THE CITY RECORD. VOL. XXXVI. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28, I9ei8. NUMBER I0814. From City Prison, Brooklyn-Report of fines received during week ending October THE CITY RECORD. 14, 1908 FromSupreme Court ................................................... $lo 00 OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. FromCourt of Special Sessions ......................................... 3o 00 Published Under Authority of Section rsa6, Greater New York Charter, by the From City Magistrates' Court ........................................... 63 00 BOARD OF CITY RECORD. Total....................................................... $103 00 GEORGE B. McCLELLAN, Øyroa. FRANCIS K. PENDLETON, Coaroasrxox Coaxsar. HERMAN A. METZ, Coxrzaouaa On file. From City Prison, Brooklyn-Warden reports altercation between two colored PATRICK J. TRACY, Supxavrsoa. prisoners, which occurred on the evening of October 29, during which William Morgan Published daily, at 9 a. m., except legal holidays. cut Walter McKee in the eye. McKee sent to Cumberland Street Hospital for treat- Subscription, $9.3o per year, exclusive of supplements. Three cents a copy. ment. On file. From City Prison, Brooklyn-Suggestions of Warden in regard to care and hous- SUPPLEMENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries, etc., of the city employees), as cents; ing of female prisoners in City Prison, Brooklyn, while present building is being torn Official Canvass of Votes, ro cents; Registry and Enrollment Lists, 5 cents each assembly district; down. Report of Department Inspector approving of Warden's suggestions. Inspector Law Department and Finance Department supplements, ro cents each; Annual Assessed Valuation of also recommends iron grille bars on galeries. Approximate cost of improvements as Real Estate. 25 cents each section. suggested will be fifteen thousand dollars. Inspector to prepare plans. Published at Room 2, City Hall (north side), New York City. Entered as Second-class Matter. Post Office at New York City. Reinstated. William F. Hollahan, as Keeper in Department, and assigned to New York City Reformatory, Harts Island. Certified by Civil Service Commission as eligible for reinstatement, on October 26. 1908. under clause 4, Rule XIII. Mr. Hollahan resigned TABLE OF CONTENTS. said position of Keeper on December Io, 1907. JOHN V. COGGEY, Commissioner. Approved Papers- Manhattan, Borough of- For the Week Ending November 28, Proposals .......................... t2740 1908 .......................... 12730 Municipal Civil Service Commission- Assessors, Board of- Public Notices.. ................... 12736 BOROUGH OF RICHMOND. Public Notices ..................... 12735 Normal College of The City of New Bellevue and Allied Hospitals- York- Proposals .......................... 12740 Notice of Examinations............ 12738 COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS. Board Meetings ........................ 12734 Notice to Contractors.................. 12752' Bridges, Department of- Official Borough Papers ................ 12734 Proposals .......................... 12742 Official Directory...................... t273í In accordance with the provisions of s,rtion 1546, chapter 466, Laws of i9oI, I Boroughorough of- Official Papers ......................... íz745 herewith transmit for publication in the CITY RECORD the following report of the Proposals .......................... í274t Parks, Department of- Brooklyn, Borough of- Proposals .......................... 12737 transactions of tois office for the week ending October 3, 1908: Proposals ............. ........... 12738 Police Department- Change of Grade Damage Commission- Owners Wanted for Lost Property. 52742 Public Moneys Received During Week. Public Notice ...................... 12736 Public Charities, Department of- Bureau of Hig:Iways- Changes in Departments, etc........... 12731 Proposals .......................... í274o $45 56 City Record Board of- Public Hearing- For restoring and repaving pavement (water connections, openings) .. Proposals .......................... 12740 By Committee on Laws and Legisla- For restoring and repaving pavement (sewer connections, openings) .. Ito 97 Correction. Department of- tion, Board of Aldermen....... t273í For restoring and repaving pavement (general account) ............. 149 74 Proposals .......................... í275t Richmond, Borough of- Report of Transactions, October 26 Bureau of Sewers- Proposals .......................... 12734 Oc to November i, I908 ........... 52705 Report of Commissioner of Public For sewer permits ................................................: . 45 Docks and Ferries. Department of- Works for the Week Ending Proceedings of October 2, igo8..... t273í October 3, í9o8 ............... 12705 Proposals .......................... 