CALIFORNIA Golden Bears 2009 CAL MEN’S TENNIS Senior EOIN HEAVEY CALIFORNIA MEN’S TENNIS: TEAM PHILOSOPHY “We focus on developing and improving the performance of the young men in our program. We do this by focusing on the team and the efforts each member makes each day to contribute to the vision and the mission of our team. On and off the court, we focus on the value of leadership, family and teamwork. We emphasize the power of optimism and persistence and we strive each day to get closer to our goals.” - Head Coach Peter Wright 2009 CALIFORNIA GOLDEN BEARS Tennis Media Guide 37 CALIFORNIA Golden Bears 2009 MEN’S SEASON OUTLOOK SENIOR LEADERSHIP Heavey suffered an arm injury in the fall for more singles time as this season rolls but returns to the court with a new intensity around. Jonathan Dahan (Paris, France) TEAMS WITH YOUTH as he and Chizever complete their careers logged 17 singles wins in year-one and at Berkeley. went 12-6 in dual matches as he owned MOVEMENT IN 2009 As the lone junior on the squad, Kallim the fourth court for the Bears. He will be t’s the young and the restless for the Stewart (Ojai, Calif.) heads into his third looked to in his second year to continue his California men’s tennis team as youth dual season with a fi rm grip on the top- solid contributions on both the singles and Ireigns supreme on a squad of Golden singles court duties. A year ago, Stewart doubles courts. The team of Katsarov and Bears that prepares to do battle in 2009. notched eight wins on court one and com- Dahan went 12-5 in doubles matches last Cal brings back eight players, only three pleted the season ranked No. 114. The season and will likely make a big splash this of which are upperclassmen and adds the Indiana native was selected to the Pac-10 season as well. services of eight newcomers as the Bears All-Conference and All-Academic teams in Zach Gilbert (San Rafael, Calif.) joins a hope to improve on a fourth-place Pac-10 2008 and continued his strong play this fall densely packed fi eld of sophomores and fi nish from a year ago. when he won the Norma Miner Award at posted a 3-2 singles record this fall, going HeadHead coachcoach Peter Wright (203- the Land Rover Napap Valleyy Tennis Classic. 5-1 in doubles. He won the B Flight doubles 148, 53-63 Pac-10)Pac-10) enters his 16th CCoachoach WriWrightght calls him a “rare combination” cchampionship at the Fresno State Bulldog yearyear at BerkeleyBerkeley andand lookslooks to guideguide ooff speed and poise. CClassic along with fellow sophomore Andy thethe BearsBears to a school-recordschool-record 10th-10th- The sophomore class is where the CChirita (Linkoping, Sweden). Chirita returns consecutiveconsecutive appearanceappearance in the NCAANCAA bbreadthreadth ofof thethe BearBear talenttalent lieslies as it returnsreturns tto the lineup as a redshirt sophomore and tournament. LastLast season, WrightWright saw ffourour plaplayersyers who combined to notch 85 eenjoyed singles success as well when he hishis team gogo 13-11 and fi nish 4-3 in the ssinglesingles wins a yearyear agoago as freshmen. The aadvanced to the round of 16 at the Bulldog Pac-10 conference.conference. The Bears earnedearned ggrouproup has since matured and will serve as CClassic. a spot in the NCAANCAA tournament but were the engineengine runningrunning the Cal train. Zerbini The sophomore class welcomes two of oustedousted in thethe secondsecond roundround andand fi nishednished postedposted the best dual-match singlessingles re- CCal’s eight newcomers this season; junior rankedranked No. 27 in the fi nal ITA ppoll.oll. ccordord from a yearyear aago,go, ccollege transfer Jonathan Kroopf (Newport “This“This is a youngyoung team but it is not an in- goinggoing 18-4 overall BBeach, Calif.) who was a 2007 California experiencedexperienced team,” WrightWright said. “We“We have and a perfect 7-0 in CCommunity College All-American at Orange somesome greatgreat seniorsenior leadershipleadership andand peoplepeople Pac-1Pac-100 duals. This CCoast College and Richard Andrews (Fol- cancan expectexpect a lot out ofof the sophomoresophomore class. fall,fall, he paced himself ssom, Calif.). The freshmenfreshmen are goinggoing to be a greatgreat to a 99-2-2 tournamenttournament In addition to the two sophomore new- groupgroup to watch as well.”well.” rerecordcord aandnd aadvanceddvanced ccomers, the Bears bring in six freshmen. SeniorsSeniors Geoff ChizeverChizeverr (Tarzana, to the sinsinglesgles final NNick Andrews (Folsom, Calif.), Matthew Calif.)Calif.) and EoinEoin HHeaveyeavey (Dublin,(Dublin, aatt the Fresno SStatetate EElefant (Alameda, Calif.), Sky Lovill Ireland)Ireland) bringbring back eighteight seasons ofof BulldogBulldog Classic and (Fairfax,( Calif.), Tommie Murphy (Carlow, combinedcombined experienceexperience to a team ladenladen the quarterfi nal at the IIreland), Evan Rose (Moraga, Calif.) and withwith youngyoung talent.talent. HeaveyHeavey chippedchipped Wilson/ITAWilson/ITA