ed the pana ldd owner wanls to make ihe ploi of tand conSeniat for aSriculturr/ fisherf projecl by renrcving lhe top soil. (Iig.2 site phoiographs) As per th€ Jv report pmvided by the Nagaor Forest Division. rhe rotal area available in the iwo plois of tand for lniring is 2.3 Hectar€s (Plot- 1 , L 7Ha + not 2. o.6Ha). the available nineral of the Permit a.ea i.e. 'ordinary eadh' is to b. excavated folbwnrS a simpl€ open casi quarynlA n€lhod as descfibed elaborately irsubsequ€rtchapter. PROPERTIES OF TIIE EARTI{, Thc eadh available is baiically claJey with nircr amount of sand. Dudng the site visi1. if is found presence of aboul l0% USE, The mincrals so available arc $iitable for use in fillira and purposes. lle mineral ir lhe fom of earth Mrnrnq Plan |3 Approle ulilized ill4 landre lvork of NH 37. -tid \ffi"t."t***** fuldodrol - Ll a a IIrNE nnN Ordirary [i I I h - 3/cAn I tON-SpSCpt. a ^ a a a a RESERW ESTIMATION FOR ORDINARY f,AITTII. a The calculatcd a mineral res€Nes of the proposed frinirB area ro be available for a exlracrion are aJ slared below Theareao he Pernur Sile 2.3 Ha - 23,000 Sq.Il Thc maxirnun dcpth alowcd for extracrion of the nineral in PPlnnd I ft - 2.7432 M Toral rescNe ol the mir€rals available 23,OOOXZ.743Z would bc - 63,093.6 - 63,094 CuIl The above quanlltJ may be lermed as 'lnfcrrcd l?€seNe'of lhe mineral The actual mineral rcseNe wiil b€ less than that of flrc irferEd resrye, stuce a considerablc vokrme of the snrcrals will have io be leff un nnEd for pieparalion of the benches/ steps jn Open casl mi! ra method. this h6 bftn explaimd separalely nr the laier chapters MINEABLE RESER}'E OF TIIE MINERALS. Considernrg a ma-ximunt depih of 2.7.13211 ailowci .thc rcscnc of PP Iald 4vailable for cxtraclion car bc cslimatcd 6 siared below ,- Thc arca of ihe nininS Permit silc - 2.3 Hacter$ - 2 3,000 Sq.]\l Maxinunr deprh allowcd,or n'nrDg -2.t432\r ,- a a IIINT PLAN Ordirait ta,lh--r/GAi\lIlON-SPSCPI, a a a a a So.lhe loial resen'e of ihe ordi,ury earth would be a a - 23.OOO X Z 7432- 63,093.6 - 6iJ,094 Cu.M a tor cxtraction of the ordltrary earih trnder the opencdl n ri18 mcthod. lhree a a n mber of benches each of 3fi depth and 4.5ft width nuy bc naidained as a indicated in tig.4 since the total period of lhe I lir rS Pernil wonld bc zowo) a ycars. lhe res€we of ordinary errih available fof extraclion pef year would be I abotrt, G3,094 / 2 - 31,547 CuLl.
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