12740 Total...................................................... $351 27 Education, Department of- Street Cleaning, Department of- Minutes of Stated Meeting of Board Ashes, etc., for Filling in Lands... 12734 Permits Issued. of Education, October 28, 19o8. 12709 Supreme Court, First Department- Bureau of Highways- ... .. 12750 Acquiring Title to Lands, etc....... 52751 6 Proposals ............... Supreme Court, Second Department- Permits to open streets to tap water pipes ................................ Estimate and Apportionment, Board of- Permits to open streets to repair pipes .................................. 9 Public Notices ..................... 12745 Acquiring Title to Lands, etc....... 52755 Finance, Department of- Supreme Court, Third Judicial District- Permits to open streets to make sewer connections ....................... 14 Notices of Assessments for Opening Acquiring Title to Lands, etc....... 12752 Permits to open streets to repair sewer connections ....................... 3 Streets and Parks ............. 12743 Taxes and Assessments, Department of- Permits to place building materials on streets ............................ 4 Notices to Property Owners........ 12742 Report for the Quarter Ending Sep- Notice to Taxpayers ............... 12745 tember 30, 1908 --------------- 527o6 Permits, special ........................................................ 32 Sureties Required on Various Classes Water Supply, Board of- Bureau of Sewers- of Contracts ................... 12745 Abstract of Estimated Liabilities In- Permits for new sewer connections ...................................... 14 Fire Department- curred and Expenditures Made Auction Sales ..................... 12737 During the Month of October, Proposals.......................... 12737 í9o8.......................... 12729 Total.......................................................... 82 Transactions from August• 3 to 8, Minutes of Meeting of October 27, 1908, Both Days Inclusive...... 12723 1908 .......................... 12727 Health, Department of- Proposals.................. ------- 12745 Requisitions Drawn on Comptroller. Minutes of Meeting of Board of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, De- General Administration ................................................ $184 44 Health, October 23, 1908...... Pro partment of- Highways .................................................. 20,175 6i Proposals ..........................1274212744 posals.......................... x2736 Bureau of Bureau of Sewers ...................................................... I1,282 91 Bureau of Street Cleaning .............................................. 4.835 77 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION. Bureau of Public Buildings and Offices .................................. 597 52 Bureau of Engineering ................................................. 207 59 REPORT OF TRANSACTIONS, OCTOBER 26 TO NOVEMBER I, 19o8. Total ...................................................... $37,z83 84 Communications Received. Work Done. Bureau of Sewers- From the Comptroller-Stating that certificate was indorsed on contract of October Linear feet of sewer cleaned ............................................ loo 24, 19o8, of John T. Brady & Co., for erection and completion of women's wing at City Number of basins cleaned .............................................. 170 Prison, Brooklyn, on October 28, and same is now a valid contract. Notify contractor Number of basins repaired .............................................. 5 and the architects, Messrs. D'Oench & Yost, that working days will be counted from Number of manholes examined .......................................... 130 November 4, 1908. Number of manholes cleaned ............................................ 2 From New York City Charter Revision Commission-Asking to be furnished with Number of manholes repaired ........................................... 3 statement showing per diem per capita cost of maintaining the Institutions of the Linear feet of culverts examined ........................................ 26 Department of Correction. Referred to General Bookkeeper and Auditor. Report Linear feet of culverts repaired .......................................... I58 transmitted. Linear feet of culverts and drains cleaned ............................... 562 From Commissioners of Accounts-Asking for certain papers in relation to dis- Number of flush tanks examined ........................................ 54 charges and commitments, in connection with, inquiry now being made. Notify Warden Number of flush tanks cleaned .......................................... I of District Prisons to comply with request. Number of flush tanks repaired ......................................... 3 From Sheet Metal Workers, Labor Union No. i i-Protesting against awarding Bureau
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