California Radio Juan Meono, Gen Mgr; Gene De La Pena, Gen Sls Mgr; Asher, Exec Dir; Dave Creagh, Gen Mgr; Ken Borgers, Bob Dahlquist, Chief Engr

California Radio Juan Meono, Gen Mgr; Gene De La Pena, Gen Sls Mgr; Asher, Exec Dir; Dave Creagh, Gen Mgr; Ken Borgers, Bob Dahlquist, Chief Engr

California Radio Juan Meono, gen mgr; Gene de la Pena, gen sls mgr; Asher, exec dir; Dave Creagh, gen mgr; Ken Borgers, Bob Dahlquist, chief engr. Rates: $10; 10; -; -. prog dir; Michelle Petersen, news dir; Dan Jacobson. mus dir; Kayo Stolarski, chief engr. KOYZ(FM) -Co -owned with KOIO(AM). May 22, 1979: 104.9 mhz; 2.5 kw. Ant 185 ft. Prog sep from KNAC(FM) -August 1961: 105.5 mhz; 1.6 kw. Ant AM. Stereo. Cross Country Communications (acq 400 ft. (CP: 3 kw; Ant 300 ft.) Stereo. Suite 1000, 320 & stn mgr; Ron Warren, chief operator. Rates: $16; 12 -80). Rates: 58; 8; 8; -. Pine Ave. (90802). (213) 437 -0366. Wright Communi- 16; 16; -. cations Group of Long Beach Inc. (acq 8- 21 -81). Rep: Livermore Unirep. Format: New contemp rock. Paul C. Wright, KRKCIAM) -Sep 21, 1958: 1490 khz; 1 kw-D, 250 pres; Roger P. Pasquier, gen mgr & corporate consul- w -N, DA -1. Box B (93930). (408) 385-5421. Radio Del KKIQ(FM) -May 1969: 101.7 mhz; 3 kw. Ant minus tant; Nicki Randolf, gen sis mgr; Jimmy Christopher, Rey (acq 9-2-82). Net: CNN Audio. Rep: Radio Time, 150 ft. Stereo. 1603 Barcelona St. (94550). (415) prog dir & prom mgr; Mary Jo Godges, mus dir; Bill Keystone. Format: Adult contemp, old. Bill Gittler, 455-4500. Tri -Valley Bcstrs Inc. (acq 2 -81). Net: MBS. Banks, news dir; James Rowles, chief engr. Rates: Ares, gen & coml mgr; Alex Tostado, mus dir; Patty Format: MOR. Robert C. Burns, pres & gen mgr; $55; 45; 55; 40. Berman, news dir. Rates: $10; 9; 9; 8. James H. Brown, sls mgr; Karel Kalin, prog dir; Jay Lloyd, news dir. Rates: $25; 22; 24; 20. KNOB(FM) -April 22, 1949: 97.9 mhz; 79 kw. Ant La Jolla 410 ft. Stereo. Box 3159, Anaheim. (92803). (714) Lodi 772 -5662. Pennino Music Co. (acq 4 -66). Net: UPI. KIFM(FM) -See San Diego. Rep: Groskin, Gillis. Format: MOR. Jeanette B. KCVR(AM) -1946: 1570 khz; 5 kw-D, DA. Box 600 Banoczi, pres: John R. Banoczi, gen mgr; Madeleine Lake Arrowhead (95240). (209) 368 -0626. Snell Bros. Ptnshp, B. Floyd Pennino, opns dir; Jerry Williams, chief engr. Rates: Farr and Maridikians dba KCVR Radio (acq 7 -60). $65; 66; 66; 65. KBON(FM) -June 1978: 103.9 mhz; 38 w Ant 2,662 Group owner: Golden Pacific. Net: UPI. Rep: Caballero ft. Stereo. 992 Inland Center Dr., San Bernardino Radio Net. Format: Rel, Sp. Stephen P. Snell. pres; Los Altos (92412). (714) 885 -6555. Kotcom Bcstg Investment George L. Sampson, gen, coml & prom mgr; Ken Corp. (acq 1- 8 -82). Format: Adult contemp. Dana M. Welch, rel prog dir; C. Castre, Sp prog dir; Alan Graft, KFJC(FM) -Dec 4, 1959: 89.7 mhz; 250 w. Ant Kott, pres; Renee Drew, gen mgr; Wayne L. King, gen chief engr. Rates: $19: 19; 19; 19. 1,845 ft. Stereo. 