NorthernNorthern ThaiT Tu (Alameda, Calif.) will each battle in eighteight singlessingles wins and 11 doubles CCalal ChampionshipChampionships.s. forf playing time in their fi rst year with the victories a season ago.ago. ChizeverChizever and Bozhidar Katsarov (Oj(Ojai,ai, BBears. partnerpartner sophomoresophomore PedroPedro ZerbiniZerbini (Sao(Sao Calif.)Calif.) returns from settingsetting The Bears also welcome a former son Paulo, Brazil)Brazil) set upup campcamp on the fi rstrst a CalCal freshmanfreshman recordrecord withwith ofo California as Tyler Browne joins the doublesdoubles court lastlast season, wherewhere 35 singlessingles victories. Katsarov staffs in a full-time assistant coach capacity, thethe duoduo postedposted seven dual-matchdual-match wentwent 17-7 in dualdual matchesmatches a replacingr the departed Morten Christensen. wins, goinggoing 21-11 overall. ChizeverChizever yyearear aagogo and looks to battle CCal also brings in Greg Kennett as the new enjoyedenjoyed a trulytruly successfulsuccessful fallfall sea- vvolunteer assistant coach. sonson as he and Zerbini went 11-311-3 Cal opens the dual season on the road togethertogether and claimed the Wilson/Wilson/ ono the islands with a match against Hawai’i. ITA Northern CalCal ChampionshipChampionship TThe Bears’ fi rst home match takes place on doublesdoubles crown.crown. TheThe winwin earnedearned thethe Jan.J 19 as Saint Mary’s College comes to couplecouple entryentry intointo thethe ITA NationalNational HHellman Tennis Complex. Cal will take part Indoor ChampionshipsChampionships where iin the ITA’s fi rst-annual Kick-Off Weekend in theythey tacked up a pair ofof victo- RRaleigh, N.C. as the Bears take on Michi- riesries over rankedranked opponents. gang on Jan. 31. Back home in Berkeley, tthe Bears will lock up with rival Stanford in tthe Big Slam on Feb. 21 before they take a bbreak from dual matches to compete at the 22009 Pacifi c Coast Doubles Championships iin La Jolla, Calif. from March 6-8. Cal’s only Pac-10P home matches take place on March 227 and 28 as USC and UCLA visit the Bay AArea. The Bears close out the regular sea- sson with a match at Stanford on April 18. TThe Pac-10 Championships will take place JuniorJunior Kallim StewartStewart onceo again in Ojai, Calif. from April 23-26. 38 2009 CALIFORNIA GOLDEN BEARS Tennis Media Guide CALIFORNIA Golden Bears 2009 MEN’S ATHLETE PROFILES claimed the 2007 Chandler Cup doubles ti- SENIORS tle… advanced to the Wilson/ITA Northwest Regional Championship doubles semifi nal with Zerbini… advanced to the doubles quarterfi nal of the Fresno State Bulldog Geoff CHIZEVER Classic… completed fall tournament play Senior with a 4-6 singles record and advanced to Tarzana, Calif. the Flight C singles fi nal at the Chandler (Univ. of Cup and the round of 16 at the Fresno State Colorado) Bulldog Classic… selected to the Pac-10 Fall 2008: En- All-Academic second team. ters senior dual 2006-07: Compiled a 6-2 dual-match season ranked singles record, going 9-9 in doubles play… No. 16 in dou- claimed four doubles victories with partner bles with partner John Pettit at the Boise State Bronco Clas- sophomore Pedro sic… advanced to second round at Wilson/ Zerbini… won the ITA Northwest Regional Championship dou- doubles title at thee Wilson/ITA Northern bles tournament… advanced to the singles Cal Championships with Zerbini, defeating second round at the Wilson/ITA Northwest Washington’s Patrik Fischer and Jeevan Regional Championship tournament. Nedunchezhiyan in the fi nal… earned an 2005-06: Competed as a freshman at automatic berth to the ITA National Indoor Colorado, compiling a 10-5 singles record Championships with Zerbini, claiming two and a 7-12 doubles record. wins (8-6 over No. 31 Inglot/Shabaz of Personal/Previous: Born May 15, 1986, Virginia; 8-6 over No. 26 Childs/Childs of in Tarzana, Calif.… parents are Jerry and Louisville)… won the Fresno State Bulldog Caroline Chizever… majoring in inter- Eoin Heavey Classic doubles championship with Zer- disciplinary studies… brother Peter also bini… completed the fall season with an attended Cal… played quarterback on the 6-2, 7-5 over No. 70-ranked Billy Heiser of 11-3 doubles record, including a 10-match Viewpoint HS (Calabasas, Calif.) football Illinois… sat out the rest of the fall season win streak from Oct. 3 through Nov. 6… team, earning All-CIF honors in 2003 and after suffering an injury at the All-American picked up three singles wins and advanced 2004, setting school records for most touch- Championships. to the singles round of 32 at the Wilson/ITA downs, yards and completion percentage. 2007-08: Secured eight singles victories Northern Cal Championships. in dual matches, including the clinching 2007-08: Posted a team-high 21-11 point in a three-set win over No. 77-ranked doubles record paired with Pedro Zerbini, Eoin HEAVEY Dmytro Petrov of Oklahoma State on Jan.
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