12345 El Monte Rd., Los Altos Hills sls mgr; Gred Edwards, prog dir; Dean Peterson, mus (94022). (415) 948 -8819 ex 260. Foothill Community dir; Tim Sullivan, news dir; LaVern Garton, chief engr. KWIN(FM) -Co -owned with KCVR(AM). Dec 24, College District. Format: Prog. Spec progs: Greek 2 Rates: $35; 33: 35; 25. 1959: 97.7 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 ft. Prog sep from AM. hrs. jazz 15 hrs, French 1 hr wkly. Robert "Zep" Stereo. 7808 Kelley Dr.. Stockton (95207). (209) Zepernick, gen mgr. Lake Isabella 951 -8165. Rep: UPI. Rep: Major Market. Format: Adult rock. Barney Farr, gen mgr. Rates: $28; 24; 28; 18. KPEN(FM) -Oct 17, 1960: 97.7 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 600 ft. (CP: 2 kw; ant 353 ft.). Stereo. 2540 California St., KVLI(AM) -July 15, 1977: 1140 khz; 500 w -D. Mountain View (94040). (415) 948 -5736. Los Altos Drawer T, 248 Barlow Dr. (93240). (714) 379 -4146. Loma Linda Bcstg Inc. (acq 5- 10 -78). Net: APR. Rep: Roslin. For- John M. & Janet C. Ridenour. Net: MBS. Format: MOR. Riverside. mat: Top -40. Frank J. DeSmidt, pres; Don Burden, VP top -40, C &W. John M. Ridenour, gen & coml mgr & KSON(FM) -See & gen mgr; James Hill, prog & mus dir; Brian Rhea, chief engr; Debra Chose, prog dir. Rates: $8.85; prom mgr; Sherman Booth, news dir; Randy Pugsley, 8.85; 8.85; Lompoc -. chief engr. Rates: S35; 35; 35; 35. KLLB(AM) -May 25, 1963: 1410 khz; 500 w -D, DA. Lakeport 516 North "H" St. (93436). (805) 736 -5656. Sunshine Los Angeles Wireless of California (group owner; acq 9- 1 -79). Net: KALC(AM) -June 17, 1966: 1270 khz; 500 w -D. KABC(AM) -Nov 15, 1929: 790 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -N. MBS. Rep: Masla. Format: C &W. Spec progs: Farm 1 (CP: 1 kw -D, 500 w -N, 840 khz). Box 758 (95453). 3321 S. La Cienega Blvd. (90016). (213) 557 -7900. hr. Danish 1 hr wkly Andrew Reimer, pres & gen mgr; Lake (707) 263 -6113. Visionary Radio Euphonics of Vicki Chit, off mgr; Niki Light, toc sls mgr; Jim West, TWX: 910- 321 -4316. Telex 673 -127. American owner: Visionary County Inc. (acq 9- 29 -82). Group prog dir; Sam Jackson, opns mgr; Dave Roberts, news Broadcasting Companies Inc. (group owner; acq Radio Euphonics Inc. Net: UPI. Format: East Istn coun- B- 1 -44). Net: ABC /I. Rep: Katz. Format: Talk. George dir; Steve Lee, chief engr. Rates: $10; 8; 10; -. try. John Detz. pres; Jay Singley, gen mgr; Bill Green, VP & gen mgr; Cliff Levine. gen sls mgr; Wally Bowker, mus dir; Paul Reading, news dir; Bill Rett, KROK(FM) -Co -owned with KLBB(AM). Dec 18, Sherwin, news & prog dir; Judith Learner, prom mgr; chief engr. 1979: 100.9 mhz; 510 w. Ant 800 ft. Stereo. Format: Art Sterman, chief engr. Contemp hits. Bob Morrison, toc sls mgr; Hank Michaels, mus dir; Rick Bailey, news dir; Dale KLOS(FM) -Co -owned with KABC(AM). Dec 30, Lancaster 1947: 95.5 mhz; 68 kw. Ant 2,920 ft. Progs sep from Williams, chief engr. Rates: $25; 20: 22; 17. AM. Stereo. (213) 557 -7000. Net: ABC /FM. Format; KAVL(AM) -Sep B, 1950: 610 khz; 1 kw -D, 500 w -N, AOR. Bill Sommers, gen mgr; Simon T, gen sls mgr; DA -2. 2501 West Ave "I" (93534). (805) 942 -1121. KLOM(AM) -Nov 2, 1962: 1330 khz; 1 kw-D, DA -D. Torn Hedges, prog dir; Ruth Pinado, mus dir; Art Ster- Antelope Bcstg Co. Net: APR. Rep: Jalco Lucas, Box 697 (93436). (805) 736 -3429. D 'n' T Bcstg Inc. man, chief engr. Savalli & Schutz. Format: MOR. Ronald H. Carter, (acq B- 1 -79). Net: ABC /E. Rep: PRO Radio. Format: pres; Adult contemp. Richard N. Savage, pres; Scott Mel Ryan, VP & gen mgr; Curt Davis, prog & mus KACE(FM) -See Inglewood. dir; Peggy Bennett, off mgr; Rick Garcia, sports dir; Savage, gen mgr; Don McDonald, prog dir; Mark St. John, news dir; engr. Rates: Alex Gonazlez, news dir; James Rotoff, chief engr. Dale Williams, chief KALI(AM) -See San Gabriel. Rates: $11; 9.50; 11; 9.50. $8.50: 8.50; 8.50; -. KBIG(FM) -Feb 15, 1959: 104.3 mhz; 105 kw. Ant KLPC(FM) -Co -owned with KLOM(AM). Dec 24, KOTE(AM)- August 1956: 1380 khz; 1 kw -D, DA. 5,800 ft. Stereo. Box 46927, 7755 Sunset Blvd. Box 1152 (93534). (805) 948 -7521. Antelope Bcstg 1968: 92.7 mhz; 550 w. Ant 710 ft. Stereo, Prog sep (90046). (213) 874 -7700. Bonneville International from AM. Format: Btfl mus. Rates: 10.35; Inc. (acq 5- 2 -83). Net: NBC. Rep: Masla. Format: $10.35: Corp. (group owner; acq 3- 11 -69). Net: UPI, APR. Rep: 10.35; 10.35. Nostalgia. Lindsay Schnyder, pres & gen mgr; Torbet. Format: Easy Istng. Jack Adamson, pres & Michael Henderson, prog dir; Allan Brown, news dir; gen mgr; Rob Edwards, VP & prog dir; Joyce L. Bose, KNEZ(AM) -Aug 8, 1958: 960 khz; 500 w -D, 250 w- Barry O'Conner, chief engr. Rates: $12; 11; 12; -. VP & prom mgr; Jackie Adams, coml mgr; Phil Reed, N, DA -1. 322 N. H St. (93436). (805) 736 -3496. Santa news dir; Charles Casterline, chief engr. KKZZ(FM) -Co -owned with KOTE(AM). Oct 28, Barbara Bcsters Inc. (acq 6 -79). Net: UPI. Rep: 1970: 106.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 210 ft. 44748 N. Elm Ave. Caballero Spanish Media. Format: Sp. Eduardo KBRT(AM) -See Avalon. (93534). Format: BifI mus. Spec prog: Jazz 3 hrs wkly. Caballero, pres: Lee Garza, gen & prom mgr, prog & Rates: $12; 11; 12; -. mus dir; Maria Bayon, news dir; John Simko, chief KDAY(AM) -See Santa Monica. engr. KUTY(AM) -See Palmdale. KFAC(AM) -April 14, 1931: 1330 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -N. KROK(FM)- Listing follows KLVV(AM). 6735 Yucca St. (90028- 4691). (213) 466 -9566. KFAC Le Grand Inc. (acq 1- 1 -70). Group owner: ASI Communications. Long Beach Net: MBS. Format: Class. George R. Fritzinger, pres KEFR(FM) -Not on air, target date January 1984: & gen mgr; Carl Princi, prog dir; Clyde Allen, mus dir; KFRN(AM) -March 1924: 1280 khz; 1 kw -U, DA -2. Ed Argow, VP & gen sls mgr; Sheri Sadler, 89.9 mhz; 1 kw. Stereo. Box 52 (95333). Family Stns dir prom & 447 E. First St. (90802). (213) 435 (714) 821- Inc. Format: Ed. Harold Camping, pres; Larry -0103. adv; Susan Wallace, nat sls mgr; Bob Conger, dir Milliken, gen mgr. 0110. Family Stations Inc. (group owner; acq engrg. 9- 19 -77). Rep: PRO Radio. Format: Rel